Is Link himself a god or is he just the reincarnated version of a god like Zelda is to Hylia and Ganondorf is to Demise...

Is Link himself a god or is he just the reincarnated version of a god like Zelda is to Hylia and Ganondorf is to Demise? Could it be that link is a reincarnation of the Fierce Deity?

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Link is a series of normal humans, chosen for their courage. He represents humanity standing up for itself.

>caring about zelda """"lore""""
They make it up as they go. Link is whatever suits them for the next game in the series.

i kinda doubt the fierce deity has any power outside of termina

Otherwise yes. Link is a mortal champion reincarnated to serve that purpose. This was a pact he formed with Hylia long, long ago

But hes not human.

>He represents humanity standing up for itself.
Kind of funny considering Link is basically a slave for the goddesses in their selfish quest of power against demise.

I think the gag is these 3 are destined to reincarnate and face each other for eternity, i wish nintendo would change it up for once and make ganon the good dude and link and zelda the bads that could be fun.

link is a disposable bitch born to serve hylia

Link should have gone for the head.

Skyward Sword calls him human

Hylians are humans. The best humans.

The Golden Goddesses don't give a shit about Demise, they're largely impartial. The only Goddess with a beef against Demise is Hylia herself, who at least has the integrity to participate in the cycle herself.

I assume someone mistranslated mortal.

It's a Japanese game, and in the Japanese language, they use the term "ningen" to mean both humans and mortals in general. So it's hard to point to any instance of "human" in the games with confidence.

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Ive always seen link and the fierce diety as the same being. However as Hylia created/spawned Zelda I do not think that the fierce deity existed at the beginning. This would essentially diminish the human accomplishments of link if he was like zelda/hylia. I think Links repeated heroic acts created the fierce diety which he is a part of. This way he can have an end goal becoming a god and it doesnt remove the fact that he was a mere human braving all this shit.

So is Hylia a lesser god or something?


did gannon die in the last one? Breathe ofd the wild made it seem like he couldnt reincarnate anymore. As in they could make more games before breath of the wild in the timeline but that was the last game lore wise.

She's a Mary Sue tier goddess who no one knew about and FUCK YOU Lake Hylia is not Nintendo saying "See she was always there." Fuck off fanboys.

japan doesn't make a distinction between hito/-zin and ningen
hairiazin *are* ningen
there's no real word for human/homo in japanese

This reminds of the fact that japan will ruin the ff7 remake and i should wait for the pc version so there is a chance of modding it.

Termina is inside Link's head, MM is Link's head coping with the fact that no one remembers his heroic deeds ultimately accepting that he'll always be the forgotten hero. Fierce Deity Link is him defeating the ultimate evil inside his head.

>nintendo trys to make this shit an expanded universe
>user jerks off to his own tears
>fuck off she was the goddess created when the first three left. someone has to run shit.

hylia is a bitch with no tits
>prove me wrong

The Golden Goddesses created the world, shat out the Triforce, and then fucked off to go play Mario Kart or something. They left the Triforce in Hylia's care and tasked her with watching over the world. There's no indication that they're doing anything more important with their time than maybe incarnating as mortals to dance, play the harp, and tell secrets in a tree sometimes. Hylia is apparently entirely their bitch.

That third one shouldn't have been green, here

>nintendo trys to make this shit an expanded universe
>user jerks off to his own tears
fuck off she was the goddess created when the first three left. someone has to run shit.

The Hero's Spirit is a God created out of the Original Link.
The godly soul that lives in each mortal Link.
Also all Links are directly related, all Zeldas are directly related, and every single Link marries every single Zelda.
It's not incest with a few generations between each couple.

>selfish quest of power against demise
t. demise

im onto you buddy

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But people remember the legendary hero the same way they remember the gods. Pretty sure in like half the game but breathe of the wild especially.

That would be stupid.

The idea is basically that there are three aspects of the triforce that exist in spirit and incarnate as mortals to fuck with each other and do what their nature calls for them to do.

Since Din, Nayru, and Farore fucked off after creating the world, it's not them incarnating as mortal men or women, it's the essences and "minds/personalities" of the triforce that incarnate.

In a way, its the triforce playing with itself, since they are literally created of and by it in spirit. They are the dream of the triforce and the dream of the three goddesses.

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Yes, that's in the "Link defeats ganon timeline", MM is set in the "Ganon is sealed before anyone gets to meet Link", hence young Link being the main protagonist.

We dont know if it pops out of a bloodline. There could be conflict with new families ruling. They all inevitably produce a zelda cause hylia exists.

I kind of preferred it when they didn't give a shit about recurring coincidences or whatever divine reason for a Link and everyone just expected a Link to show up because he saved Hyrule once.

At the very least, Hylian and Gerudo are the same species, since they can breed together. I'm pretty sure they're both human and are basically like races.

so did gannon die in the breathe of the wild when zelda says gannon gave up on reincarnating and became a giant pig? Is this the last game lore wise?

