Damage dealer

>damage dealer
>gain XP by doing damage/killing

>gain XP by shielding, blocking, taking damage in your party member's stead

>gain XP based on healing

There I fixed and balanced every game with classes mechanic. Now you don't have to go for kills as a tank or a support just so you want to level up.

Do you agree, share your thoughts

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open your mouth I need to take a shit

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And now you realize how fucking boring the trinity class system is.
Imagine a game where you Tank and literally sit there spamming abilities that do nothing.

Go back to nigger Twitter. Kingdom Hearts sucks and so do you ya Nancy queerbate!

Based fire emblem?
Bit for healing you fighters suuposed to take a damage which is bad and abusable.


>win fight
>everyone get an equal share of xp
Son tier.

>complete quest
>everyone get an equal share of xp
Mother tier.

>every class have a different level of experience for level up so you don't need to up every character at once
Father tier.

See not so hard.

It's painfully boring and why people try to fix it instead of replace it I have no clue. MMORPGs would be better with a strong approach to all the classes being different and not requiring any hard group or meta by default. There can be better or worse combinations but to always need X tanks X healers and remaining DPS will always be the devs easy way out.

>damage dealers are doing their job too well
healers and tanks get no xp because there's nothing to heal or absorb

>Generic "Level" removed
>Every action, skill and piece of equipment has its own XP bar that goes up when you use it
fixed forever

Thanks Todd

Then balance the game so that damage dealers can't do well enough without the support of teammates

Thanks final fantasy 2

Still doesn't change the fact that the better the DPS , the worse it is for everyone else, while the tank and healer both benefit from a shit team

Then there's no point in memebuilding outside the intended class progression, it's the only fun I have with this shite and you're stripping me of it

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Tanks don't even make sense anyway. If you were some demonic monster would you be trying to kill the guy wearing full armor first that's barely scratching you or the squishy people actually hurting you?

taunt nigga

Fuck that, any self respecting boss would kill the healers first then the mages then the archers and finally the pointy stick fuckers before finally cracking open the tin can.

Just do what dragons dogma does

And how are you going to provide consistent targets for the healer to heal?

My god OP do you ever stop sucking dicks?

So basically Fire Emblem?

>>gain XP based on healing
No, this fucking sucked in killing floor since good players are punished for not getting hurt
Make it XP based on time party members spend hurt per fight with shorter being better and none being perfect

I have a better idea.
Just don't use a level system/EXP points

Even better
use a minimum of levels and lateral rather than linear progression like guild wars 1