Attached: yamfsnszhh331.jpg (671x628, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:


she looks like my aunt

now imagine if a white woman did this.

It'd be a little more cringey, but honestly with the right energy anyone could do it
It's just about being charming



Attached: 1562029683335.png (2192x2040, 1.44M)

Why do Asians age like milk and look hideous? Are they human at all?


You misspelled white women, user

Based and true

You know what, fuck it, If you're not samefagging then screenshot my post and attach it as a reply unedited

That's why white women no longer desire white men.

I want to hold your aunt's hand.



Everyone with half a brain cell knows it's the same person. Just ignore it at this point because I can tell you right now that this one is sticking around for at least an entire year.

Good thing I'm not white

It's weird seeing roasties team up with incels to badmouth other women.

The point was to call them out on it SK they'd have to show theyre an obvious samefag or ignore out which is the same thing
But yeah, it's pretty fucking obvious, no shit

Attached: dubs.gif (320x240, 1.84M)


Attached: cute.png (1281x1357, 604K)

She got braces around 2014
Square Enix money probably helped.

Attached: file.png (478x473, 216K)

Attached: 13237-Ikumi-Nakamura.jpg (650x650, 39K)

is today opposite day?

Attached: still alive.png (550x750, 436K)

She was the only good part of that shitty conference.

People like her personality though? Why is this so hard to understand for western roasties?

what's with americans hating asian people all of a sudden? do they really fear china that much?

Not all americans just the ones that were born without penises and the ones that chopped their penises off.

I will now buy your game

>it's not photoshopped

Honestly would bust her little pussy up

>25+ Best Metal Gear Rule 34 Memes

Attached: 1559079761739.jpg (259x220, 58K)

not just asians, americans are in constant fear of literally everything and everyone hence the aggressive behavior

Attached: 1390705719961.jpg (500x426, 151K)

don't lump us in with these /r/asianmasculinity fucks or the discord trannies

Imagine obsessing on this below average looking jap

Old hag

You'll be consuming her product anyway stop asking questions

Attached: stormfront btfo.png (1342x1016, 238K)



I'd be buying it to play Mikami's new game if anything.

Bruh... look at this dood
Wait till you see the tee...

Attached: hahaha.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Attached: 0anyk06tcrco21.png (1366x768, 1.23M)

What the fuck are "autism jeans"?

>she shilled a game for 3 minutes, I now know and love her personality
You can't be serious

>has nigger moment
>posts the white guy

It's spooky.

Attached: skel01.jpg (510x367, 55K)

Because I'm simply laughing. Feels great to be white
*drinks coffee*

I'd "realistically date" the bottom girl she looks adorable.

that's fucking gross

Attached: giphy (1).gif (240x203, 358K)

The fact that she's Japanese and has the accent certainly helps, but I don't doubt that a white woman with a comparable level of passion could pull it off
Good luck finding one though, unless they're trying to scam losers on Patreon and Instagram white women hate being cute and feminine

Is hideo married? If not, we should try and set them up. Imagine what their kid would be like.

>asian milf get cuter the older they get
nani the fuck?

Jeans that are a few sizes too tall? That's what it seems to me

I grew up around Asian females. We played Tennis and did Ballet together The issue is that are completely oppressed by their Patriarchal society. They aren’t really allowed to do anything of their own volition. They have no independence or free will. They are the slaves of whatever men are around them at the time.

Women, and women of color, don’t really have this issue. It’s kind of amazing how their idea of a female Japanese celebrity is Marie Kondo, a glorified cleaning lady. Meanwhile we’re voting for women to be President.

Well it could be worse, i mean instead of lusting after women i could be obsessing over what other people find attractive and what they dont, gawrsh what a terrible existence that would be....

It's eurasian tiger or some other mentally ill hapa cuck, on a failed crusade to kill yellow fever with his shitposting.

>not dating Lisa
Come on now

>inb4 im not obsessed
Niggah if youre saving ammo to use in your phone youve already tipped us all off to whats rolling around in that no-neck head you got.

I live in Hawaii, there are more asians here than whites, this post is inaccurate.

shes so cool and kawaii~!

Attached: ikumi-nakamura.jpg (640x360, 32K)

post aunt please

Attached: summer-games-done-quick-raises-usd3m-for-doctors-without-borders-1561975384242.jpg (1200x672, 618K)

Holy fuck go back to redd!t you flaming fag

I hope you like penis


I wonder if a woman jealous of Asians made this



Whites age like fine wine.

I'm American and it's the only type of women i'm attracted to these days.

>everyone who hurts my feefees is one guy :(((
cope, those posts were posted within one minute too

you're literally a newfag

lmao so true

>not wearing levi's 510 skinny in jet black
True though, i'm "stick thin" but at least i'm 6'2. Stay mad at other men's taste in women though queer.

>before they brought out brought out the cute girl
>wtf, where's the gameplay? this E3 fuckging sucks
>after the cute girl
>Ghostwire's transitions looked AMAZING

Stop obsessing over a fucking roastie, putting pussy on a pedestal has done so much harm for men in the west already

lol at you thirsty faggots who jumped at this
yopu cunts do it evey e3 but this time it just reaffirmed how shit your taste is,
at least when it was jade Raymond she was actually not a troglodyte

>d-d-different people
>d-d-different filenames
>p-p-posted within 1 minute
Kill yourself already. We know it's you. No amount of IP abuse, hash abuse, or other faggotry can trick anyone but the most braindead of retards.

