Hearthstone is officially dead

They are actually going to change the entire games art and aesthetic for censorship purposes. This is just the beginning. There's tons of cards with blood and tits in them that they haven't censored yet. A year from now the game won't even be recognizable. And it sets a precedence going forward. You can expect bland PG art from now on that won't take any chances.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Felstalker should have already been a basic card for warlocks, but replacing succubus with felstalker is a sin
Fuck China, fuck SJWs, and fuck Blizzard

Imagine thinking this art is too extreme for a game based around fantasy and magic. Blizzard as a company is fucked.

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Good. Have sex.

the alt right just keep losing

It's not the SJW this time, we all know for who this is
the chinks.

how long until this happens in retail as well?

Thanks user, now I can't sleep knowing that this shit is happening

Whats funny is theyve nerfed the art so that literal babies can now play but even babies love tits and suck on them regularly. What is this gay earth we inhabit?

>they even change the old name, that was used since warcraft 3 for the mistress of pain
FUCK she gave me a boner back then.

Attached: Succubus.jpg (290x150, 10K)

>Tfw loved Blizzard and warcraft
>everything is going to shit
>classic is ???
>Reforged haven't got anything in months
>wow and it's lore is now dead
>and now this
Fuck me, i hope Blizzard will somehow have a wake up call, since Overwatch release they are getting more and more shittier.

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>replace not only the card art for old cards but the name as well
>doesn't replace card art for cards depicting wrong characters like malygos or angry chicken "for fear of confusing players"
What a bunch of lying fucks

What are you talking about, how else are they supposed to get those delicious china-bucks?

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That's one of the best pieces of art in the game, what the fuck
I haven't even played since it first came out but this is disgusting

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Classic is the only Blizzard game I still have hope in, but I'm afraid they're going to fuck it up somehow

Serves you idiots right
Never play an online game that you have heavily to invest your time in heavily to unlock or earn gameplay content, because you don't own shit
Go fuck yourselves

>tfw they made one of the art lewder by mistake

Attached: keek.png (1017x759, 1.49M)

Diversity hires have ruined another western gaming company, what's new?

alright so Jaina's boobs it turns out was just a test and now they're going full-blown.

The worst part is its so overdue. I mean they changed stuff like Abomination and Gazlowe way back in the day and nobody complained then, if they wanted it family friendly there was a time to do that before it pissed everyone off.
And changing names on top of that. Ugh. What was that about not changing anything unless absolutely necessary because it would confuse people?

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I think it's more because they are trying to make Hearstone a game played by kids and chinks. this time it isn't because of the diversity.

Because it's a Dreadlord now instead of a succubus

This. No one else is spending nearly as much on Blizzard's games.

Take a hint and get a new hobby.

they made it less lewd what are you talking about

At least Jaina still is hot in reforged and HOTS (and wow if you like granny Jaina in retail or Polygon Jaina in classic)

Attached: 802339.jpg (1920x1080, 528K)

oh no not my




This. Every time, its the chinese.
Developers usually put out a separate version that doesn't make China butthurt.
Dota 2 has a Low Violence mode that removes all blood and skulls.
Rainbow 6 Siege almost had blood splatter, slot machines, and florescent lights of sexy women removed to appease China, but the community threw a shitfit; Ubisoft backed off and said they would make a different version of R6S for China.
But Blizzard? Nah, fuck it, can't make a separate version of the game.

Attached: SM64.png (1030x520, 27K)

More chest + more skin showing, especially on the legs.
only the face is uglier.

Mommy jaina is Kino
Fucking lol what a disaster

god i hope actiblizz, or at the very least just blizzard, fucking dies soon. seems like they're in even worse shape than EA right now, since at least EA has fifa to farm money out of europe

Best get dust value for those nerfs

An excess of blacks in mtg doesn't seem so bad now does it Yea Forums

>Implying any of you play this game
Just admit you want to bitch about censorship

>card is called "Eviscerate"
>removes the blood from the card
Now how does one disembowel a person without shedding any blood?

the first one you can clearly make out the ass and one bewb

Better than blues

what's wrong with bitching about censorship

Old Jaina still is pretty hot...especially for a 40 something women.
I'm still cautious for reforged, waiting for more informations, warcraft 3 is my favorite game of all time so i may still play it.

