>non-Japanese men try to do anime girls
>they constantly swear
>they brag about their sexual partners
Why do they always do this?
Non-Japanese men try to do anime girls
Normal western men usually don't find doormat prudes attractive
so they like used up whores?
no wonder
It’s not prudish women men want, they want women that are humble and aren’t whores
Men want naive, feminine and shy girls
They don't want shitty men
>is this extremum wrong
>no it's this extremum that's wrong
this is why nobody likes you two
Japanese woman fuck more man then western woman.
In this one particular case it's because it takes place in a degenerate cyberpunk world. If she acted like a moe anime girl in that setting it would have been awful and laughable.
True, there's nothing in between. Not a single moderate option.
The japs can't have their women be "intimidating" for pathetic neets
if a woman has slept with more than one man in her lifetime shes a whore
course there's no fucking in between don't encourage degeneracy
So a man who slept with more than one woman can be called a gigolo then?
There's a pure and gentle girl in that game you posted, though.
its different if its a man so that doesn't apply here
so... shes either a prude or a whore? you want a prude?
>>they constantly swear
>>they brag about their sexual partners
why is this bad again? its fictional so its not like they can pass diseases and it makes for a far more interesting character than
>oh senpai, i've never held a boy's hand before so i'm blushing so much
yea yea bitch i've heard that line more times than i can count. just spread your legs like the desperate whore you're pretending not to be.
because "haha we totally subverted your expectations aren't we good writers ;)"
not really a direct reply to your post, but why the fuck is every anime and anime game always populated with the same fucking characters? they never do anything different, it's always the exact same maybe 5 archetypes that do nothing different from each other
OP is a faggot, Dorothy is based. Easily my favorite character in va-11 hall-a.
Versus what? A limp dead fish who just lays there pretending to cry about a puny dick?
because this board is completely overtaken by incels at this point
>Disliking Dorothy
imagine being such a plebian
>she will never choke you or punch you in the chest
for the same reasons vidya devs just clone what's popular/fotm/sells well, like ww2/military shooters some time ago, battle royale, auto chess, and so on: so they can make money with the last fucking effort and in the safest possible way. "oh, this show with these archetypes got popular? let's just cllone this shit to the letter, just change the characters' names and hair colours". That's it.
Dorothy > Dorothy
Neither do japs as evidenced by the myriad tsunderes out there. Why do westerners want sloppy seconds even in idealized fiction?
>doesn’t like this extreme
>”wow, you must prefer this boring extreme that is the exact opposite! Loser incel have sex!”
You’re pretty good at being a total robot.
I'm plan on making a beat em up game with a bunch of cute anime girls beating the shit out of each other and swearing up a fucking storm while the game's music is set to hip-hop/rap theme. It's mainly because the thought of such a game sounds absurdly funny.
It's a fucking videogame forum. On Yea Forums. Did you think all the posters were slaying puss before incels became a buzzword? I honestly can't tell why you people who have functioning social lives even come here.
Itd be worth a gighle
Yes, hopefully not fucking shy, too. It sucks when she doesn't let you do SHIT except lights off covered missionary sex.
Explains a lot
normal western man enjoy getting cucked by niggers
>they brag about their sexual partners
>character is a prostitute talking about her job experience with her friends
any other similar examples is Alma and Jill talking about their past relationships, recounting both good and bad moments from them
Alma even hates her older sister for being a horny slut instead of focusing on her family
t. Never read the GITS manga
I don't think moving a character to the other extreme of the spectrum necessarily makes them more interesting. There isn't more to a crude sexpot than a blushing virigin just by virtue of those aspects alone.
And from what I've played of Valhalla, I wouldn't be surprised if Dorothy wasn't a terribly interesting character.
Dorothy's pussy is not sloppy. she is an android so she can adjust herself to stay perfectly tight around any size dick. she is the perfect whore. she can finish with Tyrone and someone's micro dick would still fit snuggly.
Sounds fine to me
He didn't play the game
t. resetera faggot virgin
>people talking and/or criticicing games they haven't played on Yea Forums
nah man, you are pulling my hair here
well then you're dumb
So you want a whore then?
go to a city street at night. you'll get the same quality whore but far cheaper.
desu i dont really want anyone because i wouldn't have enough time for video games anymore, but you're still dumb
>X is growing popular
>faggots think they understand X and try making their own
>end up making trash
>niggers lap it up anyway because of accessibility and because they're fuckign retards
>this trash now partially defines X because of how successful it was
>more trash is made in its wake
It's true bro
>slightly de-grained and blurred anime girl on top of blurred background pixels w/ a film grain filter over the entire screen
what the fuck am i looking at?
This is too accurate and I don't like it.
>course there's no fucking in between don't encourage degeneracy
Whatever you say, Lazar.
>no VR game where Jill invites you over to her place and makes you drink with her and then blows her smoke in your face
So...like us men?