Paradox Interactive: "The 70/30 revenue split is outrageous"

>The 70/30 revenue split offered to developers by most platform holders is "outrageous," according to Paradox Interactive's Fredrik Wester, who praised Epic Games' efforts to offer a more reasonable alternative with its own store.
>"I think the 70/30 revenue split is outrageous," he said. "I think the platform holders are taking too much money. Everyone in the press here, just quote me on that."
>Steam takes 30% of revenue from the majority of games on its platform -- just like platforms operated by Microsoft, Sony, Apple and others.
>However, Wester suggested that the 70/30 split was based on a model established by Warner Bros. in the '70s, for the distribution of films on boxed VHS tapes.
>"That was physical. It cost a lot of money," he said.
>"This doesn't cost anything. So Epic has done a great job for the whole industry, because you get 88%. Fantastic move. Thank you very much."
>"I think it is, especially for new developers. They have lower margins, to get into the market. But I think it's also a matter of decency. I mean, how much does it actually cost to deliver a game?
>"When the competition is low, the platform holder can get a big share of the pie; as competition increases, they need to lower their part of the pie, as well. That's how the market works, right?"
>For his part, Sweeney has publicly stated that it will abandon its exclusives strategy if Valve changes Steam's revenue share to offer developers a more favourable deal.

At the end of the article Raul Rubio says that steam is too overcrowded for new games for them to compete and that's why the EGS is better. Though the only Paradox Interactive game on EGS is Vampire Bloodlines. Maybe more to come?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I could just pirate your games. Would you prefer that?

You posted this thread twice today already. This is the third time.

>this doesn't cost anything
go call akamai and level 3 and ask them how much it costs to distribute games worldwide 24/7 at 4-8Tbps


>Steam offers devs a better deal
>goes 95/5 deal
>Epic can't compete because Valve has 3 games that unironically could keep them afloat for decades to come
>Epic dies out and Valve buys them out with Fortnite from Tencent, solidifying them in the gaming industry
>Raises the price back up to 70/30 just to spite Jew Sweeney

And another sells his soul to the hive.

I would unironically clap. Fuck Epic and fuck China.

>Company with the most disingenuous DLC practices in the industry.
>Waaaah steam wont let us fleece our customers as much as we could.
Cry me a river.

Who cares

So this is why they are dropping linux support, because they want to sign an epic exclusivity deal.

Guess paradox goes on the boycott list. A shame, I spent hundreds on their games for myself and my friends.

>>For his part, Sweeney has publicly stated that it will abandon its exclusives strategy if Valve changes Steam's revenue share to offer developers a more favourable deal.

Sweeney's a fucking scumbag and this is a lie.

If it does not cost anything why am I still paying full price?

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>Think about the PUBLISHER PEOPLE
Why would they ever think I would care? I hardly care about the developer much less the publisher who fucks the developers who actually make the games out of money.

Didn't steam turn Cities:Skylines into a hit with it's huge modding community?

based, hosting serbs is now F R E E

Epic would love Valve to respond to them and hurt themselves. Epic literally cannot sustain this shit and will actually run out of Fortnite money if they keep this up and they know it. This is purely to create an install base and if steam keeps ignoring them then they will burn the money for nothing and then switch back to what will probably be the same or a higher cut anyway.

I'm all for a better split for devs, but the Epic Store is such a crude, untrustworthy way of doing it that it only makes sense to stick with steam

Brave words coming from the cucks that wanted to sell us a half-baked game.

Still no customer reviews
Still no shopping cart

>replying to the bot that reposts the most popular threads in different timezones

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>Paradox has its own store that nobody use

>model established by Warner Bros. in the '70s, for the distribution of films on boxed VHS tapes
>This doesn't cost anything.

Ok, so why should I pay the full price?

>We can't make a game without 2390482390490234901233490231348123831290381290310310391238903€ worth of DLC dox
Argument invalid

>majority of their buyers are steamfags
oh boy I can't wait for paradox to go ebin and they drain Tim's shekels because guaranteed sale+dlc per sale

>I mean, how much does it actually cost to deliver a game?
surely when you just put game on the world wide web it just goes through a series of tubes for free doesn't it? i mean, how much does it cost to build a network and connect the entire world? its just a bunch of computers after all and it's all wireless nowadays right so there's no more cables anymore! sheesh.

Is fortnite money really endless? Isn't selling other games gonna draw some people away from fortnite? Like couldn't they just play dauntless or division 2 instead as their live service of choice and curtail their fortnite spending?

Here is the thing. A better split for the devs is one thing. This entire thing? Has never had a FUCKING THING to do with developers unless it was indie game makers. Paradox publishes its own games but the fucking people that actually do the developing aren't going to see a fucking dime of that money.

They will saber rattle about a better split so that developers can eat but they will never see a dime of that money unless its an indie company in virtually every other situation its just the publisher lining their own pockets.

Epic themselves have already said the 88/12 split isn't sustainable and they don't intend on doing it forever, just until they build up a customer base.

Also the 88% of profit isn't even accurate. Valves 30% covers a variety of fees and protections which Epic cannot afford to pay. This means either the publisher/developer pays these fees from their 88% (which means they get about 70% of the profit from each sale anyway) or they push these fees onto customers which means even more expensive games.

thanks, will filter

And yet their games are still on steam and not on epic.

>88/12 split isn't sustainable
What exactly are the costs of a distributor, besides new cars for the higher ups? They need a team to keep one single platform running and pay for their server farm.
Youtube managed to stay up though adds, and a glorified downloading platform can't by keeping over 10% of all the money?

Good thing I pirate all of Paradoxs games and expansions hahaha get rekt

Fortnite money isn't endless. Revenue is down by 38% compared to last year as of May. Sure it's still 200M+ burger bucks, but they're burning it fast.

If the split was a deal breaker why don't they willingly make VTMB2 Epic only, no exclusivity deal? Corpos don't walk the walk.

it'll probably make another $5 billion at least before it cools down like other esports did, but expect Epic to always be lurking in the background even without Fortnite with "games as a service" bullshit

I mean they'll always make money as long as UE is a relevant engine.

>another chinkoid thread
>jannies won't do shit about it
Here, have some cunny anons.

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>What exactly are the costs of a distributor, besides new cars for the higher ups? They need a team to keep one single platform running and pay for their server farm.
There are these things called Shareholders are they like seeing numbers go up. Operating at a loss such at what they are doing with 88/12 and not only paying for something to be an exclusive but also paying for sales is causing them to hemorrhage money.

They are pretty much burning their profits to get into a new market for reasons unknown.

i make it a point to pirate every epic game store game, they'll never get my money. funny that some of the worst dlc jews are whining about how much money they get.

I guess the contrast is an Epic in the background as "that first party dev who makes AAA tech and games" and "monster behemoth posterchild of the gaming industry." If gaming as a service really takes off, Epic has a big dick in the pie.

no one gives a fuck what cut devs get, we don't see any reduction in price over it. so fuck them

Games as a service already took off and what the fuck do you think Stadia is?

>company that charges $200-$300 in DLC per game says Steam are the jews

>we're going to use the consumers to demand bigger profit margins...
>...for the indie companies of course goy nothing to see


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>steam is too overcrowded

Fuck yeah it is, i buy nothing now because of the shovelware and any potential diamonds being hidden under a metric ton of shit. Paradox of choice.

That say 30% is a normal retail margin for a huge percentage of consumer goods, so this twat should quit his moaning.

>the shovelware and any potential diamonds being hidden under a metric ton of shit.
nice strawman
steam never shows you those games on the store unless you specifically go looking for them

Not to put my head in the sand, but it's only been 10 years of mobile gaming/Candy Crush/microtransactions, and although 10 years is a long time, the market could continue to evolve right out of it if the money stops flowing. And with Stadia, who knows if it will sell?

This is why gabe owns valve and you shitposting on Yea Forums

This Pretty much.
It wasn't an issue back in the days of physical media, but considering it's a one-time fee to essentially have their content hosted for perpetuity it makes sense.