Attached: 13671-jaina-in-kul-tiras-broadcast-text-build-26567-spoilers.png (663x475, 521K)

Blizzard overall as a company is dead
>Diablo MOBILE
>Overwatch (Soldier is gay! Tracer is gay! EVERYONE's gay!)
>Battle for Azeroth, arguably the most unfinished expansion set for World of Warcraft to date
>Choosing to reveal a pay-to-win mobile game made for the Chinese market
>"Many of us over the last few years have shifted from playing primarily desktop to playing many hours on mobile, and we have many of our best developers now working on new mobile titles across all of our IPs"
>Heroes of the Storm

It's a real shame. Maybe if the developers at Blizzard actually played their videogames and weren't 50% female diversity hires this wouldn't have happened.

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ask the chinese

Attached: MAGIC.jpg (627x500, 210K)

If people complain, maybe they will make them chinese only, or have an option in the menu.

let these kids learn they have no rights to anything they "earn" in an online game
the more people get burned from these shitty pseudo-job games the more we'll get people playing whole complete games again

But the ass is center frame, and the clothes cling to it. She was perfect

It's still shitty when you're retconning diversity into regions/factions that were not diverse in previous visits to a plane.

Kaladesh, Amonkhet, and Ixalan are all fine because they were new planes. Seeing Benalia being a primarily black order of knights when we've known what Benalia has looked like for literally decades is retarded though.

Was anyone on the entire planet even offended by the original art? Why bother? All of the new art looks much worse besides the harpie.

Blizzard is dead to me

I'm not even an assman and can tell the one on the right is lewder. I know nothing about the game and it was an honest assessment. You've been zapped by the milker mafia, friend.

It's very strange, in 2016, they were actually going to get pretty good, with Legion actually being a good expansion, Overwatch releasing and being alright even if a little lackluster, Starcraft 2 and hearthstone doing good, HOTS being absolute kino and Diablo 3 also still going good.

What the hell happened in just 3 years?

Maybe. Although I think Blizzard is more in bed in China than Ubisoft, so they might not budge.

I just dunno man, it's a mystery to all of us.

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Activision wants to push their games in China. That's literally it.

>with Legion actually being a good expansion
Was Legion your first ever expansion?

What do you expect from greedy Blizzard?

Free Tibet, Winnie the Pooh

I could imagine playing a digital card game. The devs can literally do ANYTHING to what you pull. Like, at least with physical card, when they get banned, you still own them. They exist. With Hearthstone, everyone who owned a Succubus was forced to trade for a Felstalker.

No, but it was better than Warlord and Pandaria.

couldn't imagine*

Why is it that around 2016 Blizzard went to shit? I don't get it bros, I just don't get it....

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>tfw go on Heartstone reddit to see the reactions
>most post about the censors are downvoted, with people saying "get over it."
Are the heartstone community is more cucked? at least the warcraft still compain, but this?...

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This is the reaction you get every time something gets censored now. "lol who cares?," "It's barely noticeable!," "I think it actually looks nicer!" An endless parade of corporate dicksuckers.

>that whole cosplay

Attached: 1497603381906.jpg (480x480, 34K)

What do you expect from HS players? People who play HS when Magic Arena exists aren't really people.

Legion was a good expansion dude, give credit where it's due, otherwise you sound like a retard and legit criticism like for BfA gets neutered

>go on reddit
first of all stay there, second of all - lebbit is a big hivemind of morons, that includes both positive and negative opinions. source: I've been following one game that devs completely fucked up and people have been shitting on it on official subreddit non-stop downvoting positive posts to oblivion.

either that or "lmao incel virgins have sex"
I'm sorry for you if you like online games, because this is what's going to happen to all of them because of china and rampant corporate greed without any kind of integrity

thank the chinese

>tfw bad future happened
most old players are gone now, they are aiming the game at kids now, that's why all the new expansions are more kid friendly. also the chinks.

Attached: fucking hell.png (1015x785, 101K)

>this spoiler
is the game metal gear survive?

At least some games still can be modded.
and i doubt the chinese could touch japanese games.

>"Blizzard noticed that a lot of adults are leaving for more complex games and developing coping skills to the "surprise mechanics" of the game, so they are readjusting their strategy to bring the game to a younger target audience. Additionally, the changes are more welcoming to the Chinese Communist Party and China is a big market for Hearthstone."


Attached: G3i46YpLmdQ.jpg (1149x1200, 389K)

Jesus. I don't know much about stocks, but if I was invested? Sell! SELL!

I love the irony when chinks games are full lewd and that LoL still can have lewd outfits because it's mostly a chink game at this point.
But i also have Kpop shit i guess. fuck kpop./

anyone saying that it's targeted at kids/sjws is a moron or intentionally misdirecting
kids don't give a fuck about tiny butts or a drop of blood and SJWs aren't a market worth catering to. It's all about getting that 2.5b people market.

