This entire board must be purged
This entire board must be purged
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How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way!
There are 4 treads whit a wojak image i agree my lord
Damn it, Umami, as your future chef, I order you to broil this city!
please please please do it free me from this wretched fucking place put me out of my misery please PLEASE
16:08 for Feels.
You are not my chef yet, boy. Nor would I obey that command if you were!
>You are not my chef yet, boy. Nor would I obey that command if you were!
You fucked it up new fag. Its "You are not my chef yet, boyardee"
Then I must consider this an act of seasoning.
It's done.
I agree. All these dirty fr*gposters need to be dealt with. Now, Wojakposters on the other hand...
Seasoning? Have you lost your mind, user?
I agree.
Glad you could make it.
Well why don't you do it right now since you think your so tough?
You're ruining a perfectly good board by posting your creepy tranny anime shit.
>Glad you could make it, virgin.
>You watch your tone with me, discord tranny. You may be living rent free but I’m still your superior as a shitposter.
>As if I could forget, listen virgin there’s something about Yea Forums that you should know...
>Oh no. We’re too late, these people have all been redpilled! They may look fine now but it’s only a matter of time before they turn into /pol/tards.
>This entire board must have sex.
>Are you mentally ill? Theres got to be some other way.
>Cope, incel. As your future gaming representation I order you to achieve intercourse.
>You are not in my vidya yet, tranny. Dilate.
>Then I must consider this an act of seething.
>Seething?! Have you closed your wound, tranny?
>Have I? Bigoted incel, by my right of transgender pride and the sovereignty of my vagina I hereby report your posts on Twitter, and suspend your rights as a human being.
>It’s done! For those of you who have the will to respect the rights of the LGBTQPYAIK+ community follow me, the rest of you? Go have sex.
>Not him, but one day we will exterminate your mentally ill kind, discord tranny.
>someone reposted something I wrote
I feel like I’ve finally accomplished something
am i a newfag if its my first time seeing this?
also kek
gets me every time
Wrote that like 2 weeks ago so no
>Arthas and Uther swap roles as virgin/discord tranny
Is this ultimate meta kino or just an oversight?
When does that happen?
This will never cease to amuse me