Why the fuck couldn't he kill ganon?

Attached: botw monk boss.jpg (1920x1080, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>good story

Couldn’t wield the sword and Zelda jobbed.

You don't need any fancy sword. Link can do it with 3 hearts and whatever random shit he can find on the way there.

you do need light arrows to finish ganon of though

or silver

Shooting ganon's light circles works with any arrow in your inventory, you don't actually have to use the light arrows to do the job.
Observe, at around 3:30

I'm saying silver because lore you fuckwit


no, I agree with you that you don't need to use light arrows to beat ganon, i'm saying lore wise ganon can be killed with silver arrows to. Put two and two together and comprehend better, please

Link is the one the prophecies foretold. The Hero of Hyrule. You don't just come up off the street and put a challenge to Ganon. He'll murdalize ya. He'll make mince meat out of ya.
He'll hoyt cha poimenant.

>look I'm greentexting retarded strawmen arguments haha sure showed them!
no, you are still a retard for posting this

>he's in the sequel as the only monk

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All Link does in BotW is beat Ganon to submission without dealing any lethal blows, and frees Zelda. She's the one who finishes the fight. So technically it could have been any schmuck that was skilled enough to do the job.

Because only he who holds the blade of evil's bane can defeat him, and she who holds the power to seal him can seal him.

The Monk is powerful tho

What do the monks that Link doesn't find do with themselves after Link kills Ganon? Are they just stuck being mummies for the rest of all eternity?

unless you're windwaker link
nigga made his own prophecy and when the master sword rejected him he forced that bitch to work

Redead are usually around to protect/preserve temples and shrines of Hyrule

Assuming the Monks are basically redead

Except lore wise Link finds all of the shrines so, it doesn't matter.

Best boss fight in the entire series. BOTW 2 needs to be nothing but shit like this

>lore wise Link finds all the shrines
the true ending doesn't require it

You don't even need the triforce of courage to yank the master sword, you just need at least 13 hearts. WW link could probably have saved time by hunting heart containers instead of triforce pieces.
he spent too much time taking no damage, it was annoying

It's good, but it's not the best.

When you fight Zant when he goes crazy, it's a lot more fun than the monk fight. And so is Stallord in Twilight Princess with that fuckin spinning top you ride on

>Redead are usually around to protect/preserve temples and shrines of Hyrule
I thought they were servants of evil

Coming from the information we got from the sequel trailer, it's clear that Calamity Ganon isn't actually Ganon, but just another manifestation of him, I'm assuming like OoT Phantom Ganon. Thats why the Blade of Evil's Bane isn't needed to kill it.
Additionally, that's why Link likely starts off with the Master Sword in the sequel, as he has it in the trailer. It'll probably get yet another restoration so it can properly defeat Ganon.

>base master sword
>isn't enough to kill ganon
>trial of the sword master sword
>still isn't enough to kill ganon
holy shit when the fuck will Fi get off her ass, what the fuck is her problem?

Name something better

Some of them might be but a lot end up as protectors of hyrule tombs

I wasn't talking about windwaker link being in botw but ok

>yfw he stood up

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I mean, its a weapon that is constantly abandoned for hundreds of years. Between the wear on the weapon, and the user, there's plenty of ways for the blade needing to reach its full potential


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>"evil is finally receding from this land, the master sword is fading"
>meanwhile, 3 weeks later, Ganondorf resurrects
what did Fi mean by this?

>story fags
go fuck yourself


It is written "only link can defeat Ganon"

Attached: It_is_written.jpg (480x355, 29K)

Memes aside, are the CDi games good?

How accurate is this animation?

''so bad that it's good'' category

They are some of the worst platforming/action adventure games ever made. If you applied a random franchise to the games, they would be obscure and 100% forgotten. Hotel Mario is okay though.

what the fuck, since when did sledding break my shields? I don't want to do it anymore.

sledding does a lot of durability damage to shields

does that wilted-ass flower lookin' nigga seem like he has the triforce of courage to you?

does Link even have the triforce of courage in botw?

