Post your most played games. Judge each other harshly

Post your most played games. Judge each other harshly.

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>he doesn't know you can edit the time of all games

stupid nigger

Tell me how user i want to reduce time played

check my STD's

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>No Mans Sky

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shooters, weeb games and Age of Empires
all i need baby

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no :3c

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play Speedrunners faggots

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People putting over 1000 hours into f2p trash like tf2.

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If it weren't for DaS 3 I was wondering if you were a time traveler

Nope, just autistic neet dude that likes building shit.

everyone in this thread

its true...most of Yea Forums are shittards

then post yours

If you pile all the building mods you can find onto it, f4 is a semidecent game.

I got far more mileage out of modded HoI4 than I should have.

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anyone else make a new steam account every couple years?

... why would anyone do that?

be gentle, user

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t. warframe nigger

>200+ hours in Beyond Earth
Why do you hate yourself so much, user?


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if you're wondering how i spent a lot of hours in some of these games, the answer is mods

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>929 h
you better be top of the leaderboard, if there is one

Definitely below the age of 20, most likely a high schooler who fears any type of confrontation with a dash of autism.
A well adjusted adult. The tf2 and dota hours clearly indicate that he used to play them a lot in the past (during high school), which he has since grown out of as he's entered his 20's. Now he spends time jumping from game-to-game, as opposed to sticking with one title in particular. Has a close group of friends he hangs out with, but no gf (although he'd like one).
Here we see a classic spastic. Has never been able to commit to a single title for long, jumping from game-to-game with an emphasis on multiplayer/coop because he lacks strong bonds with people in his day to day life.
You're definitely a skinny twink who thinks he's a lot funnier than he really is. You still haven't grown out of tf2, which combined with the weeb games, solidifies this as fact,
Already admitted to being autistic ()
An all-round boring guy, which is a common trait of people who speedrun games.
A man firmly stuck in the past. Enjoys little aside from isometric games/dungeon crawlers. Probably has an ugly gf that he regrets getting together with.
A based individual. Is likely studying a masters degree, and carries a conviction to prove himself a good and capable man to those that know him.

>dota hours clearly indicate that he used to play them a lot in the past (during high school)
>zoomies unironically had Dota 2 in high school

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go outside

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what do you do in garrys mod

>1800 hours in RUSE
I feel like I've seen you post this before. Regardless, its a shame that isn't available on Steam anymore. Played the hell out of it on my 360 back in school.

>more than 2 hours in Fallout 4

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im still terrible at dota

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Glad to see all these gmod players, reminds me of thoae cozy gmod threads we had last year.

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thanks for the takedowns, faggot

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just wow. have you ever considered just going outside and playing the actual sport?

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>A well adjusted adult. The tf2 and dota hours clearly indicate that he used to play them a lot in the past (during high school), which he has since grown out of as he's entered his 20's. Now he spends time jumping from game-to-game, as opposed to sticking with one title in particular. Has a close group of friends he hangs out with, but no gf (although he'd like one).
Holy shit you nailed it pretty much 10/10, apart from the fact that ive been with a girl for about 2 years now. Very nice

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>coulda made the league, but muh injury


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there's a good chance that me and you played together

>A man firmly stuck in the past.
Sorta. I do like old games but I'm open to new games too.
>Enjoys little aside from isometric games/dungeon crawlers.
Nah, I actually like most genres of games. Even if I don't sink hundreds of hours into them I'm open to at least trying most genres.
>Probably has an ugly gf that he regrets getting together with.
Haha, nice try. That's completely wrong.
tfw no gf

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i see a patern in what i started to enjoy over last decade

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all those hours in csgo are from cs go surf

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>steam in some unga bunga language
I think you are brown and live in a shed

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>Here we see a classic spastic. Has never been able to commit to a single title for long, jumping from game-to-game with an emphasis on multiplayer/coop because he lacks strong bonds with people in his day to day life.
you wish nigger, i play all those games with my friend. Also you don't see my Overwatch playtime on steam.

I'm a little brown yea.

