Why did they do this?

Why did they do this?

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ethics department

Anyone that has had sex doesn't care about this

Samus's unarmored design isn't consistent across games so they just do whatever.

fucked up modelling. her ass would look great if it weren't for that.

To piss off incels on Yea Forums

I have had sex and can confirm that this design is ugly but I do think its a good shout out to brie larsen.

They are bad people that have no souls.

It's a wake up call for incels to have sex

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w/e masuda your laziness isn't excusable

Do what exactly?

God, imagine the assjob from Samus.

to please my cock

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Sakurai wanted to follow Cero, I'm sure the tranny pedos in this thread will shitpost about it and come up with their own shitty reasons but the point stands it's because of the stricter CERO rating system.

What do pedos have to do with Samus, who is an adult woman?

>smash fans consider pic related a good game, all because it has the most zero suit

And this is why Metroid died 9 years ago.

Attached: 220px-Metroid_Other_M_Cover.jpg (220x304, 26K)

That ass looks great
Her tits doesn’t

If they made a 2D Metroid that had a bigger, more intricate map than Super Metroid but had Zero Suit Samus as the player character, you would still be bitching.

agreed, they ruined Metroid the moment they gave Samus a voice.

at this point Nintendo should just do the right thing and send that whore back to the kitchen and make Metroid a series about the Varia suit being operated by an AI.

>smash fans consider pic related a good game,
We do?

Hi sybb, you’re a faggot

Samus should look like this

Attached: fit.jpg (319x518, 41K)

No but he needs some strawman to tear down.

They want her to look like a man.

a fridge?

Needs bigger arms and torso.

fuck off ACfag

Muscle ass is better

Considering you called me a faggot for saying I don't like Zero Suit, and then called me a faggot again when I considered Metroid prime my favorite metroid, it's an easy conclusion to come to.

Otherwise, why would every single Smash thread be nothing but shitposting and porn spam?

Cuz Smash Bros. fandom is awful.

>Samus should look like this
how about you have sex, you pathetic onion-drinking incel.

it doesn't matter what Samus looks like, as she doesn't speak, because the only thing that matters is that when I press Start, I'm killing something, or hunting something down to kill.


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Lightning tier pancake butt

land whale detected

Attached: This.jpg (640x480, 29K)

Samus is an intergalactic superhuman bounty hunter not an Instagram model

So you're a faggot?

Samus is an olympic athlete, not a steroid freak.

post flat ass Lightning. Do it.

Fucking nerfed it. I was one of the few to notice how badly she was shrunk in ultimate.

Somehow it looks weird from the front but looks good from the side. I still prefer ultimate Samus than bimbo smash4 Samus.

>bimbo smash4 Samus
tranny cope

Me too, they fucked her up.

So if she dies she turns into a lizard?

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Thanks for admitting I'm right.

Attached: Lightning.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Worst part if you bring it up, 'well durrr she's an athlete she shouldn't be big or soft'.

It's just lies made up by a troll. He has zero proof that Smash fans love Other M, the most hated Metroid of the entire series

At this point I think she should just be retconned into a robot. Her being sexy has done nothing but ruin the series.

The thing is Olympic Athletes don't look like OP pic, they look like this They made her look like a chick who takes steroids to look like a man. Whoever defends this shit is most likely a tranny from resetera.

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Have sex

>most hated Metroid
>when Metroid Prime exists

aka, a western made Metroid game with no zero suit whatsoever. You have to be nuts to think Yea Forums likes Metroid Prime. Meanwhile, Other M gives them their full dose of Zero suit waifu samus.

Attached: 1561462857839.png (278x248, 55K)

It was a reference to a movie where the person who defeated a space monster was a woman. But she's blonde because Japanese people are literally obsessed with blondes.

Samus doesn't need to pass a drug test, so she can use roids freely.

the fact that this is even an issue means that making Samus a woman was a mistake.

She's had a voice since the Prime series, also that is not why Other M is a failure of a game.

no, but it is a reoccuring problem that needs to be fixed.

You are replying to ACfag, a troll that thinks:
Samus is better if she was a robot
Thinks Yea Forums hates Metroid Prime because no Zero Suit
Thinks Yea Forums LOVES Other M because of all the Zero Suit the game shows, despite all the problems Other M has as a game

Attached: WhyOtherMSucks.png (912x1434, 902K)

Nintendo needed a token female hero. You otherwise have only princesses that don't do anything and questionable ownership characters made by a European studio.

Back to resetera with you, tranny pedo.

Kill yourself, ACfag.

Where is Lightning's ass?

>Nintendo needed a token female hero.

which they ruined with Other M

>Nintendo needs a female hero

they have Zelda for the manchildren who need a waifu to fap to.

Metroid doesn't need a female crying about her vagina, it just needs an AI to operate the Varia suit so we can explore planets and murder things in peace.

>Thinks Yea Forums LOVES Other M because of all the Zero Suit the game shows, despite all the problems Other M has as a game
Yes user, a thinking adult can spot these problems, but the majority of people who love Zero Suit are far from that. They will actively ignore every single problem of the game if they can jerk off to it. Why else do you think we have daily threads for Fate/Grand order and Senran Kagura?

Not at all, nor does it matter whether she is voiced or not. What matters is writing, gameplay, atmosphere, and isolation.
I'm aware of who ACfag is, just as I'm aware that in the past he used to hate Prime, herald Super Metroid as the second coming of christ, etc.

Zelda had to turn into a boy to accomplish anything in OoT and was still pretty useless. Wasn't until the 21st century that you had any remotely relevant ones.

Asians have no ass and this is what the Japanese think an attractive ass Iooks Iike. One word: fIat.

>ACfag is a Canadian poster

Samus is a cyborg! There are some squishy bits on her insides.

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>Olympic Athletes don't look like OP pic, they look like this
lol no

Attached: 37d6195f3be7ccb9611c9a8fdb85cbad.jpg (2596x1000, 282K)

>Not at all, nor does it matter whether she is voiced or not. What matters is writing, gameplay, atmosphere, and isolation.

Friendly reminder

Attached: metroid threads.png (1879x924, 590K)

>Writing is important

the only "writing" Metroid needs is "You're a bounty hunter, and the bad guy is hiding on this planet, now go kill him."

anything beyond that is creeping into Other M territory.

Great, keep all that cutscene garbage in Zelda where it belongs.

>grabbing a generic pic online
Keep trying, it's well known Samus isn't the bodybuilder type.

