What do you guys think about this meme fad that's already over?

I'm contemplating upgrading my Lenovo to an Index but I can't decide if it would be worth the huge price jump.
I'm also worried it would be a downgrade in comfort because it's no doubt heavier and the Lenovo is already known to be the most comfortable headset of gen 1.

Honestly if the index doesn't drastically dip in price, I might just skip out on gen 2 all together. Especially if WMR finally get a second generation of controllers

Attached: valve-index-vr-kit.jpg (750x500, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Pimax is the way to go.

Attached: Pimax.png (692x711, 279K)

What are some comfy VR games I can play while listening to podcasts?

Something I can do mindlessly where it doesn't matter if I'm distracted

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Do these smell cartridges actually work well? I feel like the selection is too limited and there aren't enough compatable games

I think they're still making them but they say they've got an expert perfumist in their employ and you can make custom scents. youtube.com/watch?v=0rLw2nFmGnc

Attached: ScentModsConfirmed.webm (1280x800, 926K)

>What do you guys think about this meme fad that's already over?
That it's a meme GIMMICK fad that is already over.

Is it worth getting a lenovo explorer? I'm looking to get an entry level headset. I'm in the UK and there doesn't seem to be much choice. Amazon is flooded with shitty mobile chink HMDs so it's hard to find anything. I think the Odyssey isn't available here and I don't think they sell Explorer's new anymore, it's £260 for a refurbished one. VR looks interesting but as I've never tried it I'm not sure if it's a gay meme or not. People only ever talk about VR chat, Beat saber and Pavlov which all look pretty boring. If I can get something for ~£250 it might be worth fucking about with until Valve's VR game comes out.

Yes. It's still the best budget set on the market. Cheaper and a higher resolution than the RiftS.

Make sure the one you are looking at has controllers with it. A lot of listings are missing them

I'd love to dip into VR but with the options of a PS VR headset, Rift S, WMR, and a ton of games exclusive to certain headsets, its hard to decide, especially with whatever "gen 2 VR" is.

Gen 2 is pretty much the Rift S, the next wave of wmr, the Cosmos, and the Index

Just bought a used WMR.

What are some good games to play?

Plan on buying
Skyrim VR
Beat Saber
Mage's Tale VR
Zone of Enders 2 - though this supposedly is shit for VR.

Also, what are some good Porn Games

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Sprint Vector is one of the most underrated games I have personally played.

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scent cartridges only 49.99
last you 3-9 months depending on usage

"haha bro come smell this awesome new scent i made"
"oh what is i-, OH FUCK IT SMELLS LIKE ASS"

Attached: FeelReal.webm (1280x800, 284K)

Sprint Vector
Minecraft VR

jet island

What does cute and funny girls smell like?



Attached: 5.png (1885x1061, 824K)

does it come with pusy smell


Anyone played The Breach yet?

That's both lady and fish and burnt

>What do you guys think about this meme fad that's already over?

It was shit, but at the same time it was such a huge step up from last time it was attempted, that I'm actually kind of optimistic now. Next time might be the one that works right.

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If you live in near a major city there are lots of VR spaces popping up. You can rent an hours time on a top of the line VR rig for around £20. I would suggest trying that before buying one.

I played a shit ton of it, mostly single player stuff. It’s got a lot of soul and it’s a lot of fun but going for records on challenge maps became kinda depressing when people found a certain way to jump that launched them insanely far and fast..

if i rob a bank and get rich i will buy an index
if not i stay on my vive until i die

Once you go knuckles you never go back.

Attached: superhot.webm (400x225, 213K)

>ResizeMe! is now behind a patreon wall
>Have to now pay a dollar a month for porn now
>Have to pay for porn

Attached: 1560031093554.gif (490x300, 1.76M)

Roomscale is the only way to play VR, everything else is garbage.

Here is a short list of actually good VR games:
Robo Recall
Pavlov VR
Beat Saber
Blade & Sorcery
Iron Wolf VR
Vox Machinae

Honorary Mentions:
Superhot VR
Sairento VR
Star Trek Bridge Crew

Patreon is fucking cancer, watermarks up the ass too!

Thank god I downloaded the demo beforehand.

>Used to be Oculus user
>Would go into RecRoom and full run and bunny-jump hop around the map at full speed like Quake and make 7 year olds ragequit from maps
>Sell Oculus to buddy of mine as my Index comes in
>Jumping and running are mapped to the sticks in RecRoom
>Placement of the sticks and how much force is needed to press them down has shifted me to Quake pro to Fortnite 4 year old
Shit sucks Yea Forumsros.
All in all I love my index but getting it day one was kinda of a pain in the ass considering a lot of games didn't have proper mappings yet.
But games like BaS are forever improved by the controllers.
Makes me unbelievably excited for Boneworks when that finally drops.
Full physics based gameplay like that is stupid fucking fun and I can't wait for more games like it.