Literally no one is ever talking about south america when they use the word america, get it in your head you stupid sudaca

>different filenames
The two posts you replied to never uploaded anything. Forgot your meds again?

>calling anyone a samefag when it is literally what you do every day
Stop projecting, WCK.

Attached: 1562036752635.png (1946x1162, 882K)

She looks like Bayonetta-ta-ta-ta

>Meanwhile we’re voting for women to be President.
funny you say that when there have been multiple female presidents in asia already

Nah, it's you every time and it's obvious. It's hilarious when all the same type of posts surface at the same time and you play it off as someone else "lol give me the rundown on this wck fella," same shtick every time. It's pretty hilarious.
Right on cue. Intense autism.


why are roasties so jealous of asian girls

>all the seething roasties ITT
flap flap

Gee I wonder what's more believable:
1. only one person on Yea Forums posts attractive asians
2. only one person on Yea Forums is so autistically butthurt at yellow fever that he derails any thread containing asian girls with these schizophrenic image dumps

Attached: __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_leon_mikiri_hassha__de68c4c2f73e94988c5d4d3f1b2b5211.jpg (1996x2262, 271K)

>this many trannies at actually attractive feminine asian women

Nice samefagging. Don't forget to take a screenshot with the (You) removed from one of the posts, schizo autist.

It literally is one or 2 mentally deranged incels who are making these off-topic yellow fever threads.

Attached: Yellow fever austrian.png (1205x4411, 1.07M)

Why did the yellow fever incel make two (2) similar threads at the same time with the exact same images?

Based but also unbased

go back to your hapa cope cuckreddit, eurasian nigger

he's autistic, that's why

hapas hate white women

Keep coping tenda. Keep it up.
lmao, you can't write this shit. What's your next samefag post? "Eyyy guys what's da deal with this WCK guy amirite lol."

>projecting yourself unto others
>calling anyone an incel when you are the king of incels
>taking screenshots of Yea Forums posts in your yellow fever threads while accusing others of making those yellow fever
You know we can tell it's you because you are always here 24/7.

Eyyy guys what's da deal with this WCK guy amirite lol

no, they hate their asian moms and project from there

Pick one, weebcel.

Yeah, Asians hate themselves. What point are you trying to make again?

He has a wife and some kids too. Probably keeps them locked up while he screws his starlets.

pick both

My favorites are the "How do we fix the horror genre?" sad threads he creates with the same ugly asian 2tb folder he has hoping for someone to bite but gets like 5 replies or people actually talking about the topic. He thinks it's the slickest shit, lel. Makes me laugh out loud.

>Keep coping tenda. Keep it up.
what the fuck are you sperging about, get a job you austrian incel.

>You know we can tell it's you because you are always here 24/7.
It doesn't take 24 hours to search up your yellow fever posts on archive


Japanese speaking broken English is going to be appealing 90% of the time, especially if the speaker is attractive.

>what the fuck are you sperging about, get a job you austrian incel.
what the fuck are you sperging about, get a job you euroasian incel.

kek based

The funny thing abot WCK is that he genuinely believes if he spams yellow fever threads and posts with photoshopped pictures of Asians with surgeries and make-up, he'll be able to convince everyone that Asians aren't ugly.

It's a special kind of autism. Hell, he's even trying to falseflag and accuse others of making those yellow fever threads and posts because somebody exposed his autistic raid. Nonetheless, I can tell he's slowly drifting into suicide and that's a good thing. Race mixers are usually Americans and/or desperate incels and they must all fulfill their role in life which is suicide.

I love it when you talk to yourself.

refer back to there's no yellow fever bogeyman, there's a seething chink or two derailing threads with asian girls

I'm not 1 of those guys and I lust after asian cuties. Lots of men do.

Attached: 1457614062528.jpg (1000x800, 203K)

What are you even talking about.

You are making yellow fever threads on a daily basis. You got exposed for it and you've been taking screenshots of Yea Forums posts making fun of you in your yellow fever threads. You have to be out of your mind to try and falseflag and blame someone else for it.

Just stop, you're clearly offended. Not even furries are as obnoxious as you.

>there's no yellow fever bogeyman
there is, but you don't want us to know that about you

Attached: 1562038687775.png (1884x1900, 1.73M)

I wasn't talking about weebs. I'm talking about the schizo austrian that keeps making these off-topic yellow fever threads.

even if we humor your schizophrenia, nobody here minds asian cutie spam except you and your fellow hapacels

Oh meine god

What the fuck is wrong with Austrians

How to spot euroasian autist samefag posts 101
>mentions furries
>mentions fags
>mentions ponies
>mentions spic
>mentions australian
>mentions argentina

imagine making this image and expecting to be treated like a sane person

Attached: 1555179379238.png (773x570, 175K)

I wanna fuck your aunt, user

i would dry heave if this hiroshima mutant popped out of the bushes and uwu'd at me.

Holy autism, I looked it up and it's real. There's definitely a coordinated group of weebcels doing this.

