Dude lol just make our game for us lmao

>dude lol just make our game for us lmao

When did Nintendo stop caring about making games?

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That's not true considering the tools in this game make even the main campaign more fun than usual.

Oh yes, the cinematic story mode

Wii era.

Offtopic but, Onso, do you play anything multiplayer on Steam/PSN? I'd love to play you sometime.

Sadly I don't anymore, friend.
Don't have the schedule to accommodate online play stuff anymore. At least, for now.

Is it cool if I send you a friend invite on Steam anyway? We have one mutual friend (40%)

Sure, bro.

This game is fucking great. Do you even play games op?

Sent. If you see one from a profile pic of Shaq, that's me.

>the cinematic story mode

Beat my level to prove you're not a brainlet


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>mario 3d world
That along with NSMB I will never touch. No offense

3D world is fun as hell.

Alright, dude.

Snoyggers seething as usual. Has it really been that long since Sony made an actual video game?

actually chuckled

Even though Nintendo is DMCA-happy on any project involving their IPs, they at least took in that making custom ROM hacks was a very popular thing and decided to give an official game devoted to it. Now I'm waiting for the Mario Royale game.

At least they dont rehash the same 30 year old games

3D world is the only good style, multiple jumps. The others are only decent cuz they have more stuff.

They should

The original playstation isnt even 30 years old retard. Also 97.

I beat it but I have no idea how to consistently make the big mouse push the small, purple mouse down in front of the thwomp.

I have no desire to create anything. Is this worth a buy if I wanna play other people's stages?

>at least
If sony brought back more of their good old games that would he the best possible thing they could do for their fans, you fart sucking snoy cuck

nvm figured it out. Decent stage. Can be expanded upon.

Of course? You can get infinite hours just playing stages. I can't make levels for shit.

Ty much

Very well. It's time I dusted off my switch. You're alright tripbro.

I think that both thwomp puzzles are a bit confusing. I don't think it was intended to crush the purple mouse between the thwomp and the spring, completely ignoring the icicles.
Or if that is the intended strategy, why are the icicles there?

This but with Sony and LBP, Dreams. Mario is fun to make levels of, LBP and Dreams are work

I want lots of updates for Mario Maker 2, hopefully for years to come
please nitendo

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When has mario ever been cinematic in 2d?

Of course not.

Sorta for the opening
But those are typically 1:35 long if that
Everything else is gameplay

The fact that Mario Maker exists and makes everyone absolutely certain that Nintendo will never release a new 2D Mario game makes me think that sufficiently easy to use and feature rich maker/creator games could genuinely be the future for certain genres of video games.

I think 2D Mario games will continue to exist in the future, but they won't be like what we had before.
Mario Maker was said to be their way of moving on from the NSMB series. I'm imagining a future 2D Mario game would be a far more handcrafted style of game that doesn't lend itself to the Mario Maker format

I want to be able to use Ganondorf like in the first one.

Cinematic? That’s for PS fans bro. Those that wish and pray they can be a hero some day so they try their hardest to emerge themselves in a story of someone they’ll never be.

Well the ice was supposed to kill it, whoops