Nope, Spirit Tracks debunks this. There's not enough time between Links for WW Link to lead into ST Link without:
>A. It getting a bit Incestuous
>B. ST Link being some sort of royalty

I believe it's been said that Link is always birthed from the bloodline of Hyrule's Knights though. So he's theoretically able to respawn in any bloodline that's got enough Knighthood in it.

The Link who went back in time after OoT ended up forgotten, as he never did anything well-known.
Usually a Link would be celebrated for his heroism, but when nobody thinks you did anything, then you don't even get written down as an incarnation of The Hero.
This is why OoT Link ended up unhappy. Not to say he isn't a hero or a good guy, but everyone likes a little appreciation.
I still say he married Zelda, though.

>gave up on reincarnating

So is the desert cursed or something. they produce a bunch of women per man across all games right?

Chads OoT and TP Link dispel your gay fanfiction, Zeldafag.

BotW takes place in its own timeline with no connection to the other games.

The real question is where the fuck is vaati. Fuck this endless cycle shit. MM seemed most interesting to me cause it didn't follow the basic structure of a zelda story, it was more interesting cause of this

No but their progenitor was.

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>Also all Links are directly related
Pretty sure only a couple of Links are related.
I thought that there just happend to be Links who are descendants of other links, but it isn't a clearcut rule like Zelda.

What is the real translation?

No, watch the teaser for the BOTW sequel. That line about Ganon not incarnating anymore was a bad translation. Teaser reveals that Calamity Ganon is just self aware spooky juice that leaked out of 10,000 year old Ganondorf mummy under Hyrule Castle.

>I still say he married Zelda, though.
He didn’t, otherwise TP Link would fine dining and fancy shit instead of the farmboi we have now.

The Links aren't necessarily related, they're just reincarnations of each other.

>Never clarified to leave ambiguity for other games
>But nope
>Either shitposts or objective ideas of something that is meant specifically to not be understood
Why do you think it's appealing?
Is using your imagination (while aware it's your imagination) not appealing anymore?
Plenty of people claimed the Manga at the beginning of Hyrule Historia is canon but ask yourselves this:
If that were either true or false would it really make a difference with the experience each individual game brings to the player?
Fuck man. I'm too old for this shit.

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Ganon may have given up reincarnating, but the BotW2 trailer seems to imply he hasn't given up returning to life in another way. Calamity Ganon was a botched reincarnation, so rather than trying something that already failed pretty spectacularly, he's seemingly taking the opportunity that Link and Zelda inadvertently provided him to return to one of his previous bodies and just zombie it up.

Bullshit they just made the fucking chart linking the games. the new one will be on it somewhere.

To actually answer your question OP. Link has the soul of a hero that reincarnates every time evil shows up, whether in response to Demise's curse Ganondorf or otherwise. Hylia blessed the first hero, who also is a Link, with this and also made her soul reincarnate in every Zelda who lives in the same era as a Link and an evil. This was all explained in Skyward Sword, and the Link from SS is not actually the very first one. The game talks about the first hero who helped Hylia hold back Demise's evil while she worked on moving the land into the sky. Therefore, Link receives the soul of the hero, every Zelda is not a holder of Hylia's soul, and Demise's curse manifests itself in Ganondorf.

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BotW is connected to all timelines, but most strongly with TP and OoT. I don't think any of this is on purpose though, Nintendo just referenced everything in BotW but just happened to reference those two the most.

I like to think it does.
Nintendo will likely never confirm anything, but the idea of the eternal romance is very nice to me.
I'd say Link and Zelda usually have two children, one who is raised to stay royalty, and one who is given to the current head of the guard, or someone else who can be trusted, and starts a line that leads to the next Link, which eventually marries back into the royal family and starts it again.

Shes always in the sword apparently she just wont talk to you. Breath of the wild zelda says the sword talked to her when it had to.

he gave up on manifesting a physical form, as in, the big mechanical sludge thing you fought in the laboratory.
the BoTW2 trailer shows that Ganondorf's body had been mumified and sealed deep under Hyrule Castle, and all the malice that formed Calamity Ganon had been leaking out from the seal


I actually like Zelda but who the fuck gives a shit about the story? They just wrote a universe in a way that justifies reusing mascots and characters between games.

this. The goddess' chosen hero. Never specified to be anything more than human.

OoT/MM Link and TP Link aren't necessarily blood relatives. In fact, considering that the Hero's Shade is wearing some sort of fancy armor, OoT/MM Link must have gone on to become an actual knight.

