FFXIV Shadowbringers

How the fuck are they going to top this expansion, lads?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Holy shit I love the Rak'tika theme. That bassline speaks to my soul.

Isn't that exactly what they said about Heavensward for so long?

Just did Titania (blind) for the first time in this last hour before server down. Is there an agreed upon general strategy to handle the tethers? And for chain does everyone do dps south and tank/heal north?


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My enemy...my friend...

HW was better overall but the ending of ShB will probably not be topped.

Man fuck this smug ass motherfucker
What's your favorite dungeon so far? Personally I like Amaurot and The Twinning the most, though I don't like how the second one ends

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We were saying that about heavensward
Holy shit i had no idea that ShB would turn out this good, i still have no words to aptly describe how i feel

Good jam, hate traversing the zone. Hard to fly through side to side

Final boss has to be Zodiark, right?


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Zenos is going to fuse with Zodiark and we're going to fuse with Hydaelyn.

How fun is NIN at 80?

>all of the people talking about how they loved the new expansion
>mfw not even at Heavensward yet

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I'd be down for that. It'd be totally ridiculous but I like Zenos.

If they actually do this I will be so disappointing. seriously fuck Zenos I hate that character so much. Biggest Gary Stu villain there is.

I want to fuse with Zenos

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Just keep going, and let the hype fuel you

You keep seething in every thread but Zenos isn't going away, sorry pal.

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>I don't like how the second one ends
Why not? I thought it was fucking great and a cool reuse of assets.


Too bad he failed and he ded

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>maintenance in 5 minutes

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i didn't know alisaie felt so strongly about ala mhigans

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>that dungeon
>that cutscene
>that trial
>that music
absolute peak kino

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More like he steals away Mommy Crystal, and we have to make Zodiark our bitch to kick his ass and save her

We are stuck with Zenos until the game dies now that he has became the face of the game with Yshtola.

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Dont even worry about reading these threads m8 until you need help, dont spoil yourself
Heavensward is great too, take your time

has anybody who bought shadowbringers through GMG gotten their full game code yet?

Shit are they adding him to NT?

I want to be her not-dad

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I can’t fucking decide on what job to play for the ShB MSQ. I want to play DRK but I don’t want to waste MSQ experience on a tank

They added him a long time ago. They just added his second costume though.


>fidget spinner katana seethe for his 3 different edgy Katanas
That is the most single stupid thing I've ever witness ever.


How do they keep doing it? How do they keep releasing great expansions?
Even WoW fucked up way earlier in it's life.

Activision sucked all of the soul out of Blizzard and left it an empty shell.

>How do they keep releasing great expansions
SB was shit though.

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Its cool as fuck m8
>not having a barrel of swords at your disposal

I've finished HW, and is its patch MSQ long?
Really want to get to SB, and finally ShB, yet also feel compelled to complete blue sidequests like Hildi, probably Void Ark and whatever else I encounter

While I like seeing that motherfucker again and the details of the area, literal gates/windows to other worlds/areas, I feel that fight is pretty slow compared to how hype the rest of the dungeon was. I was also expecting a time freeze and the like

>I don’t want to waste MSQ experience on a tank
tanks have the worst queue times currently. you'd be worse off going as a healer

MSQ experience is not that much. Its basically just two sidequests worth.


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Don't let these threads spoil you.

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It just takes so long. And now I have to keep leveling up before every quest for some fucking reason.

>maintenance in 5 minutes

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How do I get this bar to display permanently above my normal bars?

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Just take your time m8
you'll regret it latre if you rush

I just watched Ylshtola being pulled from the lifestream. I assume the level 75 dungeon is one or two quests away.

Just hit my first 80 on WHM. Right in time for maintenance.

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maybe introduce some new gameplay?

>How do they keep releasing great expansions?
>SB right before it

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Why does it even spin, what's the purpose of that?

ala mhigo

That build up, those scenarios, those encounters and bgm. I literally cried tears of joy. It's been a long time since I ever felt this hyped.

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Doubt it, seems more likely it's whatever within the earth that caused the Final Days. A strange sound from under the ground that caused all their creation magics to go out of control, destroying the entire world? Fire raining from the heavens, monsters appearing and wreaking havoc, the world being destroyed? Sounds a lot like the Day of Lavos

>when OUR warrior of light starts talking with his voice

holy fuck my hype levels were already at critical mass and have gone nuclear from this point onward

Anyone else feel like Dancer is a little too braindead. I like me simple class but its way to simple for me

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t. whm.

stormblood is still leagues better than the worst wow expac

>his sheathe doesn’t spin
Fucking savages get off my board


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one of the champion seals items was being vendored for far more than the tooltip suggested. ofcourse i would never exploit such a thing.

>they got his kino English actor for his voice too
God his voice actor is so fucking good. Say what you want about the character, but the english VA is the god damn best

For ShB content, Tank queue time, is 5-10 minutes usually.

Pre ShB is pretty bad right now because of all the GNB leveling.

t. WAR main

so he doesnt have to reach further for the other ones, allowing him to quickdraw blades

>On the final boss of MSQ DR

>bla bla bla maintenance
>please log out as soon as possible
And what if i dont?

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HW Great > SB Bad > SHB Great > Next expansion Bad

Please look forward to it!

>true final boss is just fucking Lavos
>still have to target the one bit as it's the real larva

>WAR has apparently been turned into the shittiest tank and I'm not even out of the vanilla game yet
Should I drop it and play something else now?

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Just run trust dungeons if you're having trouble finding queues, they only take like 10 more minutes than running with most players in DF.

wiped from server.

I don't even care about WOW, but Stormblood's story was pretty fucking shite and overall is currently the worst XIV expansion , there is no denying it.

Leave those blue quests for 80. You will need something to do while waiting in queues.


Scholar is fine but Art of War should have an DOT effect built into it

t. skilled SCH

Ishgard is alright, it didn't get attacked or gassed. I guess the reconstruction in 5.1 is just really delayed work to be done from the Dragonsong war. No wonder why they are asking us to do it, Ishgard reconstruction companies must be corrupt as fuck.

Odds that the servers break tomorrow?

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His swords are empowered by the centrifugal force it generates

it's still not instant at the very least. i've been getting 5-10 minute queues while queuing with two dps.
t. GNB

Just pick up GNB once you hit 60 like everyone else.

Try it.

