How are you enjoying Nazjatar Yea Forums?
WOW Nazjatar
im not im enjoying Kinobringers instead
Mechagon - soul
Naztajar - soulless
Do you not like rares hunting?
Everyone I knew who played the game quit, with no friends left to play I unsubbed because what's the point with no community.
dropped the game
not worth going back for that grindfest
Wasn't Wow always a grindfest though?
I don't understand this grind complaint.
Even in classic you were collecting resources before raids. Went to them over and over again until you would've gotten the desired thing.
Yet BfA is a grindfest.
im glad i'll be able to fly tomorrow
No one has any clue what they are complaining about any more, they just know they are supposed to complain. They say there's nothing to do in retail end game but say they can't wait for classic. Nazjatar is similar to Argus, it's pretty good and gives me plenty to work towards, Mechagon is the best end game since since the timeless isle.