Is the addition of cute boys in a game really a deal breaker for you?

Is the addition of cute boys in a game really a deal breaker for you?

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anything is a dealbreaker for Yea Forums

More like a deal maker

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>look how edgy and ironic I am
>I can't play a game with cute boys in it because I am a closet homosexual
Fucking /pol/tards are the worst.

How do I get a qt Sandy bf?

...In regards to what? The most popular video games of all time generally all have male protagonists or are centered around men. Explain where the fuck anyone has a "deal broken" for including a man in the game.

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deal MAKER

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fujos have no fucking taste, why do they fawn over fuccbois like sandalphon or the homoknights instead of true male specimens like pic related?

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More like a deal MAKER

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Why is his head so tiny?

No. Males have no purpose because I'm not even interested in friends. The only time I make "friends" with anyone is when that person is a female I see as a potential romantic interest.

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only if they dont have cute feet
no boyfeet = no buy

>that pig

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>tfw footfag and gwyndolinfag
Life is suffering

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what is this gacha bait game

>No male friends
>Only becomes "friends" with females in hopes of getting pussy
>Has no female friends and is a virgin
What a sad life.

it hurts

It’s a selling point actually.

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Kill yourself and keep rolling until you find the proper timeline


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heterosexuality truly is a mental illness

They're there, user. You're just not looking hard enough.

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It's just his armor. He's a well-built man underneath all that.

Someone didn't have a good childhood...

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