Pick one

oh my god why are these shitters posting momo get away from her

Attached: 1555715534317.png (973x782, 883K)

imagine spamming yellow fever threads on a daily basis and expecting to be treated like a sane person

Phoneposting was a mistake
t. Phoneposter

a cute white woman speaking broken japanese right? I think I can imagine that


>act like a furry
>"Why u say im obnoxious as a furry ??? :((((, U are a boogeyman :((("

It would be funny how upset you are if it wasn't for the fact how annoying and useless these types of shitposts are.


I think I finally understand why people call you WCK

It's because you are very similar to ACK.

White women make you angry and you want to accuse someone of being angry when you're autistically flooding a video game board with yellow fever threads

haha ok

I forgot to add >compares ACK to WCK

>I'm fun
>buy our shit
Why do people eat this crap up?

Attached: 9f52fd33c9bccee038b8c4264e9b26d052876912r1-540-304_00.gif (320x180, 598K)

Yea Forums is full of very serious virgins

That worked out really well for South Korea, didn't it?

You can tell that Austrian loser has never left his house in five years.

Ever notice how tenda becomes insanely schizo the moment he becomes outed? The samefag posts just come one right after the other because he needs the last word every thread

wtf, I want a weeb gf now

The mere fact that some asian women are feminine and attractive seems to trigger you into seething rage. Nice job with all that mind reading. Failed this time, though.

who the fuck is tenda and why is the WCK calling everyone tenda

is it a meme about tendies? are asians afraid of tendies?

I need a quick rundown of WCK's boogeyman

cute girl with mic

Asians aren't feminine or attractive though. They age too quicky and look the same as Asian guys. And they need a lot of investments into surgeries to look less ugly.

Why are you frustrated?

>"lol give me the rundown on this wck fella," same shtick every time. It's pretty hilarious.
>Eyyy guys what's da deal with this WCK guy amirite lol
You literally can't make this shit up, kek.

>Asians aren't feminine or attractive though.
lol wat? Japanese women are probably the most feminine women of any race.

BEFORE YOU GOOGLE IT!... Does anyone even remember what game she was announcing?

Tenda is the name of an Asian male moderating a subreddit for shitskins. WCK believes that Asian male is following him around on Yea Forums.

The irony being that he's exactly like ACK, but with anti-asian autism. Too bad Yea Forums already has a resident ACK in ACfag, so fuck off eurasian sperg

Attached: 1525558702544.png (532x475, 254K)

> lol wat? Japanese women are probably the most feminine women of any race.
ya ur right look how feminine they are

Attached: 1562039680130.jpg (632x469, 83K)

Some mystery game where people kept vanishing suddenly I think. Seemed high production value.

Tokyo something

I can't remember what I never knew. I didn't watch whatever this is.

Attached: 1560667770759.jpg (650x525, 104K)

something about ghosts, ghost mystery something

Uhh... Tokyo Demon Hunting?

> anti-asian autism.
Ah yes. Here comes the "conspiracy theories against muh Asians". Jesus fucking christ, you are as braindead as ACK.

Ghostwire. It looks cool, I'm interested.

Are you actually some sad roastie whose boyfriend left her for an asian woman?

I miss him.

you seething about asian girls is a conspiracy?

>I spam yellow fever threads and posts on Yea Forums and if you don't like it, then you are anti-Asian and you are a hapa

Attached: 1562039886793.png (1919x2500, 766K)

Goddamn, them braces did the trick

The only thing you can fault is her teeth, and they aren't even bad just crooked.

I wish next E3 had sluts like Cardi B or Rihanna or the Kardashians trying to sell video games.

Attached: 1561434115730.png (750x1334, 1.56M)

Make up your mind, WCK. Are we roasties or chicken tendies? Can't have it both ways, you autistic schizo. And the irony of your post is that you have no chance of dating white women and that's why you have yellow fever. Keep seething lmao

I like how you refer yellow roasties as "girls". You're basically admitting you're a pedophile.

my teeth are the same

>everyone who disagrees with me is this one boogieman
You DO sound like a roastie

How do I get a big gf like this?

You assuming everyone hates insectoids when they're trying to tell you to fuck off is a conspiracy theory.

Make up your mind, tenda. Are we spics, furries, austrians, argentinian, BBC poster or fags? Can't have it every way, you autistic schizo. And the irony of your post is that you have no chance of dating asian women and that's why you have autism. Keep seething lmao

>i'm not anti-asian, i just spam asian hate posts constantly
if you stuck to the "not vidya" point you might have an ounce of credibility, but your seething outs your true intent

Tokyo Ghostwire.

>claims he doesn't hate them
>calls them insectoids
Do you genuinely have zero self awareness


>mentions fags
you're a samefag tho and it had nothing to do with fags, you're literally a newfag too
>mentions furries
>mentions ponies
you're similar to them, are you that dense that you can't see it?
>mentions australian
no one has mentioned Australians except for you

you are truly a schizo lmao

>you have no chance of dating asian women
yellow roasties are cock carousels

you're basically admitting that your seething has nothing to do with offtopic posting and is just autistic hatred of asians

>he can't even reply to the correct post
Literal schizo

There are no Asian hate posts. If you stopped spamming yellow fever threads, people wouldn't make fun of you for having a bug fetish. Got it, autismo? Want me to dumb it down further for you?

And you still have no chance. Should I explain the joke to you even further?

>your seething
Nice self projection. Don't forget to cue up another yellow fever thread while complaining about white women.