Implying Valve will do anything but make new hats and dota shit

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>a Paradox dev complains about greed
Swedes truly lack any self-awareness whatsoever.

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>>"This doesn't cost anything.
magic, motherfuckers.

why do you defend stupidity? what pride do you get from knowing you are an idiot?

>What exactly are the costs of a distributor,
there's a huge debt to cover the cost of the hardware investment to begin with, then running said hardware, then paying the rent for the surface the hardware use, then paying the people to take care of that hardware that isn't as reliable as the ads tells you, then you pay the replacement of deffective piece of hardware, and on top of that, massive insurance fees because said hardware is highly hazardous on many aspects. Then unless you run that shit in the middle of the taiga you pay taxes. And of course that's before you even start to pay devs to program the actual application that control the content on your side, and the library on the customer side. plus the community managers. also the banks have fees to offer all those payment options to the customers. there's also a high need for marketing, which include the suits, but also the artists that designs the ads. and that's without the tertiary expenses like cleaning team and furniture.
it's nearly like it's a company or something.

>This doesn't cost anything
>maintaining the digital storefront doesn't cost anything

nani the fuck. thats the kind of retardation I expect from Yea Forums, not someone who works in digital media

aren't paradox the king dlc jews

Being silent is the best course of action. Valve just changed one thing that prevents future games to use Steam as advertising platform and Timmyboy lost his fucking shit over it.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-02 Tim Sweeney on Twitter.png (640x483, 51K)

>noooooooooooo chink man bad :'(
keep seething

>Steam is too overcrowded
Yeah because being sold in a website with 1/100 of users will really help your indie 2D platformer stand out
There's no shortage of visibility, only of good games

>implying the chinese government wouldn't bail tencent out

Don't they already have their own store? Why don't they just move out of Steam and use that if it's an issue? Oh right, that doesn't get them several million chink dollars.

because unironically it's expensive to support millions of game downloads and paradox doesn't have any dedicated multiplayer servers to allocate to doing such a thing.

But it doesn't cost anything!

and then the entire country takes August off and wonders why they don't make enough money kek

>already has PC exclusives such as their own fucking games
why does sweeney still do this

indies used to self publish.

>says that steam is too overcrowded for new games
Which is funny because it was developers that demanded Steam stop curating in the first place. Steam didn't want to let all the shit in but the indie developers fought for the floodgates to be opened.

>have their own store
Wow that makes this even fucking better
>Have their own store
>Could release on that and keep all of their profits
>Nope, too busy making paid dlc to improve the store
>So release on steam then bitch about it!
I serously doubt jewadox that cares so much about money will take up exclusive deals, simply because ,judging from their sales in general, EGS just cant afford their exclusivity price

Halo is coming to steam soon which is pretty cool.

>"steam has too many 3rd party exclusives from 3rd party publishers"
It's amazing how a man so successful can also be so stupid.

Steam should offer a 88% model that is completely stripped of all their store features except purchasing the game (pretty much what epic provides but without the spyware) and see how many publishers jump the offer. Spoiler: 0

>Which is funny because it was developers that demanded Steam stop curating in the first place.

In a shocking twist that surprised no one this industry has zero foresight.

It's actually more feature complete than EGS.

>calling store owned ip exclusives
Wow he's legit braindead.

>I think the 70/30 revenue split is outrageous

Agreed. This is why I really love EGS, unironically.

>muh hassle of using a different launcher


>publishers complain they're not making more money
why is this shocking or news worthy again?

>incomplete to be sold as dlc the company calling anything else greedy

Doesn't Paradox literally use Steam's mod manager/ workshop for their games?

So you enjoy paying more on games to make fat publishers earn even more money? There's a word for that, cuck.

You dumb shills can't even use the right memes.

>This doesn't cost anything
Great. Build your own store and sell your game on that, then. Since infrastructure costs nothing, you'll get 100% of the money for free.

>Youtube managed to stay up though adds

Youtube usually loses money. Google only keeps it running because it would cost more to gather those sort of user metrics by other means. So it's a net benefit to the company, but that's a very unusual case.

They do, along with many other steam features they enjoy. Basically they want to get a Ferrari in the price of a Ford fiesta.

>Steam provides the servers and bandwidth for delivering your game and all future patches/DLC
>Steam provides a massive customer base that SPENDS because they like and trust steam after using it for many years
>Steam handles all of the money headaches that come with millions of transactions from various currencies and laws all around the world (not to mention customers demanding refunds)
>Free forums for your game (some devs use this as the official forum)

This doesn't deserve a significant cut? I think devs are starting to forget the pre-steam days and just how big of a hassle it was to sell your game digitally on your own.

>Epic themselves have already said the 88/12 split isn't sustainable and they don't intend on doing it forever, just until they build up a customer base.

Which means Valve literally has to just wait.

Features cost money. + servers, promotions, it personnel, support desks, offices, security experts, fraud detection.... merely existing, as a multimillion corporation, cost a shitton of money. But you wouldn't know since you never had a serious job.

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>the publisher run by such greedy, scheming fucks they charge separately for portrait DLCs, sound DLCs, expansion DLCs and worthless garbage GOTCHA! DLCs (have fun trying to find the one that actually adds content instead of rips you off)
>the company whose games are getting received more critically than their predecessors being because their newer games are shittier than the old ones and also because their carved-out niche of Grand Strategy is populated entirely by autistics who hate change anyway
>a publisher who is undoubtedly still salty they got conned by Obsidian who delivered a piece of shit product and they blamed the CUSTOMERS and not FEARGUS for making a shoddy, terrible game no one bought
oh uh sounds like parajew are gonna be the next sucking Sweeney's cock for money
better hope Fortnite zoomers want to play autistic, slow-paced, boomercore Grand Strategy Games. what could POSSIBLY go wrong?

>better split towards devs
>game prices are still the same

This, devs are becoming entitled twats that want to get everything for free

>But I think it's also a matter of decency
Paradox wouldn't know anything about that though, considering they intentionally made imperator rome a half finished dlc vehicle.

Paradox games are for people who have crippling autism anyway. Nothing of value was lost

>people unironcally believe that epic won't raise their cut if they manage to kill steam
How fucking naive do you have to be? Holy shit.

>At the end of the article Raul Rubio says that steam is too overcrowded for new games for them to compete and that's why the EGS is better.
Imagine being so incompetent that despite being a big funded company and not some indie studio instead of competing in the big boys leagues you go play in the little kids pool just so anyone would notice you.

>Epic literally cannot sustain this shit
You have no fucking clue what this is all about ?
Epic is just a facade company for Tencent to get a better hold on the Western market.
For all intent and purpose, Epic as infinite money as Tencent don't give a shit about how well they do as long as it put pressure on non-chineses concurrents.
And the Chinese gov wouldn't see any problem helping Tencent directly for such matter, if they were ever to get short on money.

It's not Epic vs Steam, it's China leading a commercial war on a legally underprotected western market.
Valve has 0 chance to win that fight, which is why they don't bother and just keep business as usual.

It's not naivety, it's stupidity.
I hope some autist takes the time to compile an image of indie devs who begged for steam to stop being picky with accepting games, only to then later complain about steam taking an unfair cut.

especially since Sweeney has said he'll raise the cut himself since it's unsustainable
but retarded boomer businessmen don't care or even have the capacity to look ahead. they just want their quarterly bonus and they'll sell everything to Tencent to get theirs.

But for now they get a bigger cut. That's money in their pockets. Plus, they can look forward to a bright future where those ingrates can't leave reviews of their games.

>"This doesn't cost anything."
Haha true, just yesterday I went to "" and started hundreds of servers with 100 cores each that support 10 petabyte bandwidth it was totally free. Later I had some programmers develop features like forum, mods workshop, servers framework and billing system all for free. I then went and installed free support desk and free fraud detection and later I marketed myself for free! Isn't living in 2019, where you get everything for free, is just swell? Also why do games even cost money they are not physical or anything making them don't cost nothing.

