Your main rival teams up with you at the end

>your main rival teams up with you at the end

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Other urls found in this thread:

>just long enough to successfully develop nukes

orange man bad

Attached: video games.png (1920x1080, 276K)

>You're Approaching Me?
>Are you cake?

Iran has always been US's biggest rival

Would you let Donny fuck your wife if he asked?

Winnie the pooh?
This but unironically

It's funny how incompetent and stupid the president is by legitimizing a dictatorship just for a photo op.

Breaking all the rules of diplomacy just for nothing but a massive gain on North Korea's end.

This but unironically

>Your ally betrays you

Attached: Trudeau.webm (900x506, 2.91M)

>Winnie the pooh?
Wrong asian leader.


God, imagine being Canadian. What a hell that must be.


>enemy will never recover

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I wish America would just annex my country already.

Sh-shut up!



Someone shoop an RPG battle UI onto this

The traitor being Canada right.
Considering they're the ones that betrayed China by arresting Meng.

>main rival
We could nuke any country off the face of the planet if we wanted. America has no equal. We're simply toying with North Korea until they ask us to end their existence

Melania fucks a new guy every night. She doesn't even live with her husband; Donald is the ultimate cuck

BLACK team wins

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No thanks, you homos are somehow even worse than californians

Trudeau is a badass and it makes sense why they hate him because he actually has the balls to stand up against shithole countries like China, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and India.

Remember, if they ignore you, you win.

this but ironically

wtf why is Brazil so rude

Why are these two fat fucks representing their countries?

God I hate that he turned our country from lovable retarded little brothers to pure cringe SJW shitlords

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Trump gets to tell his base that he brought peace to North Korea, even though he did literally nothing, because he was "the first president to set foot in North Korea ever".
And all he has to do is backtrack on years of careful diplomatic sanctions on a dictatorship.

and ruin our country with a bunch of socialists? nah, only way were annexing is if it's to make canada a slave colony

Imagine getting snubbed by fucking Brazil

Maybe, but standing up to China has just led to them fucking a bunch of our industries up by calling Trudeaus bluff

Attached: trudeau boxing.webm (1280x720, 1.81M)

Do you think Kim Jong-un is redpilled on the JQ?

>balls to stand up to
lmao what fake news have you been reading

>your main rival teams up with you at the end
>the end
Is the apocalypse here already?

>America has no equal.
You guys have a hand-picked Russian puppet representing you, surely that means you have lots in common with many former Soviet nations now

Someone caption this.

Attached: image.jpg (1153x874, 376K)

Didn't this happen already a few months ago?
I hate reruns.

yeah but it was cuckanda

>Implying they wouldn't embarrass us on the world stage by Vaporizing South Korea and possibly Japan first and potentially triggering WWIII thereby degrading our already shambling public image.

There's nothing anyone can really do to NK they've got Nuclear Weapons, with South Korea more or less as a hostage and are back by China and Russia. Donny knows this and so did Obama.

Considering all the crimes he has committed... yeah he is.

Anyone have the american version it's like mk ultra,manhattenbproject

Not to mention, /pol/ shits are extremely quiet on the fact that Iran spit in Trumps face on the nuclear deal

I'm just being honest here.
You act as if China betrayed Canada somehow when it was Canada that backstabbed China first.



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are we friends with north korea now? are they still threatening to blow up canada?

looks like cuckboxing

>Bribe Successful


Sorry Chang, we don’t get our internet cut for looking at bad things


last of your line

That's fake news put forth by the hillary campaign to explain her devastating loss to a steak salesman. Russia doesn't actually have any influence over our government, unlike israel.

You do know there was a time before the 70s right

take your (you), faggot

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War on Terror 9/11 Larry Silverstein Mikhail Gorbachev The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Operation Condor Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Chronicles Waco Siege Kinder Egg Surprise The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia Kandahar massacre War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden The Guantanamo Bay Illegal Occupation CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack by IDF Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'Ă©tat United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Iran Contra Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico haole invasion the rape of Okinawa Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages Russian puppet president Kinder surprise


>better had brought that big mac i ackst for


i mean c'mon... i dont even like Trudeau. But thats just rude.

Wow, you Americans really are hopelessly brainwashed, my goodness

imagine still being a Drumpfster in 2019 lmao

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This clip has been edited to look like Trudeau got snubbed, he was pointing out to Jair that the guy on his other side wanted to shake his hand

if we were friends they would blow it up

Thank you so much, did you have it saved or make it?

she already did when I was a kid (also I like futas so I think I'm already lost on the fag thing)


And his daughter got snubbed like she deserves for having the gall to actually try and take to actual elected heads of state on equal terms

For all the shit trump gets, why are people okay with the fact that he has literally just put his family into senior government positions? It is absurdly inappropriate in a democratic country and what you'd expect from a shitty state like N Korea and not a developed democracy.