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How is Sairento with the Valve Index?

Why would it be any different than with the vive?

Fuck this looks so much better

Framerate, resolution, and knuckles controls.

>Rift S, WMR, and a ton of games exclusive to certain headsets
are there games that vive/index can play that WMR can't? how does this shit work.

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Hello knuckles, goodbye wand.

Attached: garbage wand.webm (1280x720, 492K)


It never really was even a fad, “they” tried their damndest to shill and meme it into making it a thing and catch on but at the end of the day that shit looks FUCKING STUPID and is a waste of money. The real kicker is as stupid as normies and the general population are, they still managed to not buy into that garbage. Now what does that tell you about how low and stupid VR is?

I think it's because the sheeple tend to be social but this VR locks you out of all sociability. For example my roommate farted in my nose one time.

Finally something that isn't a fad with every normalfag coming in shitting everything up.
Enjoy it while it lasts.

Lol that’s fucked but funny. VR fags deserved to have their nuts slapped or broomsticks stuck up their ass while they have them damn face visor thing on.


people were saying this about videogames ever since they came out “hehe look how silly he looks!”

the only use right now are racing/flying/etc sims and first person shooters, and you need a high end PC

all things that completely exclude normies and their stupid needs

Should I buy a Vive now or will the price drop when the Index releases?
What are some must haves other than Skyrim VR and Beat Saber?
Is Moss any good?
Where IS all the VR porn? Is it all at pornhub? Are they made for specific headsets and software?

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All the good stuff is behind Patreon paywalls.

that's why you use yiff.party

I don't know why Yea Forums gets so buttflustered over VR. You keep calling it a fad, but sales are still increasing, and more companies are making their own devices to get in on the action.

I'm personally still waiting for games, but saying VR is dead is just you putting your head in the sand.

Wait for valve to fix index controllers or get a rift s

meant for

It's tortanic culture.


Do not get FNAF VR. They overdid it with the scaryness and made it unplayable due to the fact.

Because most people on Yea Forums are poor and can't afford a good headset.

>I don't know why Yea Forums gets so buttflustered over [literally anything]
Because it's Yea Forums and when Yea Forums hates something that usually means it's pretty good. VR is still in early stages though but each year I see more and more improvements that are really impressive. I think the optimist in me says Yea Forums just hates that it's at a consumer level when the tech isn't "ready" for Ready Player One or Sword Art Online levels of good. The realist in me says Yea Forums is just a bunch of fucking faggots.

Recently bought a Rift S after having CV1 + touch for a couple years. while the ring placement for the new touch controllers make some things like pulling back the slide in H3VR a bit more awkward, the ease of setup really makes it great if i want to show it to people since I dont have to set up cameras for tracking

What a pussy.

t. Quit the H3 meat grinder mode because of too much anxiety

>Roomscale is the only way to play VR
I disagree. Just the scale and depth added to the graphics is enough to enhance an experience. Take MotherVR.

So is the Vive or Rift S a better purchase option?

All of that changes the moment one or several great games get made specially for VR and it stops being a non-essential and a toy, which will probably only happen once enough people own a headset, which will only happen when it's gone through a number of generational cycles with continuous improvement and expanding capabilities. Who cares how it looks? Someone wearing headphones would've looked stupid to someone a few hundred years ago.

Look at Boneworks' demo and tell me there's not at least great potential for new gameplay mechanics, fun and interesting motion stuff, and a FPS or first-person games revival.


Vive controllers are shit. right now the index is the best headset but if its between the vive and the rift S then the rift S is generally a better choice. also if you wear glasses the Rift S can be adjusted to fit them properly which the CV1 and the vive did not do

Rift S between the two, but neither are what I'd recommend

What a shame.

Attached: picked up.webm (1280x720, 2.56M)

Attached: PSVR.webm (780x360, 2.96M)

For what I"m willing to pay for VR it's aight.

htc vive is 500 new on steam

I'm gonna refurbish my room so I can have a bigger play area!

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what game is this?
also im glad i bought psvr, its really great

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Bumping this

What are ya'll playing?

Attached: vrgame.png (738x387, 119K)

why would you buy skyrim vr esp if its full priced?
im trying to buy it for my ps4, give me an excuse

This and this. Kind of a tech demo night.

It's not full price, and I wouldn't buy it full price and neither should you, user.I can't really give you an honest answer because I haven't played yet

>call it VR
>it's nothing like actual VR
What did they mean by this?

It's not full price, but I would buy it full price and so should you!

Attached: file.png (1500x1714, 3.01M)

>why would you buy skyrim vr esp if its full priced?
Why, because of my peeanus weenus of course :)

I feel like Dire would permanently destroy my vision

oh right, the sale
wew lad you just saved me 60 burgers, thanks

Attached: bufu these nuts.jpg (193x164, 10K)

>that smirk
You just KNOW he's a BRAPposter.