Attached: 5e6c8a209327a9244ef6473ecc1f7a12.jpg (500x666, 47K)

>What matters is writing, gameplay, atmosphere, and isolation.

and guess what Other M lacked. All of those.

the truth is that athletic female bodies are not attractive

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>AI to the run the suit

That has got to be one of the dumbest fucking suggestions I've ever heard, that is somehow more stupid than Samus pissing her pants at Ridley in Other M, or him being a chicken-dragon. Fucking beyond retarded, jesus christ.
No, she's a human with bird/metroid dna.

So is Samus intended to have a volleyball build? Seems to be the closest to her height/weight unless there are some shenanigans.

metroid's gay lol i only know of it through smash bros

that's photoshopped

>"You're a bounty hunter, and the bad guy is hiding on this planet, now go kill him."
Metroid 2 had more than this.
Super Metroid had more than this.
Prime 1-3 had more than this.
Fusion had more than this.

Get over it. As for the cutscenes, again see above, barring Metroid 2.

>tfw gay and couldn’t care less about video game models, male or female.

The fuck guys? I thought people labeled gays as the over-sexual degenerates, but you guys can’t stop seething for 3 fucking seconds over pixel ass to play some fucking video games?

cope cope cope, dialate dialate dialate, cringe cringe CRINGE, BASED CRINGE, BASED BASED, BASED CRINGE RETARD, zooomer. ZOOMER. I AM LE BOOOOOOOOOOMER ZOOOOMIE ZOMIE ZOOOOM CUH...CUH RINNU are Zoomer I am Boomer, Zoomer Zoom Zoomie, Me Boomer Dumb Zoomer Le Boom Boom Soul Soul Soulless Cringe Based Cringe Cringe Seething Cope Cope Cope Have Sex Have Sex Dilate Dilate Cope Zoomer Seethe Based Based Based Cringe Cringe Yikes Yikes Yikes Normalfag Normalfag Normie Normie Normie Based Based Based Rent Free Rent Free Rent Free



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This could have been solved if they made the suit doing all the work while Samus was just a pilot who has a big butt to cushion herself from sitting all day.

She has a gymnast's physique.

You admitted to being fat if anything.


Attached: Screen-Shot-2012-08-14-at-11.34.33-AM-640x460.png (640x460, 460K)

Why wouldn't Metroid greatly benefit from Samus being a robot? Considering her being a woman and a reference to Ripley, it's done nothing but degrade the series into low grade porn.

The good metroids wouldn't suffer from this change. Metroid 2 would still be good, Super would still be good, Prime 1 and 2 would still be good. Fusion is trash, so nothing would change.

Nah, the gymnast is tiny.


>ACfag still at it all these years later
Don't you have anything better to do with your life dude?

He didn't do anything to refute my argument, just attacked me, which obviously meant I was right.

maybe one day you'll realize that I'm right.

the issue is devs are deliberately downgrading shit like this because of muh feelings. It's not hard to at least have a decent ass.

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I've actually seen a girl with an ass that flat before, but she had huge tits to balance it out. Was odd

>post a diverse number of female athletes ranging from gymnasts to swimmers
>no, female athletes don't look like that, they look my cherrypicked and photoshopped athlete instead!

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Question remains. How fat are you? Can't you even answer that?

I like how used up whores like you always make everything about sex, you only get sex cause you're easy. Hang yourself.

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So what you're saying is

>Metroid Prime is a shit game because they took out the zero suit

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Still more ass than nu samu

Samus isn't a woman.

>still can't refute my argument

I'm still winning.

And that ass still looks nice and not like the shitty man ass from the OP.

Attached: sport_butts_04.jpg (500x685, 69K)

>he thinks they get any
>don't even have genitals

Attached: cb.png (363x363, 67K)

Land whales are delusional.

>Why wouldn't Metroid greatly benefit from Samus being a robot? Considering her being a woman and a reference to Ripley, it's done nothing but degrade the series into low grade porn.
If you can't ignore a portion of the fanbase for the sake of the games, then you truly are a mindless idiot. It's like saying "Well why doesn't Zelda just be a robot, the fact that porn exists outside of the games degrades the entire series into low grade porn". It's fucking retarded. One of the best things about Metroid is the exposition from a human's perspective of things and that humanity/scientists are often just as dangerous as the creatures/aliens she is fighting. Her having the Zero Suit doesn't detract from shit as it's barely in any of the games whatsoever other than the very end, barring Other M, which again, has more problems than just the Zero Suit being in it more.
>The good metroids wouldn't suffer from this change. Metroid 2 would still be good, Super would still be good, Prime 1 and 2 would still be good. Fusion is trash, so nothing would change.
Except they would, because they you lose exposition entirely on the the reason to be slaughtering every Metroid, the baby Metroid and the entire reason behind actually capturing it rather than killing it, every single log in Prime 1/2 which greatly expands the Universe in an actually fulfilling way. Also Fusion isn't trash, and nice exclusion of Prime 3 as well, which again is not trash.

You ACfag are literally one of the most insulting fans of the franchise by far. Your opinions and general shitposting do just as much, if not more harm to the series than Other M. I actually thank God daily that Sakamoto, fucking Sakamoto has it over you. That is how bad your take on what makes Metroid good is. You understand nothing of the actual series, the exposition of the lore, the isolationism of a derelict planet, the dichotomy of sentient life, the aestheticism of a planet and its various biomes, etc. You are a trash fan.

Not a buff man's ass though

Give me one good reason hwy Samus shouldn't be retconned into being a robot, that doesn't involve Nintendo needing a female hero.

You can't

Give us one good reason why her being a robot would be good or would stop porn?

You can't.

>You ACfag are literally one of the most insulting fans of the franchise by far

I don't think he is even a fan of the series, just a troll trying to pretend to be a fan. I doubt he has actually PLAYED a Metroid, only watched LPs of it.

Are you the autist that always wants to turn Samus into a robot since you fap to them? Retard, samus was a kid, her parents got killed and she suffered yet still grew up and has bird dna in her. That is her backstory.

Samusfags are fucking cancer. Next time use the term Samus on the OP so I can filter your shit tier waifu.

>Are you the autist that always wants to turn Samus into a robot since you fap to them?

Probably. He hates ANY cutscenes because they take away from gameplay.

I'd agree, he's far from an actual fan of the series. Hell I may dislike Other M pretty heavily for a lot of reasons, but there are snippets here and there in regards to her backstory that aren't bad, some slight reworks and they could actually be good. Her being a rash idiot teenager was actually a good choice because it shows that she isn't invincible and that she needed to mature and grow up, and it took the death of someone. It speaks home about the other games and the way she is in those games and how she reacts to things. The game largely is crap that does tons of harm to the series, but there are tiny little snippets of good there.

No one is gay like you, go back to resetera, please.