The game is already rated T though. Would it matter if they toned down the content now? I mean yes for China, but what does making it less sexual and violent do when it's already labeled for being sexual and violent?


That's actually a really nice piece of art. I mean that unironically.

F not like I play this game anymore

that's pretty good for deviant art

no reason to play games that are being marketed towards the bug people desu

??China isn't even banning hearthstone at the moment, why do this

they are afraid of getting fucked by china like they did to them with Overwatch and Wow some month ago.

You should play Magic if you think that's good art.

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lol you know i always thought that image was a guys knee getting hit with a bolt

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Didn't China make a new list of requirements that basically makes it so you can't sell the game there unless it's super G rated? We're talking Cartoon Network levels of regulation.

Which part of Legion do you believe was better than the previous expansions? The only thing it had going for it were the questlines being fun. Everything else was awful.

Class design by all accounts was far worse than even WoD.
Class halls were garrisons but even less interesting, and they were mandatory to interact with unlike the original garrison.
Legendaries. Depending on your spec if you didn't get a specific legendary your class outright was not complete.
Artifacts. I hope you enjoy endless artifact power replacing any meaningful or exciting reward for completing content.
Mythic+ was almost great, but stupid shit like Tyrannical Xavius ruined it.
Removal of PVP vendors in favor of random chance to get a random item after a win. Legion removed this basic fucking feature that has been present since vanilla because the developers believed players are too stupid to find the vendors. You cannot make this shit up.
The final battle against the Burning Legion, against the ultimate antagonist of WoW, Sargeras, doesn't even fucking happen. Argus, the boss, was an absolute letdown.

Fuck Legion. MoP got everything right, but you goddamn retards hated it because "muh pandas" fuck you

>that hint of ass/thighs on the angel

I remember playing the physical card game as a kid. nice to see the art still is kino.

yep, that's just blizzard thumbnails

yeah, and for blizzard and its stockholders it's better to be safe than sorry

Attached: ChaliceOfTheVoid-Wallpaper-SebMckinnon.jpg (2194x1234, 950K)

I wonder how wow and reforged can still get away with it.
maybe because wow is for a older audience...and reforged because it's a too small project.

Blizzard is dead move on

I'm mixed on card games but I've always wanted to play Magic just for the card art

WoW was never getting away with it from the start. Blizzard's got an entirely different version of WoW with weird censorship in China. I don't know if they tightened the noose even harder, though.

>i have a daughter who wakes up and watches me play
>she can grow alongside these characters
Not going to post an image or explain it, but I am fucking mad.

Oh no the people who fetch the programmers coffee are women! Do you even know what a fucking intern is?

I find it hard to believe that someone out there can be such a liberal corporate slug like that. It's just a shill

>The planned diversity drive will first focus on women in the workplace and thereafter cover minority groups—all the while eschewing "quotas" in favour of conferences and forging relationships with organisations such as Girls Who Code.
>"Our diversity initiative will require a commitment from every one of us, but especially from our leaders, managers, and hiring teams," says Morhaime. "We appreciate your dedication to help Blizzard achieve this goal."

Don't comment on topics you know nothing about.

Stasis is my favorite card art, I might even buy a framed poster of it soon.

Attached: Stasis-Wallpaper-SebMckinnon.png (1500x1103, 3.46M)

>yfw HOTS is dead, but at least the team released the ultimate waifu as their swansong

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art was always the worst part of heartstone so fk it.
they are desperate since the game is doing shit numbers wise

Wrong pic

Attached: sally-whitemane-awesome.jpg (1920x1080, 159K)

>tfw used to think Blizzard can't make bad games
>played shitloads of wc3 and diablo 2
>hooked to wow since vanilla
>quit wow after a month of cataclysm
>diablo 3 was a fucking mess
>overwatch beta was enough to never buy the game
>heartstone was fun for a week
>hots was a shitshow, though kinda fun for a while
>literally haven't opened the launcher in over a year
Selling out to Activision was real smart

>he posted the nerfed art

Attached: 507abe9b9dd8f6759527f0343b5a06e6.jpg (962x1069, 107K)


Activision not getting more shit is really amazing.

>nerfed art
Get your eyes checked my man it's the exact same design

all has its expiration date.
it was not the sell out. you can clearly see how even before that the quality declines.

