How would you improve the MOBA genre?

How would you improve the MOBA genre?

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Make farming in jungle more beneficial

hots unironically did but faggots didnt want to play it

league is already a perfect game

By only having one hero with 10 abilities. The real skill would come from management.

What about 14?

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shared xp is an awful mechanic and you cannot convince me otherwise. the map variety is nice though.

Too team reliant

Make it 6 lanes and 10 vs 10.

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HotS was shit.

is it a rule that every WoW fag has to ruin every thread

we get it, 15 bucks a month just to use servers is so worth it like yeah dude skinnerbox games are so great wow dude what realm do you play on ya fuckin twank

Allow rerouting of creep lanes.

You do this by making each lane have a configurable
>Push speed
which is
>If you let creeps fight unopposed, how fast are the other creeps approaching your next tower in that lane?

So much of the meta is based around team compositions during the opening caused by there only being 4 good streams of gold (3 lanes, jungle). The ability to reroute lanes means you can starve lanes, force early game team fights, focus towers early, and disrupt stagnant meta.

Mobas are team games

By removing the team part of it and making everything rely on RNG.

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What if.. instead of having a square map...
It was a sphere.

300 heroes has 7 vs 7 and it's fucking awful
but i guess you can't expect chinese to actually do anything with it

Not how I play them

everyone has guns that you aim with your mouse while moving with WASD and instead of trying to destroy the enemy base you try to steal their flag also weapons and vehicles spawn around the map based on timers and it's 12v12

Make it 1v1 where you control and upgrade your base and all your units yourself
Oh wait.. that sounds familiar..

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step 1: stop calling it a genre, as its just a neutered RTS.
>Didn't even win over the plebbit audience

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Dota already lets you pull your lane creeps into jungles

make some new maps occasionally, literally the laziest shit ever that every moba uses the same exact map and meta

Aw, you gonna love this boy. Tyrone calls you up in the, ya know, game and says "I can dig more clams than you stupid!" And you gotta say "Nhu-uh boy!" and y'all gotta race down to the beach with your buckets and your shovels. And object of the game is to find parking.

>using dunkey as a measure of quality, even in jest
ascended retard

>Ad hominems for a quick retreat
But he's not wrong though :^)

>now you remember auto chess is a thing
rts will never come back, its just often too hard to get into for most people (including me, even though i do like some rts like homeworld and dungeon keeper (rip))
I always played custom maps in warcraft 3/starcraft/starcraft 2 anyways
but sure, I would want another homeworld, i just like the balance and different paces of the game.

Remove farming, add objectives that force team fights, make experience shared so you can't make it a 4v5 by targeting a single player all game long, add a variety of maps that all have different pathways, turn jungle mobs into something beneficial for the whole team instead of just you, add a variety of heroes that play in strange and new interesting ways.

So HotS
Shame they killed it's competitive scene.

1v1 but still 5 heroes on each side.

Add one air only lane and water only lane

make it more of a topdown action game and less of a lobotomized RTS

You mean like Precinct Assault?

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More like shame they killed it with competitive scene memery

this. it's a shame too, because hots did have some other good ideas. talents were an interesting departure from shop items, at least as an experiment.

Remove farming. Remove items since the variability they're meant to bring is actually an illusion. Boom, supports are now not-garbage to play.

I've also always had an idea for an arena style mode where it's 5v5 but actually 5 1v1s and everytime someone wins their 1v1 the enemies core or nexus or ancient or whatever the fuck loses 1 hp out of 10.
The first round of 1v1s is randomly selected then the second and potential third&fourth round has the losing team get to pick which heroes they want to 1v1.

>Remove items
>Making supports not garbage to play
Getting Solar Crest, Grieves, Meme Hammer, Dagon and 2 other items depending on the situation is why I live to play Dazzle.

Make your own champion
>custom stat distributions
>base character archetypes (support, healer, tank, ect)
>choose 3 abilities to have permenantly mapped to q,w,e/button 1,2,3 from a pool of abilities
>choose a passive from a pool of passives
>chooss an ultimate from a pool of ultimates
Basic barebones idea here

>is why I live to play Dazzle.
His case and point, you're playing a hero because of what you can add to it, not because of what they are.

>Relying on items to compensate for bad or restrictive hero design
>Not just playing a support who has a fun base kit to begin with
idk what the fuck a dazzle is but if it takes 6 items to make playing it fun sounds like the game it's from is trash. You should be having fun from the start of the match user, not only after grinding for 10 minutes.

