You will never play bioshock for the first time again

>you will never play bioshock for the first time again

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It was an amazing game for 20 y/o me. I loved 2 as well, and frankly I loved infinite, the setting was gorgeous and the gameplay and plot were fantastic until they started time travelling and the plot went to shit, not to mention they just copied the movie Loopers ending with the 'muh kill myself in a different time line so I cut the timeline completely. I couldn't help but feel like they were either rushed for the plot ending, or just didn't care to make it as linear and well thought out as 1 and 2's. I could have thought of so many better directions the plot could have gone. It could have been amazing, sadly it was just alright.

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Why didn’t Kevin and his goons like Bioshock 2 anyways?

I personally really liked bioshock 2

Yikes. what a shame, Infinite could have been a masterpiece

and that's a good thing

Well i've never played it...

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My biggest complaint would probably be the splicer variety, I noticed they didn’t bring back all of the voice actors so I felt like I was hearing that rich old lady yell at me for almost half the game
Other than that it’s the gameplay I wish Infinite had, with all the powers and guns you’d ever want

>Play Bioshock 1
>oh the setting is nice, the story is tragic, things are good
>die and respawn 1234234234 times because you have to use a myriad of fucking things at the same time
>last section of the game reduces your HP because DUDE PSYCHOLOGY LMAO
>keep harvesting little girls bc they give more adam
>realize that saving them gives more rewards on the long run but LMAO IT'S TOO LATE FAGGOT GET YOUR SHITTY ENDING.

Give me a reason to give it another try. i'm sure as shit missed some stuff but i didn't had a pleasant experience with the game at all.

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You're missing out, Tohru.

>ywn player System Shock 1&2 for the first time again

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Bioshock 2 was actually supposed to be a dlc for bioshock 1 where you play as a big daddy. Greedy bastards decided to stretch it out and add a multiplayer to sell it as a new title.

You just sound stupid desu

Eh it wasnt that good to begin with.

maybe one day

It's bad, m8

Then what did you thought of the Burial at the Sea DLCs?

bioshock sucks so bad


Never picked it up. Is it worth playing in your opinion?

don’t. it’s superb ambience wasted on a doom clone instead of an actual good game.

It gets 30x more convoluted with the quantum shit being turned up to a fucking 11.

and that's a good thing

Well, for starters I don't think my opinion would be fair, since I enjoyed Bioshock Infinite's plot.
And I played them a long time ago, but I remember liking the DLCs more than the main story, probably because I like Rapture more than Columbia, and seeing old characters from Bioshock 1 again was great.
I thought it was a good way to end the whole Bioshock saga, but again, I liked Infinite so my opinion is not the best.

In spite of the plots flaws I did like Infinite, I just feel like it was a blown opportunity and could have been something far greater than what we got.

i never played ss 1 and 2

bioshock was pretty crap though

I havnt played it in 9 years and iv been playing it again, its so memorable I remember all the lines, all the art, the voices, the story etc. its one of those things. truly fuck them for making infinity and ruining everything,

its probably just a few dollars on steam but system shock 2 is an incredibly unique game that spawned alot of excellence like bioshock and prey. its one of those games where they used the technological limitations to their advantage to make the game creepier.

I remember getting stuck within the first two hours both times I attempted playing. Never played 2 and played all the way thru Infinite even half a 1999mode run - it was somewhat fun series but nothing to write home about

only system shock niggers hate this series

I always cringed about how much the game tried to be a horror game but failed miserable at it.

1 is the easiest 'shock game, literally git gud

>have to use a myriad of fucking things at the same time
dude what? you have guns and plasmids. you can save anywhere and the only challenging enemies in the game are non-hostile.
>make the evil decisions
>get angry when you get the evil ending
what is your logic here?

One of the first games I played when my dad got a 360. The ambiance was unreal. Especially because he had surround sound and a projector.

It was shit up until the very end you tasteless retard.

cope biobabies

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dude what? the water still looks great today.

agree with him that there's wasted potential though.

Look at you hacker, playing an inferior clone of a superior experience.

Yes I will because I haven't played it yet

Play Prey 2017
It's what I wanted bioshock to be.

Bioshock was still pretty darn good though. Shame it keeps going for an hour after the end.

Wait a minute, that card...

don't even remind me, i still can't get through that puzzle after all these years

downloading that shit right now. i hope the pc port is gud

fuck off zoomers biocuck is garbage play system shock or prey instead.

I'll never understand why so many people love bioshock.
Gunplay is not really good, there are only a few types of enemies.
The game has a good atmosphere that's totally nullified by the fact that you don't lose anything by dying.

I tried it 4 times and never really bothered to finish it.

Infinite > Bio1 > Bio2

Think of it as a survival horror game, like Resident Evil. The gunplay isn't the challenge of the game. It's resource management. It's deciding how much EVE to spend on an encounter, or which gun you want to save ammo for.

burial at sea expansion was gr8

Evil ending is literally the best ending.

>what we never got