Too cheap to model her in DMCV

>too cheap to model her in DMCV

Attached: Kyrie_(Model)_DMC4.png (243x1170, 274K)

Other urls found in this thread:

with how they butchered trish and lady I don't wanna see her anyway

>butchered lady
I thought lady looked great

More like butch lady


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maybe we'll get her in the next game

Have you never seen a female before user?

To be fair, shes's not really a character, shes more of a plot device.

It does admittedly seem weird she wasn't even shown.

Couldn't find a model with an ass that fat.

>Literally gets cucked by Nero's new partner while she sits at home

Her ass is too much for DMCV to handle.

nico would be pretty kinky
imagine fucking her in a van

She seems kinda southern dyke vibe to me. I know a lot of women around here that are into women kinda act like her. Tomboyish and what not.

The best place to put her would have been during the arm chopping aftermath sequence.
But then, they didnt even depict Nico during all the hubbub.
I dunno, man. Maybe they'll develop her in the next game.

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Southern dykes are butch as fuck and largely fat, though- so I dont see it.

Issa joke, retard

It just seems really weird they wouldn't even show like a shadowy figure like running into the garage and kneeling down next to nero before it faded into black or some shit.

I'm not talking Mississippi or Louisiana if that helps any.

Aren't jokes supposed to be funny though?

You're on fucking Yea Forums. Do except anybody here to be funny?

kyrie isn't real

Acting like a white knight won't help you stop being a virgin, user.

why is she covering her clam

>It just seems really weird they wouldn't even show like a shadowy figure like running into the garage and kneeling down next to nero before it faded into black or some shit.

Thats what I was alluding to.

>I'm not talking Mississippi or Louisiana if that helps any.

I wasnt, either. They love to cut their hair super short where I'm from. 'None of that babydyke lumberjack shit they do up north, but they dress really badly, despite sticking to unisex and mens clothing.
Nico would be mythical "lipstick lesbian" around here.

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meant for

Not enough resources to render her gigantic ass

Yes, people with talent and skill in execution. Obviously not everyone is cut for that type of lifestyle.

You shouldn't use words you do not know what they mean user. Considering you can't even properly direct your comments to the right person.

Neither is DanteMore's the pity ;_;

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>Hating thick asses
What are you gay?

Nico is completely unfuckable solely due to the fact she's a smoker

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How many gigabytes is Kyrie's ass worth?

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I want Lucia back bros. Just because she was introduced in a shit game doesn't mean she should be left out of the gang.

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I wouldn't kiss a smoker, but I'd fuck one.

This nigga knows.
Secondhand smoke smells nasty and it gets into clothes and furniture. Nero should keep all the windows in the van duck-taped open.

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why are virgins so scared of smokers

>Wouldn't fuck a smoker
They probably wouldn't want to fuck you either.


there is no reason to smoke cigarettes anymore

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Smokers smell like a fucking garbage dump.

Nero is going to develop cancer and die and then Nico will swoop in on Kyrie to take her.

Oh no, I've been owned so hard. How will I ever recover?

It's not about money. They were willing to model a lot of minor side characters who barely get screentime.

I think it has more to do with what I perceive to be the real "theme" of DMC5 - the power of true family. Kyrie is more powerful than Vergil, because Kyrie spends every single day with Nero. The weight of ages, you might call it. True family spends huge amounts of time with you. Vergil shows up out of the blue. Nero's real life is separate from his work life. DMC5 is essentially the story of a very bad day at work for Nero, who is saved by calling home in a bad moment. Kyrie being invisible is a way of visibly demonstrating that separation.

Arguably also there's religious allegories. In a moment of confusion, Nero finds a garden of tranquility and prays to an invisible voice to give him guidance. Kyrie could be called an angel who bestows upon Nero the power to move on.

She had her own transformation skill too, right?
Its been so long since I played DMC2.
Hell, there should a be a side -story game that lets you play as the female characters for a change.

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>blows up in your face
>nothin personal

Who fucking cares about her, she'll never be in the games again deal with it. They'll model Kyrie first before ever giving Lucia any screen time.

>Ugh I would never fuck a girl which smokes
>Ugh I would never fuck a girl with tatooes
>Ugh I would never fuck a girl with piercings
>Ugh I would never fuck a feminist girl
>Ugh I would never fuck a girl which was born during December
Shut the fuck, browsing this place is enough proof that you can’t choose wathever girl you want. Don’t be picky

>doesn't pay attention to his battery
>reads scare articles and believes them

It's possible. She's been acknowledged. She was in that prequel novel thing for 5.

chain smokers do

wow user, you makes this game look like it have actual themes and isn’t an excuse to end a saga and gives us tons of fanservice

>all this smoke ITT

Go to bed, Nico.
This thread is for good girls only!

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Way to put words in my mouth faggot. I have no problem with any of the rest of those things, provided it isn't some insane shit like tattoos on every inch of her body or having twenty piercings in her face.

She had like 6 pages in a chapter and 1 second of screen time on the story video. She'll never be relevant again.

it's literally just your typical 2/10 would not bang neckbeards

probably by pretending you're not affect like you clearly are?

Confirmed prego

>Ugh I would never fuck a feminist girl
>wanting to fuck a tumblrina

no, all smokers do.
inb4 I don't
sure thing, buddy

That literally didn't make sense. Are you saying you wouldn't fuck a woman because they browse a specific website?

I don't even smoke, you're just a sensitive bitch.


i assure you that most of it is accidental on Itsuno's part. Likely he thought having a phone call with someone you don't see would just be "cool".

I'm trying to fit in to this incel virgin board.

all ugly feminists come from tumblr, dumb fuck.

Shut up, you're not even my real dad!

nice buzzwords

Who has the biggest donk in the DMC universe? I'm talking devils and humans.
Post some character models from the back so we can all judge.

I dont think I have any good screens of Trish or Lady.