Make it a fast-paced high TTK first-person shooter and remove the level ups. Make it entirely skill based.

this, item are the only reason playing supports feels only good in dota

play chen if you want to press buttons, scrubs

Shit user, you're fucking on to something.

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Delete it.

I played it and loved it until they killed it.
I regret nothing.

I just don't enjoy it as a genre because it's stressful to play. You're on edge the whole time and a single mistake can make the enemy team snowball.

This is literally ability draft from dota 2

The problem with that is you will find that people will go for samey builds of abilities instead of having the illusion of unique heroes and movesets. The meta is a hell of a thing in this genre.

But the hero has all the tools for me to use. Dazzle is a support with physical damaging abilities, a mutli-target heal that also damages, a "delay death of target" button and an ultimate that reduces cooldowns of abilities and items. Why the fuck would I not use him to the best of his abilities to not only dish out heals but also deal burst damage?

Dazzle's default kit in general is pretty good already, the items just enhance what I find fun about him. Items in general allow for supports to branch out into roles that while still possible with their default abilities, are made much more possible because of these items. Also items don't only help supports, they help carries... well carry. Imagine DOTA if there wasn't BKB or scaling items. Without them, carries can never transition properly unless if the abilities have stupid scaling to them.

Remove the genre

Could Ability Draft work for a LoL like game?

No it isn't, ability draft is only part of it, and user is suggesting it as the whole game.

>eventually people find the best combinations and the main draw of your game is gone
It only works in dota because the abilities pool is randomly populated and picking them is round-robin.

Trying to remake temple siege in warcraft 3, made the map, replicated the xp style, made spec ops, but I get bored too easily and cant be arsed to finish the others or the capture point mechanic

Instead of one character to control you get a small squad of a few different characters, instead of 5vz5 it's 3vs3
Instead of last hitting creeps/minions you get currency for controlling objectives and pushing waves. Instead of everyone having skillshots, dashes and other gay shit it's very micro heavy and plays more like a very small scale RTS

>But the hero has all the tools for me to use. Dazzle is a support with physical damaging abilities, a mutli-target heal that also damages, a "delay death of target" button and an ultimate that reduces cooldowns of abilities and items. Why the fuck would I not use him to the best of his abilities to not only dish out heals but also deal burst damage?
Exactly, items shouldn't come into decision making, if he's so good without items then you shouldn't need them at all.

Sound very abusable to freeze lanes and shit. You's be more busy with the creep tug of war than playing your character

I don't "need" them, but they add ONTO the fun of the hero. Like I have fun with Dazzle nuking creep waves and making sure my carry never dies, but I also enjoy using meteor hammer nuking towers with a -50% cooldown on it while giving the enemy low amounts of armour and attack speed using Solar Crest.

It's a bare bones idea, room for improvement.
>add restrictions and costs to picking things
>while one combo may be really really good, picking it will leave you vulnerable in some way, if not completely unable to do something
>meaning while that combo is good, it's not always the best idea

The key here is to change the design of the game friendo. You're imagining DotA without items as if they'd remove the items and be done with it. I'm saying items are a crutch that don't actually add any variability, there is a optimal build path and if you don't follow it you're not playing optimally.
But now every hero is designed with these items existence in mind which restricts their kits and makes every match end up feeling the same since you see the same passives and actives on the same heroes over and over. At that point the items might as well just be built-in to the character and unlocked on a timer or when you kill X amount of creeps.

terminus arena

>I don't "need" them, but they add ONTO the fun of the hero. Like I have fun with Dazzle nuking creep waves and making sure my carry never dies, but I also enjoy using meteor hammer nuking towers with a -50% cooldown on it while giving the enemy low amounts of armour and attack speed using Solar Crest.
The question remains, does he NEED it? Would you still play him if that item was no longer available for you and an innate part of a different hero?