No, BotW somehow takes place at the end of all timelines. There's an official timeline on the Japanese Zelda site and every branch ends in BotW. Presumably, one or more Goddesses got fed up with having to keep track of it all and initiated a TIMEBREAK convergence event that threaded all the disparate timelines together. BotW has features that should be from mutually exclusive timelines coexisting, so it being part of some kind of reunified timeline makes sense.

the exact opposite

Should I fuck with Minish Cap or Links Awakening after BotW? I’ve already beat OoT and ALttP, and played but not beaten MM.

you're thinking of Fi

>Hylian and Gerudo are the same species, since they can breed together

Gonna need source on that claim senpai because it sounds like you're getting lore mixed with porn.

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I thought it was the Turn A of Zelda in terms of timeline

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Are you getting Vaati and Fi confused?

Thx ya I am.

We just don't know. So we can each make up our own headcanon.
>marries Zelda
>two kids
>needs to send one off for the sake of tradition but is pissed he has to
>sends him off the Malon, a trusted friend from childhood

It's explicit that Gerudo women kidnap Hylian men to reproduce. What, you thought they had Ganondorf doing all the work?

Gerudo women go as far as to kidnap hylians to get pregnant, or just seek them to have a relationship, all confirmed in BotW.

Nah, in the child timeline, OoT Link ends up with Malon since he'd be hesitant to pursue a relationship with Zelda, due to getting snubbed by her future self. OoT Zelda would have to make the first move, and show interest in him beyond seeing him as the heroic figure from her vision that one time.

Child Timeline Zelda and Link would have a strictly business relationship, even as Link rises to Knighthood.

Sure, Malon would be the Silver Medal in this scenario, but how else would you explain TP Link ending up with all that raw physical strength without the assistance of magic strength enhancing gauntlets? Malon, as a CHILD, carried a grown-ass cow up a tree for OoT Link, for god's sake.

Both are great.

Dude, where do you think more Gerudo come from? Do you think they're all futa?

Who else are the Gerudo going to fuck?

Are you retarded? They clearly made sure that BotW could not be linked to any of the other timelines. The legend of 10,000 years ago never happened in any of the other Zelda games. They have Rito in the game despite the fact that Wind Waker established that Rito evolved from Zora because they couldn't live in the ocean. Ganondorf (i.e. the Gerudo form) doesn't seem to have ever existed; in fact, I think BotW states that all Gerudo are women even though OoT states that a male Gerudo is born every hundred years. BotW breaks all the established lore so that it can't be connected to the other games.

>OoT/MM Link and TP Link aren't necessarily blood relatives.
TP Link is OoT Link’s direct descendant you retard.

I thought it was a kid's game where sex doesn't exist

>all confirmed in BotW
>buying a Switch

But would a Goddess reincarnated really let her man be stolen by a hick?

>Silver Medal
Come on user, she's way better than sticc OoT Zelda.

What do you mean Gerudo?
Gerudo are a women only race with 1 exception once every 100 years that need hylians to procreate.
In BoTW they even give lessons on how to nab hylian men.

Hylians are variants of humans with magical power and pointed ears and crossbreeds between the two have curved ears with semi-points
OOT Link is full Hylian whereas newer Links like SS Link are crossbreeds

They literally state in the game that Gerudo women and Hylian men breed together.

Go play skyward sword. Zelda and Ganon are the gods. Link is just there to help out.

OoT Link settled with Malon, and got some some sweet pasty red head milkies.

>Ganondorf (i.e. the Gerudo form) doesn't seem to have ever existed
Actually, one of the Gerudo comments that there's a legend that Calamity Ganon once took the form of a Gerudo. It's pretty obviously an acknowledgment of Ganondorf where the specific details got scrubbed off over time.

>not having a Wii U
Like, zoinks, man.

He didnt make a pact with Hylia. Demise cursed him.

Pretty sure SS Link is the most purebred Link of them all.

You're right, my bad. I'm retarded.

Ganon's not quite a god. He's more like the physical embodiment of a curse.

You know BOTW is playable on PC right?

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It used to be that but now it's just the same spirit reincarnated over and over. I liked the idea that courage would find someone at random when needed and that said hero would jsut be dubbed Link. Eh, that's just another thing SS ruined.

>I never played the game I only make assumptions based on memes spread by retards
There's 3 ways to play BotW, 2 of them don't involve a switch, and one of them you don't even have to own a single Nintendo product. Also, Gerudo have a school dedicated to court men, there's even a quest where you have to set up a marriage and a wedding.

Hylia is a bitter cuck.

Are you fucking serious. Hes the same as everyone else. Nothing is special about him.

>Mfw the Groose really was let loose
The only good thing about that game.
They did character development spot on. With one fucking character.

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He actually got cursed by the yandere goddes Hylia to forever reincarnate together with her.
Demise was just being a dick and joined the ride to make sure it us as miserable as possible.

Gerudo mix with any men, but they only ever produce full gerudo children.

But hyrule warriors confirms there are different links

Why did Skyward Sword ruin the series with this stupid reincarnation curse shit.

u wot? Demise is the one who creates the curse. Did you even finish Skyward Sword?

