Is the addition of cute boys in a game really a deal breaker for you?
Is the addition of cute boys in a game really a deal breaker for you?
anything is a dealbreaker for Yea Forums
More like a deal maker
>look how edgy and ironic I am
>I can't play a game with cute boys in it because I am a closet homosexual
Fucking /pol/tards are the worst.
How do I get a qt Sandy bf?
...In regards to what? The most popular video games of all time generally all have male protagonists or are centered around men. Explain where the fuck anyone has a "deal broken" for including a man in the game.
deal MAKER
fujos have no fucking taste, why do they fawn over fuccbois like sandalphon or the homoknights instead of true male specimens like pic related?
More like a deal MAKER
Why is his head so tiny?
No. Males have no purpose because I'm not even interested in friends. The only time I make "friends" with anyone is when that person is a female I see as a potential romantic interest.
only if they dont have cute feet
no boyfeet = no buy
>that pig
>tfw footfag and gwyndolinfag
Life is suffering
what is this gacha bait game
>No male friends
>Only becomes "friends" with females in hopes of getting pussy
>Has no female friends and is a virgin
What a sad life.
it hurts
It’s a selling point actually.
Kill yourself and keep rolling until you find the proper timeline
heterosexuality truly is a mental illness
They're there, user. You're just not looking hard enough.
It's just his armor. He's a well-built man underneath all that.
Someone didn't have a good childhood...