>just now realizing your westaboo gacha shit is a shallow skinner box cash grab and not actual art
lol fucking retards

>that concept art with her laughting
Check YOUR eyes user there's a big difference.

Attached: Whitemane_Concept_Art.jpg (1080x830, 1.38M)

Didn't that hero come out like half a year ago? Haven't they added any new heroes since? Is it actually dead this time?

Could you circle the parts that are different?

>They literally gave her an 'ohohoho' laugh

Fucking Based, goddamn.

i'm taking the bait at this point
the legs user, the legs.
Orphea was released in November, then they did a surprise restructure of blizzard and left HOTS alone...let's hope not for too long.


But yeah they severely slowed down content and the quality is dropping as well.

I didn't even knew they added this guy.

I wonder on what the HOTS team is working, it seem they are one of the only guys at Blizzard really talented and passionate.

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Do you not realize she's sitting crosslegged in a chair with her tabard on???
you can still see her exposed thigh

The team was gutted a few months back. Most of them got shuffled into mobile or other projects.

Thats a lie. Chinks fucking love tiddies in their games.

They're probably slowly being moved to other games as HotS gets sunsetted.

i fucking love Seb McKinnon. Can’t wait for my print to get delivered

i don't play this trash heap and don't feel like looking it up. which one is the new one? the one on the right is sexy as hell and way more lewd.

The one of the left is the new one

Looks like a regular half white half chink woman from every 3d jap game

Winnie the poo doesn't like titties in games though

Chinese =/= Chinese Government

They love them when it's a chinese game, but not when it's a western one.

Why are you trying to find a way to blame blacks when this is all China's falt?

I just went there and see tons of complaints though

Attached: 1559881108228.png (732x949, 483K)

From a brief check, there are a lot of complaints that are being upvoted in the main thread, but there are a lot of highly voted "get over it" responses in the auxiliary threads and everyone who agrees with the complaints are being downvoted

The blizzard fall from grace is becoming more and more spectacular and depressing. They’re the only company with multiple games in my top ten played, and my #1 is only RS because I started it so young.
I didn’t even bother resubbing for BFA release, I quit hots (which is still the best assfaggot) once they dropped support for it, I quit HS once the card design became absolutely unbearable.
This isn’t even an EA situation where they release shitty games. They just seem hellbent on ruining all potential. Even overwatch was potentially very good if they had anything other than baby maps and baby skills.
Fuck, I don’t even know if I want to play classic. I’m sure they’re going to fuck it up even more than they already have.

Blizzard fanatics are rabid about defending their games from the smallest perceived slight you have no matter how justified your criticism is. Its weird.

in no world is legion better than pandaria. MOP was the peak of wow.

I haven't played in years, so whatever. They can ruin the game as much as they want, blizzard should just die

>when subhuman commie country is so important they change entire game around it
When you oldfag who remember what kind of powerhouse for pc gaming Blizzard was back in the days this is some twilight zone bullshit

>N-no she is actually hotter
I hate fags that does that so much, are they getting payed by Blizzard as a defence force? Its obviosly not true, you can't hide behind meme fetishes, you can't fool anyone

And they wonder why their games are dying, they spend time and money worrying about inane bullshit like this.

It's getting better, but there was a long period where they were trying to force "house style" and it was all just shitty digital paintings

i mean its not that bad guys. if anything it makes you see how risque the old art was

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Did you know one of the people behind this new expansion is a tr*nny?

I miss Brode

This is what happens when people abandon religion.

If you play magic, try to play it with friends. Standard sucks ass.

The new sets are full of shitty SJW art now.

I'll keep that in mind.


I mean it's just my opinion. But I felt a big shift in the mechanics of the game from Innistrad to Theros. They made the game slower, and cards significantly less powerful. They claimed it was "more balanced" it just felt boring to me. kitchen table is fun because you can just play with whatever you want, within reason. Instead of having to constantly rotate your cards with what's in season.

>Asks how to get its playerbase back
>Comes up with this

This alongside the other fuck-ups blizzard has been pulling lately has confirmed that blizzard is dead to me. Did you guys see what they did with the shit in warcraft 3 reforged with the night elves?

Find a group of friends, learn the basics, then stick to Pauper and Commander formats.

>a shitty card battle meme game is dying

oh fucking no what ever the shit shall i do

The game is finished, doesn't matter what they do. It's in a steady decline and investors will soon notice it and stop their funding.

Holy fucking shot I just realized she is showing her back, I always thought she was castin a spell and her hand was glowing green.