>"but if they leave Steam, more money goes to the devs which is a good thing, they have more money to make better games"
>Ubisoft games haven't increased in quality even though they have uPlay
>after Origin, EA games DECREASED in quality

It's also a powerful tool of political control.

Steam is a great hub. But nothing more. It doesnt require that much to run. As a dev you are getting jewed for steams brand.
As a consumer I understand why people dont give a fuck. I dont either. But what I dont understand is how you are mad devs are complaining about being jewed. Its not your problem I get. Pretending like they dont have a problem is another story.

Does epic just hand out a list of talking points to developers? These comments are clearly directed at clueless consumers rather than his colleagues or valve.

>Steam is a great hub. But nothing more.
Just because you don't know steams features doesn't mean they are not there, ching chong. Steam is just a hub just like games are just pixels.

>how you are mad devs are complaining about being jewed
This is a dev that charges $400 for games, and that wasn't enough apparently, they tried to set up a system where they would get all the profits too because $400 games wasn't enough, they wanted 100% of the profits while fans lose mod support and more. This is literally the last company that has the right to call anyone else greedy.

>Youtube managed to stay up though adds,
no, youtube stays up throught the funding of the parent company they make by "mostly illegally" selling personal data all over the world. Also it's so bad these days they are cutting the clickmoney to all creator content drastically, while tripling the ads, and starting to put tons of shit behind their paywall. Youtube isn't healthy business.

if 80% of 60 dollar isn't enough for them, they can just sell the game 65. How is it the platform's fault if they can't hire a third grader to do the maths for them?

>>"That was physical. It cost a lot of money," he said.
>>"This doesn't cost anything
Servers don't cost a thing, neither does a functional storefront with numerous features.
Fucking retard

Features aren't the selling point of Steam. Its the userbase which you are paying for. Its very attractive but I completely understand not wanting to give 30% of you revenue to get the steam brand. Screaming features just shows how little you know about creating them. Its honestly not that much work. It requires management etc but the features themselves could be creating by anyone with the knowledge of how.
I dont care about that drama. All Im saying is 30% is steep as fuck and I understand why a dev wouldnt want to give that away.

I thought we were winning bros. Is it really time to sell our steam accounts while we still can?

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Steam probably makes a million times what the servers cost just selling hats.

He knows exactly what he's saying. He also knows that gullible retards who think game devs are their friends will eat it up and say that steam does exclusives too, so it's fine if Epic does it, ESPECIALLY IF THE DEVS GET A BETTER DEAL!

>All Im saying is 30% is steep as fuck
You mean the literal industry standard across all digital media? Epic's meme 12% is funded by Unreal money and Fortnite money.

Not installing your chinese bullshit even if it takes all games on PC. I don't even use steam either, just fuck off with the shilling.

>Screaming features just shows how little you know about creating them. Its honestly not that much work. It requires management etc but the features themselves could be creating by anyone with the knowledge of how.
This, look at Epic's tags, search engine, mod support, cloud saves, shopping cart, and working sales features that prevent a game from being sold at $0 or AAA games being reduced to $5.

Oh wait.

That doesn't change the fact that they do have a cost of upkeeping servers. The guy is trying to imply that steam is robbing him because it's "free" to host a game apparently.
They even have their own fucking store, but instead he decided to use steam because of the huge customer base and then bitched about the cut

Where is the shopping cart then?

People complain about getting jewed into paying $60 for online. Devs can complain about being jewed into paying 30%. If a cheaper alternative presents itself any sane person should take it.

Says the publisher

Why not give your cut to developers then?

well, of course, user. they want to make MORE. that's the sole motivator why some got behind epic.

What point are you ever trying to make.

How much money does it cost to develop a low res texture pack for 7 miniature army models and sell it as DLC? 10% of the price of an already barebones Paradox expansion?

If features are so easy to make as you say, why hasn't epic added anything meaningful that would attract a user base? Why are you dodging this?

>One of the developers that sells like $200 worth of DLC for every single game they shit out
>Thinks 70/30 split is outrageous
Yeah, okay.

>Features arent the selling point of steam
Actually they are. Steam used them to great effect to fight piracy and get more legit buyers by providing them benefits that they wouldnt get by torrenting. Its why the storefront is as big as it is today

Imagine still defending Steam

All my games are either on Steam, Gog, or last altenatively DRM free on Humble.

You want me to buy your game then offer it on one of those platforms. Otherwise fuckoff.

How much exactly do you think the servers cost exactly? Can you imagine paying $20 for every 30 gigs you download.

They're just a small indie publisher.
I'm sure if Paradox got a better distribution deal, they'll finally start shipping finished games.

That's fine, I'll just boycott the devs. I have no obligation to give them any money.

>Be Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo/Valve/etc
>Provide servers and services for gamedevs to use
>Ask for a cut of the profits to run those servers and services
>"WTF why do I have to pay so much money to sell my game?!"

70/30 or 88/12 - this doesnt benefit the end user regardless.
The games will still cost the same andt the predatory DLC tactics will continue.

>downloaded crusader kings 2 last year
>still barely touched it because I still dont know shit
>youtube has tutorials of it but each one is about 10 video parts with 30 to 50 minutes each

Hop off steams dick for a second. I dont care about epic. Never looked at it. But if you think a shopping cart is worth 30% of you revenue youre the biggest sheep I know.
If you turn your reading comprehension level up a bit youd know I was talking about selling points for devs.
Steam is a hub. Its convenient for both parties. And like any industry, the first to create the hub reaps massive benefits from the monopoly and can jew everyone else. In this case the devs are being jewed and not the consumers. Like I said, I get why you dont care.

>get gtfo
>call people brainlets
KYS Sonyturd.

Paradox Interactive are swedecucks anyway and their games are greedy DLC ridden pieces of shit
Fuck if I care what they say. Let them suck Epic cock for all I care.

Tencent is publicly traded, retard, they can't just funnel money into another company forever. You know NOTHING about business, especially international business.

GoG (required cutting pro-consumer cheaper games in regions outside NA), Discord, and take a low cut, but no one is shilling those. Sure is suspicious.

>But if you think a shopping cart is worth 30% of you revenue youre the biggest sheep I know
Meanwhile Paradox makes heavy use of Steam's mod workshop and servers.

Lets get real here. You faggots would have pirated their games regardless. You just don't have the balls to own up to it without an excuse.

My question is why are you so against 88/12 when you know nothing will change from the end users perspective.

>How much do you think the servers cost exactly?
Given all that their servers do, coupled along with the fact that they need to maintain servers across the entire planet? Quite a lot. Their servers aren't just for downloading games, but also chat, peer-to-peer networking for games, audio/video streaming, hosting workshop content, and a plethora of other services that shoddy stores like EGS don't offer.

Dumb faggot anglos crying about muh China again.

Hey dicklet, Epic is an anglocuck company and their business practices are their own. They ran to daddy china for money like the shitty good for nothing anglos they are. Deal with it Nigel.

Also get out of Europe l, you’re not European.

>Bloodstained just came out on GOG
>all the Epic retards that talk about "combating Steam's monopoly" aren't telling people to buy it on GOG
>but they have been shilling Blunderlands and the Outer Wilds lots on leddit

>30% split bad
>$200 dlc for a game good
Heh... Fuck off you greedy faggots.

>minimizes piracy by providing a shitton of benefits to consumers on heir platform so they actually buy it
>Only charges the industry standard
>No benefits to devs
How utterly fucking dumb are you?
>But if you think a shopping cart is worth 30% of you revenue youre the biggest sheep I know
Why dont you read up on all of steam's features before you run your retarded mouth?

kek steam doesn't just provide a place to sell the game, paradox relies heavily on their servers as do many other developers. Paradox doesn't have any dedicated servers, how do you think people are able to play with each other, magic?

yeah I was wondering about that, how hard wold it be to just put your own store on a personal website and own DRM server? sure you might not be as pirate-proof as the big guys, but you make 30% more on each game so it would globally still be more profitable, no?

