DAEMON X MACHINA - Demo Feedback Trailer



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Look Yea Forums, they actually heard your complains! How that makes you feel?

Feels good man

>developed my Marvelous
Literally who? I thought Nintendo EPD was making this, wtf.

Nope, is not even a first party title, is title as third party.

now if they could just get it on a system than could consistently handle something above 18 fps

WRONG. If anything it's a 2nd party title.

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why would you have thought that

These visuals can be compared negatively to Super Mario Odyssey, this game is just poorly optimized.

very fucking good
there was some stuff I expected to get fixed, like better hit feedback and the border mechanic, but I'm really happy to see that they did much more. Especially the faster melee and faster descending. If they hadn't done that I'd have played the whole game with down boosters equipped.

So portfags are BTFO?


Nintendo doesn't own Russian folk music you fucking retard

>Devil's third
what a great addition to their portfolio

>refused to address the massive drops in framerate
Joy, it's gonna be ACV all over again.

I might pick this game up


>fatal frame

Nintendo owns that shit now?

cant wait. astral chain will hold me off until then too.

But can I move like this with the right parts?

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And Nintendo has complete ownership over pic related.

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>Gyro aiming

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They've co-owned it for years.

What the fucking point when the game runs like ass

>what is type B
Fucking retard.

Why did they re-publish the video?

What? The vid is new.

What's new about it? They showed the demo feedback video a month ago, or maybe two weeks ago with improvements like incoming fire indicator.

all i care is about a stable 30 fps.

okay, and their sauce is?

Didn't they only publish it to the UK channel?
This game is going to bomb something hard anyway, gonna wait for a PC release.

I don't know where they published it. But I remember watching it.

No reason to buy this shit game then, especially since it won't even be represented in Smash Ultimate

buy Astral Chain

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>It took until Nintendo to finally get a new Armored Core game

No shit? Well I hope we get more games then.

maybe. There was a very apparent difference in the demo between the starting equipment and the speed focussed one. And we don't know how far into the game that speed equipment was


I wish melee combat was more but it does look better

Yeah it was UK only for some reason. This is nothing new in terms of information.

I forgot how thicc all the pilots were

weird, not that user, but I remember watching that video after the E3 Nintendo direct

Is not his game, he is just the "supervisor" (aka: doesn't do a shit and they put his name for PR).

>tiny fucking bandaid for the miserable melee combat
That's a shame, but they tried, I guess.

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What is Nintendo doing? This game is the "mecha" while astral chain is the "toku". They are planning something.

God, I am so looking forward to making a cute anime girl mecha pilot then slowly replacing her body parts with robot pieces until she's a brain in a skeletal combat robot. I can't wait.

And Xenoblade 2 is the "shonen".

Hopefully it's a Xenoblade with combat that isn't trash.

Don't hold your breath. It took forever for Maiden of the Black Water and it'll probably take longer for the next one. Maybe we'll get a port for the Switch which they'll use to gauge whether or not to make a new one.

>©2019 Nintendo, Marvelous Inc.
Wait, I thought this was all purely Marvelous.


It got the Platinum treatment. I'd guess NMH3 is gonna be 2nd party as well. Nintendo probably wants to eat up all the AA market with co-funding projects, since Microsoft is more focused on buying studios and Sony focusing AAA games.

Bracing for failure? Neither of these games have had anything resembling adequate advertising, they are pre set for failure.

It's a Marvelous game with Nintendo handling localization, expect a PC/PS4 release next year at the latest

This. It was my only complaint but of massive importance. No matter the adjustments to the actual gameplay, the framerate was unacceptable in the demo and it was very disappointing.

Just like bayo 2?

It has advertising in sociao media, if you mean TV ads then nope, the audience for them is online one and doesn't watch TV anymore.


>Xenoblade Chronicles X but the mecha combat is by the Armored Core guys who joined to make DxM and the on foot fighting is platinum
I fucking want it Jesus fuck

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Except for sushi strikers, not game on switch has ever failed. The WiiU was the main reason why almost everything bombed on it.

Day one. looks great

>expect a PC/PS4 release next year at the latest
You're going to be so disappointed.

gyro aiming and better framerate is all I ask, fuck aiming with gaysticks

Isn’t it a Switch exclusive?

No More Heroes 3 has nothing to do with Nintendo.

