Tfw you make a mistake in an online game and your team bullies you

>tfw you make a mistake in an online game and your team bullies you

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>he gets less than 1.0 k/d

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wojak memes are shit

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>suck my dick lol
Its not that hard, op

You gay or something?

>make mistake in game
>friends give good bants
>everyone laughs too hard and we all start fucking up
why aren't you playing games with your irl friends Yea Forums?

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>tfw you kick your teammates when they dont clutch
>tfww you don't clutch the next round and get kicked too

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>those claw feet
You should be ashamed for even saving that


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>Yea Forums
>irl friends
ok who wants to tell him

Hang all footfags

>tfw you’re the best pug player on the server
>don’t have time for guild and don’t want to download discord
>never get raids accomplished because people are retards and the game is poorly designed and implements warm body mechanics

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>that ear
fuck me im dead

Reminder that this is what 8gag considers a "raid." They probably got all riled up on discord and prepared their wojak with ears folder for this epic pwn.

Good thread

Excuse me, retard here. The fuck is an 8gag?

It's a nickname for 8ch you flaming newfag

No one cares schizo, have sex

Wow, for a site with the reputation of "Yea Forums but worse" this raid is really lame. For a momment there I tougth 9gag had actually made their shitty version of 8 chan.

>doing well in game
>make one mistake
>team starts getting pissy
>use as an opportunity to try some gimmicky loadouts and fuck around

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wojina is so sexy

>tfw you correct your mistakes from the early game to carry the late game and your team to victory

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