This but make the game an RTS again lol
Add the ability to buy much more than couriers, actually allow unit upgrades and placement of strategic buildings, including towers on your side of the map.

not him but dazzle is older than those items and was already fun to play then

this is the only moba that I've truly liked and it was killed cause the dev team listened to some sjw bitch at the NA offices and censored the game
she got fired, they removed some censors and said they'd never do it again but the damage was done
the game got a bad rep and died cause some stupid ass bitch got all pissy cause there was too much boob jiggle and the art for characters was revealing

it's a damn fucking shame, moba with all action an no mob grind phase, very high skill ceiling with movement cancels, item builds, and teamplay
fucking god damn shame

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Yes? Dazzle's fun is nuking creep waves and keeping his team alive while hurting the other team with his physical damage at a -50% cooldown. The items are just the icing on the cake. It's like asking if I would play Meepo if Ethereal blade or blink dagger existed, the answer would be yes I still would.

DOTA usually avoids this trapping with many heroes being multiple roles to begin with. Sure, certain heroes have a concrete way build up of items, but there is a reason why hundreds of guides exist for the same hero. What works in terms of items for one person playing a hero might not be the same play style of somebody else playing the same hero.

Make it 1v1
Like 2 dudes each commanding 5 heroes

*didn't exist

By deleting it

moba is for faggots who can't play age1 to save their fucking lives
that includes starcraft niggers
starcraft is the most pathetic RTS of all time, a literal baby game

see Now we're getting down to the core of it, the fact is you don't need these items, they literally add nothing to the game beyond an arbitrary goal you have to meet or risk not being able to do anything.

It's not icing, it's streamers and confetti, they don't add anything, but because everyone has them, you are also required to get them to keep up.

But beyond that, lets look at a hero who NEEDS an item to become effective: Earthshaker.

Bring paragon back with devs who care

they gave you the assets
go make it pussy
bet you wont

I can barely turn a compete on, I’m not making a game anytime soon

> lets look at a hero who NEEDS an item to become effective: Earthshaker.
Which is why I said certain heroes have a concrete build up items. Beyond that, Earthshaker without blink or mobility can still be Earthshaker. He still does tons of stuns, he can still output both magical and physical damage and he still has one of the best team fight spells in the game. Mobility just means he can be more effective at what he already does.

Also how does Meteor Hammer, an item that by design adds tower pushing potential and is used by heroes that don't have tower pushing potential, doesn't "add" anything? What about Solar crest? These items enhance Dazzle but he doesn't need to get them in the first place because his base kit is already that solid.

>remove every mechanic that makes MOBAs what it is (farming, items, gold and experience management)
>replace it with forced minigames and shared experience
>wonder why it failed
But it had thicc Jaina tho.

You're ignoring the fact that items also softcounter a lot of heroes and the massive character re-balancing that would have to be done without them. For example you'd have to build bkb into every melee carry's kit

Other game modes. I would love to see an attack/defense mode or even multiple team game modes.

That's right kids, we all know what MOBA stands for!
A-Experience Management!

Anyone who tells you that a MOBA is about fighting other people in an arena is dissolute and belongs on a cross.

how about you remove it entirely and suck my dick

Imagine hating tits so much you get fired from your job.

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Is Quake and Unreal a MOBA?

>Mobility just means he can be more effective at what he already does.
No, mobility means he exists, without Blink Dagger his usability is on a time limit, if he can't blink in to use his kit by a certain point in the match, he becomes dead weight.

Earthshaker is balanced around the existence of blink dagger, he is fucked because he is expected to grind to hell and back to buy it, and if he dies a single time the match is a loss because now he has to grind again while the enemy does not.

>These items enhance Dazzle but he doesn't need to get them in the first place because his base kit is already that solid.
Exactly the point, he doesn't need them, Dazzle would be completely the same without them, so why keep them in the game if they're not needed?

Heroes like Earthshaker are reason enough to rebalance the game around not having them.

we take hots, and we remove the shared xp mechanic

delete assassins
game suddenly balanced now

>He thinks Blink Dagger is a grind on Earthshaker of all heroes
Wew lad.

>items dont change anything
retard tier. you must play a shitty moba like smite where you can only build every character the exact same way

hmmm, let me check the math here chief.
Multiplayer? check
online? could be, sure
battle? yuppers
arena? absolute
The answer seems clear

It's almost as if it's the method of control and not the shitty mechanics that identify the genre :^)

you know that the other team dying sets them back more than you dying once they're ahead, right? the rubber band in doto is real heavy

remove farming, is a boring and tedious mechanic

>You're ignoring the fact that items also softcounter a lot of heroes and the massive character re-balancing that would have to be done without them.
>For example you'd have to build bkb into every melee carry's kit
Case and point, the game is designed around bkb being an item, CC is what it is because BKB is an out from it, but if BKB did not exist then CC would be different.
If you don't buy it, you're forcing your team to lose by making them fight 4v5, it's in every match because it's an essential part of the game.