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I'm german as fuck, nigger
>inb4 Achmed jokes
nope, clean family tree for five generations
my niece is one eighth african tho

the only game I own on steam is cs:go, has like 80 hours played.

bring the hate, cunts

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no one cares, have sex

spore over 100hrs my fucking nig

>You're definitely a skinny twink who thinks he's a lot funnier than he really is. You still haven't grown out of tf2, which combined with the weeb games, solidifies this as fact,
all of this is correct except i'm also fat

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Indie fag here

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This seems like one of those times this GOG Galaxy thing would actually come in handy, showing your playtime on different platforms. Only doesn't share its playtime so I guess my Overwatch hours will remain a mystery.

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how did you get almost 900 hours in Besiege?


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>open any of the pictures
>normie shit
>normie shit
>normie shit
>normie shit
wow what a surprise

> Garfield Kart

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I get carried away with it, but overall it's good

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You seem pretty cool ano-
>that cropped NMS
HA! Fag.

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Only game i play regularly on this list is vicky

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nice no man's sky bait

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100% a gay nigger

I'm you but American, just started getting into PUBG, so I'm about to have the same 4th game relatively soon.

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>938 hours on warframe
What’s your main?

Warframe main?

if you have more than 8 in your screenshot, you're a genuine faggot.

No one wants to see your 12th most played game

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Most of my game time is playing offline because fuck you XxSephiroth92 I don't want to chat with you.

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I DO NOT play dota or shadoverse anymore
big points for those divos2 hours
good taste
>stalker with the steam launcher
u wot

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Im surprised by these actually. I thought I had more in Vermintide 2 and Artifact.

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Pirated nearly every game on my pc, barely use steam

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How did i play so much empire?

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should have played more tide before they wreck it

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From what little I have played recently it seems like they have only added stuff, what did they wreck?




absolutely based


i like my single-player indie games

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Might as well post mine

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How in the fuck did you play that much trove?

haha wow I sure love video games...

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Honestly there was some charm too it that kept me going, but that was a while ago. I jumped into it recently and put it down an hour later. It just isn't the same I guess.

Destroy me. I dare you

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this guy won

jesus christ, 670 DAYS of dota 2...

Just fuck me up, bros.

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>team fortress 2 and garry's mod
>under the age of 20
nigga do you know what year it is

Having more in starbound over terraria is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.


i dont even play most of these anymore

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Fuck Elite: Dangerous
Fuck Frontier Developments
And fuck David Braben

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What happened with Elite?

>Indie fag here
>almost no indie games
so you're not an indie fag, you're just a fag

>each one more than the last

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Lul, why is CK2 that high? I never noticed some of this stuff.

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Absolutely nothing. They didn't add anything meaningful in 2 years.

You must be 18 to post on Yea Forums, kek.

I hate this faggot gif

interesting mix of shit and very good games

This is now a zoomer thread

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I have deliberately not included 117 hours of Dota 2 cause it wasn't me playing, my brother just needed my account.

You seem to have weird fascination with games marketed as "hard as balls xD".

You need to play less shitty games. Skyrim, Chivalry, Fallout 4, that shit's embarrassing to look at.

Well, at least Monster Hunter World is reasonable.

You seem like a cool dude I think I can hang out with, aside from Fallout 4 thing. Because of Fallout 4 you come across to me as that cool guy everyone is chill with, but you don't have a gf and you don't know everyone knows you are a closet gay, Fallout 4 is your closet gay. Also, how the fuck did you spend 90 hours on Danganronpa? I 100% it in like 48.

You have a problem when first good game on your list is 5th most played one.

You can spend over 10 hours on Sppedrunners?

You need to diversify your taste.

I wish I had your attention span.

How on Earth did you spend more time on Beyond Earth than Civ V motherfucker?

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that's very little hours wtf

side note i stopped playing CS:GO before it turned F2P

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4 different profiles with basically the same games, don't ask why

that one is just the one i'm currently logged into

I'm a low-IQ fpsnigger.

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RS2 and Hitman 2 are the only games I still play these days. Ooh and I pirated Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2 which is excellent.
Rec me some games to spice up my existence.

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I play less than half of these. Still like some of them though

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> You retard
> Gets outsmarted by said retard
> Absorbed

Fuck vidya. So much wasted time.

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Another underage.

In fact, this thread is full of underages or people barely above 20 so I won't even bother.