>there are no asian hate posts
>makes another asian hate post
your incel rage only encourages asian waifuposting. you're only making it 10x more entertaining

Wasn't doing the same thing, but wasn't there a cute German christmas cake last year who got pretty popular? Maybe the year before, I forget, 2018 was long.

Attached: 1519096059186.png (214x397, 33K)

And yellow roasties are cock carousels who'll fuck anything, even dogs. Should I explain your autism and reality to you even further, seeing how you're a cluelees incel due to being a shut-in NEET?

Im not female, but the yellow obsession I see in you faggots is disgusting. The fact that your initial reaction is always "you must be a white roastie" is hilarious. Your tastes are warped, because you can't handle your own women and let them do whatever they want. Then you go after the more diminutive and obsequious Asians because you're weak on the inside and/or fucked in the head from porn. Those are the only explanations I can think of.

Men with yellow fever, especially of the jungle variety need to off themselves.

Attached: 1559759736656.png (660x581, 460K)

Absolutamente basado user. Don't mind the incels calling you a roastie. They have nothing else to say apart from that. Doing gods work.

Attached: basado.jpg (1080x1350, 144K)

yes, it was another one of those indie depression simulators. she was cute.

>And yellow roasties are cock carousels who'll fuck anything, even dogs.
lmao, get the joke through that thick skull, tenda

>your incel rage
the yellow fever incel thinks somebody is an incel if they don't appreciate his yellow fever spam

you're mentally retarded

spic go away.

The thing about nigger fever is that I never see them. And if I do, they're not as obnoxious as yellow fever incels.

Poor lads they only wanted to knock up some ladybois

He's based, honestly. There are no genuine arguments here but "r-roastie" pfft.

spics hate white women

and most yellow fever fags are spics so uh yeah you just outed yourself as a spic LMAO

I'm not a spic lol, just because I used spic memes doesn't mean I'm one.

>make hundreds of yellow fever threads every day
>someone tells you to fuck off
>respond with conspiracy theories and "woww you hate asians??? omg ur autistic, asians are cute, tight and attractive"

>Im not female
Nice try, post dick or GTFO

Attached: DjKRJUx.jpg (764x1024, 105K)

roastie and resetcels cucked

nobody would seethe this hard about waifuposting unless they were full of self hate and/or jealousy. there is no other reason to obsessively shitfling like you are. post like a roastie, get called a roastie.

>they're all fat and bald
hahahaha funny how yellow fever incels say that "landwhales hate asians" when they are literal landwhales themselves


Attached: 1562041139352.jpg (720x960, 208K)

Hah, Seething
>White Roasties
>Asian "men"

Attached: 1560134524777.jpg (801x876, 244K)

Her face is screaming " arr i rook pretty? me wanna eatto doggo "

A white man did that when talking about Unravel, and everyone loved him too.

>ACK believes everyone is a tripfag called akemi
>WCK believes everyone is a white woman or some asian called Tenda
>they are both equally autistic
Hmmm..... This is awfully suspicious.

Those hips, though. I need to use that thigh gap.

Attached: IMG_20190611_085202.jpg (484x400, 26K)

>hey guys dont you just hate niggers?
>wtf how am i being racist?

thigh gaps are a thinking man's fetish

If I was a women, I wouldn't have the insight to point out the fact that SE Asians are the ugliest of the lot.

Attached: 1561075472561.jpg (934x960, 67K)

>you're not allowed to like femininity in women
>a real man wants a strong woman aka temperamental cunt
Yeah, I've heard that shit before and it always comes from a woman that thinks her not having anything pleasant to offer but ass is a positive.

Attached: 1520549249460.png (503x385, 218K)

For someone who hates /pol/, you sure seem obsessed with spamming yellow fever threads there.

And it's quite funny to see you cry about "racism" against muh Asians when you dislike Asian males.

Kek, if asianfags didn't look like complete dorks, nobody would give a shit. Look at this guy man. Fucking KEK.

Attached: kek.jpg (400x400, 37K)

>believe that everyone posting an asian female is some guy called WCK
You are literally only making asians more attractive trying to turn everyone away from them.

Nah, that's South Koreans.

>"stop telling me to stop spamming yellow fever threads :(((, you're an asian hater :((("
>"uh asian males? i hate them too"
What did WCK mean by this?

Can you imagine for a second, that maybe people are just disgusted by your shit taste.

>you're not allowed to like femininity in women
You said it before and I'll repeat myself again. Asian "girls" look like Asian guys. There is no "femininity" in Asian women, you dense incel.

ok roastie.

>implying that I spam yellow fever threads here
>implying I'm not here just to laugh at retards seething over anons lusting after some asian chick

Attached: 1543292173160.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

>t.just wants a replacement mommy

>stop posting these disgusting pedobait low test bug people
>wtf how am I hating on asians?

Attached: 1483316781151.png (499x338, 38K)


Attached: 26611e.jpg (662x712, 38K)

The funny thing about this yellow fever incel's autistic tantrum is that he hates to see realistic pictures of Asian women without surgeries. He even considers Asians without surgeries to be ugly which falls under racism and he has the audacity of accusing others of being racist against Asians. LOL

If you're not posting photoshopped pictures of Asians with surgeries and make-up, he will accuse you of being an "asian hater", "roastie" or chicken tendies.