>"Any arrow"
>Clearly uses Ancient Arrows
Ancient Arrows are the only thing that works against Dark Beast Ganon aside from Light Arrows. Your other elemental arrows and wooden arrows won't do anything against him.

When I first fought Ganon I didn't realize that you had to manually equip the light arrows and took out one of Ganon's circles with a bomb arrow before switching. It definitely works.

He isn't Calamity Jane, that's why

no, zelda has the whole set

is this from the dlc? I don't remember this guy

how did Zelda steal the triforce of power away from Ganon?

He's the final boss of the fifth Divine Beast, Master Monk Maz Koshia. He makes you earn the Master Cycle Zero, and he's a damn good combatant.

A previous Link and Zelda far in the past likely seized the full Triforce and the royal family kept it ever since.

How do you pronounce "Kakariko?"

Yeah, the ballad of heroes one


Pretty accurate.

Ganondorf lost it last time he got defeated by Zelda and Link 10,100 years prior

ka ka ri ko

Chill out there Bugs.

I wasn't that pleased with how they structured the 2nd dlc. How it should have happened
>Maz Koshia's quest unlocks after your first divine beast or you get the master sword, whichever comes first
>After you complete the OHKO trials, two things happen
>one: Maz Koshia's dungeon unlocks
>two: The Champion Trials unlock (though they are obviously locked unless their respective divine beasts are free)
>Koshia warns you that you likely aren't strong enough to complete his trial yet though he won't stop you if you insist on trying
>tells you to seek champion trials once the divine beasts are free if you need more strength
>in doing so, both DLC questlines are open as early as is reasonable in the game's progression and all of the extra story regarding the Champions is integrated more organically into the game's story
Yeah getting the bike earlier would invalidate horses but fuck horses in the first place because they die and can only be summoned within a tiny ass radius. I also wasn't happy with how the game is almost over when you actually get access to the motorcycle.

If Ganon lost the triforce of power, does that confirm that BOTW takes place in the child timeline? He lost it at the end of TP.

he'll kill ya to death in 3 rounds

It was a joke you fucking acoustic

These are all very good ideas. I wasn't that thrilled with the pacing either, because "OHKO trial to 12 shrines to the dungeon after clearing all four Divine Beasts" was a letdown in that now you have the motorcycle and no real reason to use it except to explore. Giving it early would've been nice, as well as keep up BotW's theme of letting you do practically anything in any order you want, including fight Maz Koshia before you're supposed to be ready.

There are exactly 3 ways to damage Beast Ganon:
- Light Arrows
- Ancient Arrows
- Master Sword beam
This has been a known fact since 2016 until you provide proof to the contrary

What? Link doesn't necessarily find any more than 4 shrines, free any Divine Beasts, restore his memory, or get the Master Sword by the end of BotW.

You get the true ending if you free all divine beasts, get the master sword, and restore all your memories.

>load up master mode
>literally every single enemy in the game oneshots you
>weapons break after just a single enemy
>and they all regen their health now
fun game

>literally every single enemy in the game oneshots you
Make food buffs and get better armor
>weapons break after just a single enemy
Only worthless shit like tree branches
>and they all regen their health now
Good, you have to approach enemies gracefully

Rush berserker armor

It wasn't his place. The world of Hyrule is so steeped in tradition they let it be the death of them.

>Good, you have to approach enemies gracefully
*exploit stupid shit like enemy AI after recovering from backstabs
this is just tedious

said flower-lookin' nigga is probably the hardest boss in the entire series, not counting Zelda 2

>hardest boss in the entire series
you mean thunderblight

why would you have ANY trouble with the blight ganons

>When the enemy dies in two hits from a sneakstab chain

Master Mode Memoryblights are pretty fun and balanced. You're given so few weapons and your buffs don't stick so you're forced to be the best you can be. Fuck up and die.


The most interesting thing you could have in BotW 2 is to play in a flashback memory as a member of the Yiga clan storming the Castle during Calamity day, and murdering the shit out of the royal family and knights for vengeance while everything is exploding around you then dying in a pointless last stand.