>It has advertising in social media
Then it's poorly targeted at best

>marvelous publishing in japan
>nintendo publishing elsewhere

Just like Project Octopath
Just like Travis Strikes again

>no game on switch has ever failed
They've barely even had games like Daemon X Machina on the Switch so far, and a bunch of games like that failed on 3ds, like Ever Oasis and Dillon's Dead Heat Breakers, the Switch's honeymoon period is over, failure is the only outcome for a lot of these games, like Astral Chain, like Daemon X Machina, like No More Heroes 3.

I won't be.

>zelda escaflowne

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Marvelous are publishing in Japan, so like Travis Strikes again and Octopath Nintendo are just handling local distribution

Why the fuck you bought up the 3ds? It has nothing to do with this and these games aren't like daemon machina, you are insane and obviously have a massive haterboner for all this considering your multy reply post and complete "doomed" way to talk.

Very good my man

It's going to fail, best you accept this now.

>Just like Project Octopath
>Just like Travis Strikes again
Neither were co-owned or published by Nintendo in any region so rather than comparing it to those compare it to something like Bayo 2, W101, Fatal Frame.

>Switch's honeymoon period is over
Then why did Bloodstained sell best on the switch?

>the Switch's honeymoon period is over
Not that honeymoon periods are an actual thing.

It was an interesting idea, the lack of players and pay 2 win bullshit killed it.

Does this mean the price won't stay near-retail 90-95% of the time like Nintendo exclusives? Because I want it but I also plan on getting Astral Chain which is like 2 weeks prior and am thinking about MUA3, so the potential for it to be $40 within 6 months like most non-Nintendo titles might make me wait a bit.

This seems more like Bayo 2 or Fatal Frame. W101 is a Nintendo IP full-stop.

Do we actually have data about that? I know it sold best on UK but that's it, unless you're talking about CotM.

What is wrong with you?

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No games on ps4 anymore I take it, hence the portbegging.

Must someone still butthurt over "Bayonetta 2's betrayal".

Brain Problems: The Post

I really really hope they fixed the FPS.

I dunno, what happened with the price of octopath traveler and TSA? Those are probably the closest examples.

I'm glad they're taking feedback into consideration, but they still gotta change those sound effects for the guns, they sound like peashooters
Also Singleplayer is running much more nicely than before, but Multiplayer is still chugging, so hopefully that'll get fixed down the line
Overall I'm more hyped than before and hopefully the game will do well

Sold best physically on Switch, which is understandable considering the miniscule storage space on Switch.

You mean the point in time where no matter how shit a Switch release was it sold? like that lazy as fuck Street Fighter 2 re-release that failed to maintain a stable framerate somehow, and added in 2 clone characters only to be deprecated with the release of a Street Fighter collection a few months later? or that lazy as fuck Bomberman game that looked worse than early WiiU games and failed to achieve decent resolutions/framerates somehow, all this in spite of it's ultra simple gameplay and graphics. Or all those shit indies like mom hid my game, or asset flip puzzle games.

You're either going to see it at least 2/3 of the price by the end of the year or they will have a deal where you can redeem a code for a free title of your choice.
Ultimate Alliance 3 is dead in the water, any and all interest in the game was completely gobbled up by Marvel Avengers.

Just talking about the reality of the situation. Nintendo's E3 wasn't even good, it just wasn't a complete joke like every one else's, they revealed 1 new exclusive, and that was Breath of the Wild 2 "3+ years away now in development"
Why even bother showing Trials of Mana remastered when I'm just going to get it on PS4, and not endure the horrendous frame/resolution drops.

looks like shit like every other switch game. 720p looks so outdated and ugly.

what on earth am I looking at?

performance and image resolution need dramatic improvements

TSA goes on sale for like $20 when it does now, not sure about Octopath.

>Ultimate Alliance 3 is dead in the water, any and all interest in the game was completely gobbled up by Marvel Avengers.
Most of the people who are targeted with SE's Avengers were complaining about how bad the character models looked and the designs in general. Plus I don't really care if MUA3 does less sales than a AAA title, I only care if the game is good. It's a Switch exclusive with the Marvel license so it won't bomb.

>Or all those shit indies like mom hid my game, or asset flip puzzle games.
Yeah the ones that sold incredibly poorly and only made a profit because they were so cheap to make.
In other words they flopped in the same way the wii u did.

