Soulless / Soul
Soulless / Soul
left looks better desu
>actually liking generic Dragon Ball face #836278345 over the animated qt
>3D shit
>copies the Dreamworks style
>changes huge swaths of the original story
>condensing a huge video game story into less than two hours
There are so many red flag about this, I don't even want to bother trying. All I can figure is they're doing this to 1) Jump on the 3D animation fad and 2) They have plans to release this outside Japan. But neither one makes sense because 1) Pixar and Disney are the popular ones in Japan, not Dreamworks and 2) There's no plans to release it in the west.
I'm the biggest DQ fan alive and I'm passing on this.
>generic dreamworks face #5828340 vs generic dragon ball face #836278345
yes very good point user
Toriyama designs don't translate that well to a high quality animated movie
but they still could have made her design more faithful since she just looks like Astrid from HttyD
Best wife Debora is safe, yes?
I love this hick.
Both are getting horse'd anyway
>Toriyama designs don't translate that well to a high quality animated movie
Not only has there been like 20 Dragon Ball movies, but they already have Dragon Quest games with full 3D models based on Toriyama's designs. And they could be used as the basis for a 3D film. And they look better than the Dreamworks knock offs they're using in the movie.