I hate the Waterblight fight in memory mode. Even if you do it the way the game intends, by stasising the ice blocks and hurling them back, you just take so god damn long to traverse the boss area that half the time Waterblight recovers from his stun before you have the chance to get one or two hits in.

why haven't i seen this? lool

Just use Cryonis to delete the blocks instead, and down him with an arrow.

How exactly did Daruk even lose to his blight? Didn't his skill make him invincible? It definitely works when Fireblight has to fight you.

Considering it's literally just an abridged version of the WR speedrun with more screaming, I'd say extremely.

That's not an option in the memory fight because you only have 10 arrows and it takes 2-3 to stun. I have no qualms about spamming Urbosa's Fury in that fight.

That is false. The only requirement for the after-credits scene, which isn't necessarily "true," is completing Captured memories. And in the after-credits scene, Link does have the Master Sword.
So even *assuming* the after-credits scene definitely happens, Link never necessarily made contact with the Divine Beasts during the events of the game.

You kind of have to wonder for all of the Champions, as even Memory Windblight goes down to arrows and Revali is supposed to be their best archer.

Getting the cutscene where Link and Zelda talk about visiting Zora's Domain because Ruta stopped working requires beating all 4 divine beasts and the master sword and the memories.

>every single enemy in the game one shots you

Not if you are wearing armor or use defensive buff food. Upgrading your armor trivializes the game and it's difficulty almost entirely, even on Master Mode

>weapons break after a single enemy
Only if you are using cheap shit made out of wood or if it is rusty and old looking as fuck. Any soldier/knight/royal gear will last you multiple battles with multiple enemies, maybe even more if you use attack buffs to make the most out of your weapons. Combine this with the fact that 90% of enemies in the game can be defeated in one hit or less if you use the environment and physics to your advantage, and you honestly should never be worried about weapons breaking.

>and they all regen their health now
yep, just like you!

Fi's probably a little jaded after hundreds of thousands of years of changing hands between pretty blonde boys

If the SOS beeps in the beast tracks are any indication, Revali lasted the longest.

Mipha didn't bring enough arrows, and so given that she didn't have a Shiekah Slate she couldn't stop Waterblight from hurling ice blocks at her and didn't have enough ammunition to kill him. She died after a battle of attrition.
Daruk used up all 3 of his charges and then got blasted off the side of Rudania like a baseball, then melted in Death Mountain's crater.
Revali was shot down by Windblight's laser barrage after summoning the missile adds and was then finished off by his arm cannon.
Urbosa, not having a Shiekah slate, had no counter to Thunderblight raining down lightning rods so she couldn't use her lightning, and then got killed in the 1v1 swordfight because Thunderblight is hayai.

That is absolutely, factually false. As in, that's entirely based on misconceptions from the month the game released. The requirement for that scene is completing Captured Memories and nothing else.

>he hasn't figured it out
the bosses scale in difficulty depending on the order you fight them. If you stock up on a shit-ton of stuff and then fight Thundy first, he'll go down like a pussy provided you know how to do basic shit like block with your shield.

I think it might've been neat to instead have the Blights infect and corrupt the Champions into horrible monstrosities, using their powers, and slaying them frees their imprisoned soul to aid you instead. You could show Calamity Ganon try this with Link, but the power of the Master Sword/Zelda's light protects him and instead Calamity Ganon is forced to fight him directly.

IIRC hitting him in the eye once will down him, but it's been a while since I've played.

In fact I looked up "botw best ending" and immediately found a video of a tranny speedrunning it and getting the best ending:


Read the description or watch the run - all he does is complete Captured Memories then Destroy Ganon.

Same reason OOT and WW Link needed to go rescue the sages. Master Sword needs it's buffs

You have to ping his eye like 2x or 3x in a row to actually get the stun, even if you get the "ping" noise from the successful headshot.

Would've been cool.

