Halo series is garbage

Halo series is garbage

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nigga this shit came out almost 20 years ago
take your balding rage elsewhere


This shit again?

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Halosperg isn't even trying with his threads anymore, guess even he's getting bored of the shitposting.



yeah fuck this gay boomer garbage. seriously only old crusty out of touch retards care about this shitty old franchise, same goes for you doom grandpa's as well. Take your old shitty games and leave, old people like you should raising families not playing video games.

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You can smell the anger coming off of this one.

If you say so.

>hastily take the image off of the original and just place it on a different boxart
>don't even bother trying to hide the original logo
>not mad
It just screams, "y-yeah well your game is shit too!"

I didn't make this though, someone else did so I saved it to keep for myself every time you post the OP image. I also believe you're ACfag.

I can smell your butthurt

Then whoever made it was really mad that someone called Halo a baby game.

Really? I thought he only went after stuff like Shantae threads

He wants Metroid and Halo to be Doom and wants Samus and Master Chief to be robots.

I've literally never seen a good argument against Halo, fucking every time it's just

If you ignore every argument, then I guess one never gets made.

GoldenEye was my first FPS actually, Halo CE was my second

Then tell me why the series is bad

Correct. I still like playing it though


The series has been on a downhill slope ever since the first game. For just the Bungie games:
>All of the weapons got neutered each game to make up for making them all easier to use
>Melee lunge completely ruined close range fights; a single punch breaking shields instantly made it even worse
>Less teleporters, they were all but phased out by Halo 3, while being rare in Halo 2
>Maps became flatter and much less complex since the first game. Many of which are entirely flat, or only have 2 levels with limited interaction between them.
>Uncentered crosshair
>Radar is cancer. It promotes stagnant gameplay and crouch walking everywhere or hiding in corners.
>Weapons spawn too slowly, also leading to stagnant gameplay.
>Too many duplicate weapons.
>Too much focus on gimmicks like dual wield or equipment at the cost of the gameplay.
Halo's not terrible, but it has a way to go before it becomes "great". Multiplayer is fun, but the single players are all shit.

This even though PD was my second.

>All of the weapons got neutered each game to make up for making them all easier to use
What? The weapons work functionally identical to how they did in CE
>Melee lunge ruined close range fights
No, it actually punishes poor positioning and makes sure that every fight doesn't devolve into two idiots running into each other. The melee lunge is also very short.
>A single punch breaking shields
Shields have never done this, they always do half the Shields health.
>maps become flatter and less complex
What the fuck? Just speaking for 3 you have guardian, narrows, construct, epitaph, pit and isolation Which all have multiple vertical levels. CE has the most empty, flat maps with shit like infinite, blood gulch and sidewinder.
>Uncentered crosshair
I've never noticed this
>Radar promotes stagnant gameplay and crouch walking
If you've played even a modicum of halo you'd know nobody fucking crouch walks, radar also completely COUNTERS wall hiding by allowing somebody to know when an enemy is around the corner. Grenades also exist
>Duplicate weapons
Like what?
Focus on gimmicks
Dual wielding sucks but equipment were amazing. They were non-intrusive additional power weapons with great utility that could be utilized by both teams after placement. Allowing countering vehicles, helping yourself against multiple foes with proper usage and saving teamates

halo, half life, cs and cod ruined fps.

halo 1 is the best fps to ever come out on a console. i still LAN this shit competitively 2v2. every halo game after has gotten shittier and shittier.

>mentions half life
oh boy...

yes valve drones should be hanged

you're gonna start demanding everyone to refute things next, right?


>you'll never go back to the days of playing fat kid maps with a lobby of your friends in halo 3 on a friday evening
I want to go back lads

I can smell your butt

of course the zoomies shit on based doom.