She would if she thinks it's the wise thing to do, even if it isn't the smart thing to do.

I mean, her Future Self definitely had a thing for Link, but felt it would be wise to send him back to his original timeline, regardless of his feelings on the matter.

And then of course that backfires on her SPECTACULARLY because at some point Ganondorf returns with no Hero to stop him, the world floods, and we eventually lead into Wind Waker.

Child Timeline Zelda wouldn't necessarily have the emotional bond with Link that her future self would have, even when you consider that she's a reincarnation of the Goddess Hylia, who had the hots for her Link.

Let's not forget that Hylia's relationship ended in tragedy, with her Link's death, and there have been plenty of games where Link doesn't explicitly end up with Zelda, or where Zelda isn't even a love interest.

Ganon is demise reincarnation. Zelda is Hylias reincarnation.

>the same spirit reincarnated over and over

>buying a Switch

Also between tranny Link and this shit I didn't know Nintendo was putting perverted propaganda in their games now.

I don't see how that's relevant to my post.

I hate Zelda (as a franchise), but I've come to respect Ganon(dorf) and Zelda for their lore bits and a couple other tidbits throughout the games that I've heard as a third party.
But what the fuck is interesting about Link whatsoever?
He's literally just a generic hero.
That's it.
Is there literally anything to him besides also reincarnating along with Zelda and Ganon?

TP has the spirit of one link teaching the new link how to fight.

We only know for sure that Hylia reincarnated him and herself as the SS Link and Zelda, which doesn't necessarily dictate that they were going to stay in a reincarnation loop in perpetuity. She said she wanted to live a mortal life with the hero, which would've been accomplished with just the one cycle. Demise's curse could have kicked what was meant to be a one-off thing into a full-blown endless torment. That's hard to prove either way though.

This, Malon is basically the Platinum Medal of Zelda waifus. Midna is the Foreigner Belt.

>to forever reincarnate together with her.
No. Hylia never planned to be reincarnated again and again. It was supposed to be settled in the first iteration. Demise was salty and cursed them to do it over and over.

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If Skyward Sword had normal controls and no Fi messages it would be as good as the rest. As-is it's the worst 3D Zelda game.

Hyrule Warriors is not considered a main series entry and holds no place in either canonical story or timeline.

just pointing out normal genetics are not at play with the gerudo. They are not the same race as hylians,

He's not, compare him to previous Links and you can see he's less Hylian and more standard human

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SS is the very first link. Not a reincarnation.

Demise says "my hate" will be born anew. Ganondorf isn't a straight up reincarnation of Demise, he's the inheritor of his hatred. We've seen other inheritors, like Malladus, after Ganondorf died for real.

Zelda for comparison since she's definitively Hylian

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Because Fujibayashi wanted to share his DONUT STEEL OC Hylia with the world.


Amazon dykes kidnapping men for their rape dungeons and condoning crossdressing is not normal.

It's not shitposting to say that doesn't belong in bing bing wahoo games for children.

Hylians didn't even exist yet, all of humanity had been shoved into a small area causing genetic homogeneity. There were no different races, everyone was just Skyloftian.

SS Link is a reincarnation of the original nameless hero that served Hylia

men are expendable and deserve to be raped, also you're over 2 decades late to the gerudo rape dungeon controversy

That's just artstyle or something
The sky people are the first and ancestors of all hylians to date.

That is the whole point of link. Hes not special. Hylia and Demise are gods fighting. And link is there to tip the battle in Hylia's favor. Link is just someone brave and good with a sword who Hylia takes a liking to. Chosen hero by fate etc.

SS Link is the reincarnation of the Hero of Lions, the hero that Hylia fell in love with that fought Demise before the events of SS.

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I think that's what he means, kinda?
Like the nameless guy wasn't the first "Link", the hero as we've come to known him, constantly resurrecting to fight evil and save Zelda or whatever.
He was just the man who made the first pact, and likely wasn't named Link. But the impetus of the very legend of Link started with the SS one due to the lost history from the sky/earth separation.

then why does Zelda have the full ears

I mean, I guess it's an important enough niche, but it feels so fucking generic, even when the first Zelda came out it was a generic trope. It sticks out like a sore thumb to me when we have so much decent lore for Ganondorf and Zelda and Link's just kinda there.
It compounds with the fact that Link is [generic silent protagonist] which is one of the tropes I hate the most. I know they sorta tried to explain it in BotW but it's still super lame to me.


He said during his dramatic death soeech that his hate will follow their kind forever so I assumed that whenever Link and Zelda pop up he will pop up as well.

Different characters have varying degrees of pointiness to their ears in SS. I don't think there's anything to read into there.

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>Link hasn't been good looking since TP
inb4 trapfags

Probably just a design choice.
I mean her dad's ears aren't that long either compared to her.