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thanks, I knew you'd like em

Nico has a crush on Kyrie and teases Nero to one-up him.

>you're just a sensitive bitch

I've noticed this about zoomers.
No wonder they're all allergic to something or gluten-free girls.

go back to tumblr tranny.

I know a 20something guy who uses fucking moisterizer.

why the fuck is this game still 60 dollar? it been half a year. Even RE2 is 30-40 dollar now

I dont know about you but every DMC5 screenshot i´ve seen always showed the same location and area.
and made me think they cheaped out hard on game locations.

They look like literal trannies.
Sorry your taste is shit.

maybe because RE2 is a fucking remake

It's been on sale like four times in the last month.

Giv more money, Gaijin-san or no Vergirru for You!

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Feel the same, love the combat but the environment in 5 is ass. Rank DMCs by environment and level design please.

Half the game is about being stuck in a tree.

>spam twitter accounts
>gib money
>no baijuru yet

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Just a little bit more, most honorable paypiggu! Then when giv the Vergil very fast. Maybe even this year!

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Where are all the asses in this thread?
Shameful display.

>DMC5 fags

If I dont see some butts in here, right now- I'll never buy a devil may cry game.

Her fat ass is nice

I only have Vergil's butt sorry.

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Are you telling me theres an ass on that clothesrack? Show me that mannequins cheeks.

>Maybe even this year!
I wish but they already said the MH expansion is the only thing there releasing this fiscal year.

Which is why when Nero and Vergil meet there's a bunch of retarded "father and son" lines that have no weight and make no sense, but influence all of Nero and Dante's choices in the last act anyway. You analysis is retarded.

Sadly no.

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>MH expansion is the only thing there releasing this fiscal year.

Was Capcom the real villain all along?

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she cute

>Was Capcom the real villain all along?
Considering how much DLC DMC5 has, obviously.

>Sadly no.

Terrible butts.Terrible game.
It's a pirates life for me, now. You should have acted!

Capcom killed more hope than Vergil killed people.

It hurts...

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They couldn't find a model pretty enough.

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Why do they keep getting away with it?

Right and Yea Forums is just ripe with chads and respectable gentlemen?

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thats an acceptable turdcutter.

>zoomers vaping
that shit is locked down for minors

What do you mean? Yeah, Vergil and Nero have family lines. It's a sudden "burst" of family. That's the crisis Nero has to deal with. There are serious, deep-seated issues that get brought to the surface. Everyone around Nero is going "no, it's fine, this is just how it goes, Dante can handle it, this is how your family works, you don't understand, just let it happen". And Nero feels bad about it, and he talks to someone he truly trusts, someone who has spent an astronomical weight of time with him, and she tells him that his worries are valid, that she trusts him. And that gives him the power to overturn DECADES of family feuding, of toxic interactions.

Like I can't state enough that Nero wins, that the day is saved and Vergil survives, because Nero has a real family and knows what real family looks like. And he knows it doesn't look like meeting for one day every 10 years and then killing your brother. It looks like living together, making dinner, adopting orphans, going through that ordinary day-to-day life.

If you were more specific with your complaints I could be more specific in addressing them.

Right because minors totally respect the law and would NEVER try and do things behind the backs of adults?
What planet are you from?

Vergil's butt = good game?

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I guess i didnt think about ordering shit online
I get my stuff in shop

Meh, mine's better

Unless you live in commiefornia.

Feeling a middling to average game score on this butt.
Gonna need more ingame butts for analysis.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Have you never drank or smoked weed or anything behind adults back when you were a kid?
Never hid porn mags in your room?
What the fuck?


I was a good boy
I had no friends who could get me that shit

The game literally dumps two lines at the end to try and give Nero emotional weight and drive to do something, then immediately kills it by making him care about a mass-murdering psychopath. Stop trying to act like this game had well written themes with any depth to them.

since when is Yea Forums(nel) a sjw haven?

Didn't she have to 'cool herself down' just talking shop with Nero at one point?

>Maybe they'll develop her in the next game.
Good joke, user!

>mass-murdering psychopath.
no wonder you don't understand any of the themes in the game

Never said it was? What are you talking about?
How does that change anything I said?

That instathot someone kept posting here looked good enough.


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why couldn't trish look like this

You mean her DT? yeah, and it looked pretty cool

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had to look like the disgusting demon she is

I love Dante

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Boy, you sure are fucking retarded.

Just a few more dorrar, gaijin-sannn! :^)

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Why the fuck would they? To show up in a 30 second scene?
Fuck off OP.

>no wonder you don't understand any of the themes in the game
I understand that they're shit, unlike you, who is trying really hard to use a shitty fan-canon analysis of puddle-deep themes to explain why Capcom and Itsuno were too lazy to model a character with about 3 lines.

Redgrave's destruction is all Vergil's fault

>butchered lady

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Is the december one expressing she was conceived on valentine's day?


THATS the one! Yes. I remember it being super feathery, so it was jarring when they had the angelic enemies in DMC4 and there was no Lucia to found.
I guess a part of me was reminded of this character.

This type of DT would look really nice in the style the series has now. Especially the particle effects and the wings.

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Why did they bother with Morrison then?

so from i am getting from retards here manjaws and ugly girls are fine when the japs do it

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Where are her boobs?

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t. jawlet


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looks like joji/filthyfrank

The longer I look at Lady's new face, the more she reminds of pre-op Oliva Munn. Shes got that happa look about her.

I mean look how forgiving people are over Nico.

>looks like filthy frank
are you blind
I don't think she looks that great but that's the most retarded fucking thing I've ever read

Ok but he's not a psychopath lol

looks exactly like joji does now

The game looked too white so they needed a black guy. Remember trannyera was complaining about 3 white guys being MCs?

I fixed lady

Attached: lady.jpg (1017x695, 132K)

Kyrie is pretty cool, but for me its Nero.