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The voice recording from Biggs the Third made me tear up, what a kino dungeon

Good job, you hammer-brained imbecile! Your mother was a hobgoblin!

Oh my fucking god
killed that bitch and got kicked 10 sec after

>WAR has apparently been turned into the shittiest tank
That would be drk past 70lvl
Bellow 60 that's gnb

Don't. WAR is my favorite tank on the current extreme content, specially because Holmgang's cooldown is so short it can do some nasty shit other tanks can't
t. your local WHM hovering his benediction

For a second I thought Sleep Now In The Fire had started playing and i was losing my mind

it's not bad. the tanks are fairly well balanced right now. some WAR mains are just salty that they're mostly the same as they were in SB.

>guys pls come back

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Most fun ranged dps in SHB you cunts?

They stay up for a few minutes and apologize profusely to the players that won't log out. Japs are such cucks.

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how long is the maintenance I got snapped from the last game cinematic

Don't do it

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There is one thing ive always wanted from MNK

Fist of Earth: Removes positional requirements from attacks

Soloing overworld mobs is so tedious as MNK

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What jav is this?

>WAR shittiest tank


the sheathe is actually pretty cool. as a Garlean, he cannot manipulate aether. So, to get around that, his sheathe is imbuing the blades with Aether, so he can use abilities that he has no right to be using.

pls respon

If DRK is the shittiest tank then I'm really looking forward to leveling the others, I've enjoyed DRK so far, just hit 77.

I cannot express how much I want this aesthetic as the housing district. Gulg is my new favorite dungeon between the aesthetics of the final third, Rubiks Cube and Obscenity.

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That, or make Art of War spread Bio and have increased damage on targets suffering from Bio (similar to SMN's attacks)

While this is true for the most part, I got ~20 minutes queue for both Innocence and You Know Who

3 hours I think.

FUCK sakes lads just unlocked the 80 dungeon and FUCKING MAINTENANCE. Now i have to avoid spoilers for 3 GODSDAMMED hours.

I had tears in my eyes because it was just that good. The reason we went was so "off" and it felt so forced but god damn I sure am glad I stayed for the ride.
And then I realized what the next expansion will be about and I promptly lost all excitement for the future.
Pack it up, we'll never have something this nice ever again.

Can WAR actually solo eat both Fae Light?
I notice if you Rampart + Vengeance + Raw you can survive the first hit solo and then Holm the last 2 hits?

3 hours

Just BARELY finished watching all the cutscenes before maintenance.
What a fucking strong ending. Was everything from the last dungeon onward, dare I say it, kino?

>3 days
should go completely f2p at this point

I heard you hip kids like Shadowbringers!

Shhh, don't worry, we're just studying!

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>Get to the part where they plan to get Vauthry's autism rock down from the sky
>They pretty much assemble everyone of the remaining world to work together to save the world
Absolutely kino trope, every second I progress in this story it just gets better and better.

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How is ShB compared to the previous expansions? Thinking of getting back to the game and buying it.

Thank you lad

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>Been an Omni tank since forever
>decide to burn through ShD as GNB for a change of pace from the other three
How bad of a reputation are all the rookie gun breaker tanks going to make around the class and how many do you think will stick with it? I’m starting to miss tanks being a rarity already

>So, to get around that, his sheathe is imbuing the blades with Aether, so he can use abilities that he has no right to be using.
Really? Is that explained somewhere because I can't remember anything about that.

Getting to the actual Light infused parts of Gulg reminded me a lot of Nier Automata with how the white blocks looked.

>want to avoid spoilers
>posting on Yea Forums
Choose one and only one.

You become the protag of an isekai

It's the best expansion only rivaled by HW in terms of story.

Aerith dies

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Guys, I finally started doing story stuff, and I want to stop. The Inn at Journey's Head and Tesleen story arc had me in actual real tears, and that was BEFORE she got turned into a sin eater right before our eyes, fucking why. I'm so fucked up.

What's the most AESTHETIC combat job for a retainer bunny?

Not dancer tho

You obviously know nothing.

>Shadowbringers theme kicks in

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it's simple, yeah. I think the complexity will come from optimizing dance timings and general positioning. either way, its refreshing to ha e a class that isn't hectic and crazy, or having 300 buttons to press

>When Ardbert speaks through you as you fuse
>I challenge you, Emet-Selch
post yfw

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How is Scholar in the expansion? I wanted to try healing for a change.

>all that kino at the end of the expansion
>the rest of the patches will be us dealing with zenos AGAIN
because an entire expansion and the all the patches in that expansion was not enough for that apparently.

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Just imagine how fucking kino Hades EX is gonna be

They aren't. It's all downhill from here sadly

post the full thing coward


People get numbered 0-5 (with 0 being the circle) Everyone behind the boss, while the marked players go in order to max melee range at the left or right of the boss, whatever the party agreed upon beforehand. After getting hit, the player goes back behind the boss. Should be it, you have plenty of time.

I'm salty that Inner Chaos sound like shit
How the fuck do they go to Fell Cleave to this?


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No negativity in the dojo bro

Solus' handwave emote WHEN?

I choose the other option because the challenge one sounded pretty lame.

feels like the SHB boss fight music was written just for the dungeon boss specifically. It works in other scenarios but god damn. Platform crumbling, fire raining down on the earth, the piano kicking in during the mechanics. Topped only by the hades fight

Not the guy you replied to, but they talked about it during a live letter before stormblood. Don't know which, though.

Strap in, the whole story is full of feels.

When do reviews start coming out for this?

People are extremely frustrated with the new zones and daily content. They released it in its current state. They have playertesters for this shit. They have FREE player testers on the PTR. Then they push another 6-month sub campaign with a shitty "free" mount.

Why would you do collect/kill quests if getting the objectives is completely RNG based, leaning towards chances working against you. Difficulty or not, people just wanna get their daily crap done in a timely manner, not spend 10-30 minutes on a quest because somehow they thought collect 10 starfish was a good idea with unpredictable, unsharables spawns.

Is it just me or does Nascent Flash make WAR really fun I actually made a mouse over macro for it. You get to use it so often, you can really save people if you pay attention.

go in to settings to make crossbar persist\always on

It's well known Blizz devs/designers play FFXIV, the same way YoshiP and some of his designers play WoW.
Don't forget YoshiP said he sees WoW as a mentor, hopefully to learn from Actiblizz mistakes

what is the best DPS and why is it MCH?