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There are some games the directly tie to others but I wouldn't take the timeline seriously. And BotW's creators pretty much stated that they were ditching adherence to the "timeline" and that the game takes place far from the events of any of the previous games.

No it isn't

Link is deliberately meant to be someone that the player projects onto. He's the archetypal video game character because you're meant to consider him as your avatar in the game first and foremost. He's not built to be complex because he was never meant to accrue what little complexity as he has now, which just developed as a matter of course over the span of decades.

Link is the embodiment of courage. Anyone with enough courage can "be Link" which is why I like WW Link the most, he's just a young boy who got enough balls to rescue her sister.

>also you're over 2 decades late to the gerudo rape dungeon

A line from the Sage bitch in OoT isn't the same as canonical rape dungeons

Links all come from the same bloodline, the knights bloodline. Don't mistake that for thinking they're all directly related though

The only source for Termina being a fabrication is the Hyrule Encyclopedia, which isn't considered official canon.

WW Link was also the Link with the most amount of personalty compared to every other Link so far.

Aonuma legit wants to make Link more accessible to women and gays. That’s why BotW Link looked so androgynous

Correct me but shouldn't kicking link's shit in several times during Wind Waker and being cock blocked by the King have placated his anger somewhat? I mean If I was Demise I'd be angrier at the dick who stole my victory than Link who I had just effortlessly beat like 5 minutes ago.

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>tfw your such a megachad that a goddes gives uo her divinity so she can get your elfman dick.

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>zelda and ganon get awesome magic
>link gets being brave

>WW Link was also the Link with the most amount of personalty compared to every other Link so far
WWfags please

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So does he reincarnate too? Kaepora gaebora can't just be this similar. In fact is there non-goddess/demon curse bound reincarnation in Zelda? Like not necessarily endless cycles but occasional instances?

That manga isn't canon and I'm pretty sure that in SS the implication is that SS link was the original link, he was the one who went back in time and defeated Demise.

Okay, fine.

Minish Cap Link. Mostly due to Ezlo.

The Nameless Hero was actually named Link in the official Skyward Sword manga oneshot by Himekawa though, and in the official English translation by Dark Horse Comics, too. The oneshot explicitly covers the events preceding the game itself.

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Link is the Guts of his world. He gets by on pure will alone


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Well that was the last time ganondorf showed up in the WW timeline as far as we know unless you're an autist like me who believes in BotW being the Turn A unified timeline.

BOTW link looks good. Honestly though Link should always look like a child.

Hey now, some games have Link use magic; he just usually needs a focus of some sort, like the wands in ALttP.

He just doesn't usually need to make use of magic because he's just that damn good.

Didn't know that!
The more you know, I guess

he's showered in artifacts every game in a pre-determined course by the gods though

Cope WWfag, he actually does emote in the presence of others.

Nah, because the time where the first hero fought Demise was when Demise got sealed away as the Imprisoned. SS Link never goes back to a time before Demise was imprisoned that ends with Demise being imprisoned, so there'd be a causal paradox without his predecessor having done it.

>pre-determined course by the gods though
When the fuck has the world of Zelda ever been described like that?


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Just a normal guy.

what "line", there's a whole quest where you have to rescue some gay guys from the gerudo fortress

Link... is You.

Some sexier than others in women's clothing.

since Skyward with Hylia orchestrating the whole ordeal

Wrong ESRB Rating there, Bubbalouie.

In all fairness, the Goddesses decided Ganondorf should still get the Triforce of Power in the backstory for Twilight Princess and caused that whole mess too.

Made this post This is exactly what I mean.
NOBODY wants to just let the lack of clarity become objective to each player playing whatever game. Nobody's satisfied anymore until they want an in-depth explanation of every single fucking detail.

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Shut up.

He may not express his emotions much, but they are there.
And I like them far more than BotW Link's personality.

Pretty sure that the only having Gerudo offfspring is a bigger tell of them being different species than the ability to use Hilyans for procreation.

Also an easier lorewise thing is all sages being different species:

It's explicitly not canon, it isn't even compatible with Skyward Sword, in SS Demise says that no human has stood up to him before yet in the manga that link clearly does.

>Nah, because the time where the first hero fought Demise was when Demise got sealed away as the Imprisoned.
That's from the non canon manga, they never mention that in the original game, all we know about Hylias chosen hero is that Hylia gave the sailcloth to him which did happen in SS since Zelda is Hylia, that's literally all we know about him.

Honestly, I don't blame Cia for wanting Link for herself given that there have been a lot of games where Link doesn't explicitly get the girl.

Prior to her corruption via Ganondorf, she wanted to make Link happy because throughout history, Link got shafted when it came to love interests. Sometimes they'd reciprocate, but arbitrary circumstances would prevent them from being together, and then both sides would suffer.

Freaky Link-themed stalker castle aside, if HW Link just buried his "Master Sword" inside of Cia, he'd probably have saved everyone a whole lot of trouble.