Attached: 1562041829265.jpg (374x454, 28K)

I implied you should get your women under control, not bow down and kiss their feet faggot. If you treated your women like women by slapping them into their place they wouldn't be all manly like. They'd be more like the Asians except not fugly.

wh*Te subhumans , how does this make you feel?

You could have a completely homogenous community of middle class wh*Tes. A nice town with almost no crime, an all round good community. However because of the weakness of the wh*Tes all it would take to destroy this community is one BLACK bull?

Just imagine, it’s a nice sunny Sunday afternoon, imagine the bustle of this 100% wh*Te town until suddenly a couple of BLACK bulls walk up. Women would feel more attraction to these superior, strong bulls infinitely more than their pathetic wh*Te husbands. Every woman would be begging, grovelling to be impregnated by these overlords, the new kings of the town who earned this position with nothing but their superior presence. And these bulls wouldn’t stop until every girl was carrying their children, the wh*Te women’s original children would probably be neglected. Who the fuck would want to raise these inferior children? They are only going to turn out like their fathers.

The Men? The men would flee after realizing how futile their attempts at winning back their wives attraction would be. They would flee to Japan where they will try to win over FAS looking ugly Jap girls because they are the only things disgusting and lonely enough to accept them. Many would probably be rejected after the Japs hear of their shameful and dishonorable display, even they probably would have killed themselves to avoid the shame.

Back home in the once nice town, every woman will be raising their BLACK children and will be queuing up for their second or maybe even third pregnancy. They wont stop until they hit menopause, because they know deep down that their purpose is to populate the world with superior BLACK bulls who will then move on to destroy other towns. This is REAL colonization. You can’t take over a place without winning the attraction or respect of the people, that method will always collapse.

Attached: 2rs.jpg (412x250, 29K)

>over anons lusting after some asian chick
>over anons
cool story, samefag

yes, yes, but why does all of this make you so upset? please explain


Attached: 1561929442960.jpg (1920x1080, 265K)

This is the most autistic thing I've ever read.

Attached: 34835.jpg (399x385, 29K)

What a ridiculous cunt you are.
You projecting there?
I don't want any woman to take care of me, I take care of myself but she needs to be someone I want to be around, offering your ass is not enough to compensate for being a bitch.
If all they come with is their body their not worth shit.

hah samefag


if it quacks like a duck

Attached: efe.png (680x480, 113K)

Do you think you're in a position to accuse anyone of hating Asians when you complain about Asian males and realistic pictures of Asian women?


Attached: 1543010872693.gif (344x203, 3.88M)

She's really a sperg irl.

Yea actually. Work for comcast. I literally had 6 people call in today to threaten that we'd better not be using Huawei tech in our equipment or they will sue, etc etc

>calling anyone an incel when you have yellow fever

that doesn't account for your level of seething, especially in regards to race attraction.


honestly how badly the footage is shot makes her a lot cuter. there's something endearing about how awkward it is

Most Asians are like that but I know what you mean.

I've seen her video interviews and she acts like a genuine sperg. Coincidentally, her fanboy on Yea Forums is one too.

>The men would flee after realizing how futile their attempts at winning back their wives attraction would be. They would flee to Japan where they will try to win over FAS looking ugly Jap girls because they are the only things disgusting and lonely enough to accept them
This is so true, just look at this thread.

Attached: med9.jpg (1080x1350, 192K)

>wh*te "people"


now that's comedy

I am a white male with an asian gf and there's nothing you seething hapa/asian incels can do about it

Attached: D23pCLBXgAU5Xnm.jpg (1200x675, 34K)

i want to impregnate your aunt

KYS sperg

>asians girls because they are the only things disgusting and lonely enough to accept them
Well yeah. Asian women will jump on anyone's dick. Hell, they sell their bodies for money during holidays to afford surgery if they don't have rich parents.

Basically, if you have yellow fever, you're going for scraps at the bottom of the trash can.

Why do people assume we hate asian men simply because we like their women?

>you complain about Asian males and realistic pictures of Asian women
no i don't you retarded schizo, and my posts don't change the content of your posts which are full of blatant asian hate

If she aint white, then she aint right

Why would Asians get mad when your offspring will look like them, you dumb coping autist.

And I know you're larping. Anyone who isn't Asian and have an Asian gf is alsays living in constant depression with suicidal thoughts.

Why do you aka WCK assume we hate asians simply because we tell you to fuck off?

Fact about this pic: everyone guy in this pic (besides the 3 I couldn't find) are above 6' tall.
Tall white men were made for asian cuties

If you live in a western or asian city you will need to learn how to cope
might as well start now

Attached: 1556443655574.jpg (1920x1080, 93K)

we'll nuke you for that

user, if you read this post, please take a break from Yea Forums. I'm not baiting for a reply, seriously consider taking a break from the website you're acting like a schizo.

probably because you don't simply say fuck off and instead spam asian hate posts at every opportunity

>no i don't
Yeah you do. When an user uploads a normal photo of Asian women, you quickly accuse them of being racist against Asians which is fucking hilarious because you are the one who is racist against Asians since you can't handle Asians' true appearance.

You even refer to all Asians as "ugly Asians" which is quite literally racism. I'm not even gonna get started on your autistic tantrums against Asian males. You're autistic as fuck which is why you have zero awareness.

wtf is even this thread?

