Spider-Man was one of the best games of 2018 but Yea Forums only hates it because it's a Sony exclusive

Spider-Man was one of the best games of 2018 but Yea Forums only hates it because it's a Sony exclusive

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i cannot say if it was good or bad because i didn't play it

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Actually I hate it because it's capeshit

Yeah it was fucking great. Actually, I've been looking for a reason to use my living room and I never tried the dlc

But Spider-Man doesn’t wear a cape

go back

It was based because it exposed Yea Forums as brainlets.

the fuck is wrong with her face?

You first, James (You)niverse

funny but r*ddit seems to be the hub for capeshit loving man children.

It’s definitely one of my favourite Spider-Man stories and I enjoyed the combat a lot more than I thought I would. Yeah it was definitely one of the best games of last year.

Dlc was a good story too. Well worth playing through.

Spider-Woman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spider-Man


It was pretty good, but not in the Top 3. Definitely Top 5 though.

Last Stand best suit.

>one of the best games of 2018
That's not saying much.

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no, i hate it because it was prioritized over a new ratchet and clank game

They basically nailed all of the gameplay aspects of playing as Spider-Man but it ends up being a lame Ubisoft style open world that totally lacks character.
The characters are interesting enough but the only interesting story moments occur between Spidey and Ock.

you sure do get around

I'm thinking of getting it, but I'm unsure. I somewhat enjoyed the 3 mainline BamHam games, but I wasn't all over it, and I especially didn't approve of the mindless as hell combat.
How does this game compare? Is the combat better than in bamham?

Honestly, it looks like a typical AAA checklist ticker brainless semi-fake open world game. I'm sure it's fun but can't justify full price, can't even justify 50% off. Maybe I will get it on a deep deep sale, unless I'm convinced the combat actually is a lot more fun and deep than bamham.

based doomer zoomer

You're probably thinking of Batman. He wears a cape.

>but Yea Forums only hates it because it's a Sony exclusive
You do realize that this is plenty of reason to hate it? Sony is the only company actively against multiplatform gaming and they constantly snag actually good titles to be exclusives. People hate the fact that it was an exclusive. Not the game itself.

you sure that's asian?

The combat is a tad more varied in that it's more aerobatic and you have more gadgets and environmental throwables but it's more or less the same.
The Batman Arkham series are better open world games overall though.
Spider-Man for the PS4 feels like Sony and Marvel told Insomniac to make a generic open world game.

It’s been on sale multiple times since release.

Combat is a mix of Arkham, devil may cry, and yakuza I would say. Much better than the Arkham games but not amazing. Costumes are cool too.

Sony owns Spider-Man in everything but the comics though

Even after all this time on the internet, there exists old weird shit I have not seen. That's a comforting thought.

more like Rosh Penis amirite?

That doesn't change anything.

it does because he's a Sony property so he stays on a Sony system hell the PS3 had the stupid Spider-Man font

>capeshit openworld video game
>best game

unironically go back

>hurrr ive seen everything on the internet

And people will still hate it for being an exclusive. Doesn't change anything.

He’s also on the switch in ultimate alliance 3.

People hate the game because it's a sony exclusive

The combat is much more fun than BamHam in my opinion. The open-world is beautifully made, and has lots of cool collectables like the backpacks. Game is an easy Platinum too.

different license

>devil may cry, and yakuza

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Maybe just play the game to see what I mean.

as opposed to Yea Forums being the hub to contrarian capeshit-hating manchildren?

Thanks, that sounds good. I'll probably get it then eventually.

I have. Twice, and Platinum'd it.
I don't see either of this games in it.

Asian + surgeries + makeup + photoshop = OP's picture

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If it was a Nintendo exclusive people would still hate it but the hate would be lost in the sea of nintendr*ne flood. If it was a Microsoft exclusive it would be on the PC as well so there'd be no reason to hate it.

Yeah yet you don't bitch when zelda or halo don't get ported to other consoles. Fucking hypocrites. You're sour purely at the fact that Sony is winning and absolutely demolishing your asses.