They all look the same, can you blame him?

Ping put his communist dong inside Donnys cornhole and told him to drop the sanctions on both Huawei and consumer electronics.

Why do we allow fat people to be leaders? If they can't control their own weight, how can they control countries?

No, youre just overexposed to fake news.

is it a good or a bad sign that I was checking the plant in the background for loss?

Okay Vlad

Iran is playing a dangerous game. They keep threatening Israel as if its still 1950 and they didn't have the most modern weapons, equipment and hundreds of nukes. US doesn't even have to do anything, Israel could wipe them off the map in an hour, so I'm not sure what the plan is.

>less suicide
>less gun death
>more freedom with Weed, Edibiles, and Gay Marriage way before anyone else.
>Can still carry with actual respect for the weapon and real regulation
>Memes and Leaf posters make it look shit so nobody bombards the country with rude Amerifats

Feels fucking good eh

Attached: 1560579312308.png (324x289, 27K)

>you've been struck by
>smooth criminal

What will happen to me n

It's all in the archive.

sure feels like summer in here

>truth isn't truth

Trump university.
His charity.
Campaign finance laws.
Tax evasion.
Tax fraud.
And that's not counting the shit Mueller has on him.

>not posting the extended one

Attached: 1561860855907.webm (800x450, 2.92M)


Its fucking funny how NK is using him as publicity and to stay relevant on the global scale without throwing nuclear tantrums and he is completely oblivious to it.


T. Juden

I thought that was the british

>Team up with the antagonist to fight an even greater evil as the true final boss

what's he listening to, Yea Forums?

>h-h-he is legitimizing them
We have been treating North Korea like a state for decades by this point even if it was rogue along with the fact its not going anywhere thanks to china and the fact it can make an attempt to launch nukes. Simply saying its not a state is bullshit and everybody knows it so we might as well try to get it to stop making empty threats every other year and even possibly get on friendly terms with it since it not only helps improve relations with South Korea, but also gives us potential allies in the region.

Or just get some from china



Boris, you're late for your job at the propaganda factory

>when you win the game via cultural victory and building world wonders

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what nuclear deal? the terrible one obama made that trump already said he was going to scrap? yeah no one with a brain is surprised

>And that's not counting the shit Mueller has on him.
Your imagination times zero is still nothing sweatie.

Another day

If only you knew how bad is here in my country, like a 24h sauna

thanks chang or gobchev or whatever

>Kinder surprise

Attached: 1503416504208.jpg (598x714, 303K)

Smash mouth probably

>tfw you realize he's still in charge of your country
>the alternative is almost worse


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Good one. You're just another jewish animal subverting the truth.

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this but ronically

Ironic how Trump is more tough on Americans he dislikes than Communist Dictators who kill millions of their own people.

This tbqh famalam.

The funny thing is their nukes aren't their largest threat. They have artillery pointed at Seoul. You can shoot down a missile, but it's a lot harder to shoot down a bullet. The only thing the nukes do is act a last resort "if I go down, I'm taking my own city with me" threat and deterrent. Basically using his own citizens as hostages.

Its the one that Republicans literally mailed Iran about afterwards saying that it has no backing from the United States, and is only an agreement with Obama, and they would be ripping it up the second they got power.

>Considering all the crimes he has committed... yeah he is.
Name one

Death Grips

>10 counts of obstruction doesn't count

Love the mental gymnastics.
Also he's been accused of sexual assault or rape 18 times.

if you ko your enemies they win

This isn't even trying to be a video game thread anymore lol.

The americans he dislikes are worae and more dangerous to america than those foreign communists. Leftist americans deserve to be treated as traitors to the nation.

How many crimes has he been indicted for? Or impeached? Are they crimes if they cant prove anything happened at all?

Pavel, your mother is concerned that you come back from your new job and just scream about the Jews all day



Calling for a boycott of ATT while in public office is a federal crime


It never tried.

OHNONONONO burgers are paper tigers

>a greater arises

Attached: You dun it Mao.jpg (4000x2250, 1.71M)

>he's guilty in my head because I say so
Loving every laugh, sweatie. Mental gymnastics seems to be your special talent.

>claims president is a puppet
>barely did anything that would improve Russias stance in the world and has actively targeted Russian allies such as Iran
So if we are to believe this then Russia is even more incompetent then we thought since they don't even have control of their own supposed puppets.