Attached: 1556207850374.jpg (918x1024, 58K)

But white women are the only women I attract. Also, I don't dislike them, I just prefer asian.

welcome to post 2016 Yea Forums

>muh asian hate"
another conspiracy theory from you

stop flooding Yea Forums boards with your yellow fever spam and nobody will make fun of you

>Your tastes are warped, because you can't handle your own women and let them do whatever they want

I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with Asian women but I will say western women are just not worth it, they're are way too much trouble, the risk isn't worth the reward.

Attached: Human Traffic 2.gif (256x144, 1.03M)

heh....alright..... larper

How many times are you going to reply to the same post and scream "schizo", WCK? No one is as paranoid as you are. You even make Barneyfag look sane kek

learn english, spic

I hope you're just shitposting, but on the off chance you aren't, sterlize yourself, you don't need to breed with any color of woman.

You have to pick a team. Horizontal or vertical pussy.

user, you have no idea how many guys, not just white, blacks as well that are EXACTLY like this.

They’re almost ALWAYS complete assholes to.

>western is a race
why do you amerimutts believe this

make your choice Yea Forums

Attached: relationships.jpg (473x714, 53K)

Why do you look at a mirror when you write these things?

I'm white and American
>h-haha! A-amerimutt!
No point in arguing with retards here.

based taiwan

China is what all insectoids does

I never said western is a race numb nuts, I said western women as in western culture women.

Attached: 1531328692886.jpg (563x390, 22K)

Asians are WESTERNIZED you fucking absolute retard

r/asianidentity posters, how does this make you feel?

Attached: 1560046141798.webm (1280x720, 1.93M)

>one or 2
No, that Austrian incel is one person. He's been doing this on /int/ since early 2019.

i'm not whatever schizo delusion you conjured up to cope with your mental illness. no you retarded fuck, i'm accusing you of racism for numerous posts like posts like

god her legs are so nice, lucky bastard

Tons of larpers & retards.

Nothing out of the ordinary

why do you have videos of below average incels making out with bug women on your computer?


What is so racist about that?

Weebcels live their life through these videos.

looks like they're getting plenty of action to me :^)
why are you seething?


What exactly defines user incel to you people? I'm convinced the loser hating on asian girls is some ugly ass gay guy.

this is retarded just as a caricature. asians have flat pan faces you dumbass

>he has these kind of videos stored on his pc

holy fucking cringe lmao you are pathetic buddy.

Fucking Asians is the equivalent of taking a paper and making a hole and fucking it.

It takes no effort. Yellow fever is the easy route out of inceldom, but at the end of the day, you're still an incel.and it's evident by your autistic screeching and constant seething.

a non*

this word means nothing anymore


>what is racist about calling a race ugly pedobait bug people
so we're back to Thanks for showing that the anti asian sentiment is held by absolute fucking retards like you.

>loser hating on asian girls
You sound like a furry.
>ugly ass gay guy.
Good job describing every single "male" with yellow fever.

>one word reply
this is how i know i've won.

>likes human women
>like females
The level is cope.

I said it's not a conspiracy you fucking cretin. Just you seething.

>anti asian sentiment

You have an autistic meltdown when somebody posts a realistic picture of Asians. You even accuse everyone of being an Asian guy too. The only one with "anti asian sentiment" is you.

>Asians are WESTERNIZED you fucking absolute retard

Yeah sure thing user, Asians really are part of the western world.

Attached: Western World.jpg (1067x545, 66K)

>still cant explain why pointing out facts about bug is "racist"

Attached: 1562043817405.jpg (546x333, 44K)

>i'm not whatever schizo delusion you conjured up to cope with your mental illness

>autistic screeching and constant seething
then what do you call this post?
>still an incel
>literally not celibate

Why do asian males hate their women? Is it because of the constant rejection?

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Attached: 1562043853063.jpg (200x258, 13K)

I want a middle aged Japanese qt gf.

God.... DAMN.


Attached: 1540442961830.jpg (468x431, 17K)

Oh nice. The Amerimutt doesn't undestand what "WESTERNIZED" means. I thought he'd undestand if I capitalized it but he's still unable to understand something so simple.

>i know i've won.
you should stop caring about pointless things incel. now go back to fapping to your bug women

China looks good

Attached: 1476376464460.png (598x576, 198K)

I hate to post a wojak but she unironically looks like pic related

Attached: 1450716926842.jpg (804x802, 85K)

>bleach products
>odd camera angle

Fucking BLESSED image.

he keeps replying after he's lost. don't mind me, i'll just take another victory lap.

>qt gf
qt as fuck

Attached: 1562044059703.jpg (321x336, 20K)

>doesn't undestand

Sure user.

Attached: Clash_of_Civilizations_mapn2.png (1260x612, 56K)

I know right
More girls should be assertive

Attached: 1560858436351.jpg (480x480, 53K)

Asian women have no as-.......

just because they reject you doesn't make them ugly anons


Attached: 1559885945389.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>domo arigato gozaimasu
isn't that overkill?

fucking sauce me

Looks like bootcut

I expected cringe but this is weirdly kino.

whatever helps you sleep.

Attached: 1559227651563.jpg (300x300, 17K)

Racism is bad

Asian women were built for negro cocks

Flat noses, subhumans and they both smell like shit. It is faith for these far-away races to breed.