Rebalance the game around it not being a requirement, remove it completely.

This argument falls apart when you know that the genre is actually called ASSFAGGOTS

>he's sticking his thumbs in his ears until the mean words go away

>you know that the other team dying sets them back more than you dying once they're ahead, right?
Oh whoops the already ahead and more powerful team just killed you again, now you're even further back and they're even stronger!

Items and levels ruin the game as a whole.

One player controls all champions.
Champions have good enough AI to lane by themselves.
1v1 battle.
Either that or being able to add bots to your team instead of real players. Fuck humans.

Yeah, that abuse is called "high level game play", and that tug of war "Gameplay".

Given that the tug of war is symmetric till mega-creeps, you'd have just as much, if not more (since you're controlling more things) character play


By doing that you necessarily have to either put way more emphasis on counters and the draft phase or homogenize the cast more because you're remove universal methods to deal with certain issues, unless you want an unbalanced shitfest. There's also the issue of stuff like wards, smokes, tps, etc.

its stale, the same way mmos became stale and now battle royales. its like asking for RTS to make a comeback, it's dead man let it go. everyone gets nostalgic for brood war but its 2019, time for something new.

that's not true though
you can lose like 5 teamfights in a row and then win 2 and suddenly you're winning again
do you know how rubber bands work

2D moba where it's 1v1 only and you use combinations of buttons to do different attacks and walking backwards blocks the enemy attacks with no item builds or xp and each round is 3 minutes

honest answer from someone who played thousand of hours of LoL and the much superior Dota2.

>replace the "laning phase" with other more dynamic, possibly randomized, mechanics.Effectively any activity that involves players of opposing factions jacking off each other to gain resources and is an indirect confrontation with opportunities of direct confrontation counts.Players want it deep, interactive, with opportunities for teamfights and high level strategy, an different characters should meaningfully approach it differently.It should also evolve in a organic way as the game progresses into different implicit "phases".

>attempt to cut gametime to 30 minutes *average*
>introduce stronger game ending mechanics that make the game overhelmingly likely to end after 40 minutes
>offer, but severely limit surrender options
>tweak resource gaining formulas and mechanics to not allow the worst player to affect the outcome of the game more than other players.
>make role-based matchmaking the norm, but build the game from the ground up trying to not make role-based matchmaking compromise the strategic depth and diversity of the game too much.
>stop making role-breaking cosmetics.I don't want to see a fire character dressed up as a swimmer.Respect its identity and, within pretty large limits, silhouette and palette.Dota2 does it almost right.LoL is bad, i heard Hon is even worse.

Roll Dota back to 6.x and go from there. We have to start over, the 7.0 meta hasn't changed ONCE.

LoL is fine as is, at least it isnt getting worse.

>the 7.0 meta hasn't changed ONCE.
And that meta is...?

>LoL is fine as is, at least it isnt getting worse.
Wrong. LoL turned to Battlerite with farming and towers.

farming is just a method for rewarding the player for playing safe and staying under the radar
replace the mechanic with something else that requires being more "active"

Less Symetry and caring about e-sports. Instead, be about fun.

And RPG means role-playing game, which can define almost every game.
Stop being a faggot.

In League of legends, it used to be two buffs= level 3. So two camps equal lvl 3. Now it's 4 camps for lvl 3 and It'd ridiculous. It favors junglers with a strong lvl 2 now.

>By doing that you necessarily have to either put way more emphasis on counters and the draft phase
There is literally no down side for removing buy-able counters.

>There's also the issue of stuff like wards, smokes, tps, etc.
They're removed too, more crap that doesn't need to exist.

>you can lose like 5 teamfights in a row and then win 2 and suddenly you're winning again
Nice theory, but it doesn't work the way it's intended, one team gets ahead and if the other team doesn't stay close behind, they win.

It's been this way since DotA, through all the clones all the way into DOTA2, every time items and levels are copied, they just make the game into the same stale garbage it's predecessor suffered from.

Kill it and bring actual RTS back
How the fuck did this single map get going for so long

And you're going to sit there, in the year of our lord, and pretend like "RPG" actually means anything anymore?