>Companies making less profit will change nothing for the end users
Are you fucking stupid? We'd get shekel'd and dime'd to oblivion because of the absence of over half the money they get from revenue.

Let me ask you a simple question. Why would you need an excuse to own up to piracy? It happens everywhere in videogames and everybody and their mother does it

>t. Gaben

Attached: gaben.jpg (620x350, 51K)

>swedes are okay with the government stealing more than half of their paychecks
>nooo how dare a company that provides us with a service and multiple benefits take royalties!!

Attached: big grin.png (327x316, 211K)

>developer makes small profit
>suddenly new platform holder with better condition for them opens
>people dislike the new platform
>developers try to advertise the new platform because more revenue
>people dislike new platform because its under developed because its new, less game cataloge and a shady mother company
>developer try to blackmail other platform to take same share of revenue model on the othe still popular platform
This smells shady from the developers. I guess any epic shill we encounter here ist just a developer doing it for free to rise their revenue.


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It's this thread again. Paradox should release a full fucking game before complaining about other stores practices

>Someone mentions Steam being greedy lazy fucks
>Valvecucks chimp out and go on an EGS hate rampage
This will never not be funny.

Sounds like you dont know how servers work.
Please stop with the retarded logic. Servers are no where near as expensive as you think. Seriously. On a $60 game 30% is about $20. Think of it differently. If the game cost $40. But you had to pay $20 per game to be able to download and play it online. Do you not understand how ludicrous that is.

If any of you here is a developer, you would 100% agree. The world is becoming more fucking expensive and the vidya industry is harsh and unforgiving from shitty publishers and whiny users who will bitch about anything and everything. There's no harm in having a backup plan where you won't get fucked financially, that is if any of you have some semblance of intelligence.

Even if you don't buy their games, it's timed exclusive anyways and you can wait a while. Maybe play one random game from fucking backlogs instead of buying games like a fucking addict and not do anything with them

>parajews having any right to complain about anything involving money
Fucking kek

>Randy "BADASS" Pitchford
>Paradox "overpriced DLCs up the ass" Interactive
>Literal "ENTITLED" Who Indiedevs

These are you pro-Epic people right now Yea Forums. Say something nice about them.

>Sounds like you dont know how servers work.
No, it sounds like YOU don't know how servers work if you think the majority of the cost to maintain their infrastructure is from downloading games, and not from their servers constantly being barraged from all over the world.

Steam is not just a hub user. It provides so many services and help to devs develop their games. Games even rely on steamworks and steam's networking for multiplayer to even work.

>Everything changed when the wonderful people at Valve gave us beta access to their upcoming Steam Networking API 2.0. This new networking API completely resolved the issues by re-routing through Steam

>>Screaming features just shows how little you know about creating them. Its honestly not that much work
>telling someone he doesn't know a subject
>one sentence later proving he himself have absolutely no idea.
Cool, go develop mods workshop or a functioning store with cart and fraud detection (even don't do it yourself just integrate with third party) and come back in 20 years to tell me how easy it was (jk by this time you'll realize you can't do it in your own)

>minimizes piracy
Its basically been proven over and over again piracy doesnt effect game sales. People who are going to pirate are going to pirate. There was logic in making it extremely inconvenient to pirate a game, but even that failed because denuvo still doesnt increase game sales. There is no solution to piracy. Fuck off being a retard.

>all that shit that has nothing to do with videogames

>dlc jews complaining about money

Shit misquoted, I have too many tabs open trying to find that.

You are paying for visibility and steams branding.

Randy is a legit Chad. The rest are shit

Attached: randy.jpg (630x435, 37K)

>some literal who indie dev
yeah, sure proved your point buddy

The entire internet runs off servers. Games dont make up even 1% of that traffic. Im not going to explain entry cost of getting parallel processing going for a server farm because your stupid response would just insult me.

Tim Sweeney and his ragtag group of retards fighting the good fight.

Paradox used to own and operate GamersGate as a competitor to Steam, before they gave up and onsold it. Bit rich of them to complain now, if they wanted cheaper rates they should have competed with their GG platform.

Attached: site-mainlogo-2.png (230x42, 10K)

Explain to me what services you would pay 30% of your revenue for besides the hub.

>>"I think the 70/30 revenue split is outrageous," he said. "I think the platform holders are taking too much money.
he's just mad because he's being out-jewed for once, only now complaining about it openly because he smells the oppurtunity for more money. fuck paradox. fuck epic

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>if you don't like this demand DRM-Free files
So the problem is Steam/Valve

You mean like every single online store has. Do you know how much paypal takes as a cut. Hint its a lot less than fucking 30%.

Paradox Interactive has an extremely cancerous monetization scheme that exploits people with too much money to subsidize the game for the rest of us.

>There was logic in making it extremely inconvenient to pirate a game
>Epicshill misses the point yet again
Most people who pirate dont do it for a cause you absolute mongoloid. And you are clearly too stupid to remember some old classics like megaupload and KAT which were filled to the brim with cracked videogames
People will take up the easiest option available on a general basis. Steam made purchasing easier and more rewarding. People CHOSE not to pirate because of this

Don't forget it's supporters
>butthurt Half Life fags who haven't bought a game in years
>redditors that want to virtue signal for "more money for devs at the expense of the consumer" and "consumers are evil"fags
>unironic commies

I'm not against 88/12, I'm against their bullshit exclusivity.

Why not provide a lower price in the EGS while also offering the game for the regular price on Steam and let the user decide what he wants: to pay less money or to have their games in one launcher and more features.

these people are too weak then. i never got scammed for mtxs and i'm a fucking retard

Steam has nothing to do with megaupload or kat. Try your fallacies on someone else. People who piracy has never affected game sells. This is a fact. There is no disputing this. Now fuck off.

>"This doesn't cost anything."
Yes, hardware never fails and bandwidth is free.
Building or renting huge servers and maintaining them is absolutely free.
Paying salary to hundreds of people is also not a thing.
What is this fucking retard thinking. Sure Steam has a steep rate but it's a massive service that is ten times better what Epic can offer.

Valve is trying to turn the pirates in those developing emerging markets into non-pirates you retards. This has always been their plan since the very beginning. It's why Epic trying to """compete""" with Steam is so hilarious.

If somebody new is going to use Epic then the chances are they're going to USE STEAM AND EVERY OTHER LAUNCHER already.
If a pirate gets converted because of Steam then it's AN ENTIRELY NEW WALLET to drain that previously didn't exist in the market.

Epic is trying to STEAL customers but it doesn't work that way.
Steam is trying to MAKE new customers. That's the kicker.

I'm so glad planetfall is confirmed for steam. That's the only paradox published game that I give a shit about.

Why not just sell it at same price.

fuck finally someone gets it

This, I'm an SEAnon and Steam basically allowed us to actually get games at fair American prices back in the day. Meanwhile Epic slams us with all sorts of meme "foreign fees".

steam has 340 employees and they earn 9 000 000 000 each year. Why the fuck would you even mention salary here you fucking moron

>he thinks paypal = store
>he only talks about the store part,which is just 1 feature in an ocean of features
>he doesn't know most stores either use 3rd party store solution or hire a whole dev team to build one
>he seriously compared slicking service to online framework, store, mods framework, forum, security features, misc like trading cards etc, HUGE users base, brand, and hosting services
Wow you managed to squeeze huge amount of autism in a tiny comment, impressive. Remind me again what's the difference between a game and bunch of colorful dots? Why games even charge money they are literally just floating pixels lmao

I hate Gaben. I hate Valve. I hate Steam.
But I definitely hate Paradox more. Fuck them and their 1000s DLC games.

Based SEAchad. I barely see pirated game CDs anymore but movies are still going strong.


>"Prior to entering the Russian market, we were told that Russia was a waste of time because everyone would pirate our products. Russia is now about to become [Steam's] largest market in Europe," Newell said.