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>How the fuck do they go to Fell Cleave to this?
Because they're saving Chaos Cleave for 6.0

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Do they ever end maint early?

Yeah, given the Alliance Raid is going to be Automata-based I wondered just a bit of that's going to be linked to the Copied City or the Tower.
If we get a remix or variant of either theme I'm going to delighted.

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Taro expansion. The raid is just the tip.

Hopefully we finally get to bitchslap Elidibus soon, probably the only character that has worn his welcome out more than Zenos at this point.

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Seconding this

Vanilla wise it's the absolute best (some would agree it's toe to toe with HW but come as much as I love Throdan he's a bitch compared to Emet)


I'm still trying to find that song and I can't unless it's on the cinematic trailer but then there's people talking on top of it.

What's the verdict on DRG?

Is it fun like it was back in HW before they butched it in SB?

kind of ironic a blizzard employee shelled out money for a fantasia

The game is already out in early access. And I know it might sounds like shilling but honestly it's pretty fucking great.

goddamnit, fuck you

>Graha summons your sundered copies as this plays

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Alright I'll do that after maintenance, forgot what the setting was actually called
Is there any generally agreed on consensus for double tap vs L+R/L+R

Huh, a fellow famfritian. Have you also noticed the "ND" Guild on our server?

>all these people who bought from the square site don't have their codes
>just entered the one I got from steam
That sucks.

Thinking of resubbing for Shadowbringers (still haven't completed the Stormblood storyline). I liked red mage in stb, was previously a blm. Are red mages still the retard class? Not saying that maliciously, for I am extremely retarded and need ezmode.

I cant remember exactly where I read it, believe it's in one of the lore books. either way, it's not too much of a stretch to think it can work that way as well. hes using attacks that clearly need aether or magitek, without anything other than the sheathe that stands out as a source

yes. but given what this one is going to 'fix' I doubt it. They're usually pretty good about this.

What I also want to point out is that the launch went off pretty damn smoothly. I had some hiccups Friday afternoon but not a server related thing since then


Are MNK's positionals so bad?

I know lol, I already beat the Msq. I'm curious about critic reviews.

It happens. Not that regularly though.


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I absolutely fucking loved how they justified having 7 other WoLs in the final trial.

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Drill is awesome.
Heat blast spam is not.

I just want to hear Weight of the World and for our android companion to have a big goddamn hero moment that syncs up with it.

Literally /ourguy/

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Spoilers of course but.

Requesting Vauthry as Andrew Dobson.

Total fucking newbie here. What NA server has decent RP and raiding? It looks like every damn server is locked though so idk what I'm supposed to do. You fucks sold me on the hyped and I can't even play

Don't forget that two of our "new" abilities are fucking reskins.

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What is this song called?

Mt. Gulg is definitely getting a hard mode later.
And it'll be fucking great.

I never played this game but that looks like PotD150+

Who /discounted amazonchad/

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Heavensward has fuck-all on Shadowbringers scenario planning.

>Been downloading the game for hours
fuck me

I haven't finished the expansion yet but does everything feel too bloody quick? It feels like I should at least had an hour to two hours more of characterization in each zone. Only Thancred and Ryne I felt had just the right amount of scenes but even then I wouldn't mind more.

Normally I don't care for asthetics, but the Buns actually look like an OG fantasy race instead of a stretched-out human. I'm playing a female hellsguard/roe for the token value but everytime I see buns in cutscenes or in-person, they make me want not to be a jersey-shore reject. I have my original Fantasia. Should I take the plunge?

They've polished them up a bit but it's still a pretty simple attack pattern.

>some smug weaboo walks up with his rotating sword golf bag
its so fucking corny

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What's the name of that hat and coat?

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It was in the Burn since I am behind in the MSQ.
I'm Levi. The so called Blizzard dev was a sprout.

I got the pet from one of the ex dungeons, looks kinda shit. Kinda regretting not selling it for 5.5m

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Double spoiler tag for your pleasure

Giott is a woman

My favorite line is 'You don't scare me, I got a giant hammer!'

what the fuck do i do for 3 hours


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probably not for more than an hour, shit was incredibly stable all weekend and everyone who wanted it probably preordered anyway

anyone have the dialouge screencap of exarch reacting to the minion? i forgot to save it and cant remember which thread it was in

The early access code lasts through friday so it doesn't really matter.

I've been trying to remember HW a bit but it's been a while. Need help, I have alzheimer's. What happened to that ice lady in the end? I vaguely remember her dying while flying in shiva form/protecting a ship or something. Help.

So tell me in your opinion: ON IT'S OWN, does Shadowbringers hold up to an outsider?

I have a hunch how things are going to people (wowfugees) who are just now getting into it. They will boost a character, have zero connection to all of the characters, all of the places and stories, all of the emotion and rules laid out over the years since A Real Reborn happened, and they will be amused but not astonished.

This expansion is good by itself, but it's something else if you've played from the start. It explores so many facets of the world we know and pulls at your heartstrings constantly that I feel very bad for the people who walk into it blindly with no connections or weight to what is happening around them.

They won't cause now the only big bad we have has no motivation beyond fighting you for the sake of fighting you

I heal them, so I know better than you

Don't go on Balmung or Mateus. Or Crystal period.

There's no decent RP AND raiding. Balmung and Mateus for RP. You can find raiders there but don't hold your hopes too high.
That's the Crystal Datacenter

Balmung (which is probably locked forever)
Or Mateus for RP (Which you can usually make a character really late or really early at night)
That being said, RP servers are shit for raiding. All of the crystal Data center is trash for raiding




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Why are people angry with DRK?

What a fucking banger
And that goddamn final dungeon boss
Fucking hell, ShB is a gift that keep on giving

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it's really fuckin good don't get spoiled user


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Exactly the same pretty much, except removal of 2 skills that proved to make it more streamlined. Otherwise, they added 2 back. Feels nice tbf. I don't know about parses.

>74 GNB
>all i have left to look forward to in my kit is a cartridge reload and a trait that increases danger zone's potency
continuation and fated circle really cap off your single target and aoe kits early

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I got the pet rock 2.0 from mount gulg. Still haven't seen what it looks like.