Aeon - Fits
Strife - What's that doing here?
Styled - What's styled about it?
Fortress - Fits
Assault - Fits
Game - Yes I know this is a game already
Going - What?
On - Huh?
Two - Two of what?
Sides - Sides of what? The map? The Base?

AFA makes more sense

I think League already has a meta where a jungler is pretty much mandatory.
DotA has a neat balance of "you can jungle and it's very viable, but you don't have too". Your change would force it into a more stale "have to have a jungler" meta.

HotS was fine for getting a casual 20mins ARTS fix in, But that limitation was also what held it back for people who want something more in-depth, with a higher skill ceiling. (I played mainly Kael'thas, pretty fun)
That would turn it completely into a "gank groups only" game, where everyone moves with at least 4 others to catch anyone who doesn't have 4 people at one specific point.

Everyone would have it at the lowest speed all the time to deny the enemy as much gold and exp as possible. Keep in mind people only need a single creep near the tower to destroy it.
Mad Max thunderdome moba when
I see what you did there. In seriousness though, there was a shooter moba called "monday night Combat" was interesting but failed hard.
It's because the map has very little to do with it, and all you need is a map that is roughly a mirror version on both sides. having different maps is just surface level stuff (that's why custom maps are never that popular vs entirely new modes like auto chess or tower defense)
That would kill most of the hero pool, as not all of them are designed for 1v1 fights
Objectively wrong, at least for DotA. Items have a huge impact, both in stats and in on-use ability.
Could be interesting as a custom mode (DotA ability draft has this) but everyone would just make and take the strongest most OP combos, and 90% of the rest would never be picked.
I think you mean low TTK then?
DotA already has a few characters that make you control a lot of characters instead. It can be fun, but it's not for everyone, and it would probably not work well if everyone did that.

"Aeon of Strife" was the name of the original UMS map from starcraft that pioneered the idea.

the game didn't die because they censored some tits. It died because A: Nobody has ever fucking heard of it and B: it's a Nexon game and people know that they just shit out trash for 16 year olds to waste their time and money on.

It's called ARTS or Action RTS. MOBA is just literally the worst fucking term that Riot came up with because they were platinum salty that people called their game "DotA clone" as a descriptor. So they pushed MOBA for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena" But as that user pointed out literally any online game fits that descriptor.
>Guild Wars
>Mario Kart
You get the point. it's a fucking shit tier term and I'm actually mad it got popular enough so that now people don't know what the fuck you mean unless you say MOBA.

ok I said that items add no variability, not that they have no impact.
The entire idea of items in the first place was to allow people to build their heroes any way they wanted. To experiment and find the optimal build on their own, and to add another way for a hero to scale throughout the game that wasn't pre-determined.
They have failed at that goal. When you have arguments like "dude imagine carries without ASSBLASTER3000" or "dude imagine dazzle without Dead Mans Queef" then items have failed. Those items passives and actives might as well be built in to the character if it's so vital to their viability.

>"dude imagine dazzle without Dead Mans Queef"
Literally misinterpreting my words. I said I enjoy Dazzle as is, but he is elevated to a new level of fun with certain items. Can't you get that through your thick fucking skull? I view most items as fun ways to change the playstyle of a hero. This might be because I play mostly utility heroes, but the point still stands.

It's a bit of a 'neccesary evil' since without it, you can't even have turrets or a nexus at all. Then it just becomes a top down team vs team fighting game, which Battlerite attempted but it never caught on. Also farming allows one team to still have gold/weapons if they do get behind. So I guess case and point, if u hate farming just play battlerite

Turn it into a card game and make games auto-play.

put it on mobile

not sure of sarcastic? Literally dozens of Mobile Mobas

>ok I said that items add no variability, not that they have no impact.
But since there are items with different effects, that statement is mutually exclusive. If there are a lot of different items, with different effects, that are impactful, then they also bring variability.
After all, having a refresher orb that resets all your cooldowns, is quite different from having a Necronomicon that summons units and gives invis detection from having boots that let you teleport to friendly units, from having assault cuirass that gives attack speed to all friendlies from having Silver Edge and going invisible from having Butterfly and getting damage + evasion from having Satanic for lifesteal, damage and status resistance from having Eye of Skadi that gives +all stats and a frost attack that slows enemies movement and attack speed when hit by an auto attack from having.
You have a lot of choices that are more or less viable depending on the situation and encounter. And sure, there are SOME heroes who almost always want something specific. But apart from that there's actually a good number of heroes that take different items depending on the situation, instead of always going for "that one item"