>The weapons work functionally identical to how they did in CE
They don't. Aim assist was cranked up and TTK was made much longer to compensate. It lead to a situation where an individual player can't really do anything on their own, and the game becomes very teamshot-centric.
>makes sure that every fight doesn't devolve into two idiots running into each other.
Except it does exactly that. You put in a couple of shots, then just go for your autoaim punch that deals way too much damage for its ease of use.
>they always do half the Shields health.
Have you ever played Halo? Ever since 3, they break shields no matter what. Halo 1 & 2 at least took player momentum into account while dealing melee damage.
>guardian, narrows, isolation, construct
All 1 or 2-level maps with little(if any) interplay between them. If you're on the top level, you have no sightlines to the bottom and vice versa.
>I've never noticed this
You must have either never played Halo, or never played other games.
>you'd know nobody fucking crouch walk
They do if you're not playing with retards. There's no reason to telegraph yourself like that.
>radar also completely COUNTERS wall hiding
But it doesn't. If I'm crouched around a corner, you can't see me while you're walking at full speed letting me track your red dot.
>Like what?
SMG, Spiker, Plasma Rifle, AR, Plasma Repeater, Sentinel Beam. All of them are functionally identical, with some tweaks to shield & health damage. Dual wielding homogenized the weapons to all be "point and shoot", instead of having any sort of fun gimmicks like the first game.
>They were non-intrusive
They all existed to force any encounter to a standstill.


someone needs to go back to being a severe schizo on /vr/
and that's coming from someone who does think Doom is far better.


I knew it

Why do Doomfags have so much autism?

Why do Halofags ignore criticism in favor of blaming everything on a boogeyman?

The posting style sticks out like a sore thumb, user, everyone should know this

>BACK TO /vr/

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Zoomzooms and Xtrannies btfo

Not a single person in this thread is talking about Doom, except for people complaining about Doomfags.

case in point, i honestly believe you want to be known on purpose

My first FPS was Duke Nukem 64, and then Goldeneye.

I loved Halo up until 343 got to it.

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Wait a minute? That one anti Xbox autist always fucking spouts this. Dont tell me it's the same fucking person.

feels good to btfo halocucks


bungiefags and valve drones will never recover after this

It's quite literally the first FPS, user.
Well, there was Wolfenstein 3D, but Doom is the first refined one.
Halo is nothing special, but features shitty level design and console controls. It's a garbage series overall.

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Everyone calls you that, friend.

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all fps are garbage. wolfenstien should be erased from history.

i will be playing intellectual games like system shock while you kiddies fight over doom and halo.

>TTK was made to longer
TTK was shortened, the BR kills people consistently much faster than any weapon in CE, the CE AR is literally one of the worst guns on the whole franchise and alone made every fight in CE a long range grenade lobbing fight as CQC was impossible with no good short range weapons. That alone made the game much more dependant on your teams map control rather than individual skill.
>You put in a couple of shots and then go for a autoaim punch
Nobody fucking does this unless they are already right in each other's face as the time it takes to walk to the other guy you could have just killed him by shooting.
>they break shields no matter what
In reach but not 3, 3 had the shortest lunge and only broke shields with a BR shot as well. A lone melee attack never did that.
>Interplay between them
>You have no sightlines to the bottom
Again, what the fuck? In construct you can look at the base of the map from everywhere but the elevator too, in guardian you can see the bottom between platforms, in epitaph it's a giant catwalk over the floor, the pit you can see almost the whole map from any portion excluding the sword and shotty rooms
>They do if your not playing with retards
Fucking when? Crouch walking is exactly a noob thing to do as it just halts your speed to a crawl for the small benefit of only removing you from the radar if you stay still.

You even post the same fucking pic. Dont tell me it's really you you little cocksucker lmao!

The only spots I can think of where people hide behind walls Is the sword room on pit which is still counterable by just tossing a grenade in the hole on the ceiling, TTK is long enough that you can just as well fight back if somebody catches you off guard.
>SMG, Spiker are useless. But the Plasma Rifle eats shields up insanely quick and the AR in 3 will always beat a BR in CQC. Sentinel beam is a straight fucking laser that can reach the other side of the map with no damage drop off. How did you think it's anything like the other weapons? Also how are energy swords, gravity hammers, maulers, fuel rods, Spartan lasers, fire and spike grenades, flame throwers, missile silos and sentinel beams not interesting? The only unique weapon in CE was the neadler
>Force any encounter to a standstill
How? All equipment are one time use, 2 minute spawn timers that both teams can compete for.
Bubble shields and regenerators allow aggressive play and movement against vehicles and large amount of enemies.