So are we gonna get the other parts of "our" soul back


>The Twinning has remixed eScape and Alex themes
>Akedemia has generic music and generic boss theme
>No Man With the Machine Gun for Quetzlacotl
Missed opportunity.

And don't forget that he has already been the antagonist throughout an entire expansion and we have already fought and beaten him.

5.0 Spoiler Q : So with Varis dead, does that mean the potential subplot of them going after coma'd Scions is at an end as well? Elidibus will still want to ensure the Black Rose happens at the least.

she did in fact die there

thanks, will give it another go then. I'm not going to be doing savage/ultimate anything. I just like the story and dungeons, so I don't think I'll be holding back anyone. Although I'm sure some autist will complain about have a rdm in the party, maybe. they had a shaky reputation when I quit.

with zenos running the show now, what's the point of them introducing Black Rose? Wouldn't it be super out of character for him to use that? also, were gaius and varis working together all along?

>the Exarch being bad and NOT G'raha Tia
How much did Ethys seethe?

God no. Too much of it is dependent on so much prior stuff. It'd be like picking up the middle of a book series that assumes you know what's going on and being mad that you don't know what's going on.

larpmaster, aethereyecat and the twins had development over many patches already

I'm mad that the final boss didn't play Rise or a remix.

>433 ilvl
>cant clear SSS using the meta rotation with proper substats
Is it supposed to be like this?

Has anyone gotten their launch product key yet? I'm still waiting for mine from the square enix store.

It's the healer role quests.

There are plenty of groups on Crystal and the pugs are just as good

Healer Role quest

Works on my machine.

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Remember to sleep anons.

a cute


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Did Zenos imply that now that Varis is dead he's next on the throne? He seems like he wanted to stop the Black Rose at all cost so he can fight the WoL again.

You have TWO true north charges

These two are gonna FUCK

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Depends a lot on who grabs control of the Empire. Sure as fuck won't be Zenos because he gives 0 fucks. Also, I see no reason for Zenos to want to defend the sleeping scions. If it was sleeping (You), then sure, but it's not.


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Zenos will ultimately fuck over Elidibus since even he hates that shit.

You need good RNG.

All of idyllshire area was shit saved only by Ink Long Dry

post code sir...

Are the extremes intense enough for scholar and ast to need to meld piety or is savage the actual test?

Fuck off with your shit game weebs

why did he think it wasn't g'raha?
like there's literally one npc that's associated with the crystal tower questline that makes sense being the exarch

I only got the one in the image and the chameleon from the dungeon in Rak'tika. Could have made a decent buck off them I'm sure but I just don't have the patience for the undercut war on the market for these things

>mained WAR since ARR
>kinda thought of ardbert as a rival
>this cutscene happens after all his buildup in shb
>i challenge you, emet-selch
how is this expansion entirely fucking kino from front to back

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We are here for darkness, not sleep.

Spoilers below, and thoughts. Maybe I'm just jaded but I'm let down by it all even though it was better than Stormblood.

Sin eaters were essentially just zombies, every "twist" could be seen from a mile away, Emet-Selch was introduced a patch before the expansion just to be killed off as a throwaway villain we'll forget like that one Ascian from Heavensward (yet we all remember Elidibus and Lahabrea), forced happy ending with no sacrifices (aldbert and minfilia were already fucking dead) and despite it being said we are a fraction of some greater being we can still gary stu over someone complete like Hades and pull feats of superhuman strength out of our ass to do so.

The music was great, zone variety could have been better. Kholusia feels exactly like Amh Araeng on the upper level, which just feels like a scrapped Gyr Abanian zone.

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Zenos already said fuck the throne, he doesn't care about it. He wants (you). And he said that Varis is a coward for wanting to use the gas.

Say something nice about your possessive scottish fairy mommy.

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>everyone trying to soak the circles
They better make that a mechanic in the Ex


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Yes it holds. You will feel lost as fuck but let's be real, anyone who played 5.0 from the beginning will feel it at the end with the whole Emet city/dungeon/trial.

She has been there for years. For all we know she could have already had a kid with him that we don't know about.

Zenos killed the emperor specifically so he wouldn't use blackrose. Blackrose was introduced so we'd have a reason to go to the first, and so Zenos would have a reason to kill the emperor. Gaius was never an enemy of the emperor, only ascians. The emperor also dislikes ascians. Have you even been paying attention?

I kept on thinking about that one cat that keep commissioning art of their WoL and Y'shtola together, they must have been pissed

My theory is that Estinien will be able to hold his own against Zenos long enough to tell him about Black Rose. Since Zenos would consider that thing cowardly he'd put a stop to it himself, as he certainly won't be listening to Elidibus

Black rose plot has been foiled entirely at this point

Yes Zenos is emperor now. Recall that one of the first acts as emperor to avoid a war of sucession was to enforce that his son would be heir.

Why does it sound like a leprechaun man?

We're all anonymous here, you don't have to lie

It's more of the new characters I was hoping for. Maybe even more interactions with Ryne from the other cast. She only really talks to Thancred and sometimes Urianger.

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Where's my activation key?


I think it's pretty obvious Zenos doesn't want to rule. He said so himself.

There is no savage currently but ex titania shouldn't be too intensive on healing.

I was going to main Paladin (at lvl 75 now) because I’m a sucker for FFT but I am having so much fun on Gunbreaker I might main that (only 63 tho).

I think part of the reason for the imbalance is because they gutted healers though

I don't get it. Do people actually care about 14's story? What makes people hyped for the DLC? Isn't it just more content for the treadmill?

Took until Skysteel Manufactory/Garland Ironworks/the Garlean refugee in the GNB storyline for any of them to think of central-heating for Ishgard desu

Does she think of his Chocobo-Arse more like a brother?
Also.. I really like how she has grown.

I was on the edge about her until she gave us that talk after Innocence that was really heartwarming and when she comes to you and gives Bismark a stern talking to.

I distinctly got the opposite impression. In additon to his body back he's also retaking the throne.



You're fucking right. There are very few times where the game has made me feel so pulled-in but that final boss of the dungeon was one of them.

Haven't tried Innocence yet, but as for Titania nah.

>That fucking Radio noise and BGM as a whole
God fucking damn
Soken you absolutely madman, how the fuck does he do it?

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>300 replies in 30 minutes

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>best villain in the game
>throwaway that we'll forget.
>even daring to comapre him to the ascian from HW that only had dialogue in the dungeon fight
You serious dude?