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>implying anyone gives a fuck what faggotera says except for faggotera themselves and Yea Forums

Boy that sure explained a lot.I don't even know which fuck nut you are that I was replying to.

I am convinced that faggots who believe this have spent too much time looking at trap porn and now have no idea what real life is like anymore.

Are Dante and Vergil meant to be Japanese or European?

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Oh no no no! MUH Tranny lady doesn't look like Filthy Frank!
>Noticable protruding jawline
>Disgusting Hapa facial futures
>Rice rat slant eyes
Of course faggots like you have shit taste.

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capcom cares or else they wouldn't have blacked morrison

>people who don't like women that look like men must be faggots
hol up

>Lady defenders always post some cherry-picked image.
>She still looks mediocre or shit every time.

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No, is because you have to make her present two times in that month, once for her birthday and another one for christmas

we would have gotten some literally who face scanned bitch who looks nothing like her anyway

>reading comprehension
she looks ugly but she doesn't look like filthy frank you blind mentally handicapped mongrel

Whats going on in here?

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I always saw them as europeans who think being weebs is cool. It makes the series a lot funnier.

DMC5 niggers are mentally deranged mongoloids.

Do you know how many polygons an ass that big would require?

humming bird jacket is cute.
Not sure about the hair or face.

Mediocre doesn't mean hideous user. You can have decent looking women without them looking like swimsuit models.

t. Dante

>"you gonna eat that?"

>>Ugh I would never fuck a girl which smokes
>>Ugh I would never fuck a feminist girl
>>Ugh I would never fuck a girl which was born during December

this user gets it

its going to eat the dog.

>Are you saying you wouldn't fuck a woman because they browse a specific website?

would you bat an eye if someone said "I wouldn't fuck a guy that browses stormfront, and is a raging nazi"?

>gee user, this game that had it's characters speak only English, and have their features based upon white people, could be still Japanese
is this even question?

There's no reason to vape either.
Just get drunk jackass.

The fuck is that supposed to be?

That explains a lot, actually...

Attached: final battle.gif (540x304, 3.96M)

When someone only looks mediocre at their absolute best, 9/10 times it means they're hideous, retard.

But how can her appetite be real if the dog isnt real?

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a deleted character, like Kyrie

So anons

When's DMC6?

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That doesn't make sense, that means they're not mediocre.

>landwhales not hungry 24/7
being a pillow wouldn't stop it

Nero chilling with his sister

What about this portrait?


Attached: upgraded kyrie-discarded.jpg (1920x1156, 431K)

You're not gonna elaborate, huh?

Concept art of female V from DMC5 artbook. Apparently she was a scrapped idea of Nero's twin sister.

Just have to wait another decade, user. ;_;
It's gonna be good, I know it...

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I'd give it 3 to 4 years. I'd rather get ladies and vergil expansion first.

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that would be fucking dumb
>lets just keep giving children to vergil for no reason

I got the feeling it was more so they felt they couldn't really do her justice with the more realistic art style of DMC5.

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That would have made for a better story desu.

aw looks like Griffon is tuckered out from killing demons and nothing more, haha
poor little guy

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>Nero is orphaned as a baby.
>It is impossible that he had any siblings.

Once Vergil goes in, he doesnt pull out.
Nero's prolly got several other siblings he doesnt even know about.
The Judgement Nut is real.

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And here they are, the bootlickers who'll accept any changes they made

>Literally kills hundreds to thousands
>Not a psychopath
Vergil apologists are retarded.

play jawlet

Is DMC5 complete? Am I safe to go rip the game a new asshole now or are they going to add more? I completed the game months ago but I want to do everything the game has to offer and I want to do it all at once

I'm fine with what we have. I'd rather Itsuno make a new character action series.

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Sorry I'm not autistic? Don't pepper spray me chris chan

You say that now but you'll get that itch again. It always comes back

Bloody Palace is in and they said they have no DLC in development, so I'd say it's complete.

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Always read that scene as her trying to keep her cool in front of him after almost driving her van out of a cliff.
In fact I didn’t even think there could other explanations until people started pointing at it as some kind of shipping idiocy.

It's a cheap way to introduce new characters. Why couldn't they just be characters without being anyone kid? besides Nico already acts like a sibling to Nero.

Honestly, 5 Lady is still inferior to 3 Lady, character and looks wise
But hey, at least she isn't as bad as 4 Lady

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whats wrong with dmc 4 lady?

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You wouldn't want to see new improvements and your favourite characters again?

DMC5 lady appeals to my personal tastes more than the others so I like her the best. Personally I'm into older women and Lady is aging the way I like.

Lady looks pretty good in DMC5
>4 Lady has the character right but has a shitty costume
>5 Lady has a good costume but butchers the character
We'll never get a Lady as perfect as in 3

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Not him but I feel Devil May Cry's whole demonic thing is power scaling to the point that it'd just get to DBZ levels of nonsense to justify things.
"We've killed threats before"
"oh no no, not like this you haven't"
That'd be the plot everytime. They shot their load too soon.

He did but psychopaths don't feel remorse while Vergil clearly tried to help people and he regrets his actions vowing to change his views and help humanity now.

No sociopaths don't feel remorse. Fucking take a psychology class.

I'd like to see a complete remake of DMC2, but I don't really want anymore sequels. I feel that DMC5 had the perfect ending to the series.

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Come back in two years for the special edition.

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>a cliffhanger
>the perfect ending to the series.

I fully fell for the meme and thought she would have this model to do mocap for her

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I just don't like DMC4 Lady' looks besides the hair, her clothes seem uncomfortable and stiff, something that doesnt really fit with someone who would go around killing demons

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Vaping simply makes you a beta cuck

>wanting a remake for a shitty game instead of a sequel to a good game

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The fuck happen to Dante and Vergil then?

