Honest Opinion on the Switch?
Honest Opinion on the Switch?
I like the games
where the fuck is VC
waitin for pro/elite/mini tb h
I like it.
I play it and have fun
Underpowered as fuck. Sub 720p resolution in 2019 is a joke. Only good for hacking as of now. Also the dock should have had Thunderbolt with external GPU to make the docked version atleast on par with 2013 consoles. But Nintendo did not even bother with that minimum effort to utilize the dock past a glorified HDMI Out.
i love the switch but you are right, its so fucking under powered lmao
as long as they come out with great games though ill be fine
I wish the games were more optimized. It's supposed to be a portable Xbox 360/PS3, but that's not usually the case since ports of old games tend to run worse than the originals. Optimized games and Switch/Nintendo exclusives are great though, since those tend to run pretty well for the most part.
Very good, bigger than I imagined, surprisingly powerful for such a small device.
it's the 5th best way to play skyrim
I want to buy one but I'm not sure if an enhanced version is right around the corner or not.
Graphics honestly stopped being relevant post-2006. Hardly anything is impressive graphically anymore, and if it is, it doesnt positively impact the gameplay in any way. Better graphics used to mean better gameplay up to the end of the 6th gen, but when 3D graphics became so competent, they stopped impacting gameplay all together. I would take 60fps games that look like dogshit over what we have now on the switch. Sadly, casuals and western devs are too autistic about graphics so every console will continue to dissapoint performance-wise thanks to them.
The portable gimmick appeals to a relatively small number of people, so it's mainly just an underpowered console. Like any console though it's really about the exclusives, and with the switch it's worth it at this point considering the price
Shit console, and next to no games. I can see why people would like it though if they have no other platforms.
You really need to set the bar low to get something good out of it.
t. Switch owner for over 2 years.
It was collecting dust until I hacked it. Playing PS One games in handheld is really comfy. I don't like playing most multiplayer games anyways so not having online functionality because I'm likely banned isn't really a big deal to me. Except for Mario Maker that is only regret. But you can already inject levels in without connecting to nintendies servers.
>it doesnt positively impact the gameplay in any way.
The issue is, it does on the Switch.
Res scaling creates intense blurs that hinders action titles, its a huge hindrance.
That, and the performance is dogshit for most titles along with heavy input delay on almost every Switch game.
If they had shit graphics and good performance, I would be okay with it. But res scaling is absolutely awful.
The online is fucking atrocious. It’s lacking so many basic features, like you can’t even message your friends it’s so bad. And on top of that, everything is laggy as hell.
The switch has good games on it because it’s Nintendo, but the actual console is shit
Atleast a baseline of 720p 60 fps should be strived towards. Even Nintendo's own games dip below PS2 resolution in handheld format, such as Yoshi. And Nintendo is usually very good at bypassing system limitations through design.
The hardware is flawed, but spunky.
You can tell Nintendo rushed it, but they genuinely tried. They could've just shoved out another set-top box and called it a day, lord knows that's what everyone wanted, but they went in, did some exparimentation, and came out with the only legitimate innovation in home console design in DECADES.
Which isn't to say it's flawless; it's got clear flaws, but it's still great, it's a bold idea, and I'm glad it paid off for them in the end, and I'm glad it exists.
As a console, I do not like it. But I must admit it looks very sexy.
It’s my favorite console I’ve ever owned, and I’ve had every single major console released from the big three since the N64.
>I can see why people would like it though if they have no other platforms.
Can confirm. Sold my ps4 in 2016. Literally only have a switch, nothing else. I dont even know how it got that way, but it did. Im not even a poorfag I have money for another console but my backlog is so full of switch games/ports I still have to play so I feel like itd be a waste of money to buy another console I'd never play when I'd rather play the switch versions of every game.
I want to want one
but Ive played it a bit at a friends place and didn't really care for it
If animal crossing and rune factory 5 end up being great I might buy it and hope the system grows on me
I wish we could just have a 3ds2 and the switch just be a home console
>If they had shit graphics and good performance, I would be okay with it. But res scaling is absolutely awful.
I was never arguing with that, user. I agree with you. Like I said, I'd rather the graphics look shittier that way they wouldn't have to res scale to begin with. If every game looked like an original xbox game, I literally would be okay with that. I unironically think graphics peaked with the dreamcast anyway. If the technology isnt there for a game to be at least 60fps with no res scaling, devs shouldn't even bother.
Grossly underpowered and will be utterly BTFO in terms of everything but portability once the actual 9th gen consoles roll out.
At the risk of bringing out a >food analogy, it is the Cheese & Crackers of video game consoles: Light enough to satisfy as a snack, but is by no means a proper meal nor filling.
>I wish we could just have a 3ds2
Switch Mini seems like a better handheld than that. 3DS was a gimmicky underpowered turd with below PSP resolution.
Very few original games that are interesting, the console is mostly just comprised of ports that play better on other platforms.
Pretty great system that just doesn't have the games yet. Needs Virtual Console too.
I'm having fun with it and it gets the games I'm interested in
>3DS was a gimmicky underpowered turd with below PSP resolution.
You autists are annoying me. Who the fuck cares what resolution it has if the games are good? 3DS has the best library of any Nintendo handheld (including the Switch) due to all its eShop stuff
Nintendo does the exact same shit they did with the Wii U and all the fanboys ate it up. I didn't think it was worth buying then and it still doesn't seem worth it.
How can the games be good if the resolution isn't?
Overpriced port machine, some great exclusives
would love it if the joycons weren't flimsy pieces of shit that cost $50 to replace.
I cant wait until they release a XL version
Not censoring
Needs more games
Needs more sales for popular games
Freindcode wifi only online is cancer
Years later, people are still celebrating inferior multiplats, old ass ports, and Wii U ports
Where are the achievements? I'm a hardcore fucking gamer, I yearn for 'chevos. That's my honest opinion motherfuicker.
>Needs more sales for popular games
they do have sales and do have popular games
but 3rd party just want easy cash so ports for them are better than actual effort
It's an under-powered piece of shit. Make a console or handheld don't make both Nintendo you fucking faggots.
My fav Nintendo's console after GameCube. And I have 50+ games, so it's not like I'm bored.
Nintendo's own "sales" are ultra jewish
sales are sales though
they are currently the best selling console in USA and Japan and have very good sales in Europe despite being PS4 territory
>tegra x1
Why did I pay $400 for a machine that has a fucking Tegra?
Cool idea but crappily executed. Not enough good games at the moment but weve got some good shit on the way. Luigis Mansion 3 looks cool
>sales are sales though
The fuck kinda bullshit is this? Jewtendo sales are infamously garbage. Fucking MK8 is still $60 despite being a Wii U porr
>revealing panties to hide breasts
now thats something new