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>we are a fraction of some greater being we can still gary stu over someone complete like Hades
Did you skip cutscenes?

Yes, people care
Because it's good

Current extremes are not healing intensive, unless your teammates are imbeciles, something you will see all day everyday

Amazon had a price error for a few hours one day months ago and they honored the order

The only tank that's slightly shitty so far is DRK imo
Tears up the dps meter and its CDs are good as any other tank, aoe is surpisingly strong. Aurora and Brutal Shell are nice passive sustain too I suppose.
Nuking monster of a tank with the same play style of SB somewhat, Holmgang with its short CD and being capable of movement make it amazing
Equilibrium is strong as fuck now, it's great.
Nascent flash/glint are interesting utility
What's there to be said even? It was near perfect and they just improved upon its SB kit
God Tank with amazing utility/support, CDs, single target and aoe damage
Almost on the same level as WAR but just mediocre
Shitty Inner Release clone in the form of Delirium, no crit/dh guarentee
Aoe is decent, but nothing amazing compared to the other tanks
Single targer DPS is strong, but not much better than GNB or WAR
Dark Mind is arguably dog shit compared to even Camoflouge or Thrill of Battle, yeah there's magic tank busters sometimes and suddenly it's amazing, but with the targetable OT defensive CDs and heal shields it's pointless.
Abyssal Drain R.I.P.
t. GNB/WAR/PLD main

The job is extremely one dimensional and is made to work around The Blackest Night so you can get free Edge/Flood of Darkness whenever you need yo extend the buff, but those spells being ogcds and having a Bloodspiller tier potency means you'll be tempted to use them often just to get less bored.
Blood Weapon changes are beyond dogshit and the spells feels borderline useless. Changes to Delirium for the third only to make the spells even less interesting than before (seriously fuck budget Inner Release), same goes for Abyssal Drain.
Finally, Living Shadow is an absolute joke and feels useless and clunky.
I wish we could go back to HW DRK.

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Surprised it hasn't been pruned after 10 replies


How's diabolos for either? I guess I'd lean raiding over RP but a smaller rp community is also a plus.

>Figure I can do trial roulette in 20 minutes
>Get Titania
>Braindead shitters can't kill ads in order
>Don't make it in time


I think people are thinking ishgard was attacked due to that one echo vision, but that was of the future where you died.



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I know, but it feels like he implied that he will take up the position if it means stopping the war and Black Rose so he gets to fight WoL again.

It is clear she wants to lick Sidurgu scales bro.

I use both nigger its all about practice.
T. Tank main

why do you appear as an ayylmao for a moment when Ardbert saves you? is it that the shade that was Emet-Selchs friend?

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It's..more story for the story. Shit plays like any single player FF game until you want to do dungeons.

People care cause it's a good ass story and ways better than the usual final fantasy crap

It's kino time.

that scene was cute but ystola wouldnt see this kitten as a real man, see magnai

>Ishgard reconstruction companies must be corrupt as fuck
Dzemael are essentially the rulers of the construction industry in Ishgard, and they're filled with a lot of douchebags. They do good too though. The Skyfire Locks were built by them as bomb shelters for all the people who used to live outside the walls on farms.

Well they've been in a war and before 5 years ago they weren't in an eternal winter.

>butt, thigh, belly sliders with lots of new skindentation armor
>interactive player sex emotes
these are some features leaked from the next expansion

Is there anything special about ex tit and innocence that normal doesn't have or is it just more of the same and it hurts more?

murphy's law

You are the shadownigger all along.

Why is the boss music so good?

>people thought they were going home when WoW Vanilla was announced

Apparently RP in mateus only occurs in Ul'Dah?

It reminded me of Texhnolyze.

you are the 14th Ascian

Might be looking at the wrong number but


It's you from the original planet. That's why he says "remember" to you. You were a friend and probably part of the same Council as the rest of the ascian.

It has implications that aren't fully explained, one of which being that you are the split soul of an ascian, which is why you're so powerful


should i be stacking SS on GNB? that affects the cd on gnashing fang and sonic break right?

I liked Akademia, it had a very Bioshock feeling to it with the piano. Shame about the 2nd boss being absolute fucking garbage incarnate

Mateus used to be a nice and quiet place before the Balmung over-flow went there instead.

how do you get that

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If upu get isekai'd and you become your xiv character would you ever want to return?

I think its gonna come to light that the Warrior of Light is an immortal soul that got split along with the rest of the world. I play as a female character, did Emet call the spirit male or female to you?

user, Ascians aren't Echo users
Echo users were former Ascians, and you were the 14th

It play pretty differently even if it shares mechanics.

Don't know about Innocence since I'm still farming Tit ex for weapon but it's pretty easy, just more damage and some bootlegt O3S vines mechanic.

I think it was shorthand for him seeing you as a "complete" being, equal to the ancient Ascians.

With Varis dead and Zenos having zero interest in ruling, Garlemald would probably fragment into several different armies and factions and the black rose would probably be used by someone at the head of one of those factions. Or whoever claims the throne besides Zenos, assuming it isn't Gaius.

Please post your iq.

That’s what’s killing SMN for me

So many fucking buttons

Give me a DPS class with the least amount of buttons to map on my controller please.

Is it MCH? or RDM? or MNK?

Yes, when Adbert joins with you, your Soul is then the stitched together parts of eight of your shattered souls, since you've been Rejoined seven times previously, Adbert makes eight. The plot of Final Fantasy XIV is literally The One, a Jet Li film.

Natural disasters were gonna start happening before Black Rose was employed and with WoL still on the Source, Zenos wouldn't need to wait for them to come back and coul djust hunt them immediately which would leave the Empire to do whatever, thus Black Rose and most likely kill Zenos together with WoL.


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They are in the same datacenter (Diabolos I mean) so for RP you can just visit another server. In fact, Mateus is more chill now considering most roleplayers go to Balmung instead (that's the main RP server).
If you are interested in RPing then make a character in any server from the Crystal Datacenter.
I RP sometimes and raid and haven't found anything bad with raiders so far but not like I go hardcore anyway.

It's implying you're a reincarnation of some unknown Ascian, presumably the 14th council member who left before they summoned Zodiark. And went on to summon Hydaelyn.

All this time we thought Hydaelyn was blessing us, but in reality she was just paying her dues to her creator.