I don't like how you can on longer change the name

Link in BOTW has tons of personality, are you retarded.

Hylia loses her powers as time go on plus she was orchestrating that event for SS

If it's non-canon, why was the oneshot included with Hyrule Historia?

I'm offended.

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I'd dispose of my semen inside of that bitch's ass if you catch the cut of my jib

>Cia knew the player was actually controlling Link.
>She lusts for you still, but can't quite reach your plane of reality.

Barely, especially not even noticeable with that trash tier art. He's a wet blanket.

He’s a mute retarded for most of the game. He gets funny dialogue but he always reverts to blank state as soon as that’s done.

As a selling point, they literally say it wasn't made by nintendo and it's only inspired by skywards story, they never pretend it's canon and it's explicitly incompatible with the game because it wasn't made by nintendo

I know.
I never said he didn't.

I just said I liked what little TP's character had more than BotW's character.

>it was never clarified
>it was actually in a manga

Comeback when you actually play the game. Dude express fear, anger, surprise, happiness, confusion and so on.

>not discussing with other people to get a new perspective and gain new insights of things you wouldn't get on your own.

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Vaati is stuck in a sword in hyrule castle, one hundred miles under the sea goddamn I want to fight him in 3d so bad

Friendly reminder that you will never impregnate Peatrice, no matter how many times you play through SS.

He died at the end of Minish Cap.

The mangas aren't canon

The ears come about from hearing the whispers of the godess or some shit. It’s in the creating a champion book as to why gerudo in botw have pointy ears.

Demise is the result of abusing the Triforce's power. He is the manifestation of all of the positive energy from their wishes converted into negative energy, and his minions are the excess of that. Ganondorf exists in order to restore the balance of the world and is a necessary evil. The next game will have Link working with him to finally seal Demise after his power was weakened from their 100 year rule, which in turn spent most of the negative energy accumulated by using the triforce for good.

Not the same spirit, link himself doesn't reincarnate, only the triforce is passed down.

>you will never
Jokes on you Hyliacuck, I confessed to her and now have a waifu who won’t ruin the world a million times over.

He's a mute like everyone else, and thats not true. Pre-Calamity he's stoic and probably has autism but post Calamity he's free-spirited, greedy and gluttonous, and assholish, but still heroic in nature with multiple different facial expressions.

They say Hylia gave the Sailcloth to her chosen hero "long ago" and that the Sailcloth given to Link is the same one. There's a causal paradox there without there having been a hero to have received it before Link, otherwise you have the problem of Link having to leave the Sailcloth for himself in the past, which would put it into a loop of being the same object iterating through a timeloop and getting infinitely older.

>a different species
I feel a contradiction

Did and he has zero personality.

>There's a causal paradox there without there having been a hero to have received it before Link, otherwise you have the problem of Link having to leave the Sailcloth for himself in the past, which would put it into a loop of being the same object iterating through a timeloop and getting infinitely older.
Yes, that's how all instances of time travel works in SS

>trash tier art.
It’s one of the more unique styles in the series, especially after Toon style flooded the series with subpar game after game with Minish Cap being the only good one.

what emu?
I thought I'd never play another zelda game, but this sounds like I could!

Malladus is his own thing man.

Spirit tracks makes a point to keep it all different as a new start for the Hylians.

Malladus is just a complete monster that fought against two Gods to a point the Gods had to use the entire fucking world to seal it build a tower with the tracks as keystones to prevent him from fucking everything up.

It is fucking stated that the two Gods had to fuck off to their realm to heal after the battle with motherfucking Malladus.

They didn't win but the seal was perfect, however one idiot had to fuck everything up take advantage of a guardian in his moment of weakness and break the seal.

The only reason Malladus is properly defeated is because of an impure vessel and the whole world seal weakening him, if anything having both Zelda and link deal with Malladus is done as a mirror of the two Gods that could only seal it.

The whole thing just doesn't work if this is part of Demise curse, even the Lokomo blade is it's own thing, just look at how it is using the new Hylian symbol over the old one.

Why are you so deadset in presenting "using your imagination" as being superior to discussing interpretations of limited information?

I forgot to mention it's not the same sailcloth, she says she gave him the sailcloth like hylia gave a sailcloth to the hero, it's not the exact same one

Like I said, reverts to blank state.

Fuck off, Dragonball GT. I know your tricks.

>Demise is the result of abusing the Triforce's power. He is the manifestation of all of the positive energy from their wishes converted into negative energy, and his minions are the excess of that.
You watched too much DBGT, user.

Wow like everyone else.

I did, and he didn’t.

CemU. You can get rid of the disgusting filters the game has and make it look much cleaner

does zelda even reincarnate
wasn't kiteki zelda tetra's granddaughter?

He does. Cope TPfag.

Unique doesn't change it looks like shit.

Doesn’t, it’s more subtle unlike WW where it’s like a Saturday morning cartoon.

