What will happen to us gamers once China takes over?

What will happen to us gamers once China takes over?

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We really will have to rise up

I don't think china will take over.
Naturally, any military interaction cedes to the power with a greater source of production, IE, China, but they are not united politically, spiritually, nor do they have any unity through ideology. All they have is a dictatorship and doubtlessly a draft. Any conflict would probably lead to mass protests, protests would lead to a crackdown, and with the sheer amount of the unwashed masses, they would have more than enough to keep their hands full, besides trying to fight a better armed enemy

Chinese government drags Unlucky Change out of a cybercafe and throws him in a prison that practices brutal militaristic discipline to turn him into a useful slave of the country instead of a useless gamer
Unlucky Chang gets beaten to death as an example to the other Changs to show progress or else.
>yfw the game has become real

It's funny how there is no women in those concentration camps.

China is much more united than the US

Takes over what?

They're in the phone and mobile games concentration camps

They are having sex

>mass protests
oh user you're so naive, thinking average citizens hold any power

LOL all of our ancestors of all races have lived under more ruthless rulers.

China has no navy. Red Dawn will never happen because there is no navy on the planet that can combat the United States and the United Kingdom on the open waters.
>hurr the UK won't answer a call to arms fuck you yank
It ain't 1812, anymore. The US was ready to fucking level Argentina over the Falklands shit, Thatcher just had to ask.

What game do you think each one plays?

It shows how equality is a western meme.

at least china knows what to do with gamers
let's hope the west catches on and all gamers are put into camps

Tiananmen Square was a successful experiment by China. They proved they could successfully suppress not only their most ideologically united and motivated demographic but also potentially sympathetic military elements at the same time.

That is an ideal. It does not exist as a thing in real life. I think people are finally starting to realize that.


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what a pointless thread

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>there is no navy on the planet that can combat the United States

Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision.
Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
Americans: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.
Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.
Americans: This is the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln, the second largest ship in the United States' Atlantic fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessels. I demand that YOU change your course 15 degrees north, that's one five degrees north, or countermeasures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship.
Canadians: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

fake and gay

> Gamers literally get rounded up and sent to concentration camps to die
> Blacks are somehow more oppressed than us and we can't say the N word
this world is unfair

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did the light house okay?

why do you bring women into everything you see

Most likely, since carriers never get that close to land unless they're going to port.

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It's simple
We kill the chinese before they kill us

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>has Norway flag

Because just leaving them to die and shit on the street like America is doing is clearly the better solution

fucking die and suffer American pigs

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it didn't make it

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Foreigners sure are fuckin' stupid.

Any other game normalfags from asia with no taste play

>It's simple
>We kill the chinese before they kill us
Based duce posters.

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Nothing is if a small island like Japan can BTFO the Chinese we aint got shit to worry about.

>Chinese still fucking asshurt about getting railed by small pee pee country.

That's some final destination shit

hot af
Yukari looks good as well

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Based boondocks poster

Americans are pretty united too. Look at how united they are.

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>but they are not united politically
Er, yes they are. They are completely united under one central government.
There's a common culture in which spirituality plays a huge part. It's not formal,organised religion, but it's religion based on ancestor worship and polytheism
>nor do they have any unity through ideology
They're united through ideology. The ideology is nationalism with certain communist themes and terminology thrown to legitimise the party. Everyone shares the same nationalist ideology except a tiny westaboo minority, and some orthodox Marxist students. Even the ones who move abroad and who are subjected to lots of western culture usually remain staunchly nationalist.
>Any conflict would probably lead to mass protests
What makes you think that? You're completely wrong on every point.

>pre-industrialized China suffers more casualties to an industrial nation
and China still held out long enough to win

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I thought nobody helped anyone in china

what the fuck do we even do about china and india
they're so fucked it's hilarious
horrifying too

>Insects taking over

Jesus christ calm down there Mao. China is a fucking shithole, please don't tell me you're singing its praises.

truly horrifying, but you cant help and laugh at their misery


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Kinda scary, but they stil have horrible civil unrest and the governing body is currently at odds with the chineese mega corp they made, alibaba tencent.

funny cause this is actually true


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Based and redpilled


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B-but user India is trying to do better and modernize.

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I heard the Mario 1 death tune when he fell.

