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I love Reisen!

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she's a good girl

Because I'm married.


Because im an alcoholic maniac that fucks prostitutes since 14 and girls don’t like that

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why would I want one?

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i don't go outside
also not video games you retarded twat

I had one and then she stopped all contact with me. I honestly wonder if she's even alive still.

I stopped interacting with people outside of family/work years ago and drifted away from all of my friends. Having friends is a lot of work and I just don't have the emotional capacity for it

I find other people annoying but I pretend to get along with them to not seem weird. Its too mentally taxing putting up an act 24/7 so no gf for me thanks.

Because I've been listening to Ripple Field 1 from Kirby's Dream Land 3 on loop for a couple hours now
Comfy ass song

because I'm a professional woman only serial killer

I literally never talk to any females or even attempt to get a girlfriend, that's probably why tbqh

Cus i want a bf not gf

Because I have a boyfriend

I'm 28. It's too late by now. All the good women are taken. Only single mothers left.

Based and bundypilled

are you cute?


I'm picky and pretty much incapable of getting a gf because I look average and I'm not good at being social.

White women are repulsive and Im not into racemixing

Because the one I had 5 years ago made me swear off of dating for life

my love is not a meme!

Why the fuck do you keep spamming this off-topic garbage, faggot?

Can't find a women that is both cute and not a skank

Because its illegal.

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Can’t find one over 3 stories tall shit sucks why all women are womanlets?

I literally had sex for the first time this weekend and it is completely overrated.

i got a fantastic childless gf when i was 34 and she was 29. don't close yourself off just because of the normie sluts you see on swipe apps

Good job, newfag!

Please don’t tell me that I’m 26 and need to believe there’s something to make wageslaving worth it.

I can't get myself attached to somebody else

Because i have a boyfriend

The last time I asked a girl out she cancelled a few years before the date because she wanted to go out with a different guy instead, not trying that again

Astolfo made me gay

Do you like pudgy finnish boys

I know that feel bro

I'm gay


I'm not attractive and interesting enough to keep one. I usually get cheated on or used by some gfs. It's life I guess

Sex is only as good as people think when its with someone you genuinely love, when its just you fucking some random girl it'll feel good for a but get dull quickly.


My wife would kill me.

Because I'm a 27 year old 5'4 introverted fat weeaboo manlet manchild with a lot of unresolved mental issues who watches cartoons and spends all his free time on the internet, jerking off, watching cartoons/anime, playing video games, and talking to degenerates on Yea Forums.

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>tfw a girl likes you

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because I am playing VIDEO GAMES

I want rin to beat me up!

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Wageslaving is already worth it since if you weren't you would just be sitting in your room sad. At least as a wageslave you have an actual reason to be sad every day.

I had one once and she said I was boring and had no life. So yeah.

I wish little girls were real

Haven't found any girl worth dating yet.

Little girls are real, retard.

The initial crush never carriers me over the disliking of their shitty and annoying habits.

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I tried with some girls at work, but most of the people I work with are certifiably insane.

It's better for you to find out right now. I'm 24 and listen to me it's not fucking worth it, all that effort to fit in, self grooming and superficial bullshit only leads to an hour of effort that's not even remotely as good as it is advertised. Find self purpose and meaning elsewhere, something personal to you, not fully dependant on others.

When did you guys give up? I'm 19, gave up around last year and accepted my slow desent into wizardhood.

I would rather have more time to masturbate.

Cause I have a bf

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I'm awkward and not particularly attractive or successful

Because I married her.

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You like men, user. Trust me. You like femboys.

what, you can't tell just by looking at me?

Because she broke up with me for a petty reason, realized her mistake, got back with me, but afterwards I could no longer honestly trust her and she understood that and broke up with me again.

because 3DPD truly is a waste of time and resources

When my gf at the time told me to my face I was unfuckable and she just needed a self confidence boost so she could date for real. I’m 27 and in the 6 years since no girl has disagreed with her so I guess she was right.

Because I've got a fictional boyfriend

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gay as fuck.


What's stopping you from doing it at work? You're not some kind of pussy, right bro?

Tips for overcoming a porn addiction? I masturbate 4-5 times everyday.

I wormed my way into a woman's heart at my job. Slowly but surely. She always asks me and only me for shit. So I teased her everyday and said she's my wife because she nags me a lot. She's slowly starting to like it more and more and is flirting with me now. Playing the long game here and hoping it works.

I’m ugly and have particular tastes. I want someone shorter than me with big tits.

Because I can't manage as much as maintain eye contact with a girl.

You're still around huh

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>she cancelled a few years before the date
Are you by any chance a sloth?

>Single women barely even seem to exist anymore
>Online apps are a waste of time
>Only place IRL where it's regularly "acceptable" to approach women are in bars/clubs, and the women there are trashy
>Could go to college/uni but those are still filled with trashy women and attending would put me in huge debt

Because all of that astolfo trap porn made you queer. You want fuck femboys and the thought of giving a super feminine trap a handjob gives you a boner.

This, and all my coworkers are married/engaged

I like having free time and money

Don't let yourself live under those words, even if they sting to this day they're meaningless. The worth of a person is not measured on how many women or men they fucked, or how attractive they are.

>The last time I asked a girl out she cancelled a few years before the date
Damn, at least she was considerate enough to cancel years in advance instead of you thinking you were going on a date all those years.

I’m trying to learn eye contact but my eyes always move because I get nervous and end up looking at her tits. I don’t have female friends to practice this with.

I don't deserve one

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around 29. It's too soon for you to give up, unless you're an actual retard that's fat and smelly

>tfw a girl used to like you and you don't think you'll ever feel it again

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