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That would have been so much better than the knockoff bloodborne cleric beasts we got.

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I almost feel scammed. I hoarded so many weapons to fight Ganon. So many that could have used them to make so many fights easier. But I bought into the hype that the NPCs built up around the Ganon fight and the Hyrule Castle infiltration. But it was so easy.

still cute

>not realizing this is already the case

Windblight controls wind and uses long range attacks, like Revali

Waterblight uses a spear, like Mipha, and in Master Mode has the fastest regen rate out of any enemy in the game.

Fireblight uses a big greatsword and has a orangish shield that looks an awful lot like daruk's protection.......

and Thunderblight summons lightning and uses a sword and shield combo like Urbossa.

Did you notice how all of the Blights use similar weapon types to their respective slain Champions?
And anyway, I don't know if any supplemental material ever gave an adequate explanation of why the Blights and Calamity seem to have ancient Sheikah tech as part of their biology

Shrug and eat some bananas.

how much did Nintendo pay Sony to reuse that sfx, anyway?

creating a champion explains that Ganon was having difficulty resurrecting into a physical form, so he began to absorb nearby shiekah technology as a base.

Calamity spent 10k years hacking into the shiekah tech to turn it against hyrule, why wouldn't he incorporate some of it

Zant was way too easy though. The monk could at least fuck your shit up if you weren't wearing fully upgraded armor.

He didn’t have the Master Sword. Are you so simple?

neither does link in half of my playthroughs

Is this a dlc character?

As we've established in this thread, Link doesn't even need to find the Master Sword to get the best ending

Get him to phase 2 and urbosas fury x3. Thats how I beat all those retarded fights.

Yes, final boss of Champions' Ballad


In general you need to wield the master sword. Botw made it so that Link was so skilled he could fight ganon with a twig. But Zelda's power is needed to actually beat Ganon. Which canonically makes sense because Zelda is Hylia and Ganon is Demise. The real fight has always been Hylia vs Demise. But Link tips the scale.

In your playthroughs without attaining the master sword, the world remains doomed. The thread of prophecy is severed and you’ve damned everyone in game
See above

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acting stupid ironically is still acting stupid

Zelda hasn't been Hylia since Skyward Sword, the goddess has returned to her lofty perch in the heavens. You talk to her when interacting with Goddess Statues. Zelda instead has her blood, passed down in the royal family since Skyward Sword when her ancestor WAS the goddess.

Link is the constantly reincarnating Spirit of the Hero, and Ganon(dorf) is Demise's reincarnation, possessing his hatred but not his divinity or power. That's all the Triforce's or his own.

Tell me where I’m wrong

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I thought that Demise was sealed within the master sword at the end of SS

If not for the fact that the Champions all recognized the Blights, I could've believed that they were all just swallowed by malice and the Blights themselves were their reanimated corpses. Waterblight even has the exact same blue glow from its hand when it's throwing ice blocks that Mipha does when she's healing.

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They are all reincarnations.


In the best ending Link has the Master Sword after some off-camera events, but it's not necessary to obtain it in-game before fighting Ganon. Dolt. And, of course, even if you do obtain it in-game, you can still beat Calamity up with shitty weapons and win. The only thing Link *needs* to beat Ganon in botw is Zelda

You went wrong by arguing that events of the game didn't happen. Unless you literally see a textbox appear on screen saying THE THREAD OF PROPHECY HAS BEEN SEVERED then it's not noncanon

They've had 100 years to coalesce into their current form, it's possible they were more blobby and indistinct when they first killed the champions

No, he was just slain. He cursed Link and Zelda that his hatred and malice would follow their souls throughout the ages (Ganon), but Demise himself is long dead.