Platinum literally went to both Sony and Mircosoft 1st
Both of them said no.
You shouldn’t blame Nintendo you should get pissed at Sony or Mircosoft for just causally throwing away Bayonetta and leaving it wide open for Nintendo to scoop it up at last minute

You're on a board that either predominantly hates Nintendo or has an extremely vocal anti Nintendo group. It's not going to happen any time soon.

Lmao gymnastics

>Most of the people who are targeted with SE's Avengers were complaining about how bad the character models looked and the designs in general. Plus I don't really care if MUA3 does less sales than a AAA title, I only care if the game is good. It's a Switch exclusive with the Marvel license so it won't bomb.

You're ignoring the fact that that's the vocal minority complaining about that sort of stuff, realistically it's irrelevant to almost all mainstream consumers who just want an Avengers tie in. Ultimate Alliance 3 is only on Switch, so already it's lost a significant portion of it's consumer base, the Marvel Licence holds little value because of this. Ultimate Alliance 3 will do less, but considering the size of the licence and the roster, there's just no way it's going to do well enough to get a sequel, or Legends 3 in development, it's going to come back and the basically die again.

Those games sold ridiculously well though, hence the sheer girth of free to play phone ports coming to the Switch, most "indie" games on Switch, are just more of these.

Why the fuck are you telling me this? I am not the butthurt one, I was just explaining why I think he is butthurt.

Very pleased. I wasn't expecting them to implement gyro desu, I feel like that on its own will make a huge difference in a high-mobility game like this.

Has there ever been a mech game with gyro aiming?

>Minuscule storage
Supports up to 1TB SD cards.

>supports up to 2TB SDXC cards
>comes with 32GB of storage

It was kind of surprising just how quickly you become more machine than man.

Yes? Thank you for pointing out obvious things.

>Those games sold ridiculously well though
Relative to their cost, yes but not nearly enough to warrant follow ups and so on to continue said series hence why they're flops.

>hence the sheer girth of free to play phone ports coming to the Switch,
user, they're going to every system, including ps4. That said for some reason f2p games don't do as well on Switch.

I will buy your game now, Armored Core dude!


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>>comes with 32GB of storage
Realistically that's how it should be done.

For a meager $450. Nobody with half s brain is going to buy that.


Who cares, game makes your Switch explode

Most purchases on Switch are physical, this is no longer the case with other platforms, the main reason for this is that the Switch's internal storage can't actually hold some games, but the PS4/Xbox One's internal storage can hold any game.

>Relative to their cost, yes but not nearly enough to warrant follow ups and so on to continue said series hence why they're flops.
A lot of these games made a lot of money, their strong sales encouraged a lot of developers to follow suit.

>user, they're going to every system, including ps4. That said for some reason f2p games don't do as well on Switch.
Your thinking about other games, I'm not talking about F2P games, I'm taking about free phone games that are extremely cheap and make money off of adds getting a paid port to Switch, mom hid my game is just one example of these, but there are mountains of them.

But it's noticeably better in the latest build than in the demo.

Keep in mind optimization typically happens at the end of the development process, so there's a good chance the framerate will further improve.

If they can reach a locked 30fps for launch then I will buy their game.
The only leeway for that is in the multiplayer

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Literally not an argument.
>this is no longer the case with other platforms
Do you enjoy going on the internet and just fucking lying? Majority of console sales are physical.

Performance targets start with the games planning, they want 60fps, they want 1080, they need to enforce strict limits on visual fidelity, and use a proper engine, but devs, especially non internal Nintendo ones aren't interested in this, so they bust out Unreal Engine and cut their performance, based on what's on the system to about 1/3 of what it could be, at least graphically, although that's a bit hyperbole based on comparisons on Tropical Freeze and Ritual of the Night.
There's another strange trend where Nintendo's internal studios will build a game for portable and then upgrade it for docked mode, but for other devs it's the other way around, hence games running at ridiculous resolutions undocked that are lower than N64, although another common factor in these games is the use of Unreal Engine.

>Majority of console sales are physical.

I mean, if nintendo does the localization, that localization obviously won't come out on other systems

>Of all video game sales
>Including mobile, PC, and consoles
Good job dipshit.

>Go to the Prototype demo's eshop page
>It's not there anymore
I hope you still have it downloaded

I want a new one.