>mah filter
Why are you even here?

How dare the game show me a cutscene of getting an item, HOW DARE IT!

>If you can't ignore a portion of the fanbase for the sake of the games,
.... a portion? A PORTION? user, 10 years straight of porn dumps and ERPers spamming every single Metroid thread day in and day out, is NOT "a portion". bro, do not even go there.

>"Well why doesn't Zelda just be a robot, the fact that porn exists outside of the games degrades the entire series into low grade porn"
Unfortunately I have to agree there too. BOTW discussions would be much better without the constant waifufagging over gerudo cunny and fish vag and Zelda farts. That and the console war shitposting.

>One of the best things about Metroid is the exposition from a human's perspective of things and that humanity/scientists are often just as dangerous as the creatures/aliens she is fighting
That's a story element that can be removed and replaced easily. It's not as important as the actual gameplay.

>Her having the Zero Suit doesn't detract from shit
It directly led to Other M. That's all the damage I need to see.

>Except they would, because they you lose exposition
You mean story? Well, that just makes it sound even better! It's like saying that removing waifus from a JRPG would mean hours of cutscenes would get cut out. I'd literally pay money for that. The stuff about baby metroid could easily be replaced or cut out, and I've even played romhacks that did so. I've also played various other metroidvanias that did it perfectly. The Logs in Prime 1/2 are optional and I wouldn't miss them if they were gone, and prime 3 is butt.

>You understand nothing of the actual series, the exposition of the lore, the isolationism of a derelict planet, the dichotomy of sentient life, the aestheticism of a planet and its various biomes, etc. You are a trash fan.
Story, story and more story. Holy crap, why do you want to turn Metroid into a movie? What's important is the gameplay. Nothing else matters. Nothing else SHOULD matter.

I've had sex and I like staring at female asses in my vidya, shocker I know

He Samus and Master Chief to be robots and hates Cortana because she brings out Chief's human side.

why do we need a cutscene just for obtaining an item?

Because she should be retconned into being an alien instead. Just skip the middleman and make Samus herself a Chozo. Remove all humans from Metroid.


not everyone is a ugly lard like you, women can look attractive and slutty if they want. You controlling what "women realistically look like" in a fantasy game is pathetic.

I hope you get beaten and raped by a group of niggers.

>Nintendo makes a textbook example of a top physical condition female body
>Yea Forums: "she looks like a man, fuck ess jay double yews!!"

it's almost like masculine body types are superior to feminine body types for physical activities and women are supposed to be softer instead

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asexual robohomo


>.... a portion? A PORTION? user, 10 years straight of porn dumps and ERPers spamming every single Metroid thread day in and day out, is NOT "a portion". bro, do not even go there.
Yes a handful of posters on Yea Forums is but a small portion of the fanbase.
>Unfortunately I have to agree there too. BOTW discussions would be much better without the constant waifufagging over gerudo cunny and fish vag and Zelda farts. That and the console war shitposting.
I've had discussions just fine despite that, it's your own fault for not being able to ignore such things.
>That's a story element that can be removed and replaced easily. It's not as important as the actual gameplay.
The two are not mutually exclusive, you can have both without detracting from the other, as the series has proven that.
>It directly led to Other M. That's all the damage I need to see.
By that logic Super Metroid led to Fusion which led to Other M. Faulty logic and beyond stupid.
>You mean story? Well, that just makes it sound even better! It's like saying that removing waifus from a JRPG would mean hours of cutscenes would get cut out. I'd literally pay money for that. The stuff about baby metroid could easily be replaced or cut out, and I've even played romhacks that did so. I've also played various other metroidvanias that did it perfectly. The Logs in Prime 1/2 are optional and I wouldn't miss them if they were gone, and prime 3 is butt.
Congratulations you just missed the entire purpose of Super Metroid, JRPGs, and world-building all in a single tiny paragraph. Thank god you aren't working on Metroid.
>Story, story and more story. Holy crap, why do you want to turn Metroid into a movie? What's important is the gameplay. Nothing else matters. Nothing else SHOULD matter.
I'm amazed you managed to actually get that from what I said at all, that's so definite leap frogging there, as all of those things are gameplay and important to it.

We're done here.

What set off ACfag today?

Less fanservice = them having to deliver an actual reward for beating the game. No more lingerie, now you gotta give us new game plus, or some cool unlockables, or some other cool gameplay element. Tits are no longer a valid substitute.

Why do you want Metroid to be a cinematic experience? What made Metroid so good was the lack of a story. You go into an abandoned planet and go nuts. You weren't having your hand held by daddy adam to rescue the baby so you could reminisce about how sad you are about your parents dying.

You literally got assblasted in every department and you still try, how sad.

>What set off ACfag today?

OP's pic, a ZSS pic, that is all that is needed to trigger that SJW

Did metroidfags/smashfags forget that Samus had a small ass in every game where her full character design is shown? Or do these people not know the difference between hip ratio and ass size?

Attached: tumblr_n59xwo7qwr1rzxhn7o1_1280.jpg (798x426, 130K)

it.. looks more taut than anything almost like male butt
>oh god

Super Metroid literally has a story too.

He's still pissed from when he was a child and thought samus was a robot and she turned out to be a woman. So any picture of samus outside of the suit triggers him.


that's actually peak femininity

Attached: 1552411928196.webm (640x800, 2.79M)

>Super Metroid literally has a story too.

but I think it's all in the manual and not in the game itself so it's okay in the SJW's book.

Please tell us what exactly a new game play or cool unlockables would be. Because you aren't going to change much without breaking how the game and AI works, so new game plus is purely damage numbers, which is never fun.

Right pics for all the men are Master Chief, female side is all fat bitches, the ideal female body is the canon Samus body from the 2D games.

>Yes a handful of posters on Yea Forums is but a small portion of the fanbase.
Then where is the rest of the fanbase? why let this happen, uncontested, for a decade?

>I've had discussions just fine despite that, it's your own fault for not being able to ignore such things.
See pic related. It's the only thing posted in Zelda threads that isn't related to waifus and porn. Do you consider this good gameplay discussion?

>The two are not mutually exclusive, you can have both without detracting from the other, as the series has proven that.
Other M proves that they are mutually exclusive. Nintendo just wasn't content with having a female protag. She had to be emotional and have feelings and cry. That condemned the series.

>By that logic Super Metroid led to Fusion which led to Other M. Faulty logic and beyond stupid.
Super had good gameplay, and her out of her suit was an extremely miniscule part of the game. since then things just got worse and worse.