Most Japs use cash-only and steam allowed them to get into PC market through some prepaid wallet codes, bringing a lot of new customers.
At the same time EGS fucks them over by making exclusives.

lmao epic is making new customers as well you fucking drone
what do you think the new generation of kids who play fortnite are? those kids are growing up and installing epic and not steam.

Are you trying to tell me that you think the cost of maintaining their servers is negligible because of parallel processing? Do you think the 66 data centers they have across the world just magically pay for themselves? You're looking at how the system functions and not the cost to maintain their physical infrastructure, which is constantly at work due to the nature of the services they provide.

>The absolute state of DLC Jew

>Steam has nothing to do with kat or megaupload
Never said it did retard
>People who piracy has never affected game sells
>Chingchong english is slipping
Is that a fact? Then i wonder how steam got as big as it did. Most people wouldve pirated games on it and not bought anything, so there wouldve been no reason to join a shitty launcher like it back in the mid 2000s when it tried to become something more than a drm
>This is a fact. There is no disputing this.
>Its fact because I say so!
Do cite some of these studies you brag about, would you? Then I might take you more seriously than the drooling retard you are

"This doesn't cost anything"
Yeah only server costs, infrastructure, constant development, customer service and i could go on for a while.

>DLCfaggoty: the publisher whining about the 70/30 split
Eat my ass you swedish cucks I will never buy another one of your games again.

This user is right you know?

Discord offered a bigger cut so why arent any developers praising that store?

>"If a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate's service is more valuable."

I have games avaiable 24/7 for free with 3 clicks. Steam does not offer anything of a value. From my perspective buying games is charity, so i will always use service with higher cut for publishers/devs.

Paradox can't move to the EGS because their games are saved by modding


Because it's already fucking dead. If you don't have money to start your shit like epic, you are as good as dead from the start.

Randy has surpassed being a mere magician and will soon warp us all into the dimension where battleborn was a success.

on one side I agree with paradox and anyone saying otherwise is underage. on the otherhand paradox sells basics features as DLC.

I see Paradox are still butthurt over Imperator: Rome.

I hate poster like this. That post garbage shit like this in a relatively non-shitposting thread when compared to most Yea Forums threads.

>anyone saying otherwise is underage
Great argument

>Yeah I can pirate all I want but I will still suck corporate dick because I like sucking corporate dick!
Never seen this level of cuck before

And even if they got 100% of profits they would still be asking for more money through microtransactions and other monetization means.

Is Paradox still incredibly mad that Three Kingdoms completely dabbed on Imperator?

the argument is in the op

This, paying for entertainment is pure cuck behavior.

>There are these things called Shareholders are they like seeing numbers go up.
China likes to play the longcon since their money has an artificial exchange rate, which lets them basically be dickass thieves. Epic doesn't have much in terms of shareholders besides Pooh and his pet Sweeney.

Inform me on Imperator: Rome.
What exactly went wrong?

It was rejected by Yea Forums. That's a failure by any metric.

For one thing who ever thought up of the mana system should be shot.

>Hype up a game about Rome (for the nth time, cant these hacks choose any other settings?)
>Release incomplete shitpile
>Market the rest of it as paid dlc
>Total War Three kingdoms has none of that jewery and is a complete game from the start
And the rest is history

Vampire Bloodlines already looks like fucking shit and I doubt they will spend an extra year on fixing it, which it desperately needs.

I already pirate all of the grand strategy DLC because they are being scummy about it.

Go ahead and jump the EPIC dick, Paradox. What the fuck does it matter with your games anyways.

Attached: 1200px-Winnie_the_Pooh_KHIII.png (1200x1604, 872K)

>especially since Sweeney has said he'll raise the cut himself since it's unsustainable

As always, source:my mom work at epic

IR is just EU4 with a coat of roman paint.


Literally everything, even youtube shills shit on it.

>if valve copies epic, it'll stop exclusives
>epic has explicitly stated that their revenue split simply isn't sustainable

Bloodlines isn't even exclusive though so I don't know what Paradox is talking about. Can't talk the talk.

>Build your own store and sell your game on that, then.
They actually did and it didn't work.

i honestly don't feel even a twinge of guilt for pirating an Epic game knowing it's been subsidized by china

Imagine playing Tetris but without the ability to rotate the piece.
Then one day, they release a DLC that allow you to rotate the piece, it's overpriced but it's so convenient, you will just pay for it.
Now Tetris 2 is releasing, the ability to rotate piece is not only absent, because they want to release it later as an overpriced DLC, but some of the piece also disappeared, because you guessed it, they want to release it as DLC later.
This shit is not even exclusive to Imperator Rome, many of their game have things that should be in the base game released as DLC.

Wasn't GamersGate one of the earliest fucking stores alongside Steam? Can't believe they didn't capitalize on that shit like Gaben.

Source, post it faggot. If you don't I will delete your steam account

Hey hey. HoI is mostly fine even if the DLCs still did vastly improved them.

Why not just use how EA handles The Sims series DLC as the example.

>>epic has explicitly stated that their revenue split simply isn't sustainable
He said no such thing.
>Epic adds a payment processing fee to the high-overhead international payment methods marked with asterisks in the hyperlinked chart above because it’s the only practicable way to operate a 12% fee store in those developing countries. Why Valve takes 30% everywhere I do not know.
is what he actually said. The additional charges where applicable are already in place, not something they plan to do in future.

Neither was metro exodus then the devs got bribed to pull the game off of steam.

>the devs
The publishers. The devs had no idea there was such a deal.

Friendly reminder Valve aren't faggots like Epic and refuse to buy exclusivity.

Attached: gaben.jpg (520x690, 127K)

>for the distribution of films on boxed VHS tapes.
>"That was physical. It cost a lot of money," he said.
No, it doesn't. If it was the case I couldn't buy DVDs with old movies on them (that give very little if any revenue to the movie producers) for less than a dollar.
>servers doesn't cost money
>ISP bandwidth doesn't cost money

Lies upon lies by some of the greediest devs out there when it comes to DLCs. Nobody but them would hide UI buttons behind a paywall.

This would have sounded a lot more convincing if it wasn't coming from fucking Parajew.

>what do you think the new generation of kids who play fortnite are?
On console?

Worse. On mobile.


Attached: greedy fucking jews.jpg (638x809, 179K)


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Half of the games Valve owns they didn't develop themselves, they purchased. That's buying exclusivity in a way. If they don't think exclusives are good for consumers why the fuck are all their games Steam exclusive? Gabe is so full of shit.

>30/70 steam revenue split is outrageous but i love paying 70/30 tax income split to pay for Ahmed, his 4 wives, his 19 kids, and their 4 villas

Fuck this fucking paradox swecuck nigger to hell

>chivalry 2 announced EGS only
>Official Chivalry discord gets invaded and shat on so hard they ban hundreds of people in damage control
>New PR manager gets slapped by hundreds of autists combined
>Got butthurt they cant moderate the Chivarly reddit
>The release trailer has over 3:1 dislikes
>Dev team is only 6 members compared to Chivarly 1 team of 20
>40 moderators literally hired on the spot at E3
>A few of them mainly a certain Australian one is associated with the Trannyera & key members of a Melbourne Socialist group
EGS niggers btfo'd. It was rigged from the start

Attached: shillbtfo'd.png (1200x1393, 485K)

I mean can anyone still trust the Chiv devs after Deadly Warrior and god damn Mirage?

>Game is 9 dollars
>DLC is 150 dollars
>This is while its on sale
I wonder how EA will top this

Paradox revenue skyrocketed since they started the ''No discount bigger than 50%, no matter how old the product it'' and the bazillion DLC's policy.
Do you think they would drop it if they were offered a better split?

Pay up goy

Attached: 1558647499022.jpg (581x469, 205K)

Well, my MO for paradox games was always to buy the base game and the DLC

Seems like I'll just have to pirate the base game too now LOL!!!!!