>I'd like to see a complete remake of DMC2


why'd they make her so damn curvy

He doesn't even fit in either of those categories though.

>special edition

What would they even do for a special edition? Put it on the PS5/Xbox Two and add Vergil? Or would they just do a big patch for the current version?

Yeah, the white outfit just seemed weird to me. Like she become posh or something.

How doesn't he?

What, you mean Lady and Trish heading off on a job? I'd hardly call that a cliffhanger, that's more like an everyday sort of thing for them.
But the point of the remake would be to make the game good.
They hang out in the underworld broing it up and killing demons making sure no demons crawl their way out.

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If that's a man then I don't want to be straight

Best girl.

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>It just seems really weird they wouldn't even show like a shadowy figure like running into the garage
If they went shadowy enough, they could even re-use an NPC model from the opening.

Jewcom will probably do what they have always done for the past two games.
>replay the main missions with lady,trish and vergil with only two new cutscenes
>new difficulty mode

Dante and Vergil should make it out of Hell and emerge in modern day Japan to fight demons in our world.

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DMC 5 was a one and done game with barely enough content to justify the 60 dollar price tag. Lady was butchered, Trish was butchered, and both took a backseat to Nico, the worst addition to the DMC series since Squirrel Jizz girl. This isn't a Capcom exclusive problem, but the Japanese cannot fucking contain their autism with adding in new females instead of expanding on and enhancing the characters who are already there. It boggles my fucking mind as to why Nero has to have 90% of his screen time with redneck Jew girl instead of Trish or Lady or Kyrie.

It's just this jarring dead end for character interaction/development, and I Am sick to death of it in Japanese-developed games. They could have saved so much money by not designing this disgusting smoker and just have Nero hang out with Kyrie or one of the two babes Dante refuses to fuck because he's an insufferable asexual faggot who keeps complaining about being bored while not fucking these two hot chicks at his side. Or Lucia. Or anyone else for that matter.

And what in the actual goddamned fuck at Capcom making me watch some shitty anime and reading some retarded novel just to get some of these references in DMC 5? FUCK THAT SHIT. DMC 5 is a good game, but it isn't great. Has less replay value than a used condom. Also, the level design blows

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That's good because you're clearly not


And I'd still buy it because fuck me I can't get enough

From my limited understanding the only thing that fits is minimal empathy. Explain your reasoning.

This should have been in DMC 5. Fuck Capcom, seriously.

I'm not even mad. Send all the men that look like that my way.

The least they could do is make it an expansion so we wouldn't have to buy the same fucking game again.

lmao just leave

she jokes about him hitting on her, and as soon as he's out of frame she tries to calm herself down. were it not for the fact that she did much, much worse with that van, i'd share your view, but alas i can't

>From my limited understanding
That's a fancy way of saying "I don't know what I'm talking about"
>Explain your reasoning
Uh...for starters, he didn't care who he kills or gets killed? For starters?

Imagine quoting all those posts just to reply with a buzzword.

I'm weird when it comes to DMC. I like having the original version and Special Edition separate. I like to play both and see how they've changed. Kind of like Street Fighter. I like having 2nd Impact and 3rd Strike.

stockholm syndrome


Literally is not stockholm syndrome and I think you might be borederline retarded if you think that's what stockholm syndrome means.

2B's robotic ass or Kyrie's holy ass?!

Wrong pic

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why werent vergil, lady, and trish playable

if anything, it'd be nico cucking nero since nico thinks kyrie is best girl

i dunno man seems like stockholm syndrome if you ask me

I'm not sure about that. Im really only this way for DMC and Fighting games. Especially fighting games though. I think it's incredibly interesting checking out all the iterations of fighting games. Look at Street Fighter II for example. Oh and I guess I'm kind of that way with Ninja Gaiden. I have every version of Ninja Gaiden 1.

v should have been a girl

>still no rule 34

Because don't you want to buy the Special Edition in 10 years?

*Rubs hands*

his vagina wouldn't help his gameplay

>5 being worse than 4
Whoa nigger, have you played 4 lately? At all? Ever?


yes but it would help my foreplay

Hm...yet...Nico is having fun with Nero while Kyrie stays at home....

Of course it'd seem like it to you, you're fucking stupid.

I don't think its foreplay if you're alone, though

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Kyrie. She could sit on your face and your head wouldn't pop.

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That's why I'm asking you to explain? My knowledge is limited to what I just read online I never taken a course like that before.

>he didn't care who he kills or gets killed? For starters?
Ok I wrote that
>minimal empathy
but he doesn't go out of his way to kill people, its just a result of what happens when he raises the tower and splits himself.

i dont know about that my man im a pretty clever dude if you ask me

I swear moe anime shit rots brains

i make sure before playing that my joystick is covered with the fluids of my other joystick, if you know what i mean

Never played 2B's game, is she all metal? Or is she like terminator?

then we'll get the vergil is a tranny shit

>if you don't like manjaws then you're a weeb

are... are you implying you have two dicks

Attached: manlet getting gas.jpg (1200x1599, 222K)

>but he doesn't go out of his way to kill people
>He just does things that people get killed in the result of what he does
Do you even grasp how ridiculous that sounds? That's like saying I ran over 20 people because i was hungry and wanted to get something to eat.

dmc didn't sell that well

He already was. Look at these DSL and tell me he couldnt be your gf.

Attached: v-2.jpg (1280x618, 178K)

no im implying i bukkake my controller

I have high standards and my current gf meets or exceeds every single one of them. Speak for yourself loser.

Like Terminator. Got the fleshy exterior, but she weighs 328 pounds because of roboparts.
Also you should play 2B's game.

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>Pure-hearted church girl
>With a lewd body like that
I couldn't handle that.

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Yes, many years ago so maybe my memory is a bit off. 1 easily has the best environments so it's a no brainer. 2 is obviously last. The other 3? Honestly, was kind of hard to rank for me. Maybe you could switch 4 with 5 I guess.