>Congratulations you just missed the entire purpose of Super Metroid, JRPGs, and world-building all in a single tiny paragraph.
World building and story don't belong in video games anyway. That just led to the industry being obsessed with cinematic artistic experiences. A big mistake in my book.

>I'm amazed you managed to actually get that from what I said at all,
Where in your sentence did you mention the importance of gameplay? I didn't see it, that's for sure.

Attached: now THIS is autism.png (712x644, 77K)

Which is funny because even the instruction booklets of Metroid 1 made it very clear she was never a robot, sure it implied she was a man to hide that twist at the end.

It's amazing how literally every game straight up says "She's human, she's a girl." Like there is zero way to miss it unless you just didn't beat the games or know how to read.

did he forget that Samus would strip out of her armor to reveal her undersuit bikini at the end of early games?

Ultimate ZSS is closer to how she should look, based on both series lore and common sense. Other M was a mistake.
However, the real answer is that ZSS shouldn't be in Smash to begin with.

Attached: 1538932456872.gif (500x384, 951K)

The game literally starts with Samus talking about the baby metroid, her murdering them all, turning it over to the GF for experiments, and then the facility being attacked and Ridley escaping to Zebes.

>obsessed with blondes

based nips

>did he forget that Samus would strip out of her armor to reveal her undersuit bikini at the end of early games?

he never got gud

He wishes he could remove those, this guy has grade A mental illness.

This looks like they just decimated the model down for polycount reasons and didn't give a shit how it turned out.

Super Metroid is flawed, which i admit. However, it can be improved by removing that disgusting intro cutscene and everything involving the baby. Now I want you to tell me why I should have to watch a 5 minute unskippable intro cutscene, and how that improves the actual gameplay.

Funny enough, AM2R had a nice solution to that. New game plus, randomizer modes, Fusion mode (which adds additional forms to bosses) and so much more.

>Ultimate ZSS is closer to how she should look, based on both series lore and common sense
No, the 2D games are the only ones that get her right.
>ZSS shouldn't be in Smash to begin with.
I do agree with this though, maybe GF_Sybb and ACfag wouldn't be a thing if ZSS wasn't in Smash.


yeah cause 3D samsus only had 5 games.

Look at her disgusting arms and stomach. Bitch needs to do weights. Worst of all is that she's 40 pounds overweight and still doesn't have giant tits.

rent free

Explain how would sex change my opinion on anything?

I'm not going to lie, I only like to rub in censorship when it effects the opposition.

Attached: 1535411090372.png (332x332, 148K)

>Then where is the rest of the fanbase? why let this happen, uncontested, for a decade?
Because they know how to ignore it.
>See pic related. It's the only thing posted in Zelda threads that isn't related to waifus and porn. Do you consider this good gameplay discussion?
I have literally been involved in tons of discussion on Sheikah lore, map geography through the ages, medallion comparisons, etc. right here on Yea Forums, as I have actual lore with Metroid. Again, your own fault for not participating or ignoring the porn.
>Other M proves that they are mutually exclusive. Nintendo just wasn't content with having a female protag. She had to be emotional and have feelings and cry. That condemned the series.
That's Sakamoto,and one game out of the entire series does not prove them mutually exclusive, as again, the rest have a story too that don't detract from gameplay and in most cases actually enhances the world.
>Super had good gameplay, and her out of her suit was an extremely miniscule part of the game. since then things just got worse and worse.
Like pretty much every game other than ZM and OM.
>World building and story don't belong in video games anyway. That just led to the industry being obsessed with cinematic artistic experiences. A big mistake in my book.
Again Super Metroid has this World Building as does Prime 1 and it doesn't take away from it, it helps to enhance the world and what you actually know about it, while still feeling that fear of a derelict planet as you explore, which is part of the atmosphere of the game and gameplay.
>Where in your sentence did you mention the importance of gameplay? I didn't see it, that's for sure.
You do realize that Metroid wouldn't be what it was if it wasn't for the fact that you are ALONE on an alien planet with barely any weapons and slowly grow stronger right? That's called isolationism, a world building mechanic to enhance the feeling of Dread and other such gameplay. It's not all about SHOOT BANG KILL.

Muscle is heavier than fat.


>Implying ACfag who has so much of a hateboner for anything even remotely resembling a plot would read a manual
He has literally bitched about the cutscenes in Super.
>implying he can even beat the games
The way he talks about the series sounds like he thinks Metroid is fucking DOOM.

thats fat you degenerate

There is a lot of stupid weird shit in ultimate. Wendy koopa doesn't even close her eyes when you put her to sleep

>It's not all about SHOOT BANG KILL.
you just invalidate your entire argument, as well as any value your opinion may have had.
t. Other M Apologist.

fat is peak femininity

>Having sex magically makes you not a degenerate
Have sex

>Anyone that has had sex doesn't care about this
Hey Einstein, who do you think is buying Nintendo games in the first place?

>However, it can be improved by removing that disgusting intro cutscene and everything involving the baby
Congratulations, you just got Samus killed by Mother Brain.
>AM2R had a nice solution to that. New game plus, randomizer modes, Fusion mode (which adds additional forms to bosses) and so much more.
AM2R also had a story, and Samus in her typical attire at the end, as well as Log books. Which is all the things you hate.

While a randomizer is nice, it doesn't work for every game and actually breaks certain progression and sequence breaking entirely, nor do certain bosses need extra forms (as it's very dependent on the type of boss entirely).

You don't think ACfag is the same guy that shita up Halo threads with that My First FPS image do you? It all makes sense, this guy hates Halo and in Metroid hates Metroid and wants it to be just like DOOM, he posts up the same Doomguy is married to Samus with a baby Master Chief pic from reddit all the time. I'm starting to think they're all the same guy.

If you really think that's all Metroid is about, then you failed the understand literally every single game in the entire series, and aren't a true fan. There is no arguing this and any fan will tell you that Metroid needs a proper atmosphere and isolationism or else it just becomes Gaucamelee with Guns.

Congratulations on not being a true Metroid fan, as we've always known ACfag, have a nice day.

You'd know if you had sex.

Holy shit you couldn't be more wrong, you're both autistic as fuck but the other user is right. If you wanna play that trash go play CoD.

>Because they know how to ignore it.
You mean how to propagate it.

>I have literally been involved in tons of discussion on Sheikah lore,
Bull crap. I've seen zelda threads for three years, and none of them had proper gameplay discussion.

>the rest have a story too that don't detract from gameplay and in most cases actually enhances the world.
They are only good when the story is out of the way and not constantly pushed on the player.

>Like pretty much every game other than ZM and OM.
You forgot dump heaps like Prime 3 and Fusion.