Dilate back on Discord, already. Everyone hates you.

sure they will, new threads will always happen, or better yet, people will discuss it on literally any other place on the web. I don't like Halo either, but I really hope you're not actually thinking spamming propaganda tier shitposts on an anonymous imageboard is gonna suddenly mean you're spouting gospel, Yea Forums was never a vocal majority and to my knowledge never will be. There's always gonna be a lot of fans of everything no matter how much we kick and scream. So all I can say is I really hope there's some sense of self awareness going on whenever you go on one of these rants.

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Yes. It also helped Microsoft get into the console business and ruin the western game industry.

Do i look like a schizo?

>the BR kills people consistently much faster than any weapon in CE
It literally does not.
>Nobody fucking does this
It was common enough that they had to completely change the shield mechanics for Reach.
>but not 3
Yes in 3.
No sightlines between two levels. If you're at the bottom of Isolation, nobody from the top of the map is going to see you.
>Crouch walking is exactly a noob thing to do as it just halts your speed to a crawl for the small benefit of only removing you from the radar if you stay still.
The enemy not being able to see your red dot is a huge benefit.
Do you not even play Halo? Or do you only have a passing interest? Or are you just a retard who doesn't actually understand the games he's playing? I'm not even reading your second post.

total anal destruction of bungiecucks.

I have never seen a crowd so fixated on one game, are you faggots mad because Halo became bigger than Doom and is still bigger than Doom.

>keeps replying
Now I definitely know not to take these threads seriously. This is what you've resorted to? Stirring shit up by using Halo? I see you're still afraid to start shit with Nintendo fans fucking pussy lol!


A Snoy tranny pedo, who would have thought, I bet he's also the one that shits up Metroid threads, ACfag could be a Sonyfag in disguise I mean he is from Canada.

Feels good to be a quakeCHAD.

>It literally does not
It literally does, the only weapon that can compete is the fucking Pistol because it was outrageously OP and made every game mid-range cancer
>They had to change it in Reach
They changed it in Reach because they changed fucking everything in Reach, the game was made with every intention to distance itself from Halo as a series and goes to show as they reworked almost everything in the game with the patch.
No sightlines between level, bottom of isolation
Wow one example and you can still literally see everything down there from the mid map entrance. And how is that a bad thing exactly? Do you find getting shot from every fucking angle fun? The map was inherently made so that people could have their own fights on the bottom and the top. This also allowed the ghost to function as a power vehicle.
> The enemy not being able to see your red dot
Is only an advantage tiny fucking rooms with one entrance, aka the sword room in the pit. Which still had holes for grenades to be thrown inside of.

>halofag is this mad that he needs to falseflag for an entire thread
Run out of lizard porn, faggot?

The reason everyone accuses you of being a schizo is because you have a nasty tendency to just start making a bunch of posts of mindless ranting or taunting, not replying to anyone or anything. It just makes it sound like you're talking to yourself a ton. It's also why your posting style is hilariously easy to spot.

Every weapon in CE kills in about a second. The fastest weapon in Halo 2 is the BR, which takes almost a second and a half. Literally every weapon is weaker.

halo 1 on PC was fun

Your insecurities are leaking out.

>Shitting on Serious sam
Oh you did not just fucking go there


because nobody ever criticizes. you just post memes that dont try to argue anything, just attempt to insult halo and its fans
you contradict yourself

The AR is an inaccurate pile of shit with no damage, it's the reason it also had the largest ammo count in the game.
Neadler was awful and didn't work half the time, literally a weaker version of the 3 one
Plasma pistol functions identically in every game, so does the shotgun
Sniper had a higher fire rate and that's it.