these are team games, you should be playing them as a team, not a solo hero you fucking retard

posts like these always shine a light on the lowest elo players in the genre

not on my mobile

Get rid of the shitty 3 lane design.
Change creepwave mechancis so they don't just suicide into the tower to give the enemy retards free exp and gold. Something like a siege mechanic where they don't run in until they have 2-3 creep waves worth of units, or until a player gives them the command to go.
Add mini objectives to the map that can increase your team's strategical power. Capturable neutral armories and such that boost your creep's power, but not to mega extent. Objectives you can target to make the enemy's jungle creeps less valuable/more dangerous

Literally anything to get rid of the boring "farm in my lane/farm in jungle" meta. I am aware that this is what the normalfags like, but I'm not improving it for those fags.

>its just often too hard to get into for most people

issue is that its entirely skill based, even big team games require absolute precision and 100% focus for hours at a time to be competitive. That's really stressful, and no amount of screaming and throwing a tantrum will fix it like it might in a moba, it'll just make you worse. Because the skill ceiling is so high any slipping on either side usually causes a snowball and you'll lose, but not quickly. You'll spend the next 30-45 mins slowly getting beaten down at every turn, then eventually nuked or crushed outright under a wave of end-game units with zero chance for a 360 noscope MLG play where you wipe the enemy team through sheer luck and good timing.

RTS games need a much better setup for AI, which is entirely plausible, if a little difficult for many developers to wrap their heads around. LOUD mod for supcom gets pretty close to perfect.

The trick all along, turns out, is to require the AI to "scout" (read: update its threatmap) every few minutes. The base system for supcom is a checkerboard that has a value set per tile depending on how many units you have in that square, and it never gets cleared or goes lower.

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Fixed your MOBA op, now just make every character a X rated slutty yordle and you have the perfect game.

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Expand combat so it’s more like a fighting game, and characters have more mobility options.

3D Arena fighters suffer from the problem that running away from combat is a little to easy, and this can make combat boring and unbalanced. MOBA solves this as it’s objective focused, and running away is a valid option as combat may or may not be advantageous.

Take a few cues from Smash when designing combat, in that your actions are still relatively simple, but with a fuckton more depth.

Move the camera into 3rd person view, create better maps. Create different objectives.

My problem with MOBAS is that combat is ultimately very chaotic and unsatisfying.

Mobile Legends is literally LOL but on phones.

The Black Road like RPG where two teams compete to fight the last boss in a gigantic map where they can also kill each other and find rare items/abilities as they level up

Co op

Add vote to kick and an open meta
Basically just make dota 2
Or kill it, fuck this genre

hots is my favourite moba to play, dota i love to watch. league is just shit

Only if the balance of the whole game is shit. The only reason esports have such defined metas is because they're such mechanically shallow games, variety has no place when the goal is to fit a square peg through a square hole.

more than 1 fucking map.
they need to be more adventurous than copy-paste the same map and same dual-biome thing.
needs a good 5-10 map rotation.

>RTS will never come back
Age of Empires 2 still has a bigger community, daily players, streams and pro/competitive scene than most games my dude.

iunno about you my dude but supports are fun as shit because they're strong as fuck without items.
that's why they're supports. they dont need much farm to be strong where as carries need 20k gold of items just to be viable in the endgame and maybe score a couple of kills

What would you guys think of a Twin-Stick space shooter moba?

I think it has potential.. requires aiming and skill, can have different ship classes with different abilities. Like a ship that has to get up close as it's short range, etc.

Different dynamic mission objectives that pop up, like defend miners and they get resources to buff your side, control missile launch station to launch missiles at enemy fleet, etc

Good idea, bad idea?

Attached: Twinstick1.webm (962x542, 2.9M)

I'd at least try it out.

Remove the jungle

make it impossible for people to play unless theire on a 5 man stack. SOLOQ WAS A MISTAKE

Based and lanepilled

underrated based boy

by removing it as a genre

The genre existed long before Riot came up with """MOBA""" which makes no fucking sense anyway.

Why isn't the map like this anyway?

Think about how much wasted space there is in the corners.

so Dominion mode from lol?