>a female v represents vergil's oedipus complex that manifests itself as autogynephilia
now that would be kino

I don't know, it doesn't seem all that interesting and it looks really empty


I just re-bought 4 because it was like 7 bucks on psn and never experienced the special edition (because i bought the original back in 2008) and holy shit...yeah, it's not as a good as you probably remember it.You must of forgotten a good chunk of the stuff.

>this post
>this degree if naivete

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How many kids do you think Nero can put inside of Kyrie?
Are Kyries hips wide enough to survive a demonic pregnancy?

Attached: D9BXfYcVUAAjGjo.jpg (1200x675, 93K)

Both of these questions are stupid.

>intentionally running over people vs unintentionally getting people caught in the cross fire
I already said he lacked empathy. What's your other reasoning?

what if Kyrie could pull her devil trigger and get wide demon hips haha funny thought

I'm a weeb but you all have mental issues, especially people with waifus. Your image of how women look like is completely distorted.

It would be stupider not to breed with Kyrie.
Now how many?

Attached: its a no-go-homo.jpg (1024x1024, 143K)

bro kyrie's not a devil so she doesnt have those powers haha but what if she could somehow activate the semen in her womb and get a pseudo devil trigger haha

Eh, the appeal is really the story and characters and Yoko Taro quirkiness. The overworld and gameplay are definitely not the strong points of the game.

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Hahaha imagine if Kyrie was secretly some wide-hipped succubus the entire time! What a prank!

sorry my image of how women should look doesn't include tranny jaws

Underrated and redpilled

You know you could save yourself a lot of time and learn what psychopaths vs sociopaths means by just doing a bit of reading...right?

>Calls himself weeb
>Doesn't have waifus
Okay, that doesn't make sense.

I could care a less about the story. I play games for their gameplay and atmopshere. Story and gameplay should go hand to hand and if there's nothing but story as it's main focus it should of been a movie or something.

I kinda got the impression that he already had a kid or two from his comment about having a couple of loud talkers upstairs before he got his arm ripped off.

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>in DMC6, Nero ventures to find a mcguffin that would save Kyrie from the demonic baby that's growing inside her

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Vergil literally told Nero he wouldnt lose again then gives him V's book and says hold onto that till then. Dante and Vergil are obviously in Hell so with Vergil saying that, that means he plans on finding a way out. He will most likely need Dantes help

>You know you could save yourself a lot of time and learn what psychopaths vs sociopaths means by just doing a bit of reading...right?
If you can't even explain yourself then why bother replying? I'm asking how it relates to Vergil and you seemed knowledgeable in that subject.

Na, just mostly stuff like the level design. I do remember the backtracking as Dante or that dice 'game' now that we're talking about it though. It was pretty crappy in those aspects. So I guess you could rank DMC5 higher.

Oh those are the orphans that he and Kyrie take care of. Before the Nightmare novels talks about them. One the orphans thinks Nico's hair is weird looking.


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>he already had a kid or two from his comment about having a couple of loud talkers upstairs
He takes care of three orphaned boys according to the novel.

"Thats wrong, Jay!"

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You're wanting me to explain something that requires me to type quite a bit of information. You're asking me to educate you, something you can easily learn on your own as there are plenty of resources online. I'm not here to spoon feed you.I'm here to talk about Devil May Cry and you're taking the subject as a hostage to learn about something you can just find out on your own time, but want me to use my time, for free, to educate you? And that doesn't seem fucked up? I can't condense it because if it was that understandable everyone here would know the difference. It wouldn't be a college course. You're being ridiculous. What's next, you want me to explain thermal dynamics to you? Perhaps trig?

You're forgetting about that spinning thing that you had to knock down the hallway.

If Vergil/Sparda could plant his seed in human women why couldn't Nero do it?

Having a waifu or husband's is literally mental illness. Have you never seen the extent those people go to? Plastering their walls with merch, spending money on figurines and having massive art folders with them. And worst of all, thinking it can ever replace real human interaction.

>Sparda has the amulets inside it that served as a key to the demon world
>Dante absorbed Sparda and now has the amulet in Devil Sword Dante
>DSD is now a key to the demon world meaning Dante doesnt need Vergil's help to get out of hell

Attached: !!Devil_Sword_Dante.jpg (587x954, 53K)

Nico's stiff chunk of hair in front of her face pisses me off
looks like a shittily styled wig with a shitload of hairspray on it
like the same methold used for ahoges in trashy weeb wigs styled by amateurs
gets my blood boiling I just want to rip it out of her skull and force her to lick an ashtray clean for even daring to go outside looking like that

Oh that's right, I forgot about the whole orphan thing.

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This. I'm honestly expecting them to just make DMC5:SE a launch title for next-gen consoles that might be half off on PC for owners of DMC5.

having a waifu/husbando isn't a mental illness
dedicating your life and room to them while praying to a shrine of them every night is a mental illness

>Plastering their walls with merch, spending money on figurines and having massive art folders with them.
People do that shit all the time, even sports fans. Comic nerds, video game enthusiasts...I could go on here.

I'm not asking you to type out an essay I'm asking you to explain how those symptoms relate to vergil. It could even be in point form I don't care, you're the one who brought up the subject and when someone is asking you about it you barely explained anything. Isn't the whole point of an argument to educate someone on your pov?

Exactly how many half-demons are walking around in the DMC universe?

Surely, Demon Knight Sparda wasnt the only person who was down with the swirl.

That means that there are more demon women and men that exist in-universe that are waiting to be conquered by regular humans and our heroes!

DMC6 should show us more demons and humans with supernatural abilities. And titty monsters.