What a fucking shitter, you're supposed to break the blocks with cryonis and shoot the eye.

you do not have enough arrows in the memory fight to finish him off with that strat

This bothered the fuck out of me. Someone fucked up with the Calamity preparations, but I can't figure out who it was. On one hand, it looks like the royal family was ten shades of retarded for doing the exact same thing over again and expecting him not to be ready for it. On the other hand, he shouldn't have been able to be ready for it. Everyone in the game says that the Calamity is just a mass of hatred. Masses of hatred aren't capable of deductive reasoning. So is the mass of hatred thing not true even though everyone is still claiming it is? If it is true and he's just a mindless entity, then he shouldn't have been able to counterattack. If it isn't true and he's capable of logic, then why the fuck was Impa's grand plan to do the exact same thing that failed last time and how the hell did it actually work this time? Because he was semi-sealed? For that matter, why didn't the Blood Moon restore the Blights? It's bullshit and I'm angry with myself for not expecting a million plot holes in a Zelda game.

>Masses of hatred aren't capable of deductive reasoning.
this is wrong

You just really need them for phase 2.
In phase one you can hit the blight with the spear alone.

You don't really have enough for the phase 2 portion either. There are so many ways the fight can go inconsistent that make that arrow count completely insufficient

Apparently not.

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Killing Mipha with your bare hands would've been kind of extremely heavy for a zelda game. She's so pure and sweet.

It's misinformation because the Royal Family only had legends from ten thousand goddamn years ago to form the basis for their counterattack. They didn't know the Calamity could think. They didn't know he'd wise up to the strategy that defeated him so long ago and steal the technology for himself. Because Zelda's mother died when she was young, nobody knew the proper method for awakening Zelda's power and so the king was forced to rely on traditions and hope for the best, which obviously didn't work. And so the Champions and Divine Beasts were defeated, the Guardians hijacked, and Hyrule nearly destroyed.

Round 2 was much better for them, as Zelda and friends now knew what they really had to do, and so Link could properly slaughter the evil beastie.

The whole game is kind of extremely heavy anyway. The kingdom is destroyed, the king and all the Champions are already dead, and Link himself dies too, only resurrected due to extremely fortunate circumstances. Just have it be the same way, with the Champions' souls asking Link to slay the Blight that killed them, who is now puppeteering their corpses.

Sledding does damage if you're not on sand or snow.

What would Zelda's mom have even said to her?
>Honey have you tried masturbating to Link yet? You really just need to accept that you want his dick... Oh sweetie, don't give me that look. This is how it's always been. Oh the stories I could tell you about the Hero from my day... Actually, pull up a seat. And tell your knight to come in here.

>Mipha has to kill 4 guardians solo as a part of her training to pilot Vah Ruta
>still loses to Waterblight
umm explain?

meant for

"Go have fun with the Guardians. Make sure you don't feel like your duty is weighing you down, and as long as your spirit feels free your powers will surely manifest, as they did for me. I will make sure your father knows and understands this."

You already couldn't protect her smile. What difference does it make now?

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Not in the prophesy.

The champions has to kill guardians?

All of the trials that you undertake for the right to fight the memory blights are supposedly the same trials that the champions had to pass for the right to pilot their beasts. Among Mipha's trials was killing 3 flying guardians and a sentry. In the rain, so no bomb arrows for blowing the flying guys' engines off.

>All of the trials that you undertake for the right to fight the memory blights are supposedly the same trials that the champions had to pass for the right to pilot their beasts.
I forget, where is this stated

>You went wrong by arguing that events of the game didn't happen.
Never said they didn’t happen. I said they messed up the world.
>Unless you literally see a textbox appear on screen saying THE THREAD OF PROPHECY HAS BEEN SEVERED then it's not noncanon
Link cannot defeat Ganon without the Master Sword. Such as it has been and always will be written.

Attached: 7C689206-AA68-404C-AC2D-51B61F6B659F.gif (425x425, 2M)

>Link, do you remember that time where we killed the lynel on Polypous Mountain? It was terrorizing the domain until you came along. We fought it together, as one, and then... Does any of this sound familiar?
>Link, how much do you recall of the time we spent together 100 years ago? Do you remember exactly why that Zora Armor fits you so perfectly? ...If you can't, I guess it can't be helped...
>But as for me, I shall never forget...
What did Mipha mean by this?

