Miles deserves his own modern spin-off game, that doesn't suffer from poor writing

Miles deserves his own modern spin-off game, that doesn't suffer from poor writing

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Why is he so fucking hot bros?

What's going on in this thread?

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He had like two, you secondary.

It'd be really shitty

OP said modern and doesn't suffer from poor writing.

Do it

>poor writing
Why is that important in a Sonic game?

im nervous.

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ha ha
I get it
because you are gay
and a furry

Yeah, pedo too, but what does that have to do with anything??

Isn't that Tails?

Do what? I'm just posting tails harmlessly sitting on a bench.

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Sorry not that familiar with the games, I never knew they had actual names. Does Sonic have one?

>sequel never
This truly is the worst timeline

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>that doesn't suffer from poor writing
He's in the wrong IP for that

I would dig a remaster of Tails Adventure. Sky Patrol was kinda lame through.

He has a 50/50 record so far, so sure why not. t

Tails Adventure 2 when?

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Also the music was kino:

What would a modern Tails spinoff game be like?
Could it be good?

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Goodnight, Tailsbros

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Fuck off pedofags

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do it faget

You know, one of the things I hate about Sonic rule 34 stories is that they always seem to magically have cocks between panels. Would it kill them to just give them flaccid todgers.

yeah. sonic

These kids seem to be having fun

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I could totally see a game where you collect materials/gadgets and improve them alongside your plane, go into missions and search for stuff. Hopefully against the bird armada who have been in the fridge for quite a long time.

No. Tails is the only one really. (Though Eggman's full name is Dr. Ivo Robotnik and we meet his cousin and granddad at one point).
In the Archie comics, Sonic's real name was Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog.

>Sonic game
>that doesn't suffer from poor writing
never going to happen

Is tails going to play too?

LOL you're so funny dude!
Let's all pretend to overreact to it like we haven't seen it 100 times!
I really wish underages didn't come to Yea Forums, they don't know when a joke isn't funny anymore.

And how about if he was a girl? Wouldn't that be funny? haha

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user, where did everything go so wrong in your life? How did it all come to this? Please don't kill yourself

Why don't you join them, Tails?

Keep seething

op don't make this thread you'll summon it


t. tails

For me, it's Knuckles. Unlike Sonic he doesn't chuckle.

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Post it or fuck off pussies

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More like he deserves his cock sucked by rouge

What's he gonna do with them?

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fuck underage retards

No one wants more Sonic 06 bestiality memes

That fox ain't gonna sell a game all by himself, he needs a capable woman at his side, there needs to be some tension. I got it, how about this bat here?

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No, fuck women. Tails doesn't need them.

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isnt tails like

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Jesus the Archie comics Sonic was so fucking shit

>that artist
Fitting for this thread.

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uhm tails why do you have a human dick?

What's the best sonic comic series?

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I'm just sick of these cowards only posting the first couple pages

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None of them

I always knew in the back of my mind years ago that sonic threads would someday go the way of Klonoa threads. and I was right

No he doesn't. There is nothing noteworthy, interesting or exceptional about him that warrants that. Same goes for all the sonic characters, frankly. He shouldn't even exist, and was forced on us so SEGA could have their 'Mario' equivalent.

foreskin > dumb smelly sheath

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Unironically Sonichu unless you count TGT

Wasn't there a sequel comic?

>No one wants more Sonic 06 bestiality memes
Uhm..... *raises paw*

This is why we never have Miles "Tails" Prower threads.
Just like why we don't have Spyro Threads

>there was a time when chris could have lived a semi-normal life if he hadn't become Internet famous

i forgot there was, im just used to see this over and over

tgt not even joking

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the gba spyro games were kino

Or Klonoa threads

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why not combine them user

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This. Nothing else compares.