By rubbing more than 2 brain cells together. Careful, they're hot!

>7 shards currently dead
>all with their own failed WoLs
>7 plus you makes a full party of 8

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The final boss is going to be the other half of our shattered Ascian soul isn't it

Because the Warrior of Light would have been out on the frontlines still fighting so it's conceivable that Zenos would have kept trying to fight you instead of what he did in this timeline.

DNC, followed by RDM

Fuck no, FFXIV universe sucks.

bench friend said that ardbert and the wol are fragments of the same ancient citizen from the unbroken planet where emet is also from
when you almost lose ardbert and you "fuse" and so you are a little more complete which is seen by emet as if you were one of his kind

The part about ruling over the lands makes it seem like he doesn't want the throne. He kills Varis because of the gas and wars.

I like the game but fuck Eorzea. Things are going to shit every day.

>hating based autism katana man

I like how people meme this scene but not the one forty minutes later where she affectionately grabs Urianger by the ass

Stop skipping cutscenes. The Ascian shade in that waiting room wonders if Emet also sees a certain someone in the color of your soul. You are a fragmented piece of one of the council Ascians.

Both Emet and Hythlodaeus called that unknown person by your gender, so it's definitely you.

Just unlocked the lvl 75 dungeon before I left because of the maintenance. Any tips for it?

My bet is it's still gonna be Zodiark as the final boss, Hydaelyn will give us the power to get rid of him for good, ending herself at the same time. Might have to go through zenos and elidibus to get to him

Can someone explain to me how the First works for the rejoining? Wouldn't it being fully fallen to light make it just as useless as the Void? Or did they intend to smash it into the Void to "fix" both of them?

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So what was the point of that Ishgard scene you saw as a flashback?

I keep telling people Y'shtola is just a slut but no one believes me.

Imagine being this guy
>millennia old being full of knowledge and power
>piloting a body that's considered to be peak human form
>lost to some faggot who's obsessed with katana in random fuck's body
Fucking amazing.

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>Heavy Thrust is gone removing the need to awkwardly go back and forth after every Wheeling Thrust and Fang and Claw combo.
>High Jump is literally just faster Jump to prevent animation lock
>Blood of the Dragon mastery literally makes it so you can just pop Geirskogul whenever you want instead of waiting to get your Blood of the Dragon past 20 seconds to get your 3 Nastronds
>Awesome as fuck dive at level 80
DRGbros, why was SHB so good to us?

>all this time has been calling us her beloved son/daughter
>when mommy crystal was actually our daughter all along

Use the W-cross hot bar user

Did anyone screencap Yshtola saying she'll take you over her knee?

that wasnt a flashback, that was from the failed future

No, because FFXI already played that trope, and FFXIV can't possibly take anything from XI that isn't its 3d monster models

imagine being a warrior of light in one of the reflections sleeping away in bed and some crystal fuckhead in a robe yanks you to help some dumbass save a different world

I don't know, but it got me sweating. It's going to be a long expansion.

Totally DNC
They have the least button out of all jobs, like seriously my bar is so empty I almost feel bad

HW was better overall? Fuck no.

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You can always mark fucking targets if you want to be sure
You can also write in chat
But you decided to do nothing and paid for that

zenos' fight autism makes him too powerful

Eorzea's goddamn terrible

The Void is sort of an exception and the ascians first failed attempt at a rejoining.

And now his bitch Varis is probably dead. What a failure jobber.

How the fuck did everything go so right?

Stormblood was so fucking boring with lyse being worthless yet taking up most of the screentime and was only ever interesting the 5 times zenos showed up

It's only a failure if the Flood entirely eats away the Lifestream. The Ascians needed it to be overwhelmed by Light/Umbral aether, and for the people to succumb to Umbral activities meaning, giving up.. Then they also needed an Umbral disaster on the Source that exhibits the same qualities of the element, and then they could Rejoin the First before it was gone.

No. The light is elemental energy that they could use to crack the barrier between the two worlds, forcing them together. It wouldn't be a void, it would be a place of heightened light element.


The Void got totally cut off from the lifestream which is what fucked it up. The First was supposed to be consumed with Light while at the same time the Eighth Umbral Calamity with the use of Black Rose was to take place. With Black Rose stilling the aether of living beings like the Light does, the First would collapse and it's aether would pour into the Source.


>Everyone talking about us being an Ayyscien
>No one is talking about Elidibus' master plan of throwing more WoL at us

Gear and glam has been utter shit in SHB so far. Biggest disappointment but the story kind of makes up for it.

>ask my friends who quit WoW to come back and play since XIV is on maint
>they laugh at me

so our mommy is our daughter, too? now I'm getting aroused

Man this soundtrack in general just hit every emotion it needed when it was called upon. This dungeon bioshock'd the hell out of me, so comfy. I want more!


During his transition phase and after it and you pull him again and the music just picks up again. God damn it's so perfect.

So how many fragments are there of the original ascian that you are a part of and how complete is it now

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There needs to be an adjoining Calamity of the same aspect on the Source for the falling shard to empower. They made the 13th fall to darkness but didn't realize they needed to align that with events on the Source, so it's Aether didn't rejoin, instead being consumed by the demons, and it just became the Void.

Alright remember when you were sitting and waiting in line for your papers and and one of the imortals stops by and talks to you about how he is aware of the charade? Yeah? Go read that conversation again. Or should I say, for the first time, because you clearly skipped the cutscene.

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The WoL was reflecting on the things they were afraid to lose. It's canon that the WoL sees Ishgard as home and Edmont and crew as their family.

Elidibus is a joke, it's impossible to take anything he does seriously.

they were marked retard
I blame the fact that there were two shitty fucking dancers so DPS was shit

like what was that all about anyway? I remember it and I was like "did she just slap his ass?!?"

Gee, because it worked so well last time when he sic WoD at us.
Seriously, the guy has gone full retarded.

Lahabrea literally only has like 3x the amount of screen time Nabriales did
We only remember him because of MSQ roulette
Solus has more screen time than Elidibus by the end of ShB

it was you seeing G'raha Tia's memories. The 'Biggs' you saw was actually Biggs' descendant, which you hear a message from at the end of the Twinning quest.

G'raha Tia is your number 1 fan. Remember that he teared up when his hero thanked him for his help, and had your adventures in hardback

*nods head

Fourteen, we have at least two pieces but there's some conjecture that we may have eight because of the previous Rejoinings.