It's actually easy on the eyes.

Attached: manlet sim.webm (1280x720, 1.89M)

Sales are up sure, but growth is stagnent because the sales are from people that already owned headsets.

If the overall VR scene doesn't increase in new users, there is a poor ROI for making a big game fully utilizing the hardware. You're stuck on indie and at best AA productions.

probably after everyone gets good internet then some cloud service shit starts working.

Also more importantly it needs a killer app video game, for starters it could be some type of fighter game that tracks everything

Attached: you pick it up.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

There are no fucking games. None of the VR developers are creative at all. Hugely disappointing.

half life 2 VR where????? i need this

pimax is janky chinesium

he's really not wrong, i was actually upset because i thought i was to pussy to play and wasted 30 dollars

it took some fenangling to work up the courage but it kind of reignited my love of vir

Attached: More Sairento.webm (938x590, 2.85M)

Just ordered my Index Controllers. When should I expect them? I keep reading this shit about waves and stuff.

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>Bunch of anons get their Index
>Not one of them post pics using the snack compartment

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I'm thinking about upgrading to a Rift S from my regular Rift.

>Can get rid of all the damn sensors
>Resolution's better
>Reduced SDE/Godrays
>Looks WAY more comfortable to wear

I've got a Quest and the inside out tracking is a godsend.

>buy index kit for 1k
>controller sticks are already fucked up

jesus fuck valve where's the QA

Is that apart of the new update or is that a preview for a future update?

People wearing headphones still look stupid.

Attached: sometimes-the-side-chick-isnt-even-a-chick-the-meme-lizard-24414826.jpg (496x460, 42K)

Attached: BM HeresYourControllerBro.webm (1280x640, 3M)

Played a bit of that lightsaber game and loved it. Though it's pretty telling when the only good VR game has no real reason being virtual reality in the first place.

The Wiimote the fucking thing comes with is more impressive than the helmet.

Does anyone know how to calibrate height? I'm 6' but I'm super short in-game, in Vivecraft it calibrated my height as being 153 cm

Attached: The eternal struggle.webm (1280x720, 1.33M)

I think it's fun. I only beat FNAF 1 though

This is a very boomer post

I like the ones where the cute anime girls talk to me.

Attached: bignep.webm (1280x720, 2.29M)

Issue with these is most games are more fun and easily controllable on a monitor than in this thing.

Is the Quest worth buying as an indie dev who doesn't want to upgrade their PC? Can you test VR programs you make on it?

Honestly it depends.

I've been playing Wipeout Omega Collection VR and it plays identically to without VR, there's nothing lost and a ton of immersion and coolness is gained. I've been playing Skyrim VR and playing with a controller is an option and feels just as fine as ever (once you switch off shit like angled turning)

Anything first person really doesn't lose anything.

I guess I haven't tried PC VR and don't know how hard using a KBM with VR might be though.

>indie dev
>cant afford to upgrade pc

Motion controls aren't for ease, they are for immersion

Yea it's a lot easier to just hit r and have your character play a reload animation

But it feels a lot better to press a button, drop mag, reach for new mag, insert, and pull the charging handle

I'm just a hobbyist so I try to space out big investments for digital gear. I really want to fool around with building some simple VR games, and the Quest seems like a really affordable entry-point. Just curious what any anons who have one think.

Vive is outdated and shouldn't even be considered it in 2019
Get either Rift S or Index if money isn't an issue

There's a modder team working on it. No release date yet, but it could drop at any moment.

Played H3VR yesterday on my bro's Index.
>easy to put on, comfortable to wear, very adjustable
>the small speakers gave me very good, clear sound of the game while i could easily talk to him too
>the controllers feel natural, way better and more fun to use than vive wands
>very sharp, clear image from the headset, could easily read small texts at a distance
>fiddling with the guns in H3VR was incredibly immersive and then using them to shoot sausage people into pieces didn't stop to entertain until the controller batteries ran out
I say it's the definitive VR experience.

If anyone wasn't sure about spotty inside-out tracking on Rift S - the latest update fixed all the issues, it's pretty much perfect right now.
Works great on FPS games, even tracks behind your back decently

I'm doing it for the weightloss and also because it's fun as fuck. I play Beat Saber at least an hour every day. I just started keto again. Last time I did keto, I lost 80 pounds, so this time, coupled with Beat Saber, I intend to do pretty well.

ZoE 2 in VR is fine except for the fact that cutscenes aren't in VR. It just takes getting used to a cockpit view on Jehuty in a game built around 3rd person

So has Black Mirror just become softcore porn now?

Come up with a better name. Go on.