Im gonna be honest, I never understood this meme
from what I remember of the time, halo was seen as a dudebro series, not a kiddie series

I think you have the other way around, I always loved Halo if Doom came after Halo I wouldn't have even cared about it even if it became more popular than Halo, I would play and if I enjoyed it I would call it great game. You Doomfags seem to be very autistic if a game that came out 18 years ago still somehow pisses you off.


chads play halo
betacucks play doom
this is fact.

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Just go through the thread. It's pretty apparent which type of fan would make that image.

>with no damage
The AR shred up close. It fired fast, and had the same damage as any other AR.
>Neadler was awful
Fair, but it was never good.
>Plasma pistol functions identically in every game
It had no fire rate cap in CE, and had plasma stun. it was arguably one of the best weapons in the game.

It makes Doomfags asshurt.

>Halo is more popular than doom
Lol no.

Just call them out on his bullshit and they will usually fuck off until they makes a new thread to spout bullshit in.

>because nobody ever criticizes
There's been plenty of criticism when you ignore the falseflagging shitposter.

halo became huge because it was the first FPS game that felt good to play with a controller, but they needed to dumb down the mechanics and slow everything down to make it work on consoles

really it's PC users who are mad at Halo for overtaking PC FPS, even though what really killed PC FPS was PC becoming a niche platform for gaming

Half life, halo and cs, rtcw, serious sam and >2000's fps are garbage unlike doom.

Wrong, Doom II was my first fps
Halo is top stuff too tho

Halo 3 literally had 1.5 million concurrent players at launch.
There's never been a bigger game, maybe prime WoW and that's it.

It was a dumbed down shitty FPS if you compared it to other FPS at the time.

That's because no one has any beef with Nintenbros, Xtranny.

Lol, yes

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>There's never been a bigger game
Are Halofags really this deluded?

i like it :)

Imagine being a doomtranny. Cant even aim up and down lol.


YouTube says otherwise.

State some then
>inb4 f2p bullshit

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The fact that Yea Forums is so hyped up over Halo Reach on PC instead of putting that energy into something like Unreal Tournament goes a long way to show how many literal zoomers are shitting up the board. For christ's sake, there were scores of people bitching about how Forge Mode will not be available at launch, while meanwhile they ignore all SDKs for existing, higher quality games. Shite like this slobbering all over a lackluster port while PC native franchises are dying out is why game quality is plummeting.

What do you have against Serious Sam you fag?

Sorry, Xnigger, but all the bullshit is usually your falseflagging. Fucking tumor.

Pretty much any post-MW2 Call of Duty.

I know, it does

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Don’t group those games with Halo.

probably because there hasn't been a good UT game in 15 years

You Snoy tranny pedos need to be lined up and shot.

Quit posting this pasta in every Halo thread. Unreal is fucking dead. Let people enjoy things

t. Sonygga

If you were 10 years old when Halo came out you're most likely older than most of this board

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The initial doom teaser is twice that amount.

Tetchy. Looks like you're behind on your estrogen injections.

UT was EBINed to death
Tribes was assassinated
Quake Champions is abandonware

You don't think it be like it is, but it do

>game bad
cant argue with that

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>Quakesois still seething decades later
lmao we won and you lost

Is that something you can tell from personal experience?

holy shit you're mad

Zenimax advertisements don't count. Halo was trending both last year and this year, Halo 3 is trending on Twitter and Doom didn't trend last year or this year.

The fucking hypocrisy I swear

So is this your great comeback line, tranny?

>doom doesn't count because advertisers
>but halo does

Yeah, from dealing with retarded Xtrannies for years.


How can one fanbase seethe for this many years? I'll give them credit for their dedication and tenacity.

Nah, my great comeback line is when I ejaculate inside your mother and give her a child who isn't a total disappointment.


>tfw 360 + wii
>got all the xbox halo games for back compat on 360
>bought halo 3 like a year later
>literally the best time in gaming ever

i got gifted a ps3 and gave it to some black homeless guy that's how useless it was. i literally only know like 4 people who ever own a ps3.

