Just got it during the sale; heard it was like SAW for weebs, is that right? Also, is the English dub complete, or did they skip out on dubbing certain scenes like in Neptunia? If it's not complete, I'll just play in Japanese instead.
its basically saw for weebs with ace attorney gameplay, also celestia is the best girl of the game, spend your time with her or else you have bad taste
Don't listen to him, Celeste's a fucking idiot.
She was sabotaged by Kodaka's retardation.
Sakura is best girl
And a narcissistic psychopath to boot.
Actually listen to him because she gives the best skill in the game.
Actually don't listen to him because skills in this game don't really matter.
how about you fags don't shut up and go make me some tea
Every game trilogy to ever have been created
This. Celestia fucking sucks. She's cool at first but that lasts like 2 chapters (there are 6 in total).
The English dub is terrible, also if you can you should get the bundle with 2 and Ultra Despair Girls so you get the full story.
based. ouma best boy.
It's very inconsistent, some scenes are great, the others are 100% filler. The first game is the best, the others are just too drawn out and the twists are so cheap they break all possible suspension of disbelief.
>the twists are so cheap they break all possible suspension of disbelief.
Why's that?
In fairness, "teenage girl causes the apocalypse" put a real strain on the suspension of disbelief too.
The english dub is "complete" in the sense that everything that was voiced in the japanese version is also voiced in the english version
that being said, there's lots of dialogue that isnt fully voiced.
also, you should probably stop reading this thread before someone decides to spoil shit for you, that happens alot with this game
The end game twists are kinda like in the Professor Layton games, something extremely bizarre that invalidates the whole story/puts a completely different spin on it. In the first game it was mostly okay, just your usual anime craziness, but in 2 and 3 it's completely off the chain and incredibly stupid.
>you should probably stop reading this thread before someone decides to spoil shit for you
Since the OP posted a picture of Junko I'm pretty sure he doesn't care much about spoilers. That's the real villain of DR1 who's only revealed at the very end of the game.
The thing I've always felt about the mastermind twist in DR1 is that it feels like they chose the mastermind by throwing a dart at the cast list and then ended up having to write around it for the entire rest of the series.
I bought the bundle with the first, second and ultra despair girls games.
I... actually ended up playing Ultra Despair first and its really fun. Also Komaru is literally best girl.
For context i did watch the first season anime so the story is not completely confusing to me but i guess i should play the first game.
Posting best girl
It's only ironically weeb
>Since the OP posted a picture of Junko
how the actual fuck did i not notice that