Ahem, *ding ding ding*

Ahem, *ding ding ding*


You're a bitch.

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Did they ever give any in game explanation for as to why you could use his respawn beacons, and he doesn't just turn them off when you die?

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Theyre not canon.

Lame. They could have at least had some tongue in cheek explanation. Of all the series to bother to not differentiate between story, and gameplay, you would think Borderlands would be up there.

In-game, because you're making him money, and he's a narcissistic megalomaniac who can't possibly conceive that you could in any way threaten or defeat him and thus sees it as unnecessary to do so. His entire ego is built upon being better than everyone else, and to admit that he would have to do anything but crush you in a direct confrontation would be admitting someone his better, destroying his entire worldview.

stupidest retcon ever

They fucked up by having New-Us be acknowledged as existing since the very first game.

The """man""" they hired to be their lead writer didn't even know Borderlands existed. He read a fucking wiki to learn what he thought he needed to know.

Is this shopped?

Nope. She actually is giving a thumbs up.

>haven't even heard about borderlands prior to being hired
>makes a great game and turns borderlands into popular franchise

now that's based

the writers said that the respawn stations are both canon and not-canon at the same time or some shit like that
one theory i heard was that Jack needