Share your codes and play a code, help anons get their levels in rotation since the current system is fucked.

>My level
House of the Dead - Escape
Short themed dungeon crawl
Not for scrubs, requires some precise footing.


Attached: super-mario-maker-2-sale-top-1176365.jpg (696x390, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the servers are still down for maintenance

I’ve only got one clear so far on this level. I really liked how this stage turned out even though it’s a bit difficult


And this stage I like too, a lot easier than the other one and can apparently be beaten in like 14 seconds


What are the best/most creative level mechanics you've seen so far?

I spent 14 hours on this one and realized it might be too difficult. Imo, the first half is pretty weak but it gets better once you finally reach a checkpoint. No one's gonna beat it. Also, there's 6 hidden exits plus tons of shortcuts. I'm making a beep block stage to wind down from this shit.

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I'm gonna shill my first level here again:
It's something like a set-up for now, I need some feedback to know how to proceed doing levels.

I'm currently at work, is something up on the servers?
Do the fuckers at Nintendo are finally upgrading the netcode??

nvm theyre back up now m8.

The Mummy's Tomb

Goombrat's Superball Challenge

Attached: peach beach.jpg (994x1200, 162K)

Scale a mountain and reclaim your car keys.

Also pour one out.

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There was a level in story mode that had really creative seesaw puzzles that sticks in my mind. Also that underwater level where you push thwomps with the buzzy beetle helmet.

My levels:

Tubular Swings (Collect 25 coins)

Piranha Creeper Grove (Precision and platforming)

Why didn't they add Power Balloons? I wanted to make a Tubular-inspired level.

Why did they remove the weird mushroom and the skins? They were great.

Some of my stages

Donut Falls

Caramel Cavern

P-Block Grotto

Life of etika RIP
A tribute to etika .

Speedy slippy cold nutsy
A speedrun type level , don't know how no one has finished it yet.

Cruel mansion
this one can be hard if you don't find the easy way to beat the boss.

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Play my level about driving a poor Koopa Troopa to insanity


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>jap levels

wtf is this?


That's fine

Posted this in the last thread but then servers immediately went into maintenance so it got no plays. Please let there be some competent people in here so the endless challenge shitters can stop tanking the clear rate.


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traditional castle

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people aren't gonna play your levels if you don't at least put in the effort for a sales pitch

hell, people don't even play my levels WITH a sales pitch

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I had a lot of fun making a Dry Bones auto scroller.

Hi kids, do you like water levels?

Attached: swim Screenshot 2019-07-02 11-58-46.png (1920x1080, 648K)

Made a multiplayer versus maps that I would like you anons to try out and see if you can exploit or break anything. It's just a simple race map with each player in their own section of the stage.
>Longjump, Kart, &Climb Triathlon

And my other levels:

>Ricco Harbor

>Climb the the Sky Fortress!

>Super Ball Temple (Fixed)

>Xenoblade 2 Tiger! Tiger!

Probably going to make a snow level next, or a better version of Tiger Tiger.

Attached: xenoblade malos thinking.png (1920x1076, 1.37M)

Just do play for play and make sure to like everything even if it's not your cup of tea.
I also draw cute pictures of Mario in the level's comments

Threw together a platforming pipe maze for my first level


I know it’s late, but anchor here mateys

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i never like things unlike i actually enjoyed them. even if they're from good friends.

>clear condition: beat the level using only half an A press

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Crush Dungeon

House of Horror

Gratuitous Goomba Getaway 2

If anyone would like to give feedback on these levels I'd appreciate it. I'll try to play some of the other levels in this thread.

Shilling my level again:

Tony Thwompson’s Tower

I have been at work since 6 PM yesterday so I haven’t seen if anyone has tried it since

It’s a level focused on different things you can do with Thwomps in a 3D World setting with some puzzles and a boss Thwomp that I spent too much time making

Hope you guys enjoy. I’ll finally be home in about 2 and a half hours so I will catch up on you guys’ levels then.

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chill hills, a short and sweet course

lazyness but you can bet your ass they left in a glitch from the first game that never got patched that causes the game to crash.

>SMB1.5: 1-4 Floaty Fortress (REUPLOAD)

seen in webm, provided by user that played it (thanks!)

other courses:
>Super Shmup Bros.
>SMB1.5: 1-1 Goomba Valley
>SMB1.5: 1-2 Koopa Cavern
>SMB1.5: 1-3 Seesaw Stroll

Attached: 1562038933338.webm (1280x720, 2.37M)

short joke level that still has no plays, help:
>What a Thrill

they really need to add an Endless Challenge where you only play unplayed/less than ~3 plays courses, so these unplayed levels get a chance to be played other than hoping someone finds them in the New Courses tab

It's an underwater level.

Fantastic course.
And yeah, that is something I'd love to use, but I feel like the problem might be more fundamental than that -- new levels aren't even showing up on the New tab properly, from what I've heard, so I doubt what you suggested would work any better.

Please please play my levels and I'll play yours:

Back and Forth
Pretty straightforward I think, go from one side of the level,get the key, then come back to the keydoor.

Mount Thwompmore
Climb up the mountain while Thwomps destroy the terrain above and below you.

Follow that Shellmet!
As per title, follow the Shellmet until the end of the level.

Desert Dungeon Adventure
Explore the dungeon or skip it entirely, the choice is yours.

I'm so amazed at the stuff other people have been making, I've seen like 3 different variations of pong/tennis with shells and on/off blocks. I wish I was as creative.

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how's the online? is more or less laggy than smash?

Chance of Hail:
Sky bouncing, claw swinging, and a bit of ice.

Soles of the Departed:
Shoe bouncing over danger in an attempt to escape damnation.

Sole Redemption:
Continue the journey and defeat some bosses to save your sole.

Ascending Sole:
Complete the trilogy! Having escaped the depths, now you must climb through the clouds and do some precarious bouncing to reach the golden path.


Tried my hand at making a kaizo level, let me know what you think

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Alright dudes I have three levels so far, they're all pretty standard and straightforward Mario levels, but I hope you enjoy:
GBA Minigames! Tiny levels in a GBA sized screen...(I made a stage like this for the original game)

Mario's Adventure Begins, a traditional Mario level

The Murky Swamp, I was bored so just made another pretty fuckin easy level, might be fun to speed run

I'll go through the thread now and play your levels, I hand out likes regardless of I finish your level or not. :^)

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It's unplayable.

Run, and then also Jump
Bully the Bullys

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Wario's Castle Remix (SML2)

Stage makes complete use of the scroll stop mechanic. Every section is now self contained.

>Win the Race!
5CK - CWN - 4VF
Built with multiplayer in mind, but quite fun to speedrun in singleplayer too.

>Somewhere Under the Rainbow
7XF - 5FN - TCG
A prettied up SMW sky coin collection level. You don’t need to get them all and there are a lot of different routes that can be taken.

>Trees ‘n Bees
PHR - 3F6 - CFG
A short vertical 3DW level featuring BEES. And trees. Fairly low on the difficulty scale I think.

Any feedback or constructive criticism would be appreciated!

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Life of etika RIP
A tribute to etika .

Speedy slippy cold nutsy
A speedrun type level , don't know how no one has finished it yet.

Cruel mansion
this one can be hard if you don't find the easy way to beat the boss

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>play multiplayer versus
>it's an auto-scroll

>no anchor post
No one is going to sift through the thread to find levels, get it together lads.

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This was great, nice job.

I've got a new 3D World level about timed spike blocks and beating up bees.

Why even make levels if you're not making traditional, authentic ones?

The whole point of Mario Maker is to make and play levels you wouldn't see in an actual Mario game.

No it's not.

>Thirsty Thwomps' Dizzy Desert:
Level focused around jumping on thwomps and bullet bills to reach places you wouldn't be able to with a normal jump. Difficulty is more in the jumps themselves rather than the risk of dying. I'm hoping the average player will only die a couple of times. Please play this one first it has 0 plays right now

>Lakitu's Lava Bubble Boleru:
You have to jump on noteblocks while avoiding getting hit by lava bubbles. I thought it was moderate difficulty while making it, but the clear rate is .97%. It's fun though.

>Kill The Goomba
Do it

I felt obligated to make a slide level because of the N64 music. I tried to incorporate obstacles, but it didn't turn out that well. Not proud of this one but it has a fair number of hearts so maybe you'll disagree.

>10 Degrees
My first level. Very short. You have to use twisters to get around while avoiding icicles. I made this mostly just to get a feel for the game compared to MM1.

I would post screenshots but I don't have Twitter or Facebook.

Attached: athens.jpg (640x630, 63K)

The point is to make whatever you want. Traditional, experimental, etcetera.

If you want to feel like a level design genius, just play Expert Endless for a while. Holy SHIT these are BAD

why else do you think they added shit to mario maker that isn't even in the other games (fire clown car, shellmets and dry bone shell, stackable enemies, underwater variants of dry bones (later separated as a new type of enemy as of SMM2), etc.)

Fish Bones debuted in Super Mario World

So is multiplayer still unplayable laggy bs?

Introducing Yea Forums's very own Course Yea Forumsorld Masterlist!

Just fill out the form and your course will be added to the spreadsheet where you can search for your favorite makers and even filter by tags. The list is moderated, so if you fuck up and there's an invalid ID or something, just say so in the thread.

The form:

Attached: dims.jpg (3354x1202, 311K)

Yes. And it likely always will be because Nintendo.

Just played the most incredible Resident Evil 2 level


Hello, fellow Switchbros, I come seeking advice.

Bought a Switch on sunday and got Smash with it, looking to pick up another game with some more singleplayer stuff.

I'm not too interested in creating my own levels, but I really love the old 2D Mario games, is playing other peoples' levels online (plus the story mode I guess) alone worth getting this game for?

Okay this is epic. Bookmarked

guess I'm retarded

It might be if you manually seek out good ones instead of playing the endless challenge or multiplayer. If you do the latter the game is going to throw constant garbage at you because that's what 95% of what people make.

Has anyone recreated non-Nintendo games in Mario Maker 2 yet?

If you love classic Mario this game is definitely for you. The story mode has about 100 great levels alone and while you might have to look a little there's a lot of people creating great levels that play like the original games.

>Pyramid Persistence
Try to find all the secrets in this realm shrouded by the desert sand!

>Airship Assault
Strike an incoming airship, prevent the bombing of Mushroom Kingdom!

>Keep Kerfuffle
Bowser Jr. is trying his hardest to defend this keep! Can you find out why?

Most levels made by the community are trash. If you want to play good levels you'll need to check in these threads for IDs or on other forum sites. If you play like the average player and just go with endless mode etc. you'll have trash levels thrown at you constantly.

I heard New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe is a decent, if generic, Mario game. That might have what you're looking for. I haven't played it myself though, so don't take my word for it.

>mfw i completely ran out of inspiration and I have no idea what to make now
any tips? I tried the roulette thing but that didn't help either.

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play the story mode for inspiration
check yamamura's guides too

Speedrun :
ON/OFF [15s] ---> TM2-DH8-JFF
Life is Life ---> KYT-B6L-75G

Level Retro [Black and White]
Retro Mario ---> CBP-4X6-SHF
Retro Mario Forest ---> TYM-6HW-9TF
And i have level music if you want click my profil


>Decide to check out a Japanese level
>It's otherwise normal but the water level goes up one tile so you're always submerged and your jump will always be fucked
>After the checkpoint the water level begins to fluctuate, the angry sun is there and there's cheep cheep everywhere
These people can really make some fucking annoying levels in the simplest ways.

Attached: 264full.jpg (240x200, 14K)

Speedrun :
ON/OFF [15s] ---> TM2-DH8-JFF
Life is Life ---> KYT-B6L-75G

Level Retro [Black and White]
Retro Mario ---> CBP-4X6-SHF
Retro Mario Forest ---> TYM-6HW-9TF

Music :
Beethoven Moonlight Sonata (song)

Some user made a roulette thing that gave you random elements to incorporate into a stage. I lost the link though. My usual method is picking 1-3 pieces and just smashing them together.
Alternatively, I start making a prototype of something I think would be cool to see in a level and build the rest of the level around it. If the player needs to perform a complex movement, I make simpler, easier versions of it and put those closer to the level. If it's a simple protoype, I make more complex version of it and put those near the end. Sometimes I abandon the prototype altogether but am left with a level that still focuses around a central theme.

>closer to the level
*closer to the start of the level

Planning to edit this level. I would appreciate if you can give me some last feedback before reworking on it.

>Skipsqueaks Jump a bit later than you

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Start experimenting with different combinations of parts. What happens if a Goomba riding a Skull Lift touches a crane? How does each and every enemy behave with wings and when submerged in water?
Eventually you'll find something interesting that could be the base for your next level.

The last 20 or so levels in story mode are fantastic. There's a "don't jump" one that uses amazing trickery to create interesting situations and the final stone course has really satisfying puzzles and shows off mechanics you never thought of.

Try this one it's incredible

Got one puzzle level, it's easy and short but I wanted to give making one a go: YC9-8GN-WYG

Also got an underwater level, the beginning is the hardest part but it's also a short level: TC6-6XT-0TG

What is everyone working on right now?

I'm making an airship level in the NSMBU style using snake blocks. I know that sounds terrible but I'm solely using blue snake blocks and using coins very liberally to guide the player through these segments.

Attached: cute.gif (270x368, 1.54M)

Just got the game yesterday, working on a SMB style level with jungle and vertical sections

I poured my heart and soul into this one level and only got positive feedback for it, but now I feel dried out and also anxious that anything I make in the future won't live up to it.

Trying to figure out how the fuck to make a good level with actual verticality. I can only make 1-screen height levels like SMB1 tier stuff.

>Waiting 3-5 days for delivery

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I know this feel. I have ideas for vertical levels that never seem to pan out when I actually try to make them.


Be the first to play this tricky lava level

Some things I have noticed

>Using the tablet for making levels isn't as comfy as using the gamepad, capacitive stylus isn't that good either
>The physics feel different from the Mario Maker
>Snake blocks are useless in vertical areas

Postan my first two levels while I start my third. Any feedback is appreciated as its helped me cut down on softlocks, polish difficulty, and add cool secrets.

Outpost Blue

The Ratways

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Why is this guy able to pull 3000+ viewers? The automated donation messages makes me want to kill myself.

Attached: gTq45rA.jpg (2627x1475, 664K)

Is there more art of this slut?

>can't edit other people's level

What a horrible decision. Just don't let people upload courses they didn't originally make. Bringing stuff into the editor is how you learned alot of level techniques and how the first Mario Maker meta flourished.

Fuck off.

Kill yourself retard.

My two levels. They're both about bouncing off dangerous things to get to the end. I'd appreciate if I get could some plays on the second one as its still unplayed. Ill be playing levels from this thread.



No. Fuck off.

Slit your throat.

Has anyone datamined the game yet to see if there's any hints of future content? I like what's in the game at the moment, but I really want the costumes to return in some form.

Attached: SMM_Costumes_List.jpg (592x867, 568K)

Former viewer here. His steams used to be chill and comfy af. Chat is cancer now though and he talks less. It's like he doesn't enjoy streaming any more or something. Also the TTS spam as you mentioned. I think most people still watch him out of loyalty and remembering when his streams were nice.

No. Fuck off.

SO I held a contest with my level; and it's still on going, the next 2 people to beat my level each receive $20.


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>mfw everyone and their grandma uses the NSMBU style

Attached: psycho gusher.gif (628x428, 388K)

Just got the game and made my first 2 levels. I like making them themed and "legit" feeling, so if you like that kind of stuff give it a try, user ;)

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A day and night in the desert: FC5-D6N-2HG

Posted in the vg thread too but might as well.

Just made it, my first Mario maker 2 course and it's been a while since I played the first. I don't like making levels that are just enemy spam so I try to make it more about timing and precise jumps.

It's short and only mildly challenging but hopefully it's fun to play. I'd appreciate a comment or criticism about it. Especially if you have a friend to try the Co op path with. (made it so my room mates could play it later)

Get a noose.

To hang kaizoniggers with? Good idea.

Got it, now what?

Attached: Moose_superior.jpg (1938x1814, 844K)

I did it, where's my money

Down my pants. Just reach in and grab it~

>it's a port with less than 1% features added
>but they didn't actually port the game because laziness

based and fair-designpilled

Mount Mush'more

Also play Fort Erika:

good stuff, user

Speaking of rotation, here is 1-1 but rotated 90°


My first ever course. I think it's probably a bit on the unfair side, but I did try to smooth it out and made a lot of parts easier in the end. There are also hidden blocks in some places that help tremendously. Despite everything, I still think it's a rather rough course, but I hope at least someone finds some amusement in it.


How do you unlock the fire breathing koopa clown things?

>Superball Mario is a thing in this game
>even the end stage theme is based on the Gameboy's theme
Fucking fantastic. I never expected them to ever reference that game in this day and age

Attached: 1349635568996.jpg (352x338, 121K)

You need coin indicators for the sawblade-snakeblock section. Without those you'll just die over and over trying to figure out where and when to jump.

>Sanzu River
Inspired by the Sanzu River from Touhou

>Marty the Thwomp's Prison
Level where you get to team up with a Thwomp

Attached: 1446861151813.png (639x476, 270K)

is that Bubsy? has he gone Turbo again?

>Super Mario Galaxy, Sunshine and 64 get music
>Super Mario Land gets an item
Guys, we know already what the second Extra Game Style is, don't we?

Attached: 1561339873404[1].jpg (1280x720, 207K)

I'm not good with these types of games but here is my stage I am the happiest with. Its pretty easy, I've been put off by how trolly and hard some have been.


Any tips?

Select koopa klown kar, press and hold one and you'll get the option for fire. You can press and hold lots of things to see variations of them

yeah, Super Mario Land 2

Shit thanks user.
Time to recrate a Gradius level

no, Super Mario Land 3

Attached: large.jpg (320x288, 46K)

If you're talking about 107 that's the Famitsu mascot.

Attached: Famitsu-ère-Heisei.jpg (646x800, 203K)


SMB3 desert themed, the ideas behind it were to make a couple mad max like forts, a goomba meat processing factory, and have a boss fight at the end. Made what I find fun to play, which is difficulty stemming from having plenty of enemies like bullet bills that you have to duck and weave through but not in an unfair way. Tested it aplenty while creating, and hit the parts limit. 2 clears thus far.

Eventide Marsh

Attached: 3D5421B0-536A-4B82-9BB6-2EB16799EAB1.jpg (1280x720, 310K)

Out of the Woods (Wario Land 3)
Indiana Toad: Pyramid of Doom (Temple of Doom get it)
Indiana Toad 2: Mechanical Mines
Marioware Inc.
The Sorrowful Tale of Skipsqueak
Please post thoughts and critique on at least one of the levels if you play them.

Postin great/interesting SMB levels

SMB Forest 1: GJW-VGS-Q0H
#03 Ice Peak: SMB-L67-8QF
Jungle Fever: GV6-1QT-NRG
Goomba Mountain: B8N-SNM-XQG
SMB 1-2: 9C8-9S8-5JF
Suntouch Sanctuary: 78K-JP3-CYG
Monochromatic Acrobatic: 4PV-KM1-GXG
Goomba Forest: 0R2-D5D-PJG
Level 1-1 Rotated by 90: GB0-VJ0-8GG
Azure Cavern Exploration: DRK-TT3-NJG
Dragonbone Ocean: YH7-X31-HLF
SMB1.5, 1-2 Koopa Cavern: D12-R91-GYF
Submerged Jungle Pathway: F77-6L0-0JG
Blasting Through Bowsers Army! MJQ-NQ5-BYG
Tilting Trouble Temple: SWD-KV1-60G
Thwomp's Ruins - Flooded Temple: 95W-D0G-VFG
Seesaw Palace: N77-MDL-NKF
Superball Pyramid: PW5-9GV-PCG
Morgue Madness: MVY-FXX-L7G
Snowy Subterranean Shenanigans: 1TY-PCJ-6KG
DV 1-1 Cavern Chaos: KMV-RY1-5BG
The Secret of Skull Cave: H4F-V4D-MRF
Climb the the Sky Fortress!: N12-XKN-JPF
Dire Foundation: TFF-F2T-V9G
1-4, Boom-Booms Pain Train: R41-1SY-DSF
The Mountain- Start Climbing: 999-B40-Y7G
OG Mario Time: 76N-2CN-75G
The Escape Artist II: YKN-VP8-BNG
Icelandic Mountain Ascension: 70P-2ST-35G
Dangerous Ally: FK4-N5Y-CFF
Collectathon: 9K7-C4T-6GF
SMB1.5, 1-4 Floaty Fortress (REUPLOAD): RVN-YBQ-2QG
The Snake-Melting Corridor: MBT-3QJ-XHF

Got some feedback in my next post.

why are canadian levels always 100% shit? whats wrong with these people.
90% of french level are shit aswell.

murica i'd say has 60% good levels rest is shit aswell.

japan are 5% good 95% garbage tier
german stages are meh but havent found a big stinker yet.

what are your thoughts about which country needs to get nuked next?

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I tried the second one and despite not being able to finish it I enjoyed it. The tube bumpers were giving me lots of trouble.

Theres only one complete and that guy got his money;
make sure you actually complete it; and leave a comment at the end with email address.

but muh joke


Objective: Survive

A challenging "timed" survival room. Live long enough to get the key and escape.

It has no plays so plz try it

Australian levels are always based and redpilled

I played through NSMBU on the Wii U. It’s a solid traditional Mario game, and it’s the best New Super Mario branded game, it just suffers from being more of the same if you’ve played the previous ones. I enjoyed 3D World a lot more in the end. These depend on how many people you have to play with, too, as the chaos caused by multiplayer is fun

Opposite is true.

Australian levels are ALL literally retarded.

Seriously. It’s complete ass visually, and any mechanical benefits are blown away by what 3D World offers. Best theme addition.

In case you missed it, use the new masterlist to register and browse for courses!

Attached: firefox_2019-07-02_15-15-33.png (1201x459, 81K)

sorry user, I didn't catch the joke. Here, have a MM1 picture.

Attached: 1525325712429.jpg (652x536, 122K)

What do you think about this boss fight concept I came up with?

Attached: smm - boss fight - 2019-07-02 14-59-45.webm (720x404, 2.4M)

>Soles of the Departed: C80-VJX-WJG
>Ascending Sole: 7XM-NHB-MRF
Both these involve boots, but I think Ascending Sole is way better cause it can't be cheesed like the first one. There's a real tension when you're hopin you've fluttered high enough to land on those note blocks, and tryin not to hop off a blue beetle when you've jumped on it's pretty fun, too. Liked it.

>A Day And Night in The Desert: FC5-D6N-2HG
I like how flexible you made this level in case it comes up in versus, good thinkin. I will say that the vine route's disappointingly easy compared to that brutal green pipe path and havin to wait on the float thing. Still liked it, it's a decent level.

>SMB1.5, 1-4 Floaty Fortress: RVN-YBQ-2QG
Man this one's fun, I didn't know you could put floaters on thwomps. Fun one to speed through, liked it.

>The Snake-Melting Corridor: MBT-3QJ-XHF
Congrats, you made a snake block level that's actually fun. No real complaints, except ONE thing. Near the end, if you're small and you get the spiny helmet, you can jump into that little section where it comes out and then you're softlocked. Other than that it's rock solid.

Can you add a game style column to this? That'd be helpful, thanks.

I'll play that now.

Attached: SMB1 Run.gif (500x320, 15K)

So I want to show a proof of concept series called “10 second hero”

598 M7K 4QG

These levels are not that great but what I really want is for other people to start making levels like these for me to play. Please, if you can make some x second hero levels and reply to this post with them, tomorrow I’d like to put all of them in a google doc or something so people can find a play this type of mode.


This was not fun but it was definitely not the cheapest. Give money.


easy level

Attached: IMG_20190701_191053.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

give code now

cute but sad

anyone have any racist or white supremacist levels?

Neat stuff user. But it really makes you think how many uses for On and Off switches there are and will be for the future.

For Etika

I think in smm1 Australians had the highest rated levels per level or something.
I can second that Leafs make shit so far as I've seen.

email me with a screenshot of your completion/username. I saw someone beat it.
[email protected]

>Short and Sweet
user you are a horrible but good man for that.

I really hope we get an extra theme and it’s Mario 2. I love the aesthetic and mechanics.

Attached: 33CF8DC0-7279-46B4-8553-E60B0BCCAA5A.png (256x224, 4K)

It’s also the most obvious missing game

Can somebody look up how many plays and stars
Castle of red coins
or his other levels have?
You dont need to play them, i just want to know how much a streamer playing their levels and encouraging others to give stars.
Cant look it up myself.

Attached: image.jpg (2048x2048, 581K)


A driving themed level I made.

Thanks for the email faggot
You're in for a bad time kid

Spiky desert cave (WSJ - NS1 - SWF)
Deep Jungle Adventures (MV3 - VR3 - 6BG)
Cloudy Speedrun (C0B - 3T0 - 7PF)
Ancient Piranha Pyramid (WSX - 2VV - 1YF)
Spiky Shenanigans (WX8 - P14 - QQF)
On.Off Land (THD - 6FB - V1H)
Check em out dudes, let me know if any are way too hard or way too easy or anything else you'd like to point out. I'll play your levels now and give advice

Attached: 22281595_1510739592348818_889581931877606367_n.jpg (836x475, 38K)

FYI the multiplayer coop levels have been much better designed in my experience. The versus ones have been mostly trash

I sent a photo, hope that works. Can't be bothered to remove my Switch Micro SD card right now.

Day and night in the desert guy here, you really found the vine path that much easier? I actually made it a little easier than I originally had it because it was taking me too many tries to get through it, guess I need to brush up on my racoon flying.

Glad you noticed that having to wait on the tornado guy was actually part of that intentionally, it's really where the challenge in that route comes from, I was trying to use the night time wind effect in each route at least a little, that one was just the extra annoyance of dodging fireballs in the wind while you wait for the tornado guy to come back.

I'll see if anybody else has any comments over night and maybe adjust it a bit, may be make the vine route harder like I originally had it if it's too easy for more people.

I think they've just added 0 plays level to endless

My level I haven't shared with anyone suddenly got plays


Good point, adding it now.

My latest level
A simple night themed sky level with goombas and spinies, no clear yet so if you want an easy world record come and take it

Attached: 2be922e5afa030a8aa38b16478927941_400x400.png (400x400, 87K)

Yeah man, the vine route's just one jump and you're done. The green pipe route's gettin through a gauntlet of stuff and combatin the desert breeze on those seesaws. There's a big difference in both the length and the difficulty.

Not really a driving level when its 2 seconds of driving and a mishmash of other things.

You can even skip most f the driving by jumping down the first hole, its faster.

Mega-man style short mini boss rush. Barebones on details, was my first creation, will update when have time.

Attached: download (1).jpg (210x240, 9K)

What will you gain from signing me up for spam on an email account I don't use?

I thought I set the exit for the vine route at the entrance for the seesaw part, fuck I must have forgotten to change it before uploading, I was getting really tired. It was supposed to go to the seesaw part, but just faster than the other route.

If I post this picture of Wario will you play my levels?
Out of the Woods (Wario Land 3)
Indiana Toad: Pyramid of Doom (Temple of Doom get it)
Indiana Toad 2: Mechanical Mines
Marioware Inc.
The Sorrowful Tale of Skipsqueak

Attached: A612F78B-8EBB-4B65-B704-573C4A2BCDF4.png (1361x1272, 1.44M)

When registering my course on the master list the form glitched - instead of a list of course options it said 'option 1' so I just clicked that. Fort Erika is in SMB3 style.

I don't know what is the algorithm to show levels.

I've made some fight rooms and they haven't been played not even once. I think you have to make a proper medium length level for it to be played.

Also we need an option to get puzzle levels out of the endless mode.

Toxic Treeway: YF8-32R-SGF
Snow Fields, Fire Plants - PTD-3KL-6WF
Thwomp Desert - 7NT-PHW-3DG
Grindflower Garden: K5R-72N-GMG

Yeah I see what I did, I had a checkpoint in the CO op section but I realized I couldn't complete it from the checkpoint single player, so I undid it and accidentally undid moving vine routes door too, appreciate it I wouldn't have even noticed if you didn't say something. I'll fix and re upload it tomorrow most likely.


Between a Rock and a Hard Place.

0 Clears atm. It's hard without bullshit.

I have yet to play a car level that isn’t trash. Someone prove me wrong, I really want to play a good 3d world car level.

Must have been because I was still editing the form.
I'm manually going through all the existing courses and adding all the styles. If someone who already registered their courses wants to tell them to me right here, that would really speed things up for me.


Attached: image.jpg (400x204, 40K)

>Desert Stronghold.
>SMW desert level. Has 5 pink coins to collect but they're completely optional. Only for those who want the challenge.

Koopacar is only good if you make a mariokart, sonic or donkey kong minecart level

Legit what is wrong with japs? Their level designs are always horrid. Either completely nonsensical flow or the most horrendous trial-and-error repetition until you find the 1 thing that works.

Attached: 1467835924302.png (771x720, 481K)

You have a good idea with the claws snaggin at you when you're tryin to hurry up, but it's still not quite there in my opinion, not hard enough. Also once you reach the tall vine, the level suddenly gets even easier. Don't like or dislike it.

That would explain it, hahaha. Yeah I'd reupload the level, man, that's a change worth makin.

I guess Out of the Woods is faithful to WL3, but it's shame that wasn't the only way to exit, I was gettin into the whole key coin thing only to realize as I finished there was a much quicker route the whole time.

Why doesn't the woozy effect become permanent when put on Mario?

Is that the gorilla from Nisekoi?

Honestly, there's just as many non japanese levels are are trash as there are jap ones.
The rest is just confirmation bias.

The Falling Colosseum
Used the on/off switches and a shell to make a boss arena where you fall down to a new floor continuously to defeat new bosses and if you're not fast enough in beating the previous boss then they'll fall down with you giving you more enemies to fight.

Attached: 1540982300553.jpg (1000x1882, 398K)

Life of etika RIP
A tribute to etika .

Speedy slippy cold nutsy
A speedrun type level , don't know how no one has finished it yet.

Mario in miracle world
First level of alex kidd in miracle world

Cruel mansion
this one can be hard if you don't find the easy way to beat the boss.

Attached: a80.jpg (960x852, 117K)

Brinstar (Metroid NES)

Parapa Palace (Zelda II)

I'm definitely more proud of the Metroid one, as it required more creative liberties than Zelda to fit.

Through the Clouds
just uploaded, level where you ascend clouds, run through an nighttime sky section, and finally descend
just uploaded, no plays yet

muh levels

cave platforming

platforming platforming


Attached: dug.jpg (236x355, 9K)

short fun level :)

Out of the Woods guy here. So what I think you're saying is that if I make red coins there should be some sort of reward that's useful than some boss fight. If I ever make another Wario Land stage I'll add red coins to be one of the exits if not the only one.

Is this game worth getting? Do people make actually beatable levels or is it all meme "Haha look how broken and hard this is you die just by spawning!" bullshit?

Attached: __twintelle_princess_daisy_princess_peach_princess_zelda_midna_and_etc_the_legend_of_zelda_breath_of (8000x6000, 3.5M)

Wait, maintenance? Did they improve the online and it's lag?

>Bowser's Spaceship
Themed level I originally made in Mario Maker 1 but it was taken down because nobody played it. I put a lot of effort into this back in the day and it was kind of annoying to port so I would love any feedback.

Attached: 1527364677652.png (820x778, 439K)

Maybe they're adding friend lobbies or something?

Thanks user, maybe I’ll rework it and focus more on the claws.

Why do they always choose the worst and most boring ARMS character for these group shots

Alright here's my new level. Feedback would be appreciated!
>The Undead Raid: F1X-285-08G
An autoscrolling tank/airship/boat level with a small boss at the end. Fairly difficult.

And of course my old levels:
>Beetle Ice Palace: C00-8GD-RWG
An SMB3 themed night snow level with a lot of buzzy beetles in it.
>Coastal Ascension: 3V3-N36-61G
An autoscrolling beach themed level. Medium difficulty.
>Ridge of the Bonefish: 3D2-PS5-KNF
A level built around dodging bonefishes while on see-saws.

Attached: 1557784820427.png (395x437, 336K)


A speedrun focused around switches and spike dodging- quite difficult ngl

I agree, it's mostly fair - the part where you have to take a running leap then stop for the firebar is not something anyone will get first try though. Good level!

Just played it and won on my first try, even got the WR. I guarantee your deaths are brainless who can’t figure out the “boss” portion. Good job m8

I enjoyed the horror level, you did a really good job of setting up the atmosphere, but I cannot stress enough how important checkpoints are with long levels. Even just a minute can feel like forever when you have to replay the same content.

Also fuck whoever drew that scooby doo picture, total mood killer

Fun but so simplistic. Not even remotely bad though I would have enjoyed finding it in endless mode

Literally just a piranha vine going upwards? user please

>mount thwompmore

Kind of confusing, like there’s a part early on where going right leads you to a blind jump that ends up being a pit. Really kills the morale. The rest was pretty cool, having to get across terrain before it gets destroyed is a neat concept

Nigga, I was the first clear for your Entombed Treasure course. Looks like someone beat my time.

Anyway I played and liked the Rainbow map. SMW is my jam but you did a good job making different paths and good secret areas with big coins, will be playing your others levels later.

Lol I made a similar stage to your Airship Assault. Fun level, but I wish the flying sections had a bit more going on.

That’s all I can play for now. Fuck nursing, fuck night shifts, fuck back-to-back 12 hour shifts. I just want to play Mario with the bros. Here’s my stage Please deliver the (You)s

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You cant upload a level unless you beat it yourself.

>4th person to beat it
Fuck everyone

Just finally beat my own level after 6 or so hours of trying over and over again. Give it a shot boys.


Here’s my level guys

Attached: 27E67409-476D-40E3-8F97-C85C685D242A.jpg (1428x802, 1.34M)

How does anyone play endless? These are some abysmal levels.

Yeah, should have been Ribbon Girl.

Swipe to skip

I agree.

Yoshi Dispenser
It's fun and cute

Can someone tell me why this level has a 7% winrate? Are people just bad at Mario or did something go wrong?

Attached: Dry Bones Desert.jpg (1280x720, 177K)

Boom Boom buster

3 part battle where you use Icicles to battle boom boom . It's a short level as I just wanted to try this mechanic out.


Attached: 200px-Boom_Boom_Artwork_-_Super_Mario_Bros._3.png (200x167, 49K)

The boss fight's fine, I should have been thinkin about endless mode if the level ever comes up. I know you have big coins, too. Maybe add a 1-up block somewhere after the boss? Sorry man, I shoulda thought of that. You got a decent level.

Icicles hurt enemies? Do they affect bom ombs?

I beat it.

A lot of people skip levels if they die once

Just beat your level. Fun level and liked how each red/key coin had a challenge to it. If I could think of anything to improve maybe add 100 more seconds to levels like this but that could also just be how good I am at Mario games as well.

Holy shit, I can't even figure out the controls in course maker, hahahaha. Gonna have to take these lessons first.

Attached: Yup.gif (370x246, 984K)

Play my new level Yea Forums!

>The Abandoned Lab
A rusty lab infested with plants under a mountain leaking poison into the surrounding area.

Thanks I'm just glad someone actually played my level. Will more than likely add a 1up block near bosses next time but hidden thanks for the advice.


Try using touch controls its way easier.

Attached: image0-1.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Quints means I will play your level

all according to plan


Puzzle adventure, nothing too complex, tried my best to make it as charming and simple as possible


Attached: 2d3.png (705x739, 114K)

I am, actually. Never made a course before, so it's all new to me.

Don't listen to
Once you get used to the button controls (I didn't even use the lessons) it's very intuitive and more accurate.

Seems like you're 1/17 lol congrats, had a lot of fun building it.


If you put a muncher on a boo and ride it with a yoshi, weird things happen

I kinda wanna see what other people with actual talent can do with this idea

I heard something about costumes making multiplayer confusing. I haven’t bought the game because they’re gone but I’ll buy it the day they confirm returning, if they ever do.

Is it possible to make the water more dynamic?

>burnt out on story mode within the first two days
>don't want to play anymore
>want to create levels
>can't bring myself to do it because the controls are dogshit in either mode
god fucking damnit

Attached: shidd.jpg (481x498, 14K)

In the Jungle theme you can make it go up and down

Thanks, but it isnt my level. I just wanted to know how many plays it has or stars. Watched yesterday a vod where a streamer played it and it had 0/0. He advertised it and i would like to know what effect it had. If its effectve to boost your levels.
Mostly because science.
And here have a nice waifu for your work.

Attached: image.jpg (600x666, 112K)

The secret stair at the start was a bit boring but I liked the pace you kept up from the checkpoint.

My stage only has a 2% clear rate after 1000+ attempts and most died at the easy parts
I think most people are just pretty bad

Attached: 1536211626700.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

From my experience post maintenance yes.


>make level that receives a lot of praise
>get 50 hearts and cool doodles
>however there's one part people in the comments keep complaining about
>there's a checkpoint directly before and after it
>however as the creator have to acknowledge my bias towards finding my own level 'not that hard'
>am absolute perfectionist for good level design and strongly tempted to delete and reupload my level, making the part easier but losing all my comments

What would you do? Is perfectionism worth it? Or should you never listen to casuals?

Really cute level, easy but charming. I'm a sucker for themed stuff.

Thanks man if only I got rewards this good for real life

I know. What I mean is, is it possible to have some sort of trigger inside the level to make the water rise or fall when I want it to?

You should try some of my other levels they're a bit harder and also themed

What are peoples likes to play ratio for their courses

I'm getting something like 1 like per 3 plays

Before I make another level like these two below I just want to know if people preferred the 1st one or the 2nd more.
Indiana Toad: Pyramid of Doom
Indiana Toad 2: Mechanical Mines

Nothing will be perfect, your level is is and will be fine how it is.

they'll be back as a 20$ dlc

dont listen to plebs, they need to git gud or die trying

Nice idea for a timer

Not that I know of.

I'd keep the stage as is but take their comments to heart and think about them when I make my next stage

Attached: 1546045121298.jpg (600x800, 40K)

Reuploaded my level with the advice of and the stage has a lot more coins now in convenient places that might show you the way a little better. I don't expect many of you to have the patience to finish this, but it'd be cool if you'd give it a try,


Protip for anyone making levels

Before uploading your level, make a second copy into coursebot. Only upload one. Then you can make fixes and adjustments on the copy, then upload that as a second revision. You can repeat this process until you run out of space on coursebot

Shilling my shitty Mario 1 level:


That's a shame.

Water tiles when

I do do that actually, but I don't want two separate slightly different versions of the same level up at any given time, my autism won't let me.

Nice , i will try when i can.
Try mine
Life of etika RIP

I'm gonna make a Kaizo level.

I would prefer WarioLand and Yoshi's Island packs over Mario 2 tbqh senpai

Mario 2 is the easiest tho so it will probably happen.

Attached: yoshis_island_review_01[1].jpg (640x480, 97K)

I miss making themed costume stages.

Super Skyzo
It's a hard level. ;)

I'd love some feedback on my levels:

Tarzan's Test
A 40-second swing level

Koopa Factory
Easy level with a simple "story"

Super Mario Christmas
Chill level with a holiday theme

100 Coin Challenge
There are 100 coins hidden through the level. Beat the mini-bosses to get them all

So far only two people have beat any my levels. They were all made today. Easy WR if you want it.

Feedback appreciated.

I'll check out a couple levels of yours if you leave a comment. Thanks

Attached: mario-maker-.jpg (1000x563, 69K)

You guys are just still playing , right? I mean at least one person has to have tried it, right?

Attached: latest-1.png (576x432, 180K)

that would be really cool to have. did they ever add small stuff like that to MM1?

This was the 2nd level I made, just uploaded my first once because I think it's good enough: CBW-7BK-0HG.

It starts out as flooding jungle floor, then switches to vertical and is vaguely like climbing up and through the canopy. Maybe a couple tricky parts.

They added checkpoints, keys, fire koopa clown cars, and bumpers so its not just big stuff its also small stuff as well.

I got some good feedback on my previous levels and people seemed to like them, so I'm going to shill my newest one:

"Block Land Athletics"


An auto-scroll athletics focused level built around the sky theme from SM3DW. Good use of dashing helps keep up with the scrolling in the more difficult parts.

Something funny I noticed is that the blinking blocks kind of change up when starting from the checkpoint, so if you have to restart from the checkpoint, you actually have less time to clear a difficult section near the end. But it's very possible by using the dash ability.

Not related to this level, but the ON/OFF switches seem to reset to default also, so starting from checkpoints can mess up the order of things.

Freezy Peak

Sky Town

Little Big World

Here are some levels I made. They aren't hard at all. Just comfy levels to chill with.

K7N-KN8-6YG up the mountain
A rather basic vertical scrolling level I just made
70K-QHM-5PG to the oasis
And this SMB style desert/water level which was my first level
I'll try em

>posting levels with over 500 plays

My sisters retarded dog chewed up my cartridge and my dumb ass didn’t take out a warranty. Does anyone know if Maker info is tied to the cartridge or the system and if I’ll be able to just start where I left on when a new copy arrives?

I know you probably think you're clever with the chomp room with the thwomps, but it's more annoying than anything. At least in SMM1, you could bring a koopa shell easily to kill them, but SMM2 doesn't reset the timer after dropping them

Still looking for feedback on this one, please. Trying to get better at themed levels.


Attached: 5WC-QDD-BKG Jungle Mansion.png (1562x878, 2.76M)

Its tied to the system so you'll keep your progress also you've most likely had it auto-cloud saved too so its good to go anyways.

Yeah, I boo and skip levels with nonsense enemy spam, hidden kaizo blocks, offscreen thwomps and pick a door or pipe segments.

How could you tell?

Attached: chad4.jpg (1080x1328, 87K)

>not buying it because of missing costumes
Now THIS is autism!

Forgot to say that I could really use some criticism

I'm going to have to second this

This could be pretty cool from the screenshots. I'll play it real soon and give some feedback.

daily brap level post

RD9 C6V 82G

dare you face the gas

Attached: lankys spanky.jpg (886x901, 215K)

Sorry user I gave up as early as the chain chomp / thwomp timed jump bit, I may be a casual scrub at mario but I don't like bits where I feel like I have to have the dedication of ryukahr retrying one challenging and annoying obstacle over and over that requires a lot of precision.

This is my first level. Tell me what you think :)

It's shit

Thank you user, very constructive

Cleared the first one on my second try. I thought it was pretty good. Challenging, but not unfair. I appreciated being able to fly my way back up after getting the leaf and the platform disappearing. It's not much of a challenge to collect all the coins, and the moving blocks section is kind of stale.

Why do you exist?
All your stages are about farting
They are really bad stages too.

>>Kind of confusing, like there’s a part early on where going right leads you to a blind jump that ends up being a pit. Really kills the morale. The rest was pretty cool, having to get across terrain before it gets destroyed is a neat concept
I'm sorry about that. Truth is, I had put a big coin challenge in that area, but then I moved the coin somewhere else and forgot to fill that part back in.

Related, how do I re-upload a level? I made some tweaks to this level and would like to upload it. Do I have to delete the first one?

>someone went through my latest two 0 play 0 like levels to give them a play and a like

Attached: 1392962182324.jpg (746x590, 50K)



this user hates comedy stages, and is mad I usurped his precious thread. i wouldnt be surprised if you were michelle obama

Attached: YNIwznh.gif (775x510, 824K)

That thing looks like it can dance for about 5 minutes before having to sit down for the rest of the day.

I tried to get the world record on the stage of a buddy and today he left me an angry message that all my WR attempts (restart, try again, restart, try again etc.) have completely dumped the clear rate of his otherwise easy stage.

Is that really how it works?
I full cleared the stage before I started doing WR attempts. Why would it work like this?

Attached: az13.jpg (850x680, 128K)

your friend sounds like a weenie
easy WR to be had here


I'm good at making levels visually pleasing, and introducing mechanics in a safe environment that will be needed later for harder parts. They feel solid but bland. Whenever I play anyone elses levels they make me feel small in comparison to how much more flavor they have, but I cannot come up with any wacky but intuitive gimmicks or mechanics. How do you guys come up with such things?

Well but still I'm puzzled why it would work that way.
Wouldn't that also mean that if I go and clear your stage 5 times in a row it counts all 5 attempts and massively BOOSTS the clear rate %?

That way you could make a kaizo stage and someone good at kaizo could clear it dozens of times in a row and have it appear in some kid's easy endless mode?

Can this really be how it works?

You need to put an actual top on that boot house in the christmas level user, people can get trapped by jumping through it

Yikes, that room isn't even hard. You just need patience.

Attached: latest.png (228x316, 40K)

its just statistics of the level, IMO its better to clear a stage that so many have failed on than it is to pass one with 100% clear rate

This game can be really odd.
For one reason or another one of my stages is getting played a shit ton compared to my others, although the other ones had more plays and likes to begin with.

Over the night one of my stages had 98 people play it, far above my 2nd highest stage which only had 28 people play it while I slept.

Nearly-blind jumps, killed by being a pixel off the spikes, chain chomp spam rng, random flying bone can kill you on your way down after the chomps. Shit course.

Finally made a level and took forever uploading it.
Please be gentle, I haven't played 2D mario since SMW on SNES


Attached: P_Switch_(SMB1)_-_Version_1.30.png (100x100, 2K)

Tell him to become popular enough for your attempts to turn statistically negligible.

If you are the maker of the level you've already failed. You don't get to tell people "the level isn't that hard, you're just playing it wrong", you have to teach them to play it correctly.

Fuck your shit rng boss.

Heres my levels:
My Friend Spiny: MD6-K8T-L0G
Spike Top Castle: TCB-Q7H-67G

Attached: A3FEFCBB-EE4E-4DA3-BC5D-30AEF063B1E4.jpg (696x374, 202K)

Fuck your level.

One thing I would do differently is the jump to get the red coin hanging above the gap.

Why did you make this jump so fucking difficult. Fucked up terrain and a fucking Dry Bones to punish you if you dont get the timing and positioning exactly correct. Fuck off.


how are you getting high versus rankings?

Actually here are some examples, I would enjoy for anyone to give me feedback. Here are two levels where I tried to be more inventive, but to me they feel sloppy:

>You Are A Goomba
>The joke is that there is this enticing level all around you, but you're not allowed to jump and collect any coins or grab any boxes, and soon stuff starts getting in your way. I think that towards the end I ruined the joke, because some stuff starts happening that was clearly designed for you, instead of trying to look as if it's incidentally bothering the Goomba (you) walking at the bottom.

>Goomba Tower
>The theme is that there are lots of Goombas, but I tried to add variety by having the Goombas do all kinds of silly things, but to me it just feels like a slideshow of shit thrown at the wall.

Here is an example of a level I think is solid and visually playing, but boring:

>Bouncing In The sky
>Coherent theme of bouncing on top of enemies in midair. Designed for some segments to be jumped over for speed-runners to compete.

You can use a red shell to get it with no issue. Maybe I can move the pipe closer so it's more obvious

Rushing through an easy room where you can wait for the perfect opening to jump as long as you want on each thwomp. I even put the timer at 500 seconds.

>uploaded over 2 days ago
>nothing at all

pls give a pity playthrough

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F94-N68-JRF - What's in a Gameboy?

FWC-5K3-8PG - A POWerful Dash

Here's some of my levels! Please give me feedback, it really, truly helps

is the online stability improved? I don't understand why it ran like shit

just starting it now, give mine a try if you have time

RD9 C6V 82G

Levels don't seem to get sent out to the masses until at least one person completes it. I'll give yours a go.

>To the Thermosphere

I could really use some feedback on this. I'd like to know which parts are frustrating and the death spots don't tell me anything. The only part I find sketchy right now is the Koopa Troopas at the beginning since they don't respawn and get caught in the claws, but other than that I felt like the course flows well.

My level: Classic Bros
A homage to the classic Mario bros game but with some platforming. Simple and fun.


My next level: Clown car in the garden.
Simple ride through a level based on using the koopa clown car.


My next level: Mario Town
Level is set up to look like a little lkoopa town. Find all coins to win.


I will comment and like any players back. This game is addicting. I can’t stop making levels. I didn’t think I would be into making them but I am. Feedback appreciated.

wew the second part is raising my blood pressure

just tried it. still basically unplayable. Nintendo can't actually leave it this terrible right? right?

Oh so they never fixed that from SMM1. Of course.

Do new stages get played/appear for people in endless now even if they are at 0 plays after the maintenance?

Anyone know?

The problem of a good portion of the Switch userbase connecting through the McDonald's wifi two blocks away is not something that can be easily fixed on Nintendo's side.

My Second Level: Requiem for a Bumper

I tried to implement narrative in a normal level. I need more feedback for the sequel

Desert Land Penitentiary

Six Golden Coins

Gonna go check out the rest of the levels in this thread.

I hope so, but probably not. It’s horrible, and there’s costume stuff locked behind it.

I can't even get past the 2nd screen, the twister won't get me to the claw no matter what I do.

For me it worked better after maintenance so I just blame everyone else in the room

1H2-QPD-XHF rather

>Get to the last part
>Killed because desert wind made me land on boom boom

Anyone want to play my level?


Noted, you have to get maximum height but I can see it definitely not being fun.

I got it this time, still playing through it but the difficulty seems good so far. Going through the cloud section now.

I just played Classic Bros, maybe I'm really misunderstanding but the only part I recognize is the first room with the red koopas. But it doesn't really matter how it connects to the name.

The level has some fun parts, like trying to reach the coins and finding invisible blocks to find your way forward, but it's a mess without any clear theme or cohesion. You throw super mushrooms and extra lives all over the place so they feel worthless. I think you know what you're doing though, and just need stick everything together better.

Gave you a like anyway to get it rolling.

>people leaving "boo!" on my most recent course with no comments telling me why
I'll come back stronger next time, you motherfuckers ;_;

how can you tell if someone boos your course?

I played two of your levels and they all have the same issue - you know how to build alright platforming challenges but have some issues in creating thematic cohesion. A clown cart level where for the second half you can skip the kart, a Mario Bros minigame that becomes a P-switch mario bros minigame that becomes... a P-switch door stage? Not everything in the levels flows smooth as a result.

tl;dr Not bad but the stages could use a bit of work.

your maker score goes down

Are you ???

what's stopping anyone from making a second switch profile to play the levels of their main account and like them?

Retooled a previous stage


"Night Shift": The chief (your ass) needs to get to the construction site pronto and clear out some blocks. Fairly straightforward stage ,not too long. Used the 3d world mode because I wanted to mess with the troopa car and the builder power up. Hope it ain't too strange

Attached: ToadetteinDistress.png (679x615, 185K)

try it and report back

Paying for Nintendo Online

that costs money but aside from that, nothing

The difficulty is fine, but it's just really really long.

Get a stylus

Anyone else noticing that jap players don't star their courses as much as players from other countries?

I make themed standard levels

dumb level idea that took me a while to upload
doubt you'll be able to beat it

Attached: karl texture.png (134x131, 43K)


>Its another defeat meowser with a fire flower episode

>it's a defeat 3 giant flying bowsers with icicles while dodging hammerbros stage

Is this game worth buying a switch for?

For sure, plus you'll get BotW, Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, Smash, Animal Crossing, Metroid, Astral Chain etc.

No single game is worth buying a console. Check the switchs catalog for 3-4 games you like and make a choice

no. I almost never think any game is worth buying a console for. If there are a few more games you want for the switch then definitely

Realised the gimmick and immediately gave up, props to you for being able to juggle that shit over that course


I'm getting extreme buyer's remorse

All of your levels are all pretty fucking shitty.

Attached: Untitled.png (378x340, 217K)

>2 hours
>No one has played my level yet
Someone? Even if it's just to say my level is shit.

Attached: 1540649830932.png (199x250, 49K)

except mine :)


Another themed level, this time Mario takes a deep dive into the Mariana Trench. See what lies below, guided by the bioluminescent life. Yes, that means it's an underwater level, but don't let that deter you.

Let me know what you think, if you reply to this with your level I'll be happy to give you some feedback as well.

Attached: FM1-NX0-24G The Mariana Trench.png (2000x1125, 1.35M)

>no spin jumping
>no jumping off shells in lava
>probably lots of other higher level shit gone too
Man I'm just a filthy casual who never even played the first game, but things like this are real bummers.

>Me realizing that the majority of people who play your course never even played mario before
I can't make it any easier and people are still dying. Nigga just jump over the gap

Other than the fart stage I've played pretty much only good levels so far here

>The Catacombs
Short and simple spooky catacombs

Attached: Luigifucks.jpg (720x960, 67K)

pity play incoming

Can I get some feedback on my courses? I just reuploaded after tweaking all of them quite a bit.
King Koopa's Keep
Forest Secret
Hop, Skip, JUMP!

Shovel Knight Level 1


Good luck

Hey I had that idea as well. I thought about making a stage with Mario diving deeper and deeper into the ocean until it becomes really dark

My levels are things you could actually find in a Mario game. They have a purpose and a main idea behind them. Please enjoy them. They are really easy and fun.

>Bowser's castle is now equiped with a bunch of new traps!

>An underground tunnel filled with buzzy beetles

>An actual enjoyable underwater level

>A simple overworld level.

Mine were skipped too, it happens.

Sadly you can't make it progressively dark from what I saw, so I just made the whole thing dark. Honestly, it was a lot of fun making it, I'd love to play your version if you ever make it.

No he's not me. I know why people dislike my level, because they suck and got stuck in an easy room.

Wacky Wall Jumps


Made a level that tests your wall jumping skills. Do you guys think it's too easy?

Attached: marioda.gif (240x240, 26K)

You mean, your level are shiet. And you you have inferior complex!

Just played these and frankly, they are all pretty bad.
Now if you want some advice, I'd say next time try to make courses that are good. That would be better.

Attached: pepino.jpg (640x640, 79K)

Every single one I've played here is shit and not fun.

I've been trying to play everyone's levels but I've noticed the ones begging for pity plays are the often the shittiest.

$60 to play everyone's shitty levels. The fuck was I thinking?

You had one job, and you couldn't spell Marinara trench


Wasn’t the best of timing last night when the servers went down almost immediately after I uploaded a new level.

>Overgrown Mushroom Cloudtops
>I love the sky theme for SMW so much so I really wanted to put a lot of love into this level, I hope it turned out good. The theme is a Pirahna Plant invasion in the mushroom cloudtops.

Dry Fish Sewers
>Pretty standard level focused around dry fish, I tried to do as much as I could with that one enemy.
Bounce and Swing Jungle
>Can’t touch the ground once you’re off it, so you have to use things like bouncers and vines to advance.
Dreamy Sandship Dunes
>I feel like this one could’ve turned out better, but the idea was built around flying on a ship throughout the sky and dodging enemies.

Attached: 5E0A5A1A-F22D-4BA8-B428-8DB6A81AA69F.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

Yeah, the only thing you can do is make the first half of the stage in underwater, then use the sublevel in underwater night.

I'll go check out your stage now.

I have the family plan.

I definitely considered it.

too hard for you pepeposter?

Finished my first level.


cool level. I like the vehicles and the boss fight was fun.

Trying my hand at the my mini gauntlet again, removed some BS stuff and tried to make more fair. 3 different paths, just for varieties sake. Fun to make


Attached: 81Ai-9xv8bL._RI_.jpg (2560x1920, 505K)

t. based retard

That's a good idea, actually. I also toyed with maybe having there be an atlantis to find, maybe you can use that for inspiration.

Post codes if you’re such an expert in level design.

Attached: 59956F0B-F9CD-4E51-A4A3-8B73BDD695EB.jpg (575x615, 45K)

It's great if you're autistic at the game but it's not an "easy room" and it is an annoying obstacle.

>2291 plays, 62 comments
>"please gib plays"

Six Golden Coins was pretty standard but not bad, I was first clear.

Desert Land was good, I liked how you used the boot power up + thwomp as moving platform. You had the bigger guy (whatever he's called) as the end boss but he's actually easier to kill than the small guy because he's a bigger jump target.

I'm not loving 3D World very much, is so fucking limited compared to the others that is frustrating. I hope the updates fix it.

I tried to make a easy speedrun level on it, hope you like it: TW2-LRQ-D6G

Treacherous skyway

Posted from last thread because the server went down as soon as i posted it.

Attached: fuck.jpg (502x447, 102K)

off topic but do we have a pic of all the constumes/unlocks yet?
kinda curious

>his level doesn't have secrets

can I play your level, user? oh you don't make them, I know.

I don't think anyone has done a 100 super expert endless run yet so no

Beat it after a million tries. The "no landing" clear gimmick can be janky at times but the challenges in your level are varied enough that I had a fun time raging at it. Good job, would recommend.

Same, i wish the clear pipes were in the other modes, but itheyre stuck with the shitty cat mushrooms

Just tried. I like the concept, the beginning had me stumped a while before i found the P switch. It's a bit hard to see where i'm going though, especially on the horizontal sections

Thanks for taking a look user.
For me, it's the ! Blocks. They are way too fun to use for them not to be in the original 4 styles.

A big too many coins for my taste - it detracts from their ability to effectively signal the recommended path. Nevertheless, I had fun!

Played this level the other day and coming back to say it's based again. I downloaded it cause it's comfy

quality work

I'm here for some comfy levels bros. Reply to me and I'll play em.

Also try mine 911-4GB-C9G tnx

I think the no landing condition can be used to test run levels - I tried to add a bunch of challenges that don't actually kill you but set you back or fail the challenge, so you can actually keep going to practice what's ahead. Whether people actually use it as such or treat it like an instant death is a different question, though.

No fucking shit? Great job solving the case there, Sherlock.

I guess you need to tell yourself that so you feel better about your shitty levels.

Remember, a lot of casuals and such are playing this game. There are a LOT of new concepts that they just don't understand. Normal platforming is a big challenge for them

Daily/weekly 100 mario challenges with a set level path for everyone when


Play it/v/ros. It has two endings

Attached: 1527488328985.jpg (580x390, 42K)

If I make a title card people will play my levels right?

Attached: The Sorrowful Tale of Skipsqueak.jpg (1857x1564, 1.56M)

Thanks for the feedback, what exactly was stale about the snake blocks? Either way I’m glad you enjoyed the level, I tried to make sure it wasn’t too difficult so that it was not impossible for more inexperienced players to complete it

Feels rushed compared to the rest of the game. I’d bet that somewhere in development they realized people would be mad there wasn’t a new game style but didn’t have enough time to make a great one, so they threw together some 3D World assets and called it an “extra theme”. It’s missing so many basic things that have no excuse not being in the game like vines, one way gates, koopa shells, and tracks. It squanders so much potential that the style has.

Please don't upload it then.

why do people even use the OG SMB style? it's shit

Alright pretty neat, I liked all the little lights scattered around so you don't feel completely blind. Pretty good job on the whole atmosphere and aesthetics there.

I think you could consider a checkpoint flag after the first part though. Bloopers can be fucking annoying and some people might not be so willing to go through the first part over and over just go get back there. Up to you though, just saying.

yeah it does seem more limited

Pretty comfy user. Gave it a try because you referenced based MXC. Hadn't thought of MXC as basically IRL Mario but it's true.

I like it. It's good for any "pure" style level with no fancy shmancy stuff.

Sometimes you don't want people to have access to shit like air twirls or wall sliding.

meaty level man, my dumb ass couldn't find the last red coin lol.

My levels aren't comfy but I'll try yours.

DAE pretty much only use SMB 3? I am actually using 3d world a bit now, but besides from that, I unironically only use SMB 3.

Get bounced nerd


I tried to recreate the Great Deku Tree from Ocarina in 2D and ran out of parts. Some rooms were cut as a result but I'm still happy with it.


If any of you wanna give it a shot. There's a *single* soft lock chance but you actively have to be trying to fuck yourself over.

Attached: Ghoma.png (341x277, 179K)

Thanks bruh. Yeah that's pretty much the same reason why i remembered MXC, just levels upon levels of strange obstacles (endless expert mode is pretty much this)

>why do people even use the OG SMB style? it's shit

It's good for standard platforming, I'm using that style for my first level

Desert Piranha:


Focus on using different Piranhas for platforming and lite puzzles.

Maybe it will stand out and make them interested in it. Ask if he gets more plays

Attached: super_mario_maker_2_by_snagback.jpg (1024x640, 119K)

this level gave some nice challenge, loved that it had secrets too. quality work.

thanks my dude, took me a while to make

Here's some shit I made, they have no plays yet so I'd appreciate someone giving them the jumpstart.

Lethal Lava Land- An attempt to recreate LLL from Mario 64 with multiple "stars".

Buried Ruins- Messing around with 3D World mechanics.

Attached: LLL.png (640x416, 284K)

Don't look at clear rate. It includes attempts of people going for world records.

Instead look at the number of plays (footstep symbol on top) then look at how many clears were had. Divide that. THAT's your real number.


Will play your levels and drawing comments for you guys.

The title card did make me interested, it's neat.
The auto scroll does make it very slow though.

Great music, neat looking backgrounds, and solid platforming. You just don’t have good taste.

Love the aesthetic, and the hidden coins really add to the feel of the level. The final boss fight was also satisfying. The only thing I could add is maybe add a few more decorations, but really solid level. 8/10

I played Forest Secret. Do you need me to call the police? It was a goofy level, not too challenging but it wasn't super boring. I appreciated the secret pipe, it feels like you have the understanding of how to make a fun level, if you had fleshed it out a bit more it could be a really great level. 6.5/10

Fantastic level, 9/10. I love Shovel Knight, and this level definitely reminded me a lot of the level design. I gave you a follow in the hopes that you'll make more. The bowser fight midway was great. The hidden coins in place of the music was also fantastic. The only thing I couldn't figure out was the shell near the end with the 4 block wide wall. I feel like a brainlet.

I played the last one, very simple in a good way, feels like you have a pretty good grasp on level design. Might check out some of your others later. 7.5/10

Pretty good, but I feel like there are a billion of these out there. No rating because I didn't feel like playing through yet ANOTHER wall jump tech map.

Played the cloudtop map. I absolutely loved the decorations, I'm a sucker for themed maps. 10/10 on looks, and 10/10 on level design. The addition of secret areas is something a lot of people forget is a staple of mario games. The inclusion of goombrats was also incredibly smart, as you can use them to kill the piranha plants.

Should I redo the level to remove autoscroll?

mine isn't very comfy either, fren

Not Hard
My attempt to make an easy level and not let my ideas get out of control

Bounce Bros. 3D
My attempt to make a challenging level. Don't touch the ground rule. No clears yet. Fairly short.

Super Mega Maker
My attempt to make a comfy little boss rush in the style of Wily Stages. Difficulty not too high, just trying out some ideas.

no gimmicks just platforming. best aesthetic too.

I think I played yours, unless someone else did the same idea. It was brilliant and made a lot of sense

How many coins does Toadette need? I already had to grind for the hammer part because I ran out of levels. How many more payments are left?

>10/10 on looks, and 10/10 on level design
Really happy to hear this, thanks user. I fucking love the SMW sky style so I really wanted to make the level pop while still making sure it played well.

You think it's so funny bouncing people around huh user. Just for that i left a peter griffin in your comments section. Nice level though

You don't have to, if you want to you might wanna make it a little faster.
But it is fine as it is.

When you can't draw just use pngs on google

Attached: Indiana Toad Pyramid of Doom Titlecard.png (1299x1071, 2.65M)

Honestly, besides those crazy maps you see in the top level section, I think yours is the best designed one I've played in MM2, certainly the best of what I've seen on Yea Forums.

I'm mostly going to keep recreating Shovel Knight and Sonic levels. Shovel Knight I enjoy doing more so stay tight!

Thanks user! :D

I tried medium and it was too fast for the level layout, I tried no autoscroll but it made the level seem a little too basic and bland without the scrolling so I left it as is.

Please do critique.

Makes sense, it was a fun level.

10k in total.


Well mine are up here I'm playing yours but man do I have no clue on how to get the third coin

Try my level if you like 1-screen puzzle levels.

Attached: 1555658572106.png (998x521, 370K)

Enjoyed the level, lots of cool stuff. I played Shovel Knight once a long time ago, but I don't remember much of it.
The only drawback I can see is there are lots of softlocks that force a "Start Over", mostly regarding the blocks in the way and use of P-Switch.
If you lose a powerup or don't get through the blocks in time, you have to start over. Maybe have a pipe that is constantly spewing out these items in place of a Question Block?
Either way, the level isn't so exceedingly difficult that it needs a ton of considerations like these. Just something to think about.
Like I said, vastly enjoyed this level.

Reminder to give me 1 dollar per level you post or I'll boo it

That’s really flattering, thanks user. I’m always blown away with the crazy levels some people come up with like the sand bird level but I love making levels that use a couple enemies and seeing what sort of stuff you can do with them, it really helps with creating levels and I can sorta just get into a groove while making a level once the ideas click.

Noted for future Shovel Knight recreations! Thanks for the feedback!

So you got the bad ending mate. Thanks for playing it

Yes, they are super stingy with Likes
Based on the typical Japanese course I've seen I guess we have to make some unfair horseshit to please them

Attached: 1560948864558.jpg (351x461, 27K)

sent ;)

Is that the thwomp one? Use the snake blocks to block the thwomp

Whoa, whoa, cowboy. Calm down!

Attached: US_$1.jpg (1184x500, 367K)

tfw only 2500 maker points

Don’t take it as an insult, they like so many of the gay auto-mario/30 second on-off block speedrun/gimmick level garbage. It’s why the hot section is better than the popular section for levels.

pretty level, maybe use fewer arrow signs

how do you even get maker points?

Oh was that how you were supposed to do it? I did it shortly after writing that but instead I threw the spring at the one way wall and bounced on it while the thwomp pushed it

Make levels and have people play and like them

That’s pretty good from what I’ve seen. A lot of it is down to luck, one of my stages got a lot of plays overnight and my score went from like 2600 to 3250. Just have some patience, shil-SHARE your levels, and make sure it’s appealing to play for endless run players by putting in some coins and 1ups.

Check out my level anons :3

Much like your post.

I realized that the majority of people are probably in the normal spectrum.
Also, when I played multiplayer co-op for a while to get my epic kamek wizard hat and robes I noticed that 95% of the time people would end up voting for normal courses to be played rather than easy or harder ones.

So to anyone here making multiplayer stages, I recommend trying to make it so its difficulty ends up as "normal"

>Playing HL2 recently
>Blocking’s Antlion holes with cars
>Crates can block things coming out of pipes
>Level themed around blocking enemy spawns
>Ideas go wild
>Forest theme to make the crates lift up occasionally with water for timing puzzles
>This level is going to be amazin-
>Crates can’t spawn from pipes
>Crates can’t spawn from blasters
>Even small Mario can break Crates
>No way to prevent the player from permanently fucking themselves on accident
>The water level in the 3D World style only goes up, does not go back down
>P-switches can block pipes and spawn from them, but you only get one jump off of them
>Springs don’t block pipes
Dreams shattered

Speedrun :
ON/OFF [15s] ---> TM2-DH8-JFF
Life is Life ---> KYT-B6L-75G

Level Retro [Black and White]
Retro Mario ---> CBP-4X6-SHF
Retro Mario Forest ---> TYM-6HW-9TF

Music :
Beethoven Moonlight Sonata (song)

I tried to make one versus level but it seems like people just weren’t into it, it’s my least viewed and especially my least liked stage. I guess it’s just a lot harder to design a level for 4 people. I tried to have branching paths and shortcuts depending on what power-up you grabbed at the beginning but I guess people didn’t like it.

mountain one is ok. My platform towards the end went below the autoscroll which was annoying but it didn't disappear so that's good.

Oasis is much better. I hate bloopers but meh

>When using the boot powerup, spike cannot hurt you from the side


I have a koopa car level from SM3DW that is meant to be played in a Multiplayer Versus match. It has separate clear pipes leading to different cars, 4 sets of warp blocks leading to 4 different item sets, a replacement car in case your car gets destroyed, and it is possible to finish even if your car gets destroyed, albeit with hazards across the road to punish you for losing it.


Attached: DF306184-A69E-46A4-ABF9-13CD6E37203C.jpg (500x432, 43K)

Level extremely hard--->5KX-HFH-D6G if you are good player test this level :)

Just finished this bad boy

"Traps & Treasures & Moles! Oh My"

A desert-pyramid themed standard level.

Explore ancient ruins to find treasure!
You will need to collect all 250 coins.
But watch out the inhabitants don't want you sneaking around.
Take out the Monty Moles and Dry Bones as you grab those coins.

Hard mode: Pacifist mode

Attached: 1561591767936.gif (555x555, 372K)

>don't jump level
Now try to get all the coins in that level, good casual filter

Any ideas for improving the mountain one?

I played but didn't finish desu. Some really good ideas tho. I liked that you fall and see what's ahead of you. Inside that first pyramid with the pipe a shell fell from above out of nowhere and killed me.

LLL was so dope - although the amounts of retries I had to go to was embarrassing to say the least. Great fucking job!

I would make the platform already running at optimal time, so that if someone jumps on it later than they should they don't ride it from below the screen

needs a powerup at the beginning. it really sucks dying to an offscreen buzzy beetle or surprise thwomp and having to fall all the way down and climb all the way back up again

I don't own a switch, but I'm just curious. Do they only have the styles from all their side scrollers, or did they implement 3D styles like SM64 or Paper Mario?

Level extremely hard 5KX-HFH-D6G Good Luck ;)

What does a Multi Billion Dollar spying corporation have to do with the game that tempts me to buy a switch?

They added a 3D world theme, but it's still 2D gameplay

Formerly Chuck's

>tfw only 700
why people no play my levels ;_;

neat, thanks I'll be looking into this. I love me some creation based games

Glad you enjoyed the SMW sky course! I tried out your casual coin hunting level and it was surprisingly way tougher than I expected. Had to leave though, but I promise I'll beat it when I get home. Is there only one cat suit btw?

What does this have to do with Sneed?



Use the Builder Mario suit to spawn crates yourself.

Also, the water can go up and down. You have to drag the water level circle up and tap it.

Switch Mania

Play it boys.

Attached: snapshot20080803174835.jpg (640x480, 32K)

Either your levels are not that good.
Or you need exposure and advertisment.

Attached: Master builder.jpg (480x480, 51K)

Use the hammer user, unlock it via story mode if you haven't already

Level extremely hard 5KX-HFH-D6G good Luck ;)

Probably not intended but I jumped on the on/off switch to bypass that bs chain platform. You need a checkpoint after that. I didn't want to redo all that every time I messed up after desu

Life of etika RIP
A tribute to etika .

Speedy slippy cold nutsy
A speedrun type level , don't know how no one has finished it yet.

Mario in miracle world
First level of alex kidd in miracle world

Cruel mansion
this one can be hard if you don't find the easy way to beat the boss.

Attached: Le-youtubeur-Etika-retrouve-mort-a-l-age-de-29-ans.jpg (625x417, 32K)

>enemy spam on randomly placed 1 block platforms
thanks, I hated it


>Collect 6 10 coins
>had a 6.66% clear rate

Spooky, too bad I ruined it lol.

Aww, thanks. It took a couple hours to make but the majority of that was trying to come up with workarounds for all the stuff missing from 3D World and how to fit everything in since I was running out of room.
It really would've been great to have the dry bones shell for the regular shell and the seasaws for the various lava platforms, it's tempting to remake this in SMW's theme, but the whole point was sort of just to play with the bullies.
Thanks for playing!

people don't like hard levels even if they're fair

Here's my first MM2 level along with some art I made. Currently working on finishing up my second. MVY-FXX-L7G

Attached: D-VRc5rWkAAAzRs.jpg (1200x624, 163K)

Just don't get hit.

Attached: 1561443966718.png (555x555, 257K)

This is definitely true. Play Easy mode and look at the like-to-play ratio, a good majority of them have 50% of plays give a like.

>Nina art
Nice, I'm gonna check out your level solely because of that.

Like ratio at 25%. Have I made it, bros?


Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.jpg (500x500, 28K)

play my level VEE
>Arabian Heights

Have fun bois

Attached: memearrows.jpg (683x361, 35K)

I added some stats to the Masterlist. I don't want to add a breakdown of the most active makers since it might turn into a dick-measuring contest but I added "busiest maker" anyway because I couldn't think of much else. If you have more ideas for charts and figures, let me know.
On that note, what would you think of a difficulty rating the submitter decides on himself?

Attached: firefox_2019-07-02_19-55-09.png (1271x588, 46K)