Why the fuck would you buy a paradox game?
Imperator rome is so unbelievably bad i feel regret in pirating it. but you know they're just going to add 30 DLCs to make the game more interesting.

>Game is 9 dollars
Only because they bumped the price before the sale, it's something they did often before Valve told them to cut that shit.
Vanilla CK2 used to be 30€ then the price was raised to 40€ after getting told by Valve.

Deadly Warrior was better than the base game are you insane?
They shot themselves in the ankle twice, one with not updating Chivarly & 2. making Mirage.
'member the dev fiasco they had?
>Age of Chivarly devs worked on Chiv
>Whole team unorganised
>Swap to another engine forced by TB ceo fucked the entire team
>A lot leave
>3/4 of the work resorted to one dude
>He got fired a few months before release because he couldnt take the stress load of the work
>Game release was a disaster (if anyone remembers the buggy release) but playable
>Every map/update after release was a failure

Attached: 1523030067174.png (640x480, 472K)

Based and epicpilled

Wasn't this picture from a touhou game where you had to beat Lunatic mode to unlock your computer.

Attached: Capture2.jpg (1092x261, 24K)

Till the hype for fortnite is over.
We saw how quick PubG died. Or H1Z1.

Yeah the guy made the virus just to see if it could be done

I truly hope that was sarcasm.

I was going to buy Metro until it became exclusive. I regularly buy games.

You fags have been saying that for two years now.


>"That was physical. It cost a lot of money," he said.
Please paradox, go see how well your strategy games will sell without services like workshop support and easy multiplayer hosting.

You blind or something?

Attached: anon plz.jpg (1163x789, 243K)

It has to be, no person woild say that with a straight face.
Also have you noticed that all the games Epic "curated" into their store are games with high publicity on kickstarter .

It's the standard Cryptolocker window, the requirement to unlock your computer could be anything since it had many variant.

it's been 40 euro for over 6 months, they didn't raise the price just before the sale

>"The 70/30 revenue split is outrageous"
someone should tell these fuckers about the 13%/80% shit us real people deal with out in the streets daily

Doesn't surprise me. Epic also thought Maddox was a good name to have as a shill, apparently unaware of what a laughable crybaby joke he turned into. They're absolutely out of touch.

Eh, Fortnite wont die till a better replacement comes along
>Apex = Literal shit
A better game than fortnite has to come along thats F2P & can hold the young teen/eceleb audience.
It would need an entirely new game mode other than BR to make people swap. Some helpers might be tonnes of skins and waifus

Attached: 1560659731415.png (968x758, 331K)

You blind or something?
Reread my post
>it's something they did often before Valve told them to cut that shit.
>Vanilla CK2 used to be 30€ then the price was raised to 40€ after getting told by Valve.
They stopped doing that now but they did it in the past.

Yknow though, its almost like valve hasn't burned their customer base to the ground like most of these studios/publishers have. Strange that people are disinterested in giving publishers more of a cut since it makes no difference to the amount they pay. It is a mystery.

oh no x 4

Attached: Capture.png (638x772, 402K)

I own almost every Paradox game in existence on Steam, with all DLC. I've clocked over 1000 hours on EU4, HoI3 and 4, CK2 and Victoria 2 EACH.
If these dumbasses switch to Epic, I'm gonna pirate vidya for the first time in almost 15 years.

Dumb user. I mean that suddenly something better can snack the audience.
PubG was the hype, noone thought the competitors could kill it. Suddenly Fortnite and it was gone.
I dont say it will happen immediatly to fortnite, but it can be quicker than expected. Since its just FPS with nothing like WoW that makes it a certain specific world.

Thanks, that user thought i mean it dies this month, but didnt understood i said its untouchable.

You're still a shit eating faggot, kys

Disgusting. I hope they do, just so you can suffer, stupid consumerist faggot.

Just in case someone hasnt played CK2 or knows
The base game of CK2 is completely devoid of content. You cant play as any other religion other than the ones in mainland europe so you need the dynasty starter pack just to go through all the content which is locked off as DLC
The royal collection just adds more shit which SHOULD have been in the base game to begin with and some of the DLC is so badly optimized that you're better off modding to remove it

And these fuckers have the nerve to say that they deserve more money

Seething poorfags detected. I have 3 VR headsets too.

I'm not a poorfag, I just don't buy shit I don't need, which is why I'm not a drone like you. Why would I support a company that treats me like a subhuman? You have no backbone.

Paradox are s bunch of kikes.
Remember that even if you bought one of their games, you can still pirate the DLC.

I play all my games, fucko. I'd say 1000 hours is well worth the investment.
And you are most likely a subhuman, if piracy is your default MO.

>paradox interactive
>crying about revenue splits when every game they publish comes with the clause that there will be at least 10+ $10-$30 DLCs if not more.

Paradox is cancer.

kys EA paradox cuck faggot the world has no value in your life going on another second

because paradox has a complete monopoly on their niche market of map painters

>parashitter calling others subhuman

Coming from the kikes who sell updates as dlc this pretty ironic

Attached: image.png (876x572, 482K)

It being so out of place actually got me to crack up a bit.

Seething untermensch

It's not about the hours you put into it, you fucking retard. If I buy a mixer that's four times the price of a normal one and works the, I wouldn't say WELL I USED IT FOR FIVE YEARS IT WAS WORTH IT. No, because that mixer was clearly overpriced trash. Just like Paradox games. I won't support a company like that and, in fact, I hope they go fucking under. Someone else will rise to fill the void. Fuck them and fuck you for supporting them, you absolute spineless consumerist whore. I bet you're one of those fuckheads that buys cards on Steam and levels up and shit too. It's always those types that justify dumping money on schemes like these and gacha. Eat shit faggot.
So? Just pirate their games. They're going to get the point sooner or later, or they're going to die and someone else will take over instead that has learned the lesson. I legitimately don't get this grievance. It's especially weird because these types of games don't even benefit from having newer graphics or whatever - in fact, most of them that I've played have been way worse than older games from the '90s and early 2000s. I can't think of a single reason to buy one.

If this shits so easy and cheap why doesn’t Epic do it?


pirating their dlc fucks your game up if it knows that you're playing from a cracked copy. Also those games are for people who are heavily invested in history and really just want to see that history unfold infront of them as a simulation, but also provide the sandbox to appease the alternative history hypotheticals.

the newer ones look alright

Attached: hungary eu4.png (1920x1080, 3.59M)

$200+ for full eu4 with dozen of dlcs and other games is outrageous.

>buying paradox DLC

>pirating their dlc fucks your game up if it knows that you're playing from a cracked copy.


>all those fuckin forts
for what purpose

good, i hope they'll fuck off to epic store and take all their dlcs with them

the amount of DLC in your games already is

Pc slaves are pathetic

dlc knows if you're playing on an older version of the game since the new EU laws

No wonder, the amount of russians that are VACd daily, they'd need to buy games multiple times just to keep playing.

they keep the AI place while i siege out minors

oh look it's another episode of "publishers fighting retailers and hurting their developers as a result"

Good riddance. No one with any amount of self respect can be tricked into buying their games on Steam again only to find that they have $250 worth of DLC

Who the fuck cares about modern Paradox shit? Their games are designed to make brainlets feel smart and buy more DLC.

I'm tired of seeing this meme. It's not going to happen. Do you have any idea how much Epic is worth? How much money fortnite makes?

Let me give you a hint. It's in the multiple BILLIONS. They aren't going to run out at $3m a game anytime soon.

Attached: sponge.jpg (363x421, 23K)

You can play Portal, TF2 & CS on console lmao

>>"That was physical. It cost a lot of money," he said.
>>"This doesn't cost anything.
His shit games aren't physical either, is he asserting it didnt cost anything and he should give them for free? Seriously I would understand if such a retarded statement came from some tech illiterate old carpenter from a different generation, but for someone who makes video games to claim "it doesn't cost anything because it's not physical " on someone else? Fuck that faggot.