I want them to go balls to the wall with the story in the sequel to breath of the wild. Throw some curveballs at me, make ganondorf the boss at the middle of the game.
Kill off characters that were in BotW and whatnot, it would have tons of potential.

Wildlife getting hideously corrupted by malice and turned into series staples like wolfos and tektites would be pretty awesome as well.

Yea I am.
Just after 13 years of the same data being slightly altered yet presented in the same formats it's getting sorta repetitive.
I'm not.
But people make posts as if it isn't discussing interpretations of limited information.
I.E. and

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> it looks like shit.
Only on the console, the style captures Zelda well and better than others in the series.

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How would you feel if Fi comes back in some capacity in BotW2?

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When a Zelda is old enough to undergo purity rituals and turn on her powers, she gains the memories of Hylia. It's more of a demon possession if you think about it. Otherwise they are new girls.

It does, it's not subtle it just doesn't exist and the rare moment does pop up can't compare with the overflow of personality of WW.

Displeasure, the series needs less to do with SS.

That would be nice, but if she's awake in there, than it's extra sad what happened to her in WW.

No wonder she tries to kill you in BotW.

I wouldn't be surprised if she does, Botw still has the same director as the person who wrote and directed SS so it's not unlikely that SS things will pop up

it would make me really hard
ghirahim would make me twice as hard

Isn't the game going to be a lot darker?

>it just doesn't exist
Now you’re making shit up because it does over the course of the game.

>with the overflow of personality of WW.
Overflow in the negative sense as the game constantly bombards the player with wacky expressions and never lets go. It’s one of the main reasons WW is rightfully considered a kids game. It never stops reminding you Link is a cel shaded animation. It gets boring quick.

Why wouldn't they be? Always been portrayed as such; shadow folk having different lifespan, technology, abilities, culture, etc

I'm convinced that OoT Link and Zelda were actually twins, and that the mother who died in the Kokiri Woods was actually the disguised Queen of Hyrule on her way to the Forest Temple. Basically, when the war was breaking out, the Royal family split to separate strongholds to ensure that the lineage would continue. Kinda like what the president and VP do during national disasters.

Zelda is a sheik and she is human


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That's the worst art I've seen in my life.

Probably helps this is the first time we've seen one who wasn't impo or Zelda in a suit.

When are they going to give me my raggedy boomer Link?

>Now you’re making shit up because it does over the course of the game.
No he doesn't. He smiles about 4 times. Wow

>Overflow in the negative sense as the game constantly bombards the player with wacky expressions and never lets go
Its called personality, something Link actually has in WW.
>It’s one of the main reasons WW is rightfully considered a kids game
And yet WW is more darker than TP ever tries to be and doesn't have cringe worthy scenes

hopefully never. who the fuck wants that.

No, she hides as one.

Proto BotW and TP Link is the closest you’re ever going to get.

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So it's just star wars

>looks like a stern motherfucker

Why the fuck did we get the second gayest looking twinky Link behind SS?

Yeah, last reply of mine was bait cause I realized you're right and I was misremembering. Realized I was retarded so I committed to it.

but SS Link came first

It's just normal Link. If you feel aroused, that's your personal hangup user.

>No he doesn't. He smiles about 4 times. Wow
>Intentionally ignoring everything else in the game

>Its called personality, something Link actually has in WW.
So does TP Link.

>And yet WW is more darker than TP ever tries to be
Lmao how much of a delusional twit do you to be to believe that? There’s nothing dark in WW and vice versa in TP. Zelda has never been a dark series.

In SS I took it as they are human, but were eventually called Hylians due to being the Goddess's chosen people

Basically, yeah.

Aloof anine protagonist to go with the anime knight high school and the anime bullies and anime childhood waifu.

>Zelda has never been a dark series.
I'm a third party and was thinking you're allowed to have your own opinion but now youre wrong. Zelda gets edgy sometimes

>Zelda gets edgy sometimes
Edgy is the wrong term to use here. Edgy is reserved for Shadow the Hedgehog and Garth Ennis/Mark Miller comics.

>Anime killed Fire Emblem
>And SMT
>Now it's coming for Zelda

Is nothing sacred

Post yfw
>Fi comes back
>Midna comes back
>Majora comes back
>The Wind Fish comes back
>Groose comes back
>Vaati comes back
>Lorule comes back
>Onox and Veran come back
>Oshus comes back
>Malon comes back
>Link comes back
>Midna comes back again
>The Four Sword comes back
>The King of Hyrule comes back
>Din, Nayru, and Farore come back
>Aryll comes back
>Impa fucking dies
>Gleeok comes back
>Exactly one Goomba comes back
>Saria comes back

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>So does TP Link.
>There’s nothing dark in WW
>entire world flooded and lives lost

FE was always anime
SMT was always anime

"Anime" didn't kill any of these series you complete fucking retard

Anime did not invent these concepts nor does SS even focus on it

Cope of a “man” who knows he’s lost.
>>entire world flooded and lives lost
After a hundred, thousand and so on years. If the current populace was suffering then you’d have a point but they’re doing fine on their own. Meanwhile TP shows the Gerudo were ethnically cleansed at the hands of the Royal Family after Ganondorf’s attempted coup and had their temple desecrated and turned into a prison.