Attached: Dante switch.jpg (848x1200, 266K)

Because........FUCK YOU
I dunno, make it have something to do with the demonic mutation it went through or some shit, or they could circlejerk how strong Nero's semen is, I don't really care, all what I want is for Nero to go around screaming Kyrie again desu

>real humans

you are funny

all the girls are fugly roasties
i honestly rather fuck the DMC guys in their tight pink devil holes then even look at la goblinas

>more demon women and men

and more demon trannies!

You're still not getting it do you? I can't just summarize something to someone who doesn't understand the fundamentals of psychology. That's like me trying to explain how the fuck a nuclear reactor works when you never took a science class. It's not exactly that cut and dry kid.

It reminds me of the old-school GAL trends in Japan where asian girls would dye their hair blonde or light brown and put tons of hairspray in it.
They were trying to imitate Valley Girls in the USA.

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Someone give me a middle aged man cosplaying DMC5 vergil

>Plastering their walls with merch, spending money on figurines and having massive art folders with them
>buying things of your favorite character is a bad thing
At least their cartoons but say for example, Adam Driver fans have fucking stalkers chasing after him and his wife.

I mean, theres prolly a demon out there with both units to violate people with.
Sounds legit.

Attached: vergils jackpots.gif (700x387, 2.48M)

>rapist futa demons
DMC6 please deliver

It's suppose to refrence how she is like her father but instead of being evil she went the other direction

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Give me three symptoms vergil has that makes him a psychopath and i'll read up on it.

the strand itself doesn't bother me
just the stiffness
like the tail of a dead cat corpse on the side of the road going through rigor mortis

You sure about that, pal?
Cause I dont think its gonna go the way you think.
The DMC guys have more than you can handle.

Attached: what is this capcom.jpg (478x339, 30K)

Fucking google then. You could of learned shit by now if you just went and read something for fucks sake.

Good fucking lord shut the fuck up

Because Nero is too rough and needy and he hurts Kyrie by accident.
Thats why Nico built him Sweet Surrender. Kyrie would be too bruised otherwise.

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I'm asking you because I don't see any of the symptoms that make him a psychopath, I'm trying to see what you meant by that.

His devil trigger, didn't you hear the song?

We're not talking and you could always choose not to read the comment flow that had nothing to do with you, fucking nosey prick

I'm asking someone to explain what they mean. Why is that a bad thing?

I never said psychopath, i said sociopath. You don't even grasp what is said to you. Fucking shut up and read ffs. Learn something you god damn lazy child.

Underbasted Roast.
But why hasnt Dante made use of this talent before?
It would have made his time in trash heap post-Qliphoth much shorter if he had just teleported out of there.

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It's been like two hours nigger who cares

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>tfw you will never ever hop on or taste them

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My headcanon is nero's mom was the rough one and Nero inherited that. Vergil seems to much of an autismo.

why the sparda boys got so much dick
except for v/ergil

I want to cuddle Yamato

Kyrie is too pure

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Which mo-cap actor's crotch did they scan to make this monster? Its even more impressive if you consider that its flaccid
Plus- I thought Vergil had the bigger dick

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ill get drunk and run you over with my car just for fun retard


Fuck that would be hilarious. All that pomp and bluster Vergil's got on the battlefield and then he cowers and stammers in the bedroom- dreading the next round of snu-snu to come.

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Those are not me faggot.

It's literally just their models

wish I had my own Kyrie

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I care because I'm trying to learn. Yea Forums isn't just about buzzwords and posting fujo shit.

Are you sure you want to? She's got that yandere eye.
If you so much as look at another weapon, she'd kill you.

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>Friendly neighborhood V

Nice. And you just know Kyrie would constantly try to feed him, too. Nero would be pissed.
We missed a lot of Rivalry Kino with dead V

Attached: miserly prick.png (741x834, 333K)

ok...but my point still stands though what makes him either of those things?

Capcom intended demon dicks to be canon, then? Damn.
I like the way they think.

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You're talking in a fucking circle. I'm not replying anymore. Research you lazy manchild.

Dante probably is an egghead that doesn't know the full potential of the power he has at hand, or maybe it's just because things need to happen because Videogames logic

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>not having any standards
Just because you guys are desperate and would fuck anyone who gives two shits about you doesnt mean that user shouldnt have standards
I hope you find a nice girl user

Chad Sparda genetics. Its why Mundus never forgave Sparda for cucking him.

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nero's arm sheds scales like a lizard

Vergil being a pompous jack ass is a cover up.

Bought this a while back on Steam and refunded it because the first 30 minutes of story/dialogue were way too fucking anime for me. Does it get less cringy as it goes on? Does everyone play these for the combat and just ignore the rest?

Sorry, but cigerette smoke isn't really that big of a deal to me because I was around smokers in my childhood. Doesn't mean I don't have standards, just means I have a more open mind and tolerance about people's addiction and behaviors. I'm not a pussy like you.
It's not like all smokers have their homes reeking of smoke. I have known plenty of smokers (3 of my exes were smokers) and they never smoked in the house. You're being ridiculous and childish.

Vergil's tail is barbed at the end for the enemy's pleasure

Attached: vergil laughter.gif (500x320, 2.88M)

I'm asking you for two symptoms that relate to Vergil so I can read up on them. And you're giving me nothing to go on so i can do the research myself.

Nope the cringe is one of the best part of the package.

nero cuts off his human arm and turns it into a meaty devil breaker and calls it the meat beater

smoking is selfish and stupid
>gives you second hand lung cancer
>smells like shit
>yellow teeth
>smoker gets cancer and you have to take care of them and they waste resources for actual cancer patients who didn't bring the cancer unto themselves

also enjoy your cancer in the future dumbfuck

My god you sound like a little bitch

Or is his autism merely a ruse?

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why was it called sweet surrender and not sweet release
sweet surrender sounds a little rapey
what the fuck nico

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>I was around smokers in my childhood

Damn, that rough. I'm sorry user.

It's really not that big of a deal.

>Not tolerating someones addiction
>is being a bitch
Rather be a bitch than die early from cancer.