Elidibus is just a retard at this point. So nobody really take him seriously.

At least the design is badass. The katana revolver is so ridiculous but so fucking cool at the same time.

am I autistic for thinking FFXIV unironically has the best soundtrack of all time? fuck SHB really overdid it, too.

>finally get home from wageslaving all day


Are they going to compensate me with $5 of Mogstore currency like when Exvius goes under emergency maintenance?

at least you still have classic to look forward to
unless that's bad then you're fucked

There were 13 shards, just like everything else that got sundered.

but then what does that make arenvald? krile? ysayle? if we accept tenzen and ramza as "your" reincarnations, what of them?

Well we don't have to imagine it, that was what happened to us for this expansion already.

There's only 13 fragments (the Void being totally lost means that part of you is too unless it's Unk)

but that's why he's great, he looks menacing and he's the only one with a different cloak but in reality he's the biggest retard of them all

Obviously the same number as shards.

It will fail of course, but it'll be interesting to see who he uses for that plan.

its only 3 hours dumbass

He's small time

So, why does it seems like a strong vocal majority of the player base dislike her? I never got far so I never formed a strong opinion.

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Ghost blowjob, woo woo!

I fucking love this expansion. How did they do it? Was this caused by original FF14 devs coming back after being freed up from FF15?

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>Wage slave
>2 hour queue
Bros I just want to play.

I've gotten it a few times on roulettes, and each time I pretend that I just got yanked out of a game of Mahjong and get angry at the viewing cutscene guys. I play on Balmung. Don't @ me

No way fag.

Even Emet knows Elidibus is going to fail, and that their dream was never going to come true. That's why he simply begged us to remember them.

What so they can mindlessly grind rep to do anything resembling fun?

Making my way through HW right now and it looks like I'm nearing the end. I've heard that Stormblood isn't as good, so should I skip the cutscenes there or are they still worth watching.

Yshtola, being blind, got a little wet over his spurt of typical chuu2 slam poetry about the night sky but still thinks he's a dork

It started off pretty good imo, it just fell flat near the end.

Reddit dislikes her for some reason.
Yea Forums is all about Minfilia's minfilias

Finished MSQ as DRK. Should I level up PLD or start leveling GNB now? Fuck doing HoH though

I wished Emet didn't die and become our new Middy.

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He's not, Lahabrea is still the biggest retard. The ascians were a bunch of bumbling morons before Emet was introduced, and now Emet has set the bar so high that there's no way Elidibus will ever redeem himself.

im telling you, all of the 5.x series will be us dealing with various warriors of light, absorbing them without having to Rejoin, and eventually become super ascian boy

Thank god for lord edmont writing Heavensward, he saved the universe.

As presented in ARR she's just pretty damn useless. We're told that she did a lot for the Scions but it was really a bad case of telling and not showing.

>A golden pigsuit teleports in

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I'd watch them. There's still some nice stuff sprinkled in here and there.

No kidding, the Voeburite and Ronkan sets are nice at least....
I don't know if you play GNB but a majority of the designs are shit

The fact that we rejoined with Adbert means that we are closer to attaining ascian form. This being the case, unukalhai will probably become relevant again due to him being another 1/14 of our ascian self.

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XIV has been funding 15 and KH3 for so long that were just now seeing them without being held back

So if WoL is a fragment of an Asican soul, were they born like a normal person and grew into what they are now? Do we have parents? Or did we just kind of form out of the aether with conveniently fuzzy memories and shit? Cause I could see this wrecking a lot of people's RP shit.

how do i get the pepesuit

DId he lose in a straight up fight? I thought he just gave it up once he sensed that Hades died. Then again bitching out before the fight even starts makes him even more of a loser

Pray return to the Waking sand memes, but she's a good gal, really got fucked over by fate, frankly

Dude got overpowered once then gave back Zenos his body after saying he could crush the Alliance. What a jobber.


Hythlodaeus might /be/ the WoL's old Ascian identity. It's pretty strange that Hythlodaeus is able to sense Ardbert when previously only the WoL could see him.

My expectation coming in was that Heavensward was peak and everything after was never going top it. Being proven wrong is powerful.

Because of all the damn quests she made you do in ARR.

>Go back to the burning sands
>Go back to the burning sands
>Go back to the burning sands
I'm half way across the damn world

>Cutscene skipping

Considering that souls are reincarnated, yes you had a family at some point prior to the game.

Lahabrea was extremely overconfident plus autistically obsessed with primals. If you do the Akademy expert dungeon you find out that he was an expert on creative magics and obsessed with collecting and examining different creatures built with it.

Zenos said he ran away, the flashback we saw was that Zenos was going for the kill and he pussied out.

Hey lads I just got to 80. Which EX Primal should I focus on first? I'm assuming one gives the weapon but which one, and what does the other one give?

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Yep, it's dance. It's a ranged dps but you'll more often than not be in melee range more than ranged. Damn is it fun.


It's sorta meh as an expansion but there are some good and important story beats, watch em

You were born out of the Lifestream like a normal person. That's how souls work. Your soul is just one of the originals.

Titania is weapons, Fatty is accessories.

Tit for weapon. She's also pretty easy.

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I loved her and wanted to have intense sexual relations with her.

They know
Titania for weapon
Then pretty boy for right side
Both are simple, but very easy to fuck up

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I don't get where did the Hades name come from. First he was Solus, then we found out his real name is Emet but then all of a sudden Hades. Why?

So what is the best way for getting your second character from 70-80? FATEs and dungeon queues?

crop and resize your webms properly retard

>the echo is from you being one of the original pre-split people or something like that
so how does the fake resonance echo work then? elidibus said it was borrowed, but from who?

I think it's safe to assume that YoshiP won't write your origin story for you. Doesn't sound like his vision for mmo players.

Hades is his true birth name. Emet-Selch is his title of office on the council. Solus is an assumed name he used to control the Garlean Empire.

>tfw had what seems like basically everything spoiled for me at this point
Feels fucking horrible. I've been playing with a girl and we wait for each other to go through the story at the same time so we aren't at the end yet. Out of all the places I've been going to for reading on the game to hold me over while I can't progress this is the only one that's been dropping spoilers basically everywhere. As a matter of fact I think it's the only one dropping spoilers at all.