>Again Super Metroid has this World Building as does Prime 1
Again, they only work because of how minimalistic they are. You have to actively suppress their presence, or they take over the entire game. Same with Zero Suit. You can never give it the spotlight, or the degenerates just come up en masse.

>It's not all about SHOOT BANG KILL.
It's EXACTLY about shoot bang kill. That's gameplay.

I would love to see Metroid become Doom.

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>he thinks Metroid was just a shootan gaem

Attached: bun dem ull.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Same thing happened to Snake's ass too, someone went full retard when developing Ultimate.
>muh Halo victim complex
Literally fuck off and stop latching onto Metroid fans you fucking parasite

>I'm a fake fan for wanting a VIDEO GAME to be about the GAMEPLAY

this is why we need another video game crash.

>Bull crap. I've seen zelda threads for three years, and none of them had proper gameplay discussion.
Nigga not even him and we just had a Zelda thread not a couple days ago where I went into some severe autism depth over the Sheikah between ALttP, OoA, TP, OoT, and BotW1/2 assumptions.

You're fucking dumb. Fuck up outta my Zelda threads with your stupid shit ACfag.

I KNEW IT, I knew you were the same fag shitting up Halo threads as well.

Shut up, ACfag

>Congratulations, you just got Samus killed by Mother Brain.
Wouldn't happen in the first place if Samus was a robot. She'd literally power through it until her circuits broke. Better yet, the game could simply NOT have that segment.

>AM2R also had a story,
minimalistic and optional.

>and Samus in her typical attire at the end
Uncanny valley art, wasn't purposely designed to be sexy. Kinda creepy actually, but for a free game I don't fault it too much.

>While a randomizer is nice, it doesn't work for every game and actually breaks certain progression and sequence breaking entirely, nor do certain bosses need extra forms (as it's very dependent on the type of boss entirely).
Just examples. Many things could be done to improve the games.

>I would love to see Metroid become Doom.
Mods can we just IP ban his entire country or state?

Or you can just explain it.

>people are actually replying to ACfag's endless mental gymnastics

Attached: 1561755671294.jpg (567x553, 60K)

>According to videogames, attractive women are inherently morally bankrupt.
Thank you, SJWs


>make metroid another dime a dozen game about shooting aliens
ACfag there a million other games you can play if shooting aliens is all you want to do.

I'm bored, what else am I gonna do while my games patch?

>I would love to see Metroid become Doom.

Attached: Ive seen some shit.gif (853x480, 185K)

Please, just leave my fanbase, we don't want you anymore. I just want to talk about the possibilities of Prime 4, now always deal with your insane autism.

play a game that isn't patching instead of replying to some deluded sperg

They're all patching sadly. I got lazy when it came to them, so I'm just doing them all at once.

>tfw at 4.7 gsp but can't get to 4.9 since there seems to be a mild power gap

Is there a power gap from 4.7 and 5 million?

I miss the days when Metroid threads were fun and about TUBES rather than ACfaggotry.

i get a bunch of points, up to 4.8, then immediately lose to a lagging retard with 2 or 1 stock. so fucking stupid.

>threads about awful tube memes and porn dumps are better than threads about Gameplay discussion

honk honk.


based sex haver

Other M broke people and Metroid threads will be like this forever.


Shut the fuck up. Post TUBES Anons, i'm tired of his dumb faggotry. This thread is now about TUUUUBES.

Attached: TUUUBES.jpg (307x339, 18K)

Maybe when we actually get prime 4 the threads can be fun again
Its funny because you don't ever talk about gameplay, you just bitch about cutscenes and how you want to make samus a robot.

i havent and i dont care



Asians wish they were white, so they draw their characters based on white people.

>Nigga not even him and we just had a Zelda thread not a couple days ago where I went into some severe autism depth over the Sheikah between ALttP, OoA, TP, OoT, and BotW1/2 assumptions.
And my attempts to discuss the game got me called a faggot, when I wasn't even talking about the waifus. I simply recommended a few things to change for the sake of the gameplay. The fandom cannot take criticism.

I don't go into Halo threads. sorry.

I don't mean that the direct gameplay in Metroid should become Doom, but rather the overall atmosphere of the game. Samus violently smashing her way through aliens and space pirates sounds infinitely more fun than her being sad and crying about her feelings and being scared of Ridley.

If you played Doom for the first time, you wouldn't even know about his pet bunny, because he's not constantly sobbing and wailing over it. He literally jumps into hell and rips every ass he can see.

I can get behind this, it has been a long time after all.

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I'd say it's pretty close.

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>I don't go into Halo threads. sorry.
But you're a Doomfag, just shows that most Doomfags have some sort of chronic autism. Don't know why you guys have to always shit up Metroid and Halo threads all the time.

And this is how you stop this shit in Metroid threads, Tubes.

Attached: tubes 9.jpg (360x986, 81K)

based tube poster derailer saving this thread from ACfag autism

Attached: tubes 10.jpg (469x575, 60K)

Super Samus had tits and ass.

Maybe because Doom is maximum kino?

I'll take tubes over disgusting zero suit porn, if you want me to be honest famalam.

I try my hardest to save threads.

Attached: tubes 11.jpg (603x1232, 96K)

Even moar
Hell I'll start posting porn too if it gets you to finally leave these threads.

Attached: tubes 12.jpg (620x660, 65K)

Attached: tubes 13.png (1087x649, 64K)

>shitposting memes instead of dicussing Gameplay
>"Saving threads"

This is how you get Other M.

>I'll start posting porn

But why? You say I ruin threads, so your only solution is to ruin the thread to get rid of me?

Thank you user. He has to know ZSS porn is only posted to trigger his autism right? How does he take the bait every single time then?

>Maybe because Doom is maximum kino?
It's really not

Based Pirates
Good question actually.

Attached: tubes 14.png (782x1096, 59K)

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Who the fuck cares? Go on paheal and look up all the Samus ass you want there’s enough to last a life time. You really gonna throw a fucking tantrum because not every fucking iteration and image is designed to make your dick hard? Holy fuck dude control yourself.

Attached: tubes 16.jpg (579x586, 61K)

And so it begins.

Attached: zss.jpg (1131x800, 90K)

>Thank you user. He has to know ZSS porn is only posted to trigger his autism right?
Yes, ZSS porn spammed every single day for 10 years, in every single Metroid related product, is done solely to spite one person. How do you make such a brilliant deduction?

Attached: zss 3.png (400x400, 223K)

Attached: zss 4.jpg (500x750, 89K)

because you sperg out everyday for the past ten years on every thread metroid related? not a hard deduction

Attached: zss 5.jpg (853x1200, 1.08M)

If an ass can't do this, then it's not an ass at all.