The NPCs you speak with that stand next to all the champion trials mention that you're replicating the trials completed by the champions in the past

>Link cannot defeat Ganon without the Master Sword. Such as it has been and always will be written.
Literally read the thread. You can get the best ending in BotW without ever getting the Master Sword, and in that best ending Link gets the sword off-camera after Ganon is already destroyed.

But link doesn't beat Ganon. Zelda deals the final blow this time. All Link does is soften him up first. The light arrows do the job, as do ancient arrows, without ever needing to touch the master sword.

Remember the time she lost the Linkbowl

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She was emulating Ruto and had a crush on Link, who did not reciprocate. The pressure and weight of Link's duty as a knight, royal guardsman, personal bodyguard for the princess, Champion, and destined hero caused him to adopt a stoic and silent persona as his coping method to steel himself. His personality after awakening in the Shrine of Resurrection is his more natural one, free-spirited, greedy and gluttonous, and assholish, but still heroic in nature.

I don't think the memory fights were entirely accurate. If the Champions had their weapons, they should've been sealed inside the beasts with them. Instead, their leaders had them. The Zora even tried to float the Lightscale Trident downstream until Mipha turned into water Jesus and started talking to them through it. Kind of implies they were unarmed.

How did they print the photo?

>The Zora even tried to float the Lightscale Trident downstream until Mipha turned into water Jesus and started talking to them through it
If you're talking about the ceremony, the Zora actually used a replica called the Ceremonial Trident iirc. But anyway your point is valid

their leaders can make replicas of all the champion weapons whenever they want, though

They didn't, they showed the Shekiah Slate to an experienced painter who reproduced it perfectly.

Only the post-coma Link loves Zelda.

>it's the "even if someone loses their memory, they're still the same person" meme again
Memory is literally your personality and soul.
If you can't remember, you can't make judgements about what you do and do not like.
Thusly, you cannot have a personality.
When someone loses their memory permenantly, they are essentially dead.
The link who woke up from the 100 year slumber is fundamentally an entirely separate personality from the one they put to sleep.
Yes, this is even if they regain some memories. Those memories are added to their database of memories, but cannot restore their entire personality exactly as it was.

>His personality after awakening in the Shrine of Resurrection
This is just your own headcanon, however interesting it is to consider.

>tfw you will never have multiple phases
>tfw you will never be an obstacle to someone
>tfw you will never toy with them

>Insecure Mipha
>Out of the ordinary
Relax, Zelda. She's dead.

>As a way of offering her soul repose, they tried to send the Lightscale Trident drifting down the Zora River. But when they did, the trident began to glow, and Mipha's voice rang loud and clear for all Zora to hear:
>"The Lightscale Trident and I are one... Abandon your grief and know joy once again. Do not cry...just remember."
The Ceremonial Trident was made afterwards to be used in the Champion Festival.

Doesn't the dialogue imply they're the originals?

Have you seen the dialog options Link can choose, including what he says for the sand/snow boots?

>just a guy taking a walk
Link you can't just kill people like that

>who did not reciprocate
Kind of seems like he did. I don't get why this threatens you so much. It doesn't mean he doesn't end up with Zelda later.

>That statue is pretty cute!
>Her name is Mipha.
This is the only time I got the feeling from one of Link's dialogues that he was actually angry.

It doesn't threaten me, I'm just saying it like how I saw it. Mipha wanted Link and he did not her. The game pushes Zelda on you too, but I didn't really like Link ending up with her either. Or Paya. Just have Link be alone and himself, his past is buried and his duty fulfilled.

>Doesn't the dialogue imply they're the originals?
No, Link can outright break the originals

I don't remember this guy at all. Was it DLC?

Yes, he's the final boss of Champions' Ballad

Are the monks supposed to feel proud or annoyed when Link skips their puzzles with stasis and other physics exploits?

Proud. The puzzles are to test the Hero's ingenuity and skill. If the Hero is even more ingenious than expected and evades the puzzle entirely to reach the goal then Hyrule's got a fine protector for sure.

