3x3 Thread

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God-awful taste. Are there really this many zoomers on Yea Forums?

Yeah nah get fucked OP

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Was worth a shot

Yeah it's 2019

no it wasn't

Good to know

90% chance of being hispanic
10% chance of being autistic white nerd
80% never had sex
100% cringe normalfag list

Sonic is gay

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and you user?
110% based.

This guy fucks

great bait nigger


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I play them all on Xbox consoles. Nothing less than an American console for me.

how pleb am I

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>Friday the 13th
>everything else
kys bitch

Gamespot is the largest gaming site in the world, rate their taste Yea Forums

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gr8 b8

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>SM64 and RE4
>literal definition of basic
>4 meme games you only picked up because your fav eceleb plays them on stream
girl boom

amazing taste 6/6, what's top left?

My mistake, the 4/7 was for this post

Turgor/The Void

I was almost hurt, ignored by a fellow YN fan

>Ocarina of Time
Haven't played. Not interested in playing it.
I thought it was cool. I wish it had been released on the PS1.
>Symphony of the Night
It's interesting.
>Final Fantasy III
Someday I want to replay it, preferrably after playing earlier JRPGs to see just how good it is (or isn't).
>Street Fighter II
I'll take Super Street Fighter II Turbo, the arcade version.
Too complex for me.
>Grim Fandango
Someday I want to try out graphic adventures.
Someday I will play it.
>Super Mario World
I would like to play it, but platformers just aren't my thing and I don't want to be unfair to the game.
>Final Fantasy Tactics
Want to play it someday.
>Super Metroid
Want to play it someday.
>Chrono Trigger
Like Final Fantasy III, I want to replay it someday.
>Super Mario 64
I don't want to play N64 games, period. The emulation isn't great yet.
>Link's Awakening
Maybe someday I'll play it.
>Bayonetta 2
Looks cool but damn exclusives.
Not interested.
>Rock Band 3
Not interested.
>Half Life 2
Want to play it some day.
>Breath of the Wild
Not interested.
Not interested.

3/3 If you like NMH you might like Sudas other games and Killer7.
7/7 Patholigic is excellent. I may replace Patholigic with 2 on mine if Bachelor and Changeling release and are just as strong.

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So enjoying games that are universally beloved and known as benchmarks of the medium makes someone basic?

God you people are insufferable

I love Sudas other games but I have more nostalgia for NMH

What else would you consider the basic groundwork for building ones taste?

+Halo 3, P5
I would kill for a Switch release of MH4. Haven't played it because fuck the 3DS.
+MGSV, Halo Reach, Nu-Doom
-Shadow of Mordor
Shadow of Mordor is garbo my dude the fuck
+Earthbound, DaS, Bloodborne, Undertale
-Let It Die
Good taste, my dude. What's the bottom right game?
+SM64, L4D, GTAV, RE5
-Smash Ultimate
Pretty sure GTAV is a piece of shit but I had fun with it back when it came out.
+Portal 2, Hotline Miami, Super Mario Sunshine, SMW, REmake, P4, Nier Automata
What's the third game in the top row?
+SH2, SotC, Ico
Woke taste, my man.
Deadly Premonition, MGS2
>Zeno Clash
Jank taste. I like it.

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Yeah, he has a good selection of games.


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Not insufferable.
The gaming site with least personality.
+ + / +
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Would get along with.
? ? +
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>bottom right
morrowind lol

Let it die gets so much hate but it had so many redeeming qualities

> ?
It's Shadow of Morder

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Obra Dinn is the greatest game that you can really only play once. But damn that one time is great.

how long is it ive been meaning to play it but ive been busy af

>Sonic is gay
Your gay

Depends on how quick a thinker you are and solve the mysteries. Probably around 7-8 hours. People with a strong knack for accents say it took 4-5 hours with the voices being big clues.

>third game on top row
Ape escape 3

ill probably jump into that shit this weekend

What's the fresh game?

+Ghost Trick, P4DAN
I suck at dancing games but DAN was a fine fanservice game.
Really want to check out Obra Dinn but everything I'm not the best at puzzle games and everything I see just makes me more intimidated.
+Nier, DoD, Nier Automata, DMC5, P3, MGS
+Yume Nikki, SH2
-SotC, Ico
Never stated this before but I want to now, I really appreciate Team Ico's games but they just don't interest me.
+Titanfall 2, P5, MGRR

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>MM Shitmake over the original

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I only posted the remake artwork because I liked it a lot. I prefer the original but the MM remake box art is really fucking good

hey its u again 2/2

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