A week later that lighthouse was bombed
rip leafs

based incel

I don't think it's very funny
they hold the vast majority of our global population, yet most of them live in laughably bad conditions and are making the rest of us suffer by being the prime contributors by far to dangerous climate change
they're also keeping our own lower class stuck on the streets by moving to china and letting our own corporations employ slave labor whenever reasonable business regulations are proposed

>Finding a reason to bring /pol/ into Yea Forums

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In terms of ideological unity, cultural unity, they are at an advantage. That's all. It's dumb to say otherwise.

Based Zuko.

Lmao I loved this over the top kickball episode.

they won't fight back, they won't revolt, all they do is wallow in shit while their ruling class fights the technocratic ruling class they created. The only way it'll change is if they cull each other through a faction war.

just keep burning carbon and poisoning the ocean until their populations are literally impossible to maintain.

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>Naturally, any military interaction cedes to the power with a greater source of production, IE, China, but they are not united politically, spiritually, nor do they have any unity through ideology.

And neither is the US. It's funny that anyone actually thinks US is in a good position economically or socially just because the government spends untold trillions on the military.


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>Driving a bike in China
Might as well just blow your brains out and save yourself the trouble.

>making sure it isnt a lady boy

whats down that hole the kid died right?

>tfw Chinese friend tells you about how in China it's easier to just back up a few times and kill someone that you hit with your car because it costs less to just deal with the consequences of homicide than to compensate the person for their injuries for the rest of their life
Fucking China

Is this what happens when you are like 90% guys that cant get a girlfriend ?

Says the person likely living in a oligarchy/plutocracy where people are dying in the streets do to being unable to afford basic living.

>what happend next
He leveld up

>by moving to china
the corporations, that is

I honestly don't care if my smartphone is a lot cheaper if chinese labor is used; more expensive products might not actually be a bad thing in every sense of the word because it'd lead to more consumer consciousness and further dwell mindless consumer culture here
I like capitalism, but jesus we really fucked up to let there be single men that control over 100 billion dollars
I don't care if they leave the money to forever rot in a scrooge mcduck vault; they should not be allowed to have it in the first place

America is in the best place economically because it has to be for the globalist agenda to work, it's part of the transition to meaningless effort dollars that we're going to be switching to in the future before the global popualtion culling.

No country on earth is safe from America's economic influence because it's designed to be that way, we all suffer together until we can't anymore.

She didnt look so equal there
guess she shouldnt have left the kitchen

>China is much more united than the US
Pfthahahahahahahhaha fucking no. China is more brainwashed for sure. But if they had free access to information and education the Chinese would overthrow the government in a night.

Americans may be dumb retarded morons but at least they know it. They're unified in knowing they are a former world power.

So thats how Chinks get rid of their female children

Try traveling around the place.

the fuck are you talking about, who's the new world power, China? The united nations of islam ( formerly the uk), SOUTH AMERICA.


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The good ol' fashioned gulag: you enter as a gaymer and leaves as a productive member of the party.

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>someone that is in favor of better human rights in china and india would not be in favor of better human rights in their home country?
what? this is silly reasoning
our own healthcare and education system is laughably bad, plus we have allowed billionaire megalomaniacs completely skew any sort of democratic equality because they're allowed to legally bribe politicians via lobbying
is that good? fuck no, we need to change
china and india are worse than us though


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They can't convince people to shit in toilets, how can they truly modernize?


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>so fucked they're fucking the rest of us just by existing

They shoulda let Patton invade/nuke the place.

There are no world powers, just a globalized system operating to benefit the top 1%.

Your days are over burgerstan. You too Chinkdom. You're either filthy rich or filthy poor. There are no nations or powers.

I say we cut Putin and Japan in on the action and let them carve up China.

>in China


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I've heard the same from Chinese friends. I hate mainland China.

So this....is your brain on 70 IQ...powerful

Fuck I love these china webm's. Post moar please.

That's exactly why they don't do it, if they do their vehicles will go apeshit and will make sure to finish the job anyway.


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Okay so the river little dirty so what india is still a nice place to live at.