Nico has had designs on Kyrie since she first laid eyes on her. She even says Nero doesnt deserve her.
She's gunning for that church gal and she aims to get her.

You're going to die regardless. You can get cancer just from being outside. You can get cancer by eating the wrong foods. My GOD you sound like a little bitch.

The real crime is no Patty model.

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I say this because my mom was married to a heavy smoker for some years, and shes feeling the effects of that now in her senior years.
Not even memeing, get your lungs checked out.

What would an 18 year old Patty look like at this point?

Attached: dante-closeup.png (1080x1080, 1.66M)

Because Kyrie is the submissive type maybe?
Funny how Dante never met a girl like Kyrie though. Most of them tried to kill him at some point or hated his guts

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If I die, I die. I'm 34, It's all downhill at this point. Rather not be elderly anyways.

if someone else smoking gives you lung cancer and you die is it technically murder

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>Patty tries to invite him to her birthday party
>Doesn’t see or hear from him again
poor Patty

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No, it's called life. Might as well blame cars and factories while you're at it.

Dante is cursed never to meet nice girls. He only ever meets bad bitches.
He should consult a witch to have his curse lifted.

Godspeed you, smoke user. Just try to get fresh air, sometimes. This summers been surprisingly mild, I hope the 4th of July doesnt jinx it.

Attached: swap-dante.jpg (1625x1250, 600K)

if a car slides down a hill and crashes through my house killing me instantly is it murder and can I take the car to court

Yes we're all going die someday but not early or suffering from lung cancer like you'll be.

Dante needs to send her a card or something, since she probably already had pizza at the party.
That should be like, a side-quest item in the next game.

What does nico do with all those red orbs?

>Might as well blame cars and factories while you're at it.
What a faggot, if you're this retarded why don't you just get it over with?

only if it's a decepticon, they're terrorists.

I live in a city near heavy traffic.

We all suffer in one way or another user.

There was Lucia

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what are you talking about?

Depends on how far will they go with redesigning her
she could stay pretty much the same, they could make her a redhead, or make her a goth because Dante didn't attend her birthday party

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I like to think that Dante picked up a gift for her on his way back from Hell.

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Cursed to never remember* nice girls, then.
Which is even sadder, now that I think about it....

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>We all suffer in one way or another user.
You're being stupid. Smoking is unnecessary suffering, why would you purposely go through with that?

once you start an addiction you can't just easily drop it moron

Whocia? Dante didn't even want to see her in the novel.

>brings vergil along
>goes to her house and knocks on the door
>quickly rubs vergil's hair down
>runs away and leaves vergil to deal with her backlash

Attached: 0ht6ahzheg821.jpg (1366x768, 104K)

Red hair would be kinda cool to see. It would be nice if she still kept some of the frilly stuff incorporated in her clothing-style, too if they did make her a goth.

I don't smoke though. And my exes never smoked near me. My family did. I'm 34, not even around my family that often.

>Vergil is much too autistic to protest as he is dragged inside by the revelers
>Nubile preteens surround him and grope at his arms while dragging him to the dance floor
>Vergil is forced to bob and hop awkwardly for several hours before Dante remembers where he left him


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That's just excuses like the fatties on /fit/ tell themselves when they can't stop gorging themselves. There's so many resources that help you quit.

Even if you're not around them you'll have to tolerate everything else that comes with smoking.

Christ, what a tragedy. Lucia will never give birth to a new generation of devil hunters.

Attached: D9Q49i6U4AIFMRu.jpg (1200x675, 163K)

Lady should give birth to his children so they won't become irrelevant like Lucia is.

Imagine this game if Nico was a vaper

>Even if you're not around them you'll have to tolerate everything else that comes with smoking.
Ah well, that's life. We don't know what vaping even fully does to the human body. People used to think smoking cigerettes was okay back in the day too, even had commercials by the flinstones of them smoking. History repeats itself.

at least she didn't get butterfaced
>he unironically thinks any of the guys looked good
>he unironically thinks any of the girls looked good

>Dante will never have cute tan tomboy devil hunter daughter
Truly a tragedy

Attached: 323D67DE-CFAE-40DD-988E-357FD6761F87.png (584x575, 242K)

Not enough power to render dat ass

>he unironically thinks any of the guys looked good
But they do

What's funnier is that Lucia's "mom" Matier, wanted Dante to sleep with her, but all he said is that he is too old for that stuff and no way faged out of there

Attached: image.png (389x581, 223K)

>Massive columns of smoke billow out of the DMC van as Nico and Nero careen down a busted highway
>Its so choked with fumes, Nico cant even skrrt the curb properly.
>Nero tries to slo-mo fight an echidna swarm and gets caught in a vape cloud, smashing his head on a lightpost and dropping him in the street
>Nico hasnt even noticed hes fucking gone and keeps tearing ass down the road, leaving Nero to be assraped by demon bugs

Maybe traditional cigarettes were the answer after all...

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You're a fucking fag if you don't think the guys are handsome as fuck.

This shouldnt be allowed to stand, bros!
Its an injustice.
We should bring these grievances to Capcom. It's time to allow Dante to be happy, dammit.

Attached: D7aDm4SV4AAoMAK.jpg (1200x675, 96K)

Did you mean to reply to me because that's what I wrote.

>Urizen defeated in m12
>V remerges with him then
>Vergil comes back and immediately goes for the devil fruit
>Dante goes after Vergil, convinced he's beyond redemption and needs to be put down
>Really Vergil wants to take the fruit and use its power to destroy the qlipoth to keep it from spreading
>Both too wrapped up in bad blood to talk to each other
>Nero gets more time to process what you said
>Dante v Vergil takes place in front of ancestral home
>Dante convinced Vergil eating the fruit just cost him his humanity
>Vergil still hates Dante for being chosen over him
>Nero intervenes after taking the long way to get there
>Ending proceeds as normal

>Ah well, that's life
I have one life to live I don't want to get stuck taking care of people who chose to bring that unto themselves. Vaping is trading one addiction for another, I meant patches or even those gum packs.

they didn't

Having a kid with some slut you don't like won't make him happy. Besides he already got happiness now that his brother returned.


kek just what i was thinking

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You know user, you cant just say things like that and not post hot, male character models to substantiate your claims.