Attached: 1562044161203.jpg (258x288, 28K)

I want an anime girl to put my on a leash, bros.

Is it true that Japanese pussies aren't slanted, they're just tokyo drifting?

Just get one

Attached: 1444166483813.jpg (944x1000, 360K)

>yellow roasties rejecting anyone
Nicr schizo delusion you conjured up to cope with your mental illness


Attached: mantis-shrimp-8.jpg (1000x711, 113K)

>literally no u and not even at the same person
mind status: broken

holy fuck i need to use her

>calls everyone a landwhale for not having yellow fever
>believes a fat super short chink got an ass in a video that only shows her jumbo knees.and lower thighs
What did the weebcel mean by this?

Rikka from ssss gridman

And now the asian incel starts the bbc spam to hopefully trigger the white male

What mental illness user?
Why don't you chill out a bit

Attached: 1558999612053.webm (1720x1080, 2.46M)

give him a break, having to reply to so many different people must be exhaustive, poor lad

What's up with the Philippines? It seems like almost every great power or higher wanted a piece of that island.

>south korea sinic

That belongs to my face
I haven't even posted here yet, wtf are you talking about?

Oh god that Unravel guy had the same nervous energy and I indeed loved it, that presentation actually felt genuine and wholesome.

It's only been around 70 years since the split, give it 200 years and it should be fully western.

>look at this peppy successful game developer!
>she worked on Okami and Bayonetta!
>join my bandwagon! I dislike her for some irrational reason!
kys fag. She made FUN games.

>got rid of the cute fangs

Attached: 1327917702548.jpg (425x583, 26K)

>More women in gaming!!
>Just not cute asian ones that make actual good games....

She didn't make Okami or Bayonetta, you fucking aspie


Attached: 1562046210667.jpg (464x497, 31K)

>Janny gets rid of posts going against his agenda instead of deleting these yellow fever off-topic threads
supreme autism

still going at it, holy fuck take a rest schizo

I saw a janny get rid of a yellow fever thread after it hit the bump limit but before he did that, he deleted and sent a ban request on a post that made fun of insectoids. This happened last week.

cool source.

based janny

When searching this image with google, it gave me: Hideo Kojima

>telling anyone they're still going at it when you flood multiple boards with yellow fever threads every day
>telling anyone they're schizo when you're the embodiment of it
nice self projection

>what are archives
kys newfag

asian women look like asian men, so it's not surprising

eat shit nigger if you don't back up your claims lmao

>asian kids have good parents
Baizuo amerimutt. Both sexes have it bad.

take a rest

Why does it matter to you? You'll still conjure up with something to cope with your schizophrenia.

eat shit

you are so much like ACK i'm starting to suspect you're literally him

>mass replying
>thinks everyone on the internet is one boogeyman
can you hang yourself already wck, it would be such a coincidence to see your autistic posting style disappear if you did it

don't forget to do it on a stream btw

meant to quote not

>WCK calling someone ACK
pot meet kettle


yeah no one person generally makes a AAA video game. That's really surprising, thank you for your 150 IQ insight.

>>thinks everyone on the internet is one boogeyman
is the irony really lost on you

take it easy with the absolute autism holy fuck you got btfo so hard tonight.

white men and asian women are getting together at record rates
you really need to learn how to cope, for your own good

Attached: 1560261861330.webm (720x480, 951K)

Or just games in general
>most diverse company in gaming is ignored all the time journos talk about gender diversity in the industry.
>They even have an entire team led by women.
>It's also their main series.
>They're ignored because they spit in the face of journos and make sexy fanservice games

Attached: 64434641_p1.png (2125x2125, 767K)

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Attached: 1.jpg (1500x1500, 272K)

Ridiculous. You can’t apply the “gay fallacy” to Asians.

you are the only one with the autism to spam yellow fever threads every hour

doesn't help that you use the same schizo ramblings and insults too

Nice you support the end of white race.

>white beta incel males and yellow roasties

ftfy, schlomo

Attached: 1561604725371.jpg (558x1333, 115K)

>ACK will never csll you mentally ill
>WCK will never call you schizo
How do you guys bait these two autists so efficiently?

"Omg you hate Asians because Asians don't look like that"

Attached: 1562047510903.jpg (200x258, 13K)

Whats wrong?

Attached: 1554568119815.jpg (783x1437, 242K)

Ghost something Tokyo. It's impressive that I remember that much considering I don't remember a single thing anyone has ever told me in my life, so she clearly did a pretty good job presenting her game.

The only word missing is wire(Ghost Wire Tokyo). Seems to be some yokai horror game or something. Could be neat.

He still regularly derails Metroid threads exactly the same way he has been for like 10 years, he never left.

This can't be real.. Can it?

Ah yeah thanks user, won't forget it again.

Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
>Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
>Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
>Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
>Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
>Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
>Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
>Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
>Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores
>Friendly reminder that asian women are superior to petty, unfaithful white whores

Attached: image.jpg (554x554, 215K)

Everyone keeps talking about Ikumi, but no one is talking about the OTHER girl from Bethesda E3

It's been almost a month and I still can't get this out of my head
Sometimes I can't sleep at night because I remember this
Sometimes I just wake up and scream
I can't look into human eyes anymore from the fear of seeing this
I have never seen anything like this and it's making me terrified
What if it will happen to me? what if it will happen to my girlfriend or wife? what if I will have children with a eye like that? how can I ever look at them and not scream?