>You faggots would have pirated their games regardless.
lets be real here, prove it.

t. company with outrageous DLC policy

>Sweeney has publicly stated that it will abandon its exclusives strategy if Valve changes Steam's revenue share to offer developers a more favourable deal.

and nobody actually believes that.

nope, maybe 15 years ago, but not now

the only game I've pirated in years was metro exodus, which I was planning to buy before they pulled the rug out from under us
it also saved me money, because that game was honestly so fucking short and contrary to what made the series unique in the past

>the jew cries out in pain as he hits you

Do you have any idea how businesses work? If board members and shareholders see that the YoY revenue and profits are way down, they are going to be much less likely to throw money into a pit in a half-assed attempt to kill Steam. Sweeney is the most hated man in gaming right now and his autistic rants have done nothing to to help the platform.

People were down on Steam and public opinion of Gaben and Valve was declining over time. This is the best PR Valve has had in years and they didn't have to say anything, do anything, or pay a cent.

>paradox calling anyone's business practices outrageous
Oh boy, I can't wait to buy another full priced "game" that's just a skeleton with all its features stripped out so they can resold to me over the course of the next 2 years as hundreds of dollars of DLC!

Behind every jew is a swede.

Attached: der ewige swede paradox.jpg (495x738, 129K)

Correct, I pirate Paradox games because of how fucked their DLC policy is.

>Sweeney is the most hated man in gaming right now
I think you vastly overestimate how many people are Valve fanboys. I remember when you retards were saying Origin was going to kill EA because nobody would ever buy games on PC on any platform except Steam. No such thing happened. Origin exclusive games are routinely top sellers.

>this doesn't cost anything
Uh huh

>Origin exclusive games are routinely top sellers
People fall for the same shit with EA.

>I think you vastly overestimate how many people are Valve fanboys.
Don't even need to be fanboys of Valve really. I work with some of the most braindead normie ""gamers"" and even they know what an unlikeable cunt Sweeney is.

You're super wrong. Now that I (and likely much of Yea Forums) have a job and gf absorbing so much of my time I will literally buy games just because I don't want to spend the time to pirate games. The free time I have is precious and I don't want to spend it fucking with keygens, dll's, filling my external to the brim with shit, etc.

Piracy is experiencing a Renaissance right now due to the decline of Netflix and EGS, this is a fact, not an opinion. Bittorrent usage was in a slow decline for years but surged back in the past year or so.

Just fuck Paradox. They are the greediest developers of all so they pair up quite well with EGS. Doesn't matter though, just pirate their games.

Typing code doesn't cost anything either!

Maddox did it FOR FREE as clickbait for his collapsed site in the year 2006+13.
He's also been legally defined as a cukold.
Anthony Burch met his match in Maddox, and he can thank god at least he's not that guy.

If they have an opinion of Sweeney at all then they aren't "normies". This is inside baseball bullshit. No casual gives a fuck about whatever third party piece of shit they have to install to run a game. It's all the same crap to them.

EA exclusive games do very well on console, but they're pretty poor on PC. Google most of their multiplayer games and you'll find people hesitant to buy it because they don't know whether there's a decently active playerbase or not.

instant pirate

>The free time I have is precious and I don't want to spend it fucking with keygens, dll's, filling my external to the brim with shit, etc.
Bro, are you posting from 2005?

And this makes buying from Epic better because..?

>When the competition is low, the platform holder can get a big share of the pie; as competition increases, they need to lower their part of the pie
Same retarded logic as Sweeney uses. Competition is about the consumer, not the publisher. Consumers decide where a game will sell more, not publishers, no matter how hard they try.

I get it, it's funny because 70% of the price of a complete Paradox game is three times the retail of everything else on the market

Attached: disgusting.jpg (492x479, 33K)

This is why I'll never buy a Paradox game knowingly again. Stellaris is right up my alley, but eternal DLC releases aren't.

>waaa we want more money
fuck these kikes

>Stellaris is right up my alley
you think it is, but I doubt garbage is up your alley

>Competition is about the consumer, not the publisher.
It's about both.

What you retards never seem to understand is the market is made up of compromises on the part of both the seller AND the buyer. The consumers don't get to dictate the terms anymore than the publishers do.

This. Indie devs cry that their game gets lost in a wave of shit, not realising that's exactly where their game belongs. They still think using Steam as advertisement is enough in an oversaturated market. You need to fucking stand out. Market your game somehow. Word of mouth, make an ad, do SOMETHING. But no, they just release on Steam and think that'll be enough.

>one of the most ultra jew companies on the market
>sell barebones games and fleece people out of their money with retarded amounts of dlcs
>some dlcs pretty much break the fucking game
>some dlcs are pretty much mandatory
>"why yes, this cut a store gets is WAAAY too much and it's totally not because we're greedy jews and want more money, it's all because we're worried for the market!"
fuck right off you greedy cunts

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They literally have their own store and complain about Steam's cut and applaud Epic? Jesus fuck how transparant can you be. They just literally got offered a shit ton of money.

Rich coming from Paradox that tack on $300 of DLC to their games

Attached: 1561609977125.jpg (458x522, 35K)

What YOU don't seem to understand is that consumers are the ones paying their bills, not publishers. They can do whatever they want, if the consumers don't want it, it wont do anything

>"That was physical. It cost a lot of money. This doesn't cost anything."
>Building up and maintaining the infrastructure necessary for processing 15 billion gigabytes of data last year, literally more data than was contained on the entire internet when the service launched in 2003, didn't cost Valve anything

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what? does that mean you won't get new eu4/ck2 dlc on steam anymore?

And if the consumers' demands are not reasonable then nobody is going to sell them anything. Consumers don't rule the market. It doesn't work that way. Some markets are more a sellers markets and some markets are more a buyers market but there's always some compromise with both parties. Games is actually probably more of a sellers market than a buyers market. Gamers whine and whine but they always fucking cave in the end. The market knows this. It's why they keep taking miles every time you retards give an inch. We've been down this road before. It was called Steam.

You'd be right if the market wasn't this oversaturated. If consumers disagree with a publisher or company, like with Epic, there will be a different one to capitalize on their mistakes by giving the consumers what they want.

The supply is bigger than the demand, so yes consumers dictate the terms a lot more.
>Nobody will sell them anything
Wrong, there will be someone who capitalizes on the market by giving them what they want.

keep coping

Paradox is far too greedy to ever give up revenue streams. They're probably just trying to throw their weight around so Valve will give them a better deal. Valve will inevitably call their bluff, though.

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No, the supply is not bigger than the demand. Gamers don't want any old games. That want very specific games. The people who make those specific games get to set the terms. Valve, for example, decided everyone who wanted to play Half Life 2 was going to install Steam. You didn't have a choice. At the time everyone fucking hated the idea of installing Steam. It was a massive greedy piece of shit DRM software that didn't do a lot but hinder performance. And yet here we are today with people praising the shit out of Steam and defending it against a competitor. This is what I'm talking about. The gaming market is made up of retards.

>Consumers don't rule the market. It doesn't work that way.
Thank you user this is the most retarded post I've seen on Yea Forums all year

>Steam is drowning in shovelware and every PC game is available to anyone with an internet connection, legally or otherwise
>Publishers who won't yield to demand will just magically stay in business and not get left behind as consumers turn to thousands of alternatives

>the GAMERS will just buy any slop they're presented with for the sake of it
>the same GAMERS have no right to complain because they pirate everything
how do you people tie yourselves in knots like this

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>yet here we are today with people praising the shit out of Steam and defending it against a competitor
almost like Steam is a very different service today than it was in two thousand fucking three and it's "competitor" provides an objectively worse service in every area and "competes" by purchasing third-party exclusivity which is immediately detrimental to consumer interest

>This doesn't cost anything.

