Rank them from best to worst

Rank them from best to worst

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BOTW is the worst no matter what rank. Least zelda game ever

BotW > MM > OoT > WW > LttP > LA

All are great games.

wind waker
majoras mask
ocarina of time
link to the past
links awakening



> *Tips Fedora


WW>>BotW>MM>OoT>LttP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sucking dick>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LA


Majora's Mask > Breath of the Wild > Link's Awakening > Ocarina of Time > Wind Waker
Never played A Link to the Past

hey we could be friends

Link to the Past = Ocarina of Time = Majora's Mask > Twilight Princess > Wind Waker >>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>> BotW

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> All these contrarians putting Majora's Mask ahead of Ocarina of Time

OOT>MM>LTTP>>>>>>>>>WW>never played BOTW

Not even worth a fucking (you)

Anyone who puts anything than oot as first is fucking zoomer trash.
That game was just too revolutionary for the time. If you were growing up with games at that time and you played oot you were simply blown away. Zoomer trash like ss is objectively dead last

BotW > LA > OoT = LttP > MM > WW

All fantastic though, great series!

MM = OoT > ALttP > WW = LA > BotW

Link to the Past = Ocarina of Time = Majora's Mask > Twilight Princess >>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>> BotW = Wind Waker

I was born in 2000 & grew up with a GameCube. But despite this Ocarina of Time & Final Fantasy X still blew me away after playing them for the first time a couple of years ago

MM is better for the atmosphere

The Atmosphere dies after you leave Clock Town for the first time & you realize that it's literally just a complete 1-1 rehash of OOT, except with worse story, dungeons, music & bosses. The first 3 hours of MM is the best the game ever gets, the game progressively gets worse as you play it.

I always end up putting them together. They compliment each other nicely and are both 10/10.

>That game was just too revolutionary for the time.
not a reason to pretend it's better
>If you were growing up with games at that time and you played oot you were simply blown away
so,it's all nostalgia
>zoomer trash
>zoomer trash
it's time to stop sperging timmy,your memes were never funny

I can't place BotW as I haven't played it.

I'm a Majora's Mask fag because i got the N64 in 1999, anyone who lived in the US got a Playstation for FFVII and Crash Bandicoot at that time

You literally just proved his point that only Zoomers think OOT isn't a masterpiece. Anyone who has to cry about "Nostalgia" is a zoomer


MM > LA > OOT > WW > BOTW > LttP
Also this

>If you don't let nostalgia dictate your opinions, then you're the incorrect one

majora's mask
ocarina of time
wind waker

BotW > WW > LttP > Who cares

After about a quarter million of "true scotsman" Zelda titles can be found anywhere on any Nintendo console you can own. I think BOTW is OK being a black sheep. Although yea I will concede to it lacking a certain Zelda vibe, which is likely just nostalgia.

Zoomers who didn't even play these games when they came out with the exception of botw should just have their opinion discarded. Go back to dabbing on fortnite and kys

My issue with BotW is that exploration is its main point, but it's incredibly unrewarding.

doubt,you say "cry" about nostalgia but you addmitedly use a shit non argument as "it was good for its time" to defend your precious rating of an old ass game,your game got surpassed in many ways,it's not the best anymore,face the truth

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The fact that anyone would put WW above anything speaks volume of this boards taste.


they are all amazing games though so w/e

Link's Awakening>Breath of the Wild>Majora's Mask>Ocarina of Time>A Link to the Past>The Wind Waker
It's more Zelda like than any game other than the original Legend of Zelda.

alundra best rest worst

this is correct

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Link's Awakening
Majora's Mask
A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Wind Waker

> TPfag still seething that nobody cares about his piece of shit game

Explain to me why LoZ is so great
>shit combat
>baby tier puzzles
>the same story

I just didn't like Oot that much
Link's awakening>majoras mask>botw>link to the past>ocarina of time>wind waker. Not that Oot is a bad game, wanna play the hd version.
Where are the other games?

A Link to the Past is a great game; but, I dare you to defend Link's uncle's house only having one bed, the sprite work, and the linearity especially in how much of a step back it is from the original game.
Spoonfeed yourself baiter


Kind of the objective tier list desu. I mean i have a soft spot for TP but it's very derivative. I honestly don't like LttP but iknow it's importance to gaming history yadda yadda, but if it were just my opinion i'd put BOTW over it.

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>the sprite work
It's been ages since I played it but I don't recall the sprites being poorly done at all
>the linearity
Only the first 4 dungeons must be done in order, the last 7 are completely up to the player. Technically the last 8 are as well if you just grab the hammer from palace of darkness and bounce.
>Link's uncle's house only having one bed
I have no words. This has never even occurred to me.

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Of these? I'll rank them based on my motivation to revisit them/general fondness
All good games but I have my preferences, like if given the choice I'll play ALBW before I play ALTTP and BOTW isnt very replayable in my eyes

botw isn't replayable to you because it's only 2 years old...