That’s because your a stupid

I think Yea Forums has its fair share of capeshit loving manchildren too on Yea Forums and Yea Forums.

>it’s only okay if it’s on PC.

Except I do. I bitch when something isn't on the PC. The difference is that I don't really care for Nintendo titles.

>If it was a Nintendo exclusive people would still hate it but the hate would be lost in the sea of nintendr*ne flood.
This is so accurate it hurts.

Explain how it's anything like either series then, Mr. Illiterate.

i dont hate it


I went to Yea Forums one time and within seconds got the ending of Far From Home spoiled. Didn't even click a thread. Right there in the catalog, untagged.
What the fuck is wrong with that board?

India is full of surprises:


Did you like Turkish Star Wars?


wait. you're telling me that women, in the year of our lord two thousand nineteen, use duplicitous means to alter and enhance their appearance? how long has this been going on? do the feds know?

PC is the best gaming platform so all games should be on it. And they eventually will in the form of emulation if nothing else.

the combat is absolutely nothing like either of those games

>sony game gets ported
>sony game stays exclusive

Just admit you anti-sony shills are hypocritical retards and just want to bash sony and can't handle fact that sony's winning.

>he fell into ny bait

That's not a woman, and learn English, you goddamn fucking retard.

I’m glad the game sold well because it’s a very solid action game.

OP's pic shows once again: Everything is better with tits even boys

I don't hate it, I've never played it. I do hate Sony, though.

I even own a ps4 pro. The games just run so bad on it that I don't bother anymore.

there was literally nothing wrong with his sentence you esl retard

>his sentence
Stop talking about yourself in third person, spic. Now fuck off to your ESL classes.

You're full of shit.

There was literally nothing wrong with it.

more like politically correct-boy
come back when you grow and play more involving stories

point out the error then moron

Not him, but how do you fall for bait that hard? Jesus Christ...

Nah. That’s a woman.

>just pretending lmao

Fuck off.

Who cares when Asian women look like Asian men. You'd only know their gender based on their clothes, make uo and hair length.

She isn't asian, she is white but wants to be a hentai girl. Lilith Petite from chaturbate.

>he fell for it now he is seething

How does it feel to have an IQ in the double digits?

spider-man doesn't have cape tho

Attached: sure bud.jpg (1408x532, 294K)

>posts ds4 anyone can buy
>see! i totally have a ps4 pro!

How come Yea Forums never shut the fucks up about Bloodborne then?
It's shit get over it.

had to watch a video of her
what in the world is wrong with her

I saw some gameplay videos that had spiderman moonswinging so I decided not to buy the game.
I'll get it when it's cheap.

Samething as trannies and fur fags. Want to be something they aren't. All I can say is at least fur fags don't have surgeries to look like animals...yet.

looks like a real doll

Wrong, Yea Forums hates it because its not exactly the same as the ps2 game.

It was a worse version of Gravity Rush 2 though.

You don't need to ask.

Those hands are HUGE


Good bait.
Solid 8/10.
Proud of you, son.

Because I know you're too much of a retard to give an answer?

Not true. I liked god of war but found Spiderman really boring.

You're making this hard for me.

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You write like a little bitch.
I bet you kiss girls, faggot.

Gonna need some sauce on this girl, OP.

never mind


It's a girl not a tranny. It's hilarious seeing CDPR and nintendo shills call her a tranny cause they're seething while literally promoting trannypunk 2020

>that handwriting

you must be 18 to post here

Haha anyone got link to her paid videos? haha

>Memes > gameplay

>proved you shits wrong so now you're making fun of my writing
The pen was all dried up so it was hard to write. I pretty much never write by hand anymore. Tried to make it readable but my shitty phone's camera couldn't deal with the black and white.

Anyway, I've been considering selling it since it's so useless. Would make sense to sell it while I can still get a decent price for it.

>buys a console and complains game run bad

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Who cares. Everybody could see the twist and ending coming from a mile away.

this, capeshit fans are a tumor

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Do you see those trips? Of course he's special. Any post with trips or above is automatically correct, no questions asked.