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Attached: zss 6.jpg (400x566, 119K)

the devs made an effort to put a man ass. They could have literally taken less time and used a stock model.

>because you sperg out everyday for the past ten years on every thread metroid related?
Wanting to discuss the games is "sperging out"? Trying to argue how they can improved is somehow a bad thing?

They know you will be there to screech about it like you always do. Do you really think people post samus porn on fucking Yea Forums to jerk off to it? They would just look it up themselves or use the porn boards

Attached: zss 7.jpg (485x600, 81K)


Attached: woo.jpg (500x1600, 202K)

>Do you really think people post samus porn on fucking Yea Forums to jerk off to it?
Uh, yes? there are threads up 24/7 that are nothing but porn dumps, like Senran Kagura and Fate/Grand Order, are they suddenly made just to spite me? Even though I've never been in those threads before?

I'll take the hit from being banned, too lazy to reset my router too.

Attached: zss 8.jpg (1048x1254, 247K)

i admit i mostly post them because i know there's an autist who will screech about it

>"There are so many boards I could use for my porn dump, but which one? I know! I'll dump my porn on the VIDEO GAMES board!"

and I'm the "Fake fan" for wanting to actually, you know, DISCUSS the video games instead of fapping to them.

Better yet,

>I don't post porn of my own volition! I do it to spite an imaginary boogeyman that I made up! That's why I do it 24/7 in every single thread that I see, but I'm the victim here!

>people post waifus in threads about waifu games
No shit sherlock. The ZSS porn in specific is to spite you. You claim to want to talk about gameplay but anytime someone goes against your shitty strawman that people enjoy other M SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE THE GAMEPLAY IS SHIT AND WOULD BE EVEN IF THE PLOT WAS DELETED, you call them ZSS fags. Your idea of "gameplay discussion" is to make samus a robot, which I fail too see how that is even about gameplay at all. I never see you talk about anything else, no fun ideas about new upgrades, new areas, you literally can't talk about lore or plot ideas for prime 4 because you have a hateboner for it. You yourself contribute to ruining gameplay discussion and you somehow think you actually want to talk about the games. Fuck you and your victim complex asshole.

samus' bumbum :DDD

>The ZSS porn in specific is to spite you.
So the plan is to ruin threads for everyone because you hate me? That doesn't seem fair to other fans of the series.

>You claim to want to talk about gameplay but anytime someone goes against your shitty strawman that people enjoy other M SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE THE GAMEPLAY IS SHIT AND WOULD BE EVEN IF THE PLOT WAS DELETED, you call them ZSS fags.
Because I know nobody else actually cares about the bad gameplay. Look at the controversy with Tifa in FFVII. Her tits are slightly made smaller, and people explode in autistic hatred. And yet I'm supposed to believe that people don't mindlessly lap up waifus and sex fanservice while ignoring bad gameplay? Don't give me that user. I've seen too many waifufags to believe that.

>Your idea of "gameplay discussion" is to make samus a robot, which I fail too see how that is even about gameplay at all.
It means making metroid less about feelings and character development and more about gameplay. Less cutscenes, less voice acting, less clutter. It's how Doom is such a good game.

>I never see you talk about anything else, no fun ideas about new upgrades, new areas, you literally can't talk about lore or plot ideas for prime 4 because you have a hateboner for it.
Bullcrap. I present you pic related as evidence. I got called a faggot for posting this because people zoomed right in on me wanting less zero suit. So don't give me that.

>You yourself contribute to ruining gameplay discussion and you somehow think you actually want to talk about the games. Fuck you and your victim complex asshole.
I'm not the one spamming samus porn right now. So I have a high ground to fall back to.

Attached: mmuh acfag boogeyman.png (1360x466, 84K)

because its literally impossible for athletic females to also be conventionally attractive

this viewpoint is NOT sexist or limiting to women at all btw.

Who tf cares about sexism? I just want fun videogames.

Just because Doomguy is an ugly pile of dogshit doesn't mean you need to make Samus an ugly pile of dogshit, can you Doomfags make your own thread please?

>Dumping porn on a video game discussion board
>This is fine
>Wanting to discuss Video games on the video game discussion board

I'll never understand this mindset.

>nobody actually cares about the bad gameplay
Other M's horrible gameplay is overshadowed by how terrible and intrusive the plot is, even then everyone knows the gameplay is shit too. Its a linear metroid for fucks sake. No shit the waifufags don't care about the gameplay of FF, JRPGS barely have gameplay to begin with.
>It means making metroid less about feelings and character development and more about gameplay.
You could also just not have those things like every other game in the series besides other m. Seriously drop the "make her a robot" shit and people would tolerate you much more
>Anons called me a faggot on Yea Forums
the sky is blue, grass is green, you get called a fag on Yea Forums. There is also minimal zero suit in the good metroid games anyways, don't bring it up if you care about getting called a fag.

To troll and piss off neckbeards.

>Doom is bad because he's not a sexy waifu


>Working out so hard you burn off your tits


This is homosexual.

>You could also just not have those things like every other game in the series besides other m
We tried that user, remember? People continued wanting more and more zero suit, until it overtook the entire series. The unfortunate fact is that Metroid would just be better with a genderless, sexless protagonist.

>the sky is blue, grass is green, you get called a fag on Yea Forums
That's not the point user. I'm not offended at being called a fag. I'm offended that my attempt to discuss gameplay was shot down because my vision of metroid didn't involve waifus.


>baited into outing self as an actual incel
every time

I get kinda sick of every thread devolving about conversation about or whining about the changing of, or lack of sex appeal in fucking VIDEO GAMES.

Its literally all you faggots care about, I could swear you idiots don't actually play the fucking games, you just turn them on and jerk off.

Why does everything have to be sexual with you idiots?

>tfw there hasn't been one good metroid thread on Yea Forums in over a decade because of this one fucking retard
Have some zero suit, you insane faggot

Attached: 0d8f3e602072e41ae0a34894933ed251.jpg (540x810, 149K)

To make matters worse, he's a Doomfag.

>People continued wanting more and more zero suit, until it overtook the entire series.
You got a source on that? I never played the literal 2 metroid games that came out after other M. Did Federation force even have Samus in the game? Did Samus returns have zero suit in it? Is the one thing you're talking about Smash brothers? You know the one metroid thing everyone cared about in the new smash was FUCKING RIDLEY got added. Hell I saw more people mad over Snake's ass than ZSS.

Doesn't he have a day job or something?