And that's a good thing!

It isn't replayable for me because when it comes to actually doing the storyline and quests that first run can be as long as you want, and I took my time with it.
Also because I myself played through the game twice already and have no incentive to really play through it again, unlike other Zeldas


that still doesn't invalid the fact you'll probably be revisiting it in 4 more years.

>make no mention of TP
>WWcuck does it first
TP livin tent free in your head

majora > link's awakening > ocarina = to the past > breath of the wild > wind waker

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30 year old Boomer here, and For the time, doesn't mean it actually held up over time. I've played all of them and every 3D Zelda since has improved on the 3D formula it created.

BOTW is the second best Zelda game. MM > BOTW > WW > OOT > ATTLP

putting WW over Botw is unforgivable but i agree with the rest

lol nah
hot take but ocarina of time is inferior to botw

LA > MM > OoT > BotW > WW > ALttP

WW and ALttP are probably tied for me but if I absolutely had to pick one I'd give the nod to WW because I love its soundtrack. All of them are great games.

>least zelda zelda game
>is the most like Zelda 1 for the nes
>no other zelda has come close

How do you reply Zelda games, they are all linear boring set pieces. The only difference is a three heart run.

if you actually think this you have bad taste. Like im not trying to be mean or talk down to you but you should really recognize and accept you actually don't know what makes a good game.

>everything is different, and its not just a shitty Ganon game
>arguably the best water dungeon in all of zelda

man you Yea Forums fuckers have shit opinions

MM is objectively better. Even ALTTP is better.

Highly doubt it. I've seen all it has to offer and I wasn't a huge fan of the dungeons, I'm more a fan of the old style. I still enjoyed BOTW a lot, but I don't see myself revisiting the game fresh ever again

I love how everyone is shitting on BOTW like it isnt the best selling game on Switch.

It's not Zelda? That's like saying OoT wasn't because it wasn't top down, the master sword didnt shoot beams, etc. Realistically BotW simply needs to destroy the mini dungeons for some real ones, like the 9 floor shit. Also sailing would be nice.

My go to though might have to be Links awakening or Link to the Past, they aged like fine wine.

The GOAT Zelda hands down is 4 Swords though.

MM = LA > LttP > OoT > BoTW

>Realistically BotW simply needs to destroy the mini dungeons for some real ones
Actually the divine beasts and shrine quest should stay, they should just compliment more large scale dungeons over all.

it also doesn't have good music, which is incredibly disappointing.

He's objectively right.

I have tried to play almost every single 2D Zelda game ever made. I have never finished a single one. Zelda II is the most enjoyable to me, but the obscure puzzles kill the game. ALTTP just gets boring 3 hours in to me.

Depends on how fun they are to go through, like ALBW, that's a fun ass game.


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Posting Truth is not being Contratian.

OOT > MM > Awakening DX = LTTP > BOTW > WW

It's shocking to see how many Botw zoomers there are on Yea Forums, can't wait till summer ends.

i respect it. i don't agree, but i respect it.

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Why are people acting like 8.8 is a good game?

Nailed it.

Based entirely on how often I replay them.

LttP > MM > WW > BotW > LA > OoT

I mean if they could fit it all sure. But if we're keeping Divine Beasts, they need to go Shadow of the Colossus. Leave the puzzles for dungeon crawls, I want epic giant slayer or Monster Hunter treatment.

>MM anynthing but 2nd at worst
>nailing anything
it's the most creative and inventive zelda. people give Botw all the hype for reinvinting zelda, but majora (and before it, LTTP) did it first.


1. MM
3. TP
6. WW
7. BotW

but WW does have the best art style and probably 3rd best soundtrack.

Those 6?
Majora's Mask > Wind Waker > BotW > Ocarina of Time > Link's Awakening > LTTP
Not really a LTTP fan, I don't really find it fun.

2D zeldas will always be the best. 3D zeldas before WW have aged like milk. WW holds up very well but twilight princess and skyward sword were just boring. BoTW finally perfected 3D zelda.

just because the other games are better doesn't mean MM and Ocarina are bad. In fact, I think I love the tone and style of those games more than any of the others. The games are a fucking slog to play though

majora's mask has aged the best, though. wtf are you on about, mate?
>those hallucinogenic sequences at the beginning
>the oppressive atmosphere
>the memorable hub world
>the gloomy, dark soundtrack
>the feeling of optimism in the face of certain doom
its the only time a zelda game has been mature enough to break out of the "good elf boy vs evil pig" trope, and instead offer something more adult and interesting. all the NPC's you can interact with have lives of their own, all the stories intersect with other NPC's, clock town feels massive despite being just 5 areas.

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i don't think you understand why i mean by "aging". yes, those parts of the game are good, but it sucks to play, plain and simple

>the blurry and blocky graphics
>the clunky gameplay and controls
It aged like milk, just like Ocarina of Overrated.