Depends on if you intend to develop for Quest, the hardware is pretty weak, on par with a semi-high end smartphone. If so it does allow for sideloading for developers so they can test apps in it.

Wipeout is fun

Attached: wipeout.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

Bruh, the YIFFfags are having a PARTY around all the shitty paywalls, I'm sure you can figure it out.
Also just looked, they're apparently gonna have updates be delayed by a month now.

>Not using wands for foot or general body tracking.
Don't know what fumes the others are huffing, Vive because at least then you can add and swap out parts as you go and have practically perfect tracking. Also fuck facebook.

You can't swap that god-awful screen by todays standards

>Trying to refund my Valve Index
>unable to process it because so many people are returning their controllers

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Rift S has perfect tracking after the most recent update, arguably better because its completely independent of lighthouses youtube.com/watch?v=c2U3-qdwTsQ&feature=youtu.be

Serious sam, the whole vr bundle. Just bought it couple days ago and its seamless. Propably in vr top three atm. You get fusion, it has all of them in one exe

>Jet island
New content never ever

Attached: skeptical spoon girl.jpg (800x800, 86K)

You probably could if you were determined to hack together screen replacements with aliexpress.com/item/HDMI-to-MIPI-Board-2K-LCD-2-9-inch-1440-1440-Display-2K-LCM-dural/32828452655.html , but that'd be moronic. when I said "swap out parts", I meant with a new headset instead of getting a whole new VR setup.
Good luck with any tracking that's not in front or somewhat to the sides of and a little bit above you, body trackers, or really any sort of 3rd party or DIY tracking.

>Good luck with any tracking that's not in front or somewhat to the sides of and a little bit above you
True, but that's where you keep your hands 99.9% of the time

the movement is a bit too fast paced and twitchy for VR, it just ends up feeling like you're playing a pancake game

So anyone here fell for the Index meme? How is it so far?

I hear there were plenty of day one complaints about the sticks.

You can mod skyrim VR with porn mods just like regular skyrim right?

Any mods that work with the Special Edition work with the VR version.

>chinkmax is 2560x1440 per eye making it better than almost all of those
>not listed because no wii motes or something
>CV1 is still relevant
Might aswell put the DK2 too.

you can also do cool stuff like cast spells with hand gestures or sync a real life fan to the weather in the game

Then no script extender and then no porn...

Chinkmax is chinesium shit, I know people from flight sim groups that bought them and say it wasn't worth it because nothing is optimised for them for seated play and they don't have any roomscale options

>I'm contemplating upgrading my Lenovo to an Index
If you already have a headset you know there's nothing worth upgrading for. You already have all the games and pornography.

>Might aswell put the DK2 too.
Man I miss that thing so much. It was so simple and pure, just a way of putting your head into real videogames. Half Life, Metroid Prime, Quake etc etc all a blast to play in that thing. Now you gotta stand around and waggle your wrists. At least the controllers for Index are amazing and make gun games fun. I still have yet to play another game that isn't shooting things, where the controllers are worth it though. I'd rather be seated at my desk playing with a controller, steering wheel, or keyboard and mouse for most other things.

Imagine a fully immersive VR with all kinds of smells. Imagine the porn!

It's settled then. I checked to see if my local Best Buy has Rift S, and they've got 2 in stock, so I'm going to pick one up today.

It uses the vive stations for roomscale.
>it has higher resolution
>its less optmized
Pick one.

>Because it's Yea Forums and when Yea Forums hates something that usually means it's pretty good.
I guess I must buy basedny games and shitty games with SJW and fem-speak propagandas in them.

>At least the controllers for Index are amazing and make gun games fun
what makes them good for guns compared to other controllers?

Any recommended niche VR games? I've been looking for some VR games to buy since it's sale now.

No fuck huge puck at the end like the Vive wands or Oculus controllers. And I can't speak on how Touch handles middle-pinky finger sensing but "grip" like gestures are so natural with the Index ones. It just feels really fluid and natural interacting with magazines, grips etc. And of course thumbsticks > touchpads all day.

>VR (head mounted display tracking and display panel technology) is still in early stages
You dont know shit about early stages.
>640x480 at 30fps interpolated and was a tiny box through a tunnel of rubber
>more than half a second of tracking lag using early cellphone gyros
>Costed some money and there was a 1024x768 one that costed almost 2000 dollars
It was a long and painfull way, and still they are being cheap fucks about the display panels using pentile crap because of muh blacks and because samsung deals with leftovers.
At least the tracking technology is good enough to have a future, if it was for the panel display would be still using galaxy S7 panels.

Attached: enjoy-the-future-today-with-vuzix-eyewear2.jpg (450x302, 53K)

So what is the Index's sticks completely fucked or something? Did I fuck up with knuckles purchase?

As for the controllers i would still prefer a mouse+keyboard setup for shooters and a detached camera like arma does.

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