>high-bandwidth DLs regardless of location in the world
>cloud saves, screenshots
>workshop available to all users, including creators, for free
>Epic has basically (literally?) none of this
This guy's an actual fucking idiot

>steam is too overcrowded for new games for them to compete

What the fuck does that mean? It's a fucking digital store, not physical. Your game isn't on the top shelf of the 15255th floor at the Steam Mega-Store. If your game isn't selling well there's two things, either your game is trash or there was a lack of marketing, which word of mouth will usually fix that in time.

Dismissing a market of 90 million active users for Epic which probably doesn't even have 5% of it is so retarded that only swedes would think it is a good idea.

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You completely missed the point. Steam didn't get a foothold on the market by being a great piece of software everyone loves. It got a foothold because it was a requirement in order to play a popular game. It didn't matter the consumers didn't want it. Valve set the terms and the market yielded. And they now we accept it. Software like Steam is "just the way gaming on PC works now." Anyone who thinks the gaming market is a buyers market is a retard. If it was it wouldn't be in the state it is today.

He'd only be an idiot if he actually believed what he was saying

It's true, none of that shit costs much of anything, sure as fuck doesn't cost a third of every game ever sold via steam. Most of it were just features slowly rolled out over the course of FOURTEEN YEARS. Caps for emphasis because apparently some people are so fucking stupid they think steam was always as tolerable as it is now.

Valve had the opportunity to set the terms because they more or less created the market.
Your argument is based on the premise that the market conditions for online gaming/publishing are the same today as they were almost twenty years ago and it doesn't take an economist to understand how that's completely idiotic.

Price of bandwidth, storage and compute goes down every year.
Price of labor has probably increased but you need less of it because better automation for managing servers and development.

What the fuck are you talking about? Valve did not invent video games. Steam was barely a fucking store at that point. It was just bloated DRM. Think of all the shit that is in video games these days that ostensibly everyone hates. Always online, DLC and microtransaction nickel and diming, early access, paid online for consoles, denuvo, etc., etc. This endless list of shit everyone claimed the consumers would NEVER stand for. In reality, the consumers caved. Because video games is a sellers market. You guys will keep giving inches and they will keep taking miles. They've been doing it for decades.

>Consumers don't rule the market. It doesn't work that way
Nigger what? Tim Sweeney is one of the few that can say that because he has a triple whammy of Unreal money, black market Chinese yuan, and Fortnite money. And like EA with FIFA and Madden.

Unless you have a near-infallible and irreplaceable source of income or normie power, the consumer matters a shit ton.

I boycotted Steam for 9 years until Steam was in a semi-decent state I could somewhat tolerate. If Timmy Tim Tam wants to play the waiting game he's free to. It took Gaben almost 10 years to get me to move to Steam, I'd like to see how long Epic can try for.

Cringe Steam drones think EGS won't ever get updates - what do they think Unreal Engine is? One of the most used and best supported engines

What is Source? Abandoned shit nobody uses anymore.

Steam does absolutely nothing to warrant 30% cut. This is a fact.

If devs don't want to pay the cut they can sell their game somewhere else.

I'm socially disconnected from whatever people are watching these days, but the whole exclusivity deal with Shenmue, Metro and Phoenix was blown out of proportion by Sweeney and his autistic tweets, and every single game channel pick up, everyone who is interested in video game knows about EGS and Sweeney faggotory these days.

Yes, which is why EGS exists

For the longest time, you could only sell your games on GOG which still took 30% and offered no features like Steam at least had

You didn't boycott Steam. You just didn't use it until that meant giving up on playing 90% of PC games. That is basically the choice these days. Use Steam or don't play the vast majority of PC games. Tell me again about how it's a buyers market.

This is tiresome.

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Devs are already allowed to sell steam keys they generate on their own which don't have a 30% cut valve but they're just a bunch of kike shills looking for as much money as they can get

>Use Steam or don't play the vast majority of PC games.

Then a Steam drone will say "BUY KEYS OFF HUMBLE BUNDLE OR GREEN MAN!!!1"

Yes, keys that lead you right back to Steam.

Sites like GMG and Humble still take the usual 30% you retarded nigger

What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with engines.

To this day I have yet to play Portal or Half Life though, I still haven't played them out of spite. I moved to Steam because of stuff like cloud saves and the workshop and when their offline mode finally worked.

You literally have nothing to base that off of besides Timmy Tencent saying so.

Repeatedly told by people NOT running their own store and if running one not having even the fraction of services Valve/Steam provides.

>keys that lead you right back to Steam.

Valve don't make any money off of key activations, so what difference does it make to you?

>What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with engines.

Neither did Valve when Steam first started, who were only known for selling multiplayer mods

>Sites like GMG and Humble still take the usual 30% you retarded nigger
Then sell it on your own website.
Why more devs don't have their own when even games made by a few slavs can I don't know.

steamcucks should pay more if they absolutely must use steam :)

The point is not wanting to use Steam

Running your own store is a hassle

EGS is best of both words, better cut and not having to do the work

>Devs are already allowed to sell steam keys they generate on their own which don't have a 30% cut valve
That's not unconditional. Valve only lets you generate keys freely for as long as the game is profitable for Valve. If it ever gets to the point where Valve is not making money from your game they don't allow you to have keys anymore and all sales will have to go through Valve so they can take their cut.

Have you ever hosted a server? Oh wait it's 2019 and you don't have to just ask Microsoft or Amazon how much it costs: fuck all.

But what difference does it make to you? Epicunts are all BUT IT'S JUST A DIFFERENT ICON YOU HAVE TO CLICK ON why can't you click on steam?

Reminder that publishing a game on steam means instantly putting it in front of millions of players' screens overnight and that alone is worth an incalculably large amount of marketing.

EGS takes less. Remind me how many people use it as their main store (or for anything that isn't exclusive) again?


>EGS is best of both words
Too bad none of that money is going to me. Fuck the developers, if they want to force me to use shit I don't want just for more money I'll just pirate.

>implying any of that extra cut goes to the developers who work on the games instead of the jewish suits
Fuck off greedy kikes, don't you have more DLC you should be pushing?

AWS costs quite a lot more than you think dumb nigger, especially with the amount of traffic valve gets. I don't think they even use either of them.

>I'll just pirate.

Thankfully the latest Denuvo variant is cucking you guys hard

desu if devs were smart they'd permanently discount games on EGS by half of the revshare difference between it and Steam

then there would be an actual reason to shop there

with physical retail it was reversed, actually many times the developer got less than 30% after the publisher and retailer took their cut

>>implying any of that extra cut goes to the developers who work on the games instead of the jewish suits
>Fuck off greedy kikes, don't you have more DLC you should be pushing?

You're probably right about Paradox, but I don't know their employee bonus situation.

As for most other games, especially indies? They absolutely do get that bonus - Shakedown Hawaii is made and published by one person, the Epic Store deal gave him the best deal possible

Attached: shakedown steam.jpg (1469x878, 362K)

>This doesnt cost anything

fucking clueless idiot.

It'd be used to fund games. Valve doesn't even do anything

>acts paradoxical
Really makes you think.

>he doesn't know

I follow the pirate scene and believe me, the recent Denuvo fix was for an older variant

>it'd be used to fluff up the CEO's retirement fund


I pirated some Paradox DLC in the last year because I hate their policies and I had to fuck with a bunch of dll's and I pirated No One Lives Forever last week because it's trapped in copyright hell and I had to use a keygen.

>being this naive
don't tell me all those tv ads with starving african kids make you think all that money actually goes to african kids?

>single handly revitalized pc gaming and created market of pc gaming we know today
who are you trying to convince steam did nothing
epic run away like bitches and now comes back and whats the cut from a work they didnt do

Paradox is the last company I would ever listen to in this matter. All they do is peddle broken shit with hundreds of dollars worth of DLC that breaks their games even more.

Oh, goodness me, the CEO of Paradox can only afford a 20.5 foot tall yatch instead of a 22 one! How evil from Valve!

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>Paradox thinks they aren't getting more than enough money
Kill all Swedes, please.

>be BR poorfag
>not have to care about this store drama because you mostly pirate everything anyway