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i don’t know why zero suit came back, OP. She was only in one game at the time and it was a stealth mission no one liked. She doesn’t really have a purpose anymore. In fact her presence as the only other metroid character until ultimate is kind of insulting. took almost 20 years for Metroid in smash to be more than just Samus and Naked Samus

Do you guys think the ones shitty up Metroid threads are Sonyfags? Also, is ACfag a Sonyfag?

I miss the 90s two piece.

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Bro I just wanna jack off to samus and talk about metroid that shit isn’t mutually exclusive

Attached: Samus and Joey.jpg (840x1189, 704K)

What’s worse is that ZSS took away the little bits of personality Samus had in Melee and also cucked Dark Samus out of the spot, because there was no way in hell Ridley was gonna get in while still being an autist about size
She’s a relic of a final smash gimmick and, added no value to metroid in smash, and is a product of an idea they had for one 10 minute section in zero mission

I'm pretty sure anyone would agree that the 2 metroid characters being samus and samus was stupid. Everyone wanted Ridley instead. ZSS should have been a victory screen if anything before Ridley was added.

I will never understand why Sakurai just didn't get rid of ZSS in Smash 4, I hope he gets rid of her in Smash 6 though.

>you got a source on that
How about the extremely low play rate of Power Suit Samus? The extremely low play rate of Ridley too, while we're at it. How about the fact that every Smash thread has been nothing but roster shitposting and porn? And let's not forget the people who hate Samus Returns and Am2R because, and I quote, "it's not realistic for a woman to save the day, she should be in the kitchen" and all that /pol/ drivel.

If ANYONE here truly loved Metroid, you would appreciate it for the gameplay instead of demanding titties every single game.

Still, now Metroid has four reps and five stages,

Attached: Chozo Ruins.jpg (1920x1184, 449K)

ACfag, do you love Quake?

It has many good qualities, I think Metroid could learn from it.

So you're a Quakefag, I knew it, this would explain your autism. That's all I needed to know, thanks.

It's too bad that you really can't permaban people here
Some people with mental illness could really use it

Attached: 1553752470114.jpg (640x640, 92K)

>Four are lava, Brinstar depths and Brinstar have made up visuals despite having defined looks in Super
>Prime is represented by the dark bug room instead of Phendrana or the Phazon Mines or even the sunken frigate

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I'm more a fan of arena shooters. DESU TF2 is my magnum opus. No disgusting sex fanservice, no story in the game, it's almost perfect. Now if only Valve didn't rape it with a menagerie of lootboxes and cosmetics.

So let me be sure about this, your complaint isn't a thing that is actually affecting mainline metroid games, you care about the playrate of metroid characters in a fucking spinoff? Hell both Samus and Ridley are pretty common online but I have literally never seen someone pick ZSS. Yes smash threads are shit and are just roster/waifufagging, but that applies to literally every other series connected to smash. >unironically listing the opinions of /pol/
This is the bottom of the barrel of your "problem" with ZSS. ZSS has not been a problem in the mainline series since other M and is hardly "infesting" it.

You heard it from the man himself guys, ACfag is a Quakefag, one of the most mentally ill fanbases in gaming.


>once you have sex you lose attraction to fat female asses and wide hips
lmao go do a push-up fag

>your complaint isn't a thing that is actually affecting mainline metroid games, you care about the playrate of metroid characters in a fucking spinoff?
You can't ignore the symptoms of a larger problem. It all has to be dressed.

>Samus and Ridley are common online
Bull crap. The threads are nothing but porn and I see people get chastised as "fucking sjws" if they mention power suit samus in a positive light. The only time Ridley gets brought up is when someone wants to make a remodeled shithole joke.

>Yes smash threads are shit and are just roster/waifufagging, but that applies to literally every other series connected to smash.
Then I guess that means every single series mediocre, from Fire Emblem to Kid Icarus. You shouldn't be spamming threads 24/7 about how you want to fuck your waifu, and your game should be discarded as bad if that's all you want to talk about.

>ZSS has not been a problem in the mainline series since other M and is hardly "infesting" it.
It killed the series for 9 years and left us with nothing in the meantime. Even Samus Returns, a valiant effort to return to form, was shat on for not being like Other M. Samus wasn't showing off her titties enough every 5 seconds, so it made the fanbase mad. Until we get rid of it, we'll continue having nothing but porn ruin all metroid threads, and zss will continue being in the spotlight while Prime 4 continually gets delayed because Nintendo doesn't like strong female protagonists that aren't sluts.

why do you guys still reply to him

Attached: 1422832369060.jpg (262x234, 14K)

This. Please stop. What's everyone's hopes for Prime 4?

Attached: 84776ae047dbbc13f9178b3871e7673a.png (500x775, 136K)

Go back to Quake.

That the twist is Samus has been dead by 10 years and you've been playing as a robot based on her.

You have to blame retards for responding to him with anything other than fuck off too

>new planet
>new biomes that aren't recycled from previous games
>new powerups, maybe combining beams could be a gameplay element
>better bosses
>new game plus and multiple difficulty
>gyro as an OPTIONAL control scheme
>no disgusting fanservice
>no Ridley or space pirates. unlike the retarded zero suit, I don't have a problem with them, but we could use a break from them. maybe some new threat

I hope it’s a new villain and not Sylux. I could not give less of a fuck about this Bioncle looking faggot.

>You can't ignore the symptoms of a larger problem. It all has to be dressed.
>people don't play samus or ridley online because people post porn in smash Yea Forums threads
You know the fucks that post in Yea Forums threads aren't all the people that play smash right?
>Missed what I meant
It isn't a metroid only problem ACfag, hell I barely even see ZSS get posted in smash threads ever.
>Even Samus Returns, a valiant effort to return to form, was shat on for not being like Other M
By /pol/ do I unironically have to tell you not to listen to fucking /pol/ dude?
I honestly love seeing his insane mental gymnastics in order to "prove" his points.
It gets released and give us a new villain for fucks sake.

Smash died for me at Brawl anyway, so I'm not surprised they're doing stuff like this.

>I honestly love seeing his insane mental gymnastics in order to "prove" his points.
For what I assume is years now
You may as well try to argue with Barneyfag

Attached: 1461433829731.jpg (640x480, 32K)

The threads are nothing but shitposting, so yeah I have to agree.

>You know the fucks that post in Yea Forums threads aren't all the people that play smash right?
And where ARE the people that play smash? Where do these mythical beings congregate?

>It isn't a metroid only problem ACfag
That's why I say fanservice in general has to go. It ruins any series it touches.

>By /pol/ do I unironically have to tell you not to listen to fucking /pol/ dude?
Yea Forums is slowly becoming /pol/ considering how much of a bitchfit they threw at Tifa's titties.

because that's how most /fit/ women look like

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bros how do i respond to this


Maybe you should have sex with an actual woman and not a man.