It's a decent 6/10 game. Owes literally everything it does to Arkham games.

>She isn't petite

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She looks half asian half latina to me. Not white.

Neither did 90+ million ps4 owners. I always loved the idea of NYC growing up in a small town in Australia and loved looking at all the buildings in marvel comics set there so if I do get a 2nd hand ps4 it'll be for spoderman, Tsushima, zone of the enders and maybe a couple others.

it also gets hate because it's Marvel
the DCucks are still ASSBLASTED about their cinematic universe flopping

>Hmpf. I'm too good for capeshit.

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I don't think it works that way. DCucks don't hate Marvel because the DC movies sucked, that has nothing to do with Marvel. They hate DC themselves for fucking it all up.

Those who hate on Marvel hate it simply because it's capeshit, and they are tired of cinema being taken over by this childish crap, which is fair and completely understandable.

>Hmpf. I'm too good for capeshit.
This, but unironically. Fuck capeshit.

>She is white
>Brown nipples
>She is white

>Spider-Man was one of the best games of 2018 but Yea Forums only hates it because it's a Sony exclusive
>B-But Yea Forums
Fuck off reddit. It was only hated because it was one those shits Sony shown trailers for 2 years straight as incoming new games. It not bad but far from GOTY


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You're on a board for children's toys.

And? Capeshit is still below me.

this video always cracks me up

No. Same level, user. I know you liked Guardians.

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I own every exclusive, even days gone which is fantastic but i dont own spiderfag becouse its a fucking spiderman game.

You seriously telling me you dont want to face fuck dat face?

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time to go back

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spiderman doesn't even have a cape in this game

That doesn't make spiderman somehow not capeshit, retard. You know what he meant.

capeshit is just a buzzword used by contrarian retards

New costumes coming to the game as soon as today.

Enjoy :)

>is capeshit because is a sony game
>tendies go apeshit with the marvel game on the switch


t. tourist

Capeshit is a good term to describe this kind of soulless entertainment created for 20 year old manchildren.

How is it meaningless? Only triggered capeshit fans can find any ambiguity, and even they only when they are reaching as hard as they can, like the spiderman example.

I bet you think green book deserves a game more than Spider-Man you contrarian dipshit.

>how is a made-up term to generalize meaningless


>no argument
Thanks for confirming you are a triggered capeshit fan then.

forearm strength of three year old girl

where can I get a based soihating cat?

That cat is based as fuck.

I don't like capeshit, I just enjoyed this particular game, and hate ovsrused buzzwords.


let's see your handwriting then

Overused, maybe. Buzzword? In this case, no. The meaning is quite clear.
Ironically, your usage of "buzzword" is more of a buzzword than "capeshit" is.

No, it's a fucking made up buzzword through and through.

All words are made up, user.

Go back to Yea Forums

He doesn't wear a cape tho.

It's literally a buzzword that originated from Yea Forums.

It was a paint by numbers open world third person action stealth game.

We've seen a hundred of these already since bamham and asscreed came out ten years ago, I'm not going to pretend this one is anything special because OMG CAPESHIT

New costumes being patched in today.

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>Lilith Petite

These pictures of her are smokin hot.

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>she is white
kek, no she isn't.

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>stealth game

It has stealth segments, but it's not a stealth game.

To be fair, Yea Forums spoils things on day one too, whether it’s games or not.

>balloon tits
yikes. flat would be better than that

How wow, costumes, I sure do love playing Barbie on my video-game console.

Holy fucking based

It is probably the most generic, safe, focus tested game I have ever played. It had no glaring flaws, but it didn't do or even try anything new or exciting. It was just a bland open world with ubisoft style collections, and a spiderman skin.

Most of Insomniac's Games have that feel.

Outside of the first spyro I think the only thing I played from them was song of the deep.

I played it
It is forgettable

With that in mind, now you realize why all the PS3 era Ratchet and Clanks were panned by the fans.
Insomniac hasn't nailed game feel in generations.
Maybe they did with Sunset Overdrive but I never played that either so eh.