These threads could use some fresh OC.

Attached: super sexy dante.jpg (1200x675, 135K)

My word

Stay out of this, Patty! Dante may be old enough to be a daddy , but he'll never be YOUR daddy!

Dante needs to fuck, Lady, Trish, Lucia, Patty, and maybe Nico while he's at it, with them all giving birth to his babies

Attached: DwPi-c5VAAA1LNd.jpg (1382x2048, 299K)

I don't like that

But if Trish resembles his mother, does copulating with her make it incest?

Attached: ora ora.png (490x486, 33K)

I wouldn't want dante to be my daddy either.

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what about this

Attached: 1561848728888.png (628x720, 433K)

Imagine being a super-strong demonspawn and being able to pull your devil trigger whenever you liked.
Being Nero must be awesome.

Attached: a literal volley of bananas.jpg (2560x1440, 878K)

here's your female v bro

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Attached: 1530934770191.png (640x488, 111K)

Ah yes back to normal

She needs to be biologically related to him in order for it to be incest, and last time I checked Dante doesn't even see Trish as his mother in any shape or form

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holy kek

What is this liquid

Stop lying to yourself, user. Its not healthy to live with that self-deception.

Attached: daddy dante.png (800x611, 823K)

Its his monkey buster.

I mean in the Freudian sense.

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Slenderman looks not too good without his clothes.


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Vergil saw Trish as his mother lel

Attached: 1541627984202.jpg (191x260, 6K)

>Imagine being a super-strong demonspawn and being able to pull your devil trigger whenever you liked.
>picture of Nero with his banana out creaming all over Vergil
DMC threads are so unironically gay that i don't even know if this is something gay or if i'm just thinking too hard and its just coincidentally gay

I wish real Vergil would wear pants this tight.

Who dat

Dante wouldn't make a good dad but he'd be a good DADDY

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Cuhrazy game thread?
Is Vanquish worth getting good at?

i wish Vergil would go full donald duck instead

Dont worry, its not gay of bunches dont touch, user!

Attached: D8WM8wMV4AA0FEY.jpg (3840x2160, 770K)

You damn right!

Attached: time-to-fap.gif (310x175, 491K)

no game is, unless you play games for money. even then no amount of money is worth having to play shit like LoL or fifa for

Unfortunately, I havent played it.

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Because Vergil is an autist, and also was in a weak and hopeless state
Dante doesnt want to fuck his mom, and only cared about Trish because he didn't like the image of his mother being harmed, but who knows I'm no philosopher, I barely use my head at all nowadays

Attached: DMC4-SE-trish-tunts-trish-38989071-300-327.gif (300x327, 1.83M)

>Improvement is bad
I don't think you understand this genre


Just walk around with no pants? What about underwear? Is he still going commando?

Attached: LordGao-1136156927426039808-20190604_232454-gif1.webm (300x300, 659K)

Gotta localize that DMC phone game

Attached: tfw your sibiling wont get off your back.webm (624x346, 387K)

If I didn't like 3 in the HD collection would I like the PS2 version?
So Trish wasn't his mum? She was just some lady?

where can i find more of this?

Who is P

Attached: sdt nero-the perfect bf.jpg (1176x1016, 968K)

No. They're identical outside of some minor lighting/resolution changes.

What didn't you like about it?

Only if you have fun playing it

She's a clone of their mother, made by Mundus.

Hated running around the tower, got annoyed by enemies, the bosses outside a few were awful, I didn't like Dante, having to grind styles was annoying, the chessboard annoyed me

That's so fucking hot.

Attached: 1554915566296.png (225x225, 63K)

It's a live wallpaper made by :

They made a V, Vergil and are working on Dante. You can apparently unlock accessories but I haven't been able to figure it out since the settings are in Japanese.

All are for retards.

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Trish is a demon that looks like his mom, her personality is her own and the way she dress is different too
And DMC3 is the same in the HD collection and the PS2, with only minor visual problems, what didn't you like about DMC3 anyways?


A complete lack of trousers is the ultimate show of dominance.

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I'd rather get the real deal than some shitty phone game.

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>thefinalrumble wiki

What form of autism is this?

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>They made a V, Vergil and are working on Dante.
no best boy Nero? If anybody needs to be ball gagged and edged its Nero

Did you try bloody palace? If you did you'd probably like 5.


>thefinalrumble has a wiki
what the fuck
fuck yeah

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Yeah Bloody Palace was kind of fun but I still didn't like it that much. I really like 5 though, it's great

Whats his safeword, guys?

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>linking TFR's wiki


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who did you guys like playing as the most? i loved nero's new buster mechanics.

Do you even need to ask?


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Nero by far

of what? his gooch?


Keep an eye on it, I'm sure they'll get around to making Nero.

wacky wahoo man

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>Hated running around the tower
I didn't like it too, but I somehow memorized what to do and where to go fairly easily, it's just always in a linear path
>got annoyed by enemies
Some enemies are annoying yeah, but most if them were pretty fine
>the bosses outside a few were awful
I can only think of three awful bosses, gigapede, leviathan's heart and Arkham
>not liking Dante
>having to grind styles was annoying, the chessboard annoyed
This is understandable

Dante because im autistic about weapons

>Ladys boss fight was so awful you repressed the memories

Oh you started from 5?, yeah it's gonna be hard to go back now.

Nah I started with the HD collection, played them all except for the last %70 of 4 and stopped 2 after the gorilla dude

hard to say, they're all good in their own ways