>And where ARE the people that play smash? Where do these mythical beings congregate?
Its one of the most popular games on the switch. Use your brain here, maybe the people playing smash are actually playing the game and not posting on Yea Forums? Do you really think the whole playerbase of every game is Yea Forums? I'm not convinced you have ever even played smash online before. You would have run into a bunch of Samus players spamming projectiles.

Did you notice that none of the models in this shit game look good?
they outsourced to cheaper more incompetent workers so they could shit the game out faster.
that's why the models are such jagged low poly shit.
that's why the awful rigging has clipping out the ass.
that's why Ryu and Cloud look like Aids riddled monkeys.
oook oook eeek eeek gib banana.

Attached: Aids ryu.png (591x290, 223K)

They tried samus as a sex symbol but it didn't work so they nerfed her assets in the next game.

Smash is dead.

So Tekken

bigger world
bigger bosses
bigger boobs

>I'm not convinced you have ever even played smash online before. You would have run into a bunch of Samus players spamming projectiles.
I own just about every installment of smash, even the crappy WiiU version. And I've never seen ANYONE who played Power Suit Samus, not besides me anyway.

>do you think the whole playerbase of every game is Yea Forums
I automatically assume this until I find evidence otherwise. See, if Miiverse and Nintendo related forums were any different, I'd understand your position. But no, they were, and still are, exactly the same as I described them. Just a bunch of horn dogs who just want porn of Samus and the other characters. And surprisingly enough, they all love Other M too. they have nothing but good things to say about this game that took a powerful female protagonist and reduced her to sniveling waifu bait. Remember user, strong females are "fucking SJW shit". That's why there's a thread every single day complaining about Horizon, or TLOU, or any other western game with a female protag.

Oh dear

sometimes I get the impression that there's some heavy samefagging going on here

Attached: 1552972422715.png (337x337, 113K)

>wah wah wah muh other m boogey man
>wah wah wah sexy samus ruin metroid
>w..w..whatttttttttt? n..noooo samus wasn't always sexy look at metroid 1!
>n..n..nooo the fastest ending screen where she is in just a bikini doesn't count cause....re..reasons! really!

please. die. now. You fucking nigger. You were never a metroid fan.

>How about the fact that every Smash thread has been nothing but roster shitposting and porn?
There is a smash thread up right now with 200+ replies and all of them are talking about their mains and matchups, which is gameplay. Hell even a few people were talking about Ridley needing buffs. Your smash porn thread boogeyman doesn't even exist.

>the older Metroids were flawed
>this means we should emulate these flaws
>at no point should we ever try to improve the games, or remove stupid gimmicks that don't add to the games

>317 posts
>86 unique posters

Sometimes I get the impression that there's some heavy retardation going on here

You mean the thread where, if you try and argue against popular opinion, you get angrily attacked for wrongthink? Is that what you want in a gameplay discussion, just blind circlejerks? I tried talking about how my main was power suit samus, and I got called a "fucking leftist SJW" out of nowhere. Do you consider that gameplay discussion? Just blind name calling borne from me liking power suit samus and hating ZSS?

Nice headcanon

ACfag is 150 of the posts and the people/person responding to his bait make up about 80 of them

>all those yous
It can't be this easy, can it?

No? I saw someone shittalking samus players for spamming projectiles like fags instead of playing aggressive. There is actual discussion.

Only a faggot would say this. Plump round asses are the best. Enjoy having a polygonal ass stab you in the eye

t. IQ lower than my last two digits

Attached: Screenshot_20190701-235303.png (2048x1102, 193K)

Again I call BS. If you don't blindly adhere to the hivemind, you get viciously attacked on all sides. And the hivemind only likes Zero Suit Samus.

>end game content that is a reward for proving your skill and mastery of said game is a 'flaw'
wowwwwwwwwww. Ok. fucking wow this is peak retard. Why is anyone actually taking you seriously? Why do you get replies? Please. Really. Truly. Drink Bleach. Die.

I call bullshit on that literally ever happening. Go to the elite smash thread that is up right now if you don't believe that people are actually talking about gameplay.

It was good for the fans to realize that even Sami has to fall back on men when the going really gets tough

>slut bait now counts as "end game content"

Sorry user, but not all of us have low standards.

Again, they're only circlejerking, and I guarantee you that they'll attack any wrongthink that's even slightly critical of their game.

There is not a single person circlejerking and people are actually replying to your post with gameplay discussion instead. You are just mad the thread isn't fueling your strawman.

>There is not a single person circlejerking
>literally the first post was "NUH UH YOU'RE WRONG" with zero evidence to back it up

So where are the people who support Power Suit Samus, hmmm? Where are they? They don't exist, that's why you don't see them. Just look at this thread and the hugbox circlejerking garbage that is the other thread, you won't see a single genuine Metroid fan who actually cares about the series. All they care about is how much they can jerk off to ZSS.

stop replying to him

the first post was a reasonable logical reply
>It's all personal experience. I see a ton of Samus online and rarely do i see ZSS.
It literally is personal experience based on location and other shit. You then had another reply actually explaining why
>ZSS is rare online because she's difficult to play online. She has to space precisely to hit low and a lot of her better stuff is good reaction. (flip kick invincibility is cancer though). Samus, while not as good overall, is much easier to be annoying with when you have 13 frames of delay covering you
This is pure gameplay discussion and even your dumbass logic can see that. There were people talking about Samus at the start of the thread and funnily enough you were the first person to bring up ZSS. It doesn't support your shit strawman so its a circlejerk to you.

You call that reasonable? After years of porn spam and ruined Metroid threads, suddenly I'm supposedly to believe him when he says such outlandish claims? Please, how does he explain all the years of samus shithole remodeling and other such poor memes overtaking all metroid discussion? The way I see it, you don't get to ruin Metroid threads with porn spam for almost a decade, and then pretend nothing happened.

You know those probably aren't the same people right? How is "the frequency of a character you fight online is personal experience and highly variable" not a reasonable statement to make?

He tends to argue with himself, so that really wouldn't do much good.

Because it's wildly inconsistent with 9 years of porn spam and "I want samus to be my mommy milf" posts.

Wow its almost like some people actually do want to talk about smash. People in the thread were even complaining about rosterfagging ruining fun smash threads.

>Wow its almost like some people actually do want to talk about smash
Yes, destroying all Metroid discussion by reducing them to porn dumps is really indicative of wanting genuine vidya discussion.

So you're admitting that no one who has had sex cared about Snake's ass either, correct?