Probably proud. It's a test of your wits and ingenuity, "Your resourcefulness in overcoming this trial speaks to the promise of a hero."

All these waifufags and yet all I want is to cum inside Revali.

The game pushed a lot of people. It seemed like everyone in Hyrule was after Link's dick. Mipha and Zelda were the only ones with any hint of it being reciprocated, though. And like honestly, I'm not sure how you could miss either of them. Whatever, though, man. You're entitled to not like Mipha.

I know. I meant when you first get them. Dorephan and Buliara definitely did. I can't remember what the Gorons said, and the Rito just kind of toss it at you iirc. Poor Revali. Even his people don't like him. At least this guy does

What about Teba? ;_;

How does Yea Forums feel about Riju?

She's fine. It's nice to see her grow into the role of chief and be the helper for you to get into Naboris.

Actually thinking about it, does Hateno have a mayor or chief?

Not his job bro

the house with the goddess statue belongs to the mayor


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He couldn't beat Link, why would he beat Ganon's malice?

He could have suplexed Ganon.

>ancient shiekah tech can definitely kill him
A crazy OP Shiekah monk like Maz should totally have something that would work then. They made the guardians and weaponry.

>trusting the guys who got their shit thoroughly hacked by ganon to defeat him using that same tech

I actually like Revali. He had potential.

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>Link has had the ability to flurry rush since he could walk
>was using it to slap grown men in fights since he was 4
was it cheating?

Only talented people make it in life


It's his Champion ability. Revali can control wind, Mipha heal, Daruk shield, and Urbosa control lightning. Link's reflects can give him bullet time to stab an enemy's vitals repeatedly in the blink of an eye.

Think what a Flurry Rush must look like to an onlooker.


delete this
t. Yu Narukami

Obligatory fish fucking an hour late.

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You got bird fucking

So bellum and the not ganon you fight in spirit tracks are just demise or what?

No triforce. Get fukt

Link is for accidental drowning in the middle of sex! Not being dropped from high altitudes!

I don't think so. Bellum seemed to be a nightmare in physical form, like the Nightmare in Link's Awakening, given the Realm of the Ocean King vanishes when he awakens. And Malladus seems to be just another asshole deity, equal or lesser than Demise was who also took a stab at ruling the world. I think in the Adult timeline, Demise's hatred died with Ganondorf.


Doesnt the ocean king dimention being a dream contradict both the ending of phantom and spirit tracks in general?

No, he just made Linebeck real too. And perhaps Jolene. Link gets to keep the Phantom Hourglass as a souvenir, but it has no power anymore.

Because onl;y the divine power of Hylia can permantly destroy Gano-

>Oh wait we need a sequel
>Oh never mind he's not dead he's just a corpse now

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Hylia's power has never been able to permanently destroy Ganon, that's the entire point behind Skyward Sword. She needed to train Link to have the right qualities to wield the Trifore without breaking it so he could wish Demise dead for good. Hylia could only hold him back, and in Breath of the Wild Zelda says he'll be back too.

Why doesnt link just wish to be freed from demise/ganon in general?

Because Ganon only comes back like once in his lifetime, usually.

I've heard the gameplay is absolutely bad.
The only things that are good in those CDI Zelda games are the hilariously bad cutscenes and the genuinely good musics

I don't know my Zelda lore but if miracles granted by the Triforce are based on Hylia's power, then Hylia lacking the power necessary to permanently destroy Ganon would mean that the Triforce can't grant that wish

>miracles granted by the Triforce are based on Hylia's power
They aren't. The Triforce is the Golden Goddesses' residual power, left behind at the pot where they departed back to the heavens after creating the world. Hylia is a lesser god, same as Demise. Gods also cannot wield the power of the Triforce by design and must use mortals as an interim.


>i wish
>for a world free of evil

That's what happened at the end of Link to the Past, evil still returned.

And Zelda just gives them to Link right at the end. She could have given them to this nigger.