I personally think the 2D games are more replayable because they're more simple and easy to get into than the 3D ones, as well as being shorter. ALBW is only my favorite because I love the painting gimmick and how it used the 3D to its advantage.
If you don't think Zelda games are all that replayable, that's fine, but I really like finding new little secrets on repeat runs or changing up how I play, and even though you can do that with BOTW, I lack the motivation due to the expansive world.

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This man has excellent taste

WW > OoT =MM > LA > aLttP
Haven't played BotW

It's hard to rank alttp and link's awakening together with the 3d zelda, they're very different. That being said, oot and alttp are considered the pinnacle the of 3d and 2d zelda respectively, while majora's mask and link's awakening are a bit more niche but still very beloved and possibly superior to the other two in certain ways. Wind waker is good but very flawed and botw is too different to even compare it to the rest.

Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Wind Waker
Majora's Mask
Link's Awakening
Breath of the Wild


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It's almost like people have a preferrance or something also MM > ALTTP > OoT > BOTW > LA > WW

OoT > MM > LA > ALttP >>> BotW > WW

WW deserves first because it is the ONLY Zelda game with Soul

This. If BotW could make its destinations as consistently interesting as its journeys then it would actually live up to the hype. I don't think BotW is barking up the wrong tree, it's just not quite where it needs to be just yet. Hopefully the sequel fixes that, I want to see this formula be the 10/10 experience that I know it can be.

The one you put 1st is the one you played the first-oh, that's the thing about Zeldah, they're all mostly the samey gamey, you play through one-oh only to realize the rest borrow-ah so many ideas and designs-ah that you won't be surprised and enthralled anymore-ah!


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I like Zelda games for the artstyle and setting changes though, and the puzzles and gimmicks, which definitely change between games

WW > MM > OOT > LttP > LA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BotW

>Least zelda game ever
Zoomer opinion

Lot of the puzzles are the same.

That's true, yeah, but there's many that are distinct, and most of the games provide a different experience

OoT aged like milk and I'm probably older than you. Fuck off, nostalgiafag.

Zoomer game, you mean.

Only played the first two dungeons of LA so I can't speak on it. Only one I have mixed opinions on is WW.


didn't play LA:dx

WW > ALttP > LA > BotW > OoT > MM

Breath of the Wild > Link's Awakening > A Link to the Past > Majora's Mask > Ocarina of Time > The Wind Waker, although everything except TWW is in the highest tier of Zelda games. This list is indisputable.

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No, I mean zoomer opinion from dumb zoomers like yourself who want the OoT formula cock shoved down your throats

LA > MM > OoT > WW > BotW > LttP

OoT > MM > BotW > ALttP > WW > LA

All of these suck except for OoT, which isn't even that good of a Zelda game


You mistook the silence for absence of sound. They're not the same and it's a huge part of why BoTW's music is actually genius.


This is my ranking regarding how much I enjoyed each game. It's a mix of ost, world building and feel that keeps me coming back for more. I am aware that ocarina and alttp are ground breaking and shit but I've never felt attached to them, even as a kid.

Really the only accurate list in this thread.

The blurriness is good, it's like old grainy horror film footage. It looking shitty and dated actually improves the un-canniness of its design in a way that suits the game well.

The gameplay holds up well; they handled the main gimmick and idea so well that there's been only one other game in 20 years that has even tried to ape the mechanic because MM nailed it so hard and fun on the first try


I dont really like 2d zelda and ww was a drag in the first half and botw is big and empty. Mm was cool but I like oot better although mm has a better plot

Majora's Mask > Ocarina of Time > Oracle of Ages > Oracle of Seasons > Twilight Princess > Breath of the Wild > Wind Waker > The Minish Cap > Link's Awakening > A Link to the Past > A Link Between Worlds > Skyward Sword > The Legend of Zelda > The Adventure of Link > Four Swords Adventures > Phantom Hourglass = Spirit Tracks >> Link's Crossbow Training >>> Tri Force Heroes

All good games though except that last one.

Oh and Hyrule Warriors between Spirit Tracks and Link's Crossbow Training.

>what is LoZ?
Oh man, you don't know shit and yet you speak? Get the fuck out.
Have stopped Zelda after PH but I'm pretty sure you can't put anything on top of MM ever.

You can't really judge FSA. It's not amazing alone but this shit was meant to be played with 3 other people.
Sure, it feels more like a big party game, but it has some nice dungeons and the boss fights are very fun.
But you need 4 cables and 4 GBA and 4 people for that so yeah, fuck it I guess.

You sure do talk a lot about cocks and you like Botw, can't be a coincidence. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.

>BOTW is the worst no matter what rank. Least zelda game ever

BotW is one of the most Zelda games ever, you silly zoomer child.

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