If you own a Switch and you don't give this and Astral Chain some love you are a huge fucking cunt and the reason we can't have nice things.

Why would I delete it to begin with

That's going to be like 99% of all Switch owners.

look at YOUR download history, not the eShop page

I’m getting DxM, probably skipping AC unless they show something to draw me in.

That's just PC and console, but even with Steam achieving prominence by like 2012 the graph still trended upwards, digital sales for consoles were 40% in 2017, and they have continued to move up, which there is no reason that it won't then digital sales are the standard right now, even just for consoles.
And that 40% stat wasn't for digital only games, that was big name publishers talking about their physical/digital games.

>you can just redownload it

I'll definitely get DxM, maybe Astral Chain a bit later, depends on how good it turns out to be. It definitely looks interesting

where do I get his porn vids?
asking for a friend

Oh nice. I hadn't deleted it but it worked with the ARMS global test punch. Now I can delete it without fear. It's not like I planned on playing the same four missions without the new stuff before the game actually comes out, but still, it's nice to have the option.

Very good. I liked the demo a lot and I'm glad some of my nitpicks are actually getting addressed.

I thought it was PlatinumGames?

NMH sadly isnt.
Nintendo should buy grasshoper tho

Trying to get the /m/ audience and it's working.

Nintendo paid them to make it, right? It's exclusive to Nintendo.

Suda called NMH3 a Switch exclusive in his twitch interview.

Well, you obviously thought wrong

Maiden of the Black Water was legit one of the best Horror games of the generation.


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Second Party is you, the player, brainlet

Stop being entitled, you're getting 24 fps and you're going to like it.

Nope, Nintendo completely funded it, I don't have the article were they said Nintendo owns the IP, but in this interview
The director says that the game originally was going to be fantasy like until "Nintendo's input" made them realize the market is currently full of those. Now let me ask you, why the fuck Nintendo would have something to say in the game production if they weren't the owners of the IP?

>larger text font
Does this include subtitles too, because playing with the Japanese voices in the demo was a pain in the ass. I honestly kind of preferred the dub for most of the characters but I need that Toru Furuya and Shuichi Ikeda cameo

It's a spiritual successor to 4-era Armored Core down to chugging hard.

>Performance targets start with the games planning
Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that optimization happens at the end of development. It's the same for nintendo, everyone does it that way.

You are like a little baby, watch this

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Fuck you user

I wish i had big breasts

Kinda, he said *timed* exclusive

A good game trapped in a baby tier console

see It's timed exclusive. Wait for the PS4 release

user all consoles are baby tier

How you enjoying Devil's Third on PS4?

>gyro aiming
Hell yeah.
I also hope everyone who filled out the questionnaire bitched about the framerate.

Silky smooth

Devil's third was on PC before
I'm a switch owner but I don't mind if this game coming on other platform next year

Didn't we already see this video during E3?

So how does it run on PS4? Good frames?

no, he said exclusive

Fucking this. Finally a good mecha game and is locked in the weakest console of this generation

Pretty fucking based, every single one of my issues with this game were fixed, except
>Actual CQC instead of just one slash.

I thought it was Devil's Third multiplayer version that was on the PC.

24 fps at this moment via youtube
Yes devil's third online was on steam years ago and it bombed

More companies should do this.

PC feels possible, but ps4 looks highly unlikely.

The only issue of mine, besides framerate, that I can’t tell if they’ve addressed is a minimap that shows whether an enemy is above or below you. My spatial awareness really sucked and I took way more hits than I would have liked from above/below when I guessed wrong. At least they did include gyro controls.

Gyro should make it much easier to look around for enemies at least

Probably PC. Sonyfags are just being twats as usual.

Meanwhile at Gamefreak

Attached: 81EECF72-C300-4FB8-A4C8-B30D2466E90C.jpg (960x942, 91K)

and yet pokemon will sell 1000x more

Looks better than Armored Core.

>you can't expect them to include all the models

No, it just means that if it does get ported, certain content alluding to Nintendo will be removed

Great. I'm going to buy their game now.

But user, we-I mean Game Freak would have to make BIG models for all the pokemon. please understand

It's a sad world we live in

Like the localization, which is apparently being done by nintendo?

Armored Core 4 Answer

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Maybe there will be other melee weapons?