Attached: wtf!!.jpg (1147x605, 37K)

I meant, her left eye
Her right eye from our prespective

If you look carefully she's wearing a white eye contact on one eye(you can see the outline). She's just some special snowflake who should be ignored.

>teeth shaming on Yea Forums

You mean, she wants to look like this on PURPOSE?
Why would someone want to do that, it's hideous

Because they think being pretty is evil and something about patriarchy or some gay shit like that. It's just hideous and creepy(the real definition of the word).

White women are too busy being vapid roasties to be this happy and peppy.

This whole thread is filled with betas rejected by white women

More like when ever women try to validate them selves beyond their looks people like you get triggerd so you decide to strawman them

I won't lie, i prefer left over right

Attached: Seoul vs Seoulless.png (399x504, 311K)

And suddenly, I became nostalgic for the 90s for the first time. Zoomers will never know the short magical time before 2001 hit hard.

Would smash both before and after

user, this isn't even shitting on white women, it's just really fucking ugly and terrifying. People can make bad decisions. Not everything is an evil nazi attack spell, you know.

Who cares? White women are skanky trash. I for one am glad less people worship them

is white the new black?

Naw whites are too literate to be the new blacks.

and you are just a r/hapa poster parroting the same things they have programmed into you.

Nope black

Nice projection thou

Is it weird that I want to eat her leg? Like not lick or kiss but actually cut up, chew, and swallow until I've consumed all of it.

Ghostwire: Tokyo

Cute ladies can come in any color and you're gay if you'd pass on an opportunity to bang any given subset of them.

Attached: 1499909438770.png (735x984, 639K)

Post hand

>using white woman as trophy girls
you know they fuck dogs right? not an achievement to bed one.

Dear god look at these spergs. Should have locked the doors and pumped in the gas.

That Unravel guy's presentation was full of heart. Not just soul but heart too.

All sane people do.

They even shaved down her cheekbone? Wtf why?
That and half anti yellow fever posts

Attached: 1553801626193.jpg (526x1258, 173K)

cringe, to be honest
corporate shills are not human, let alone cute

I agree she has the."I only like White guys because Asian guys look like my brother vibe“

Can I please mating press impregnate your aunt?

Attached: 15607971182460.gif (500x563, 737K)

I'm a light skinned black guy

Attached: 20190702_003137.jpg (3264x2448, 1.91M)

Here, fixed
She doesn't even look THAT bad now

Attached: fixed.png (1147x605, 266K)

>cuck blacked ero fanfiction
Didn't read

Attached: Yikes.jpg (464x618, 58K)

nah, they're just responding to posts made by people like you that dehumanize asians.

No wonder that chink fat fuck with the mic is so happy, he's pocketed half of that 3 million they "raised" for "charity" in this past SGDQ

I want to hug this cute catboy!!


>tfw I'm 7'4"
>I am most likely one head taller than the girl on the left
>girl on the right probably doesn't even reach my hips

For some reason her look of shock and awkwardness is the hottest part


>I spam yellow fever threads and posts on Yea Forums and if you don't like it, then you are anti-Asian and you are Asian

Attached: 1562054407081.png (1919x2500, 766K)

>anti yellow fever posts
telling you to stop flooding Yea Forums with yellow fever threads doesnt means they're anti yelkow fever, retard

Yeah I know that yellow roasties fuck dogs before eating their meat. Nice projecting, weebcel.


Attached: 1562054733333.jpg (359x349, 19K)


Imagine being so autistic that you become a janny to powertrip and defend yellow roasties because you can't handle the truth

I think I've seen more autistics on Yea Forums than in any special ed class the world over.



>this off-topic thread is still up
>it's the same ban evading autist making these threads
>instead of doing his job, the janny gets rid of posts that hurts his feelings because the truth hurts

Attached: 1562055270995.png (489x750, 374K)

how the fuck does this image escape my md5 filter? Do you edit it or what?

>look mom, i replied "cope" several times because they don't appreciate my bug fetish

>all these beta saying "you mad asian boy" to poor autistic asians
Then you can't get mad when people post bmwf. You guys are doing the same thing as blacks when they say "muh dick". Kek. This is the most autistic thread ever.

You are also a ban evading autist.

The ones saying "muh dick" and pretending to be niggers are white beta incels with yellow fever and Asians.




based janny is making the rounds tonight boys

good one mods

Attached: 1559740094708.gif (630x385, 3.37M)

Yeah I know that yellow roasties fuck dogs before eating their meat. Nice projecting, weebcel.


>insects with alien eyes are attractive
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Hard pass.

I have been to 3 Asian countries, Thailand, South Korea, and Mainland Japan + Okinawa and can confirm that fucked up grills are a common thing among Asians. Then again lots of people all over have fucked up teeth because they don't take care of them.

That’s not a cat boy u tranny faggot it’s a cat girl.

China or you're a pussy.


Attached: 1552341956915.jpg (1080x787, 75K)

Is that Yuu Shinoda?

I rather not be in any.

No, it's just you Americans think you subhumans represent white people, when you are the bottom of the barrel of society.
Americans are honorary niggers.
There's still civilized people in 1st world countries.
Of course, America hates decency, which is why you are trying your best to sabotage, and destroy this.
Humanity depends on America being wiped out.

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