A MyAnimeList for video games exists, why aren't you using it Yea Forums?

A MyAnimeList for video games exists, why aren't you using it Yea Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-02 Track your game collection and backlog with Grouvee.png (1462x458, 90K)

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I don't care about playing games enough to document it

I can't think of anything sadder than tracking what shows you've watched. Do people not have memories anymore? I can think back on something I watched 15 years ago and remember what I thought about it at the time.

>create a backlog category on steam
>add anything you haven't finished yet
I just made your website obsolete, so what's the next step of your master plan?

> > grouvee.com/games/top/
> A MAL clone has horrible taste
Color my surprise

I used to have excel file to track which episodes I already saw but now Plex does that for me

If I know it'll take me a while to get through something, I just use the low, med, and high toggles for priority in uTorrent to remember which episode I was on.

>a social media site is used by normalfags

for me it's the backloggery

I've played so many video games that it would take the better part of a day to complete and I got shit to do, like play more video games.

its about showing them online.

Attached: Xbawks2.png (2920x1875, 3.9M)

>not using glitchwave instead

Let me guess they bootlick every popular game just like as myanimelist bootlicks every popular anime?

What's wrong with Howlongtobeat?

I'm using an excel file and don't really feel like using an online platform for that. Even though I do use MAL. I don't know.

What do you expect? It's social media. It's made by normalfags for normalfags.

>dO YoU GuYZ nOT hAVe bRAinZ
somebody is projecting his low IQ insecurities

I think it's more because they think strangers give a shit/ use it to back up their shitty reviews. Doubt anyone uses it for memory.

If I don't remember having played a game then it wasn't worth my time, no need to keep track. If the experience of playing it isn't memorable then it's probably shit

Attached: ### cat.gif (320x305, 1.84M)

I wish I could use it. When the fuck is the next open beta?

Sounds like peak zoomer.


when is the app coming? I'll use it but only on my phone kek

I watch more anime than I play games and I don't use MAL. Why would I use this shit?

Yeah, dude, just let me perfectly memorize my 650 MAL entries.

I have autism so it feels better ot organize things. shit like Mal not only shows me what shows I've watched in mass (because some shows really are that forgettable that you won't be able to recall) but it allows me to remember exactly what date i started watching and watch date i finished.

I just use exophase it's less autistic

Why the fuck would you need to memorise them? Do you seriously measure your E-dick by the number of shows you've finished?

not him but yes.

No, I just want to fucking remember them. Nobody actually looks at my MAL ever.
Also it lets me recommend things that I may fail to grab off the top of my head.
>but are those even worth recommending then
Yes. Yes, they are.

> 1. BOTW
> 2. Witcher 3
> 3. TLOU
> 4. Portal 2
> 5. Boy of War
> 6. C.Trigger
> 7. OOT
> 8. MGS3
> 9. ME2
> 10. Persona 5
> 11. SMO
> 12. SMW
> 13. Persona 4
> 14. Portal
> 15. MGS1
> 16. FF6
> 17. Bloodborne
> 18. W.Waker
> 19. ALTTP
> 20. S.Metroid
> 21. Uncharted 4
> 22. SOTC
> 23. OOT 3D
> 24. SOTN
> 25. WW HD
> 26. PKM: Gold/Silver
> 27. H-Life 2
> 28. RDR1
> 29. PKM: HG/SS
> 30. SM64
> 31. SMB3
> 32. FF7
> 33. Majora Mask
> 34. MGS2
> 35. Uncharted 2
> 36. PM: TTYD
> 37. Dark Souls
> 38. Silent Hill 2
> 39. KOTOR
> 40. SSB:Ultimate
> 41. Trials/Tribulations
> 42. FF9
> 43. SSB: Melee
> 44. Galaxy 2
> 45. ALBW
> 46. N.Automata
> 47. RDR2
> 48. Dark Souls 3
> 49. Galaxy
> 50. PKM: R/B/Y
> 51. KH2 FM
> 52. Horizon Z.Dawn
> 53. PKM: Crystal
> 54. RE4
> 55. Majora Mask 3D
> 56. GTA V
> 57. Spider-Man
> 58. FE: Awakening
> 59. Persona 3
> 60. Journey
> 61. M.Island 2
> 62. Frozen Throne
> 63. Skyrim
> 64. Bioshock
> 65. M.Kart 8 Deluxe
> 66. EarthBound
> 67. Metroid Prime
> 68. Diablo II
> 69. Planescape
> 70. H.Knight
> 71. Ace Attorney
> 72. Deus Ex
> 73. BG2: SoA
> 74. HL2: Episode 2
> 75. Celeste
> 76. MOTHER 3
> 77. Okami
> 78. Telltale TWD S1
> 79. Persona 3: Portable
> 80. Ghost Trick
> 81. ICO

> 82. M.Island 3
> 83. HOM&M3
> 84. M.Island 1
> 85. Ori/Blind Forest
> 86. Wc3: Reign of Chaos
> 87. Arkham Asylum
> 88. Undertale
> 89. Stardew Valley
> 90. PKM: Emerald
> 91. INSIDE
> 92. Z.Escape VTR
> 93. Link's Awakening
> 94. New Vegas
> 95. FireRed/Leaf Green
> 96. Paper Mario 64
> 97. Fallout 2
> 98. Mega Man X
> 99. Danganronpa 2
> 100. StarCraft Brood War

I'm not using shitanimegay either because last time I did they shut down for a fucking year. Fuck em, it's excel sheets for me from now on.

Because MAL is fucking cancer.

idk, I guess I remember just fine and don't need other people to know anything about my life, id be on Facebook if I cared about that

I only use mal for myself since I’ve watched a lot of shitty anime over the years and some of it is pretty forgettable. I don’t show off my list for epeen points or anything like that. Honestly the nicest feature of mal is getting an email when a new season or ova or whatever gets announced ages after the original aired. I’m not very good at keeping track of anime announcements so that’s pretty helpful. Except for the time it emailed me to inform me about a collaboration commercial between wolf children and some stew, especially when it had aired like 6 years prior, but someone just made a mal listing for it. That was a really bizzare email to receive

Attached: AD71B75D-3A21-4005-9BB6-578497707E7E.jpg (640x840, 232K)

> The Witcher 3
> God of War
Is this the mount rushmore of overrated games?

Why would you want to remember a forgettable product?

I do not watch anime or TV shows that often, but I like MAL because you can make a list of thing that you want to watch in the future. It has some good features.

> 80. Ghost Trick
Hell yeah

and this is what you call "out of touch"

> Yea Forums constantly cries about how "Iconic & popular" doom is
> Doesn't even make the top 100 when other PC games do
Boomers BTFO'd yet again

I do, my memory is terrible. It's nice being able to check AniDB before watching an anime to see if I've already watched it.

it actually helps motivate me to finish games. it's like a cookie clicker.
no it doesn't feel like work.

Because I only play games on PS4. Nothing on pc are worth my time =)

Doom is iconic among people who were actually old enough & owned a PC when it came out, anyone else grew up not knowing what it is

>Halo has become so irrelevant it's not even in the top 100 on a site for normalfags


I've watched a few dozen of them since I started two and a half years ago, and sometimes I do forget one of them, so recently I wrote them all down as a reminder. I also wrote down which ones I rewatched with my mum.

That said, I didn't use MAL, I just put it in a text file.