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>bigman starts SEETHING right on queue

You have no idea what you're talking about. Information is controlled in China, yes. But even if they found out the truth, what is that truth? Their living conditions have improved enormously over the last 2 decades. They have gone from being dirt poor to being middle class, globe-trotting home owners in that time. Do you think they resent the government that oversaw that change? The idea that they're all brainwashed robots doing the bidding of an evil master is such a dated Cold War idea. They support their government because in clear, tangible ways that government has provided a peaceful, stable and prosperous environment for them. And that's not propaganda, it's simple and easily observed fact.

>just give up your guns bro. you don't need them

Their god will save them.

The perfect place to poop

Fuck china, mainland piece of shit scum. Eat a dog and die you yellow slanted subhuman insects.

Only tranny and bugmen exist in mainland

What is the fucking logic behind this

God damn its so stupid you cant even comprehend it

context pl0x

As an innocent party that has read both this post and the post you replied to I gotta say you sound dumb as shit, even if you’re right the first guy just has better mastery over the English language, which leads me to believe he speaks and writes it more often then you.

Also everything you said is most likely completely wrong, just what my big ol ameritard GUT tells me, n I can sniff out lies like cheeseburgers.

I know exactly what im talking about because i lived there for 3 years. Chinks have no clue how bad they have it since the govt controls everything.

Now fuck off chink shill

No it's not, they literally kill you or deperson you for criticizing the government. The fact that they're building tons of homes for nobody that no one can afford while destroying their farmland to do it means they cannot produce their own food natively and the projects that create jobs are all impermanent. Pointing this out gets you shoved into a van and cut up for organ parts.

You know why bro

This is so fucking stupid. This was a gas station. The guy should've used gasoline to light those white faggots on fire.

did they died?

So, as someone with no knowledge on the subject, you feel like your opinion has any value whatsoever? Typical Amerifat.

>Thank you for your support of the people's government, your sesame credit score has gone up!

That'a way too much mental gymnastics for a nigger

I'm not watching this but tell me what happens anyways

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Hong Kong?

>Their living conditions have improved enormously
I wouldnt call having no safety standarts a improvement. I mean the work conditions are so bad that they have to install safety nets outside their buildings so the people dont kill themselfs by jumping.

I lived there for 7 years. I have intimate personal knowledge of the attitudes of Chinese people. Most of them are critical of certain aspects of their country, namely the education and health systems. But they are NOT anti-government and do NOT believe any change in government would be beneficial. They are by and large apolitical, much like any country, but they recognise that their country has grown richer and stronger under this regime and have no reason to challenge it for that reason. Let me guess: you spent those 3 years hanging out exclusively with other foreigners and know nothing about the real thoughts and feelings of normal Chinese. Your attitude says as much.

the clerks buy guns to defend themselves next time and the nig gets shot by another nig over some nig shit.


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I don’t have to know shit to know you’re wrong, cuz ya are wrong!

Communist countries rot from the inside out.

Everyone wanted their one child for the limit to be a boy so they dumped girls off in the mountains and woods and landfills, creating a disproportionate population that is going to have a lot of problems within the next 20 years.

Nigger tried to set people on fire

>video games

They are a collectivist culture and stirring up trouble goes against that. It's no different in Japan. Japan and Korea were ruled by one party while they developed. But for some reason if China does that, that's because of evil brainwashing and intimidation right?

EGS is relevant.

can i "adopt" a girl from china legally?

Perfect example of why chinese aren't humans.

The CPC specifically creates layers of local government which people openly criticise all the time specifically to let people 'dissent' in such a way that it's only ever a localised one.

But apparently having a more nuanced view on a country means you're a bugman now.

How many people still had stories about how they would have wild parties at university, then just let the "CPC hopefuls" clean everything up? asking because I wanna know if that was still true.

This is hilarious.

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>doesnt even try to help put his friend out

All american navy vessels fly Norwegian flags at all times to misdirect potential enemies or Norwegians. It's a commonly known fact.

Is this what chinks actually believe? I like in NYC, and although it has its fair share of hobos, most of them fake it for easy money.

When my wife was a child, she slept on a roof of an apartment block with the rest of the blocks inhabitants because it was cooler as they had no air conditioning. They all slept on thin mattresses on the roof. During the winter, they would go to a public bath for a shower because there was no heating and having a shower would risk you getting a cold. If you got a cold you could die because healthcare was so bad. Compare that to today, where these same people own multiple apartments, cars, have quality air conditioning, more money than they know what to do with... It's just not even debatable that their lives have improved, and you can find endless statistics to back this up.


In this case IIRC it was a US Navy sailor that was on the norwegian vessel and there was speculation he was involved in the crash .

So your options are
1. talk shit about it within your shit box or

2. talk shit about it openly wherever and get killed


How about the giant megacorp it created that's trying to run the country and constantly butts heads with Whinnie the pooh.

yes but it can cost alot. I know a family who adopted a girl from china.

Was his name Petty Officer Bane and did the try to sink the ship with no survivors ?

sometimes I wish USA would disappear so that people would know that chinks are evil

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How did it go? Does chinese daughteru delivery service any good?

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Asian men and Asian women look the same so you wouldn't be able to tell because they wear unisex clothes in those camps

Almost everything that actually affects you is done on a local level. How many things do you think the central committee decides on personally?

Well you have a chink fighting for presidency in the US that wants to nuke the American economy and give more gibs to everyone.

Indians at least have the freedom to shitpost on the net and shit on a street post. China is an absolute Orwellian nightmare

>United Kingdom
ok Nelson

Im going to need more info.


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But the USA IS dying. White population is going to fall below 50% in 2020 and below 40% by 2030.

White people are going to get fucking slaughtered in the US.

And I'm glad.

As soon as chinks encountered the US navy, they'd back down immediately and sue for peace.

Someone needs to make some sort of plugin that replaces “gamers” with “minorities” in various news articles around the web, so they can see just how much hate we have to deal with on a daily basis.

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there isnt, thats the problem

>the country that came up with the Winnie the Pooh meme about their own leader
>can't shitpost
Really makes you think

Remember back in the day where your parents would threaten to send you off to bootcamp if you didn't lay off the video games? Chinese parents actually followed through.

1989 Tiananmen Square

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they literally drive over their countrymen when they're not supposed to be in the way

I hate to think about how our own society is going down the same path
Is it as bad? No, we do not have billions of people. It's not direct government interference, either. They couldn't do that if they wanted to; we have guns. They couldn't afford us taking up arms and they know it. It isn't even the government that really wants our submission, they're just a tool. It's the wealthy elite of our society that is doing it to us. I don't know what they want to do with their power other than sit on top of their ivory towers and continue to make money, but that doesn't matter. They control our legislation. Everybody's got a price, you know? Do the convictions of legislators hold up to the cold hard cash that they're "donated"? Ideally, but that's far from the case. They've subtly burrowed their way into every single aspect of our lives and we've accepted them. "Look at the silly Google doodle or our trendy workspaces! We're just nerdy dudes that love technology. This is for your own good" they say to us with feigned smiles. Our social infrastructure continues to be the laughing stock of the west, yet we decided that the ones that control an uncountable, unspendable amount of capital deserve the biggest tax cuts. What? What are we doing? Do we need 24 hour drone shipping? Do we need Bluetooth refrigerators? Do we need smartphones being $100 cheaper? Why do we need petty advances like this instead of real progress? Why should we spend resources on something that will reduce suffering by a trivial amount instead of something that will really help people? We're fucked. We need to change.

Does they better dying than chinks?

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If the buck always stops locally, how do the citizens hold the central government accountable for its failures when they happen?

If Xi Jinping really fucked up in the next few years and caused a serious economic crash or something, do you seriously think he would give up his position?

>when you accidentally cast Firaga

Climate change will annihilate pretty much any society that doesn't embrace transhumanism. So the concept of race will quickly cease to exist in the light of cybernetics and genetic engineering. The cultures that won't adopt or lack these technologies will find themselves in a world that is inhospitable to them. We're talking straight up being unable to grow food, have access to clean water, and having massive intelligent drops due to carbon concentration in the air.

with me

If so many died, how are they the 2nd most populous nation on Earth? And they're invading the commonwealths like mad.

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Legally. That same Winnie the Pooh meme is illegal there.

They're set to have major cities without water in the next decade. There is a serious water crisis. They're set to go full mad max.

Sounds about right.

my piece of shit retarded mom would love to put me in a place like that
my luck is that my country is at least minimally civilized and physical torture is considered a crime