>FE was always anime

Not "interactive headpatting and time travelling waifu breeding" levels of anime

They're probably making more money now than they used to, but they're actually dead.

Otaku ruin everything they get their greasy fingers on.

Too fanservicey. Let old characters rest.

Nope, It's just objectively true WW Link has more personality

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>They're probably making more money now than they used to,
Maybe FE but it's not because of your retarded perception of waifus or "something"

Only because he’s simplified to the other Links. He lacks the human characteristic of the other Link that somehow only autists who watch cartoons latch on to. It’s your taste, but at the end of the TP Link remains the better Link.

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>your retarded perception of waifus or "something"

Nigger SMTIV:A had a Persona beach trip DLC

Where's that pic of the soulless producer talking about exploiting losers next to the loser otaku doing the drawing?

Mask of Truth at one of the Time Stones near the temple of time.

Nigger maybe you should actually play SMT IVA and that piece of DLC. Oh wait shitposters don't play games.

>Nigger SMTIV:A had a Persona beach trip DLC
>anotherfag who doesn't understand the kino of the beach dlc.
Why does no one understand?

He's the most complex Link, since he's not a shitty wet blanket like TP

>fierce deity
think about it

>He's the most complex Link,
Lel, I bet you think Ganondorf’s Wind speech was the most complex shit ever.

It's not complex, it's just better written than anything utter trash like TP has

>He's the most complex Link
OoT Link is, especially after all the shit he went through in OoT/MM and became of him in TP.

>the easy as piss demon fight tacked onto it changes why the beach scene is in the DLC

What about rescuing dog waifu from big tiddy Cleopatra waifu?

Face it, SMT V is probably going to be #FE 2 with extra waifu handholding and other cringe otaku autism.

>it's just better written than anything utter trash like TP has
How the fuck are you even fooling? Are you telling me that Link retreading OoT and finding Red, Blue, Green sphere for the umpteenth time is good writing? Or Tetra being Zelda all along was a good twist? Get real WWfag.

>Remember that lady from the general store? Just one of those things attacked her and a whole gang from town went out to save her.
>And what happened? She was gone and there were TWO monsters waiting

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>tacked on
Dumb zoomer. Also saying it's easy is potinless when SMT is a brain dead easy series. Also zoom zoom waifu isn't a name for a female and rescuing someone like you do in previous games doesn't mean anything. Face it, you are a complete fucking retard, as except of a shitposter.

Let me break it down for you.
>kill friends
>Mephisto tries to lull you into an everlasting dream where everything is fine and dandy and none of your "friends" are dead
>You have to reject your friends one last time to wake up and kill mephisto.
>Now that you have steeled your resolve even more you are ready to kill YHVH.
The beach DLC is so fucking kino it works on a metalevel as well.
Mephisto puts you in this escapist fantasy where you are chad on the beach with hot bitches.
The only way for you the player move forward is to reject said escapist fantasies and wake up to reality.
People always write off the beach dlc as a symptom of the persona cancer settling in.
It would have beem personashit if Mephisto created a domain that looks like a beach where you and your "friends" hung out for a day before fighting off mephisto with the power of friendship.
But the deliberately choose to make it a sweet illusion that you need to reject if you want to move forwadd instead of living in a literal escapist loop.
Also I like how you.moved the goalpost to ckeopatra being waifushit, because you rescue Asahi.
I guess nocturne is waifu shit too, because you save sensei multiple times.

Honestly I love WW and hate TP but seeing the two fags argue back and forth is even more insufferable than sitting through TP.

>If Skyward Sword had normal controls and no Fi messages it would be as good as the rest.

>I love WW
Oh no, it’s retarded.

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You’re just upset because your favorite game is ass. :3

>Exactly one Goomba comes back

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>kooky anime eyes

Ganondorf = demon reincarnated into a human because it's greed and evil enough to resurrect to try to conquer the world again
Zelda = goddess reincarnated into a human because it's benevolent and good enough to renounce to her godhood to save her race
Link = regular human(s) brave enough to be acknowledged by the goddess who stands up by himself

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ST Link isn't related to WW Link, all the Links from the downfall timeline aren't related to OoT Link (since he died before fuck anyone) and among these Links the one from ALbW doesn't seem to be related to the one from aLttP

That he adopted that form precisely because he's angry of trying to resurrect but being stopped by BotW Zelda and Link, like the other guy said it's the opposite, he is NOT giving up in immortality, he's pissed off because you are messing up with his immortality