>Unreal Tournament is dead, you get Fortnite :^)
>Quake is dead (lol @ quake live and champions)
>Doom is dying slowly in the WAD scene, and prostituted as söymedia by Bethesda

>Halo was ruthlessly slaughtered but at least the old games are getting a new release on PC, trying to revive the golden days.
Must suck being an "arena shooter purist"

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How can you ejaculate when you don't have a penis?

I plan to get an Xbox Scarlett and Switch next year, Metroid 5 (2D game) and Halo Infinite, I don't know if I can wait any longer for them.

>old games are getting a new release on PC
Not in this decade. lol

By being a functioning biological male, which would confuse you considering your proud ownership of an axe wound.

Call of Duty especially.
The genre hasn't fully recovered ever since CoD4 and every fucking studio putting out a CoD clone or was copying CoD features (regenerative health, low TTK, tacked-on multiplayer).
Halo is bad for different reasons (console-fying FPSs, and dumbing them down), but CoD's stain on the genre is much deeper.

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You've been dealing with trannies for years? Is that why you worked up the courage to be one?

not like Halo BECAUSE it's an arena shooter
Plebeians. I like Quake, Unreal, Doom, Douk, Blood, Heretic, Strife, Hexen and yes, Halo CE through ODST.

What happened to Metroid Dread? You aren't getting a Switch, faggot.

>says the salty tranny
Must of hit a nerve, dilate before you commit suicide.

>half life and cs

Shooters are pretty much stagnated at this point, in general.
Your choices for multiplayer right now are:
>Rainbow 6 Siege
>Call of Duty
Everything else is niche.

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How do you know what I'm going to get or not, Metroid 5 is Metroid Dread and I'm getting a Switch for it, tranny, you don't tell me what I should and shouldn't get, faggot.

>Projection and grammatical failures

I've got the zoomer Xtrannies in a tizzy. Delicious.


>a good UT game in 15 years
Age isn't a factor when Halo Reach is only about 6 years younger than UT2004. There's also the fact that yes, UT4 was shit, but it was shit primarily because of the maps. It was Epic's fault for not giving nearly as good of a starting pool as UT99 or UT2004, but it also shouldn't have been a problem if, again, people were still willing to use the SDK to make maps like the UT community has been doing for years. It was by all means a shitshow, but also indicative of how the PC FPS userbase is no longer impassioned about making content unless they can do so in the laziest ways possible.
>quit posting this pasta
It's not
>Unreal is fucking dead
Only because of the dwindling standards and passion of the PC FPS userbase
>let people enjoy things
You enjoying shitty games is what's making the industry worse for everyone and is encouraging newcomers to wallow in it too. UT is the last game you can pull that argument out for as well, considering that "just letting people enjoy shitty things" is what lead to the last few people being pulled off UT4's development team for Fortnite.

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ahem fuck team fortress classic and tf2. FUCK CASUAL STRIKE.

>By being a functioning biological male
And yet here you are being a faggot.

Woops, forgot about CS:GO. Knew I was forgetting something
And that, but I like to forget it existed ever since it went F2P.

the halo mechanics nerd fight in this thread is awesome - keep it going

You're getting confused. Poor little zoomer. Time for bed.

I bet you do find trannies delicious fucking fag lmao.

If it has >300 players, it's serviceable for me
I've enjoyed
>Rising storm 1/2/ Red Orchestra2
>Custom servers in CS:S/GO

>let people enjoy things

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I know that fake pussy where a dick use to be is delicious to you, of course, it makes me gag just thinking about it.

I'm just glad Doom didn't get raped and murdered by some soulless company like what happened to Halo.

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It wasn't a pure FPS which is why it was dumbed down (read: actually more complex since it juggled multiple genres successfully, albeit simpler individually). FPS only players never understood that and thought it was a bad game.

>i hate fun

>not a pure FPS

>Being a snob over fucking shooting games

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That shit was already happening by Bungie themselves when they left Microsoft at the end of 2007.

You're getting old and bald boomah, time to kys

>The Xtranny zoomers are so mad, basic reading comprehension is failing now

Squealing in the corner isn't going to save you just like it didn't save you that time in the truck stop restroom.

We live in a Yea Forums where the average underage faggot on this board would consider this a bait thread.

i bet you like cod, fortnite, overwatch and cs too casual

Correct, it was a vehicular combat FPS hybrid. It was also multiplayer and had excellent stage progression for most of the campaign.

Pubg. And that was daily active users.

>KYM filename

Vehicles were only a small part of Halo's gameplay. The rest of it was all FPS.

Never cared much for Halo myself. I always get bored and lose interest whenever the Flood shows up. I think my major problem with the game is how they repeat a lot of the environment just to make the levels bigger.

So it was Tribes, but dumbed down.

You do have forced third-person view for vehicles and later on turrets and spartan abilities

I hear ya.
I've been trying out Splitgate and its pretty fun, and free.
It's not going to be around in half a year, though, I feel like. Player count has been hemorrhaging since release, which is a deathspell for a F2P game.

>a small part of Halo's gameplay
The best campaign levels include vehicles and the multiplayer maps with vehicles were typically the ones everyone went for, especially for 16 player matches.

Most of Halo's campaign missions didn't have vehicles, and only 2 multiplayer maps had them.

And those were all everyone's favorites and they spent a ton of time with the vehicles, to the point where there were even "stunts only" servers and the like. Later games incorporated them more as a result.

Slipgate feels really jank, and I haven't played it more than a couple of games.

Okay. They're still a small part of the game, and not enough to make Halo any less of a pure FPS.

Vehicles are still something that Halo had and many other FPS games didn't have back then. Multiplayer and an actually great campaign as well.

feels good to btfo both hl and halo today.

Halo wasn't the only FPS with vehicles.
Standard since 1993.
>and an actually great campaign as well.

>Halo wasn't the only FPS with vehicles.
"many other FPS games" not all.

>Standard since 1993.
Also pretty shit since 1993. Multiplayer as in both pvp and co-op too.

Great stage progression, great art direction, highly animated and charismatic AI, co-op, great soundtrack, arcadey in structure.

Marathon > Halo

Based. 360 owned PS3

I remember making jokes that the one light in Africa is some nig nog playing out of the one KFC on the continent and is the source of all lag.

>Doom ripoff > Halo

admit that halo is garbage

>"many other FPS games" not all.
Not even the first console FPS with vehicles. Turok 2 had them.
>Multiplayer as in both pvp and co-op too.
Still standard for any game that did have multiplayer.

I didn't say Halo was the first. Vehicles in Turok 2 are complete ass compared to Halo's though.

>Still standard for any game that did have multiplayer.
Still usually not implemented that well or the game just wasn't as fun.

hl and halo suck

>Still usually not implemented that well or the game just wasn't as fun.
That's totally subjective, and not worth arguing against if you're not going to give any reasons to support your opinions.

I bet you retards defend garbage like goldeneye, perfect dark, turok and timesplitters.

Mention 4 good FPS

Doom, quake, duke, blood.

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Well... yeah. It was shaping up to be a decent, albeit forgettable, PC FPS. Then Microsoft came along and decided they would pour tons of money into putting it on XBOX and convincing kids that it was the second coming... and it worked. There was actually very little at the time to set it apart from a bunch of other FPS games coming out at the time.

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If you weren’t there, you just wouldn’t understand at all. There was a certain standard set for FPS games, there were tons of them, and most of them were at least decent. The obvious ones, plus Jedi Knight, SiN, No One Lives Forever, Shogo, Chasm, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Medal of Honor, Battlefield 1942, Call of Duty 1-3, Outlaws... there was a golden age of FPS games, and it was over, or ended, when the first Halo came out.

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Is Halo the last bastion of FPS video games where you have to save the universe besides nuDoom? I don't see these types of games anymore.

You have actual brainworms or you're ACfag himself trying to falseflag

> Halo: Combat Evolved it garbage
> Revolutionized first person shooters

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Marathon was the first actually refined FPS since it was the first with mouse aiming.

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No, I'm not him

Nope. This has sold me on next gen Microsoft. I've been waiting for a good halo game for like 8 years now and that infinite trailer with the old style music sold me on it. Literally no reason to buy a PS5 now.

Halo follows the same quality chart as MGS
Very simple but nails the basics, bogged down by backtracking and recycling in the later half
Bamboozles the audience to mixed reception. Story becomes beloved after a few years
Slower than the previous games but adds so much content that it makes up for it, should have been the ending of the series
Gets so far up it's own ass trying to deal with a bunch of story shit but confuses everyone who isn't a hardcore lorefag
smoothes out alot of gameplay things but is literally unfinished

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>inb4 inspect element fagogtry

>Halo 3

Shooo zoomer shoo

>revolutionzed first person shooters
>simplified arena shooters for consolefags who like buying mappacks and drinking mountain dew
Its crazy to think we're in a time where halo isn't considered a joke for children.

Those children grew up, and are also unable to accept that their favorite game is now a niche series.

Anyone going to Orlando for outpost?

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I don't remember MGS 4 and 5 being complete unplayable shit.

Its just, in order to like halo as your favorite shooter you have to be either:
>too young to have played anything else
>too casual to have played anything else.
The games just so limiting and basic that playing any pc shooter is an immediate upgrade. Seriously you'd have to be blind and stupid to have played something like TF2 or Tribes then go "oh man halo is da best fps".

Attached: 1367983123310.png (600x387, 264K)

MGS4 is unplayable since you typically can't play movies.

>if you're not going to give any reasons to support your opinions.
Already did though.

You do realize you can like casual games right?
Not everything needs to play the same way


Attached: e3 2019 top games.jpg (1242x1650, 1.11M)

>Bikini armor bad
>"Show abs" armor good

Cope harder

Attached: HalomorePopular.jpg (1200x1200, 238K)

>20k comprehensive vs 15k specific genre
you tried

Make one using the nuDOOM cover, it would fit better.

I know

Attached: Most Viewed Game Trailers E3 2019.png (1007x800, 101K)

The DOOM Eternal reveal trailer was literally shilled in various videos all over youtube as an Ad. Just compare the likes from the first reveal trailer from DOOM Eternal and Halo Infinite, a 14m views video with ONLY 85k likes is really don't you think?

Attached: 1541817877263.png (1079x168, 12K)

Dudebros are the same as kiddies when it comes to vidya, why do you think sport games are still successfull?

>implying nuDOOM isn't soulless

i want to meet you there and fuck you in the ass roughly

nuDoom is soulfull

Attached: 1420043936_preview_doomen1.png (1396x785, 1.06M)

Is really low*

Damn, BTFO!


Attached: 1554300005738.png (722x720, 580K)

The only bad thing about Eternal is that its gonna be monetized as hard as possible by Bethesda faggots. There are already a fuckton of skins and a fucking soundpack? bruh

I swear that Halo infinite going to be just like marathon story autismo where u just fix everything you did wrong in the past

So you're telling me that the Master Chief is going to become as powerful just like the Marathon Officer did? Sign me the fuck up then.

ITT coping arenafags that are seething because their neckbeard genre was slaughtered by based master chief

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_insertcoin_files_2015_05_master-chief-sad.jpg (960x555, 35K)

There's a difference between liking casual games and hailing a mediocre game as the best of its genre. Also lets not even pretend like hardcore games play the same. Natural Selection, Tribes, Quake, and Enemy Territory would like to have a word with you.

literally re-bought reach yesterday
shame the online is pretty dead, basically you can only get team slayer/living dead/swat and BTB (later in the evening when player count is above 2k) matches

Attached: 1535170554013.png (800x800, 69K)


>me playing infection on elDorito

Attached: 1541825141945.png (409x409, 183K)