I don't know how I'm going to manage to fake excitement and surprise with her when we get to the plot points. I hate this stupid shitty website, why do I still come here after over 10 years.

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How the fuck do I into Balmung? Was going to start playing, but my friends are all in Balmung and they dont want to transfer for some reason.

Every fucking night I somehow seem to get dc'd between 6-10pm and get fucked by a login queue of 1.6k+. Should I just world visit some dead ass server like Sarg or Siren for the first week or 2 so I don't get assfucked by 1hour+ login queues?

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what are the changes in ex mode?

Elidibus is invincible essentially. I just saw it more as him having a change of plans and not wanting to deal with the charade any longer, thus giving Zenos his body back and hitting up the moon to think for a bit.

I just want to know what's up with Zenos' eyes. Can't recall if that was part of his artificial echo or something else.

>Have you even been paying attention
Of course, i know all that. Varis and Gaius' interests clearly align somewhat. However, Varis didn't seem remotely surprised that Gaius was alive. I just wonder to what extent they knew of each others activity this whole time, if at all.

So uhh was the wol a ancient? Also the moment they stopped making the player character a complete decoration in dialogue and reactions the story becomes amazing.

Leveling Roulette then dungeons spam.

Questing on a MNK is fucking MISERABLE now. Spending 9+ GCDs to rebuild back to NORMAL damage /and/ you miss every single positional.
He's referring to overworld stuff, where you either can't hit positionals because you have aggro, or can't just True North because it doesn't have 100% uptime.

you get isekaied to the source..... but not as your character.... but as yourself, and without the skill to manipulate aether... good luck

The Resonance works by using an Echo-user as a blueprint and then using dozens of other peoples' aether to copy that blueprint onto your own soul.

>People get numbered 0-5 (with 0 being the circle)
How do you even number them like that mid fight? It's not like you can number them prior because who knows who 0 is going to be.

Then stop reading spoilers


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isn't is a lot more boring without abyssal drain?

>oh fuck garlemald is invading, lets get the beast tribes to summon primals to fight them
>oh fuck WoL pray return to the waking sands, beast tribes summons are going wild clean up my mess please
>lol dead but I'm actually Hydaelyn's chosen
>Finally does something useful and stops the flood of light

>thought id give hrothgar a chance since they didnt seem that bad
>their run animation makes them look like they have a broom shoved up their ass

>So uhh was the wol a ancient?
Remember that 3.0 scene where the KOTR ruler saw you under a dark light before you finished him off?

After beating MSQ, Ascians and Rejoinings don't even seem to be the biggest threat anymore. Whatever caused the Ascians power of creation to turn against them and undo the very laws of the universe must've been some serious fucking shit and I suspect it'll make an appearance as we get stronger/more whole.

Wait, we're suposed to go under those falling blue disks?

Yeah it's from the Resonance. Fordola has the same eye effect in Stormblood.

if you're on Crystal datacenter, just world jump.

If you're not, you're gonna have to pay. And Balmung hasn't been open in months and likely won't for another couple

What's the real potency of Fey Blessing?
Because its clearly not 250, more like 180 at best.
I hate that they nerfed Indom because of it too, since they are clearly meant to be used together since both of them have 60 sec CD
I also fucking hate how late the fairy use her skills even though they are now ogcds

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I can't really remember normal mode that well since I've done it literally only once, but in EX there's some aoe going out during adds spawning water puddle and some O3S bramble shit. There's also shared buster and tether passing.

So nothing happened in stormblood?

Gotta keep something up there in between all the furry yaoi sex, otherwise the poopoo falls out

So How is GNB at 80, guys?

Attached: GNB.jpg (189x267, 9K)


The very first GNB I got in EX roulette small pulled, took his sweet fucking time between packs (thank god for Anatman), and regularly mis-positioned the boss; I do not have high hopes for future ones.

People are posting images too, but really, why is it so hard for people to talk about the game without posting spoilers?

>Emet-Selch is his title of office
I must have missed that, whenever the imortals were talking about him it always felt like a name even though his official position was pretty clear.

>beat the final boss, got the credits
>had to skip because maint
>no post-credits scene

Attached: rancepalm.jpg (315x365, 25K)

I was a cutscene skipper to the max. I had a very vague understanding of the story, no idea where any of the main characters were or what their backstory was. Max I knew was that the scions were a thing.

Knew that Bahamut fell to the ground, also ebil empire, also we go around killing summoned primals. Literally nothing else. The only story I sort of followed was the Manderville quests.

Shadowbringers was just a string of gutpunches, kino, and maximum feels. Yes, knowing the backstory to some of the characters would be nice, yes I'll probably New Game + when that becomes a thing. But by itself, it was fucking incredible. You could change some names, do a minor intro sequence, and do this a a self contained standalone game. If you edit out the "meanwhile in the garlean capital" segments.

No it gives vuln up.

SPOILER tag exists for a reason

As far as Minfilia is concerned, not that I recall.

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Considering that Emet said that the Ascians could pretty much live forever it might very well had been that they were using and abusing aether too much to the point that the very nature of the universe rebelled against their blatant misuse of their abilities. We might learn more in the Nier raid, I think it might be tied into what happened on the original world.


She fucks off in SB, you don't see her the entire expansion.

The bigger question is who deploys the Black Rose now? Our actions in the First didn't really lead up to Zenos just going in and killing the Emperor.

Renzokuken tier.

only if she has a giant futa cock

I managed to avoid the thread while playing through the story.

He ought to, the WoL is being held back by being a blank slate and their best moments are when they're given canon characterization, like in the dark knight quests. This game's story would really benefit in a lot of areas by being a conventional single player game rather than an MMO.

its not just GNB every fucking tank in roulette has no fucking balls

welcome to the final days of Amaurot


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Post credits scenes are after you finish the quests after the credits.


Based tranny obsessed EOP

emet-selch has lore bombs when you talk to him randomly on the field, a lot of people will miss stuff

I avoided the threads like the plague while I was working on the MSQ, you should have done the same.

>skipping gosetsu or yotsuyu

Eh, I don't think it's that bad. TBN is fucking busted now and it feeds you tons of damage. Also it feels like they buffed the shit out of the healing Abyssal does in its single cast so timely using it is a lot more important, The Dark Arts replacement button being an actual attack alone does wonders for making the class more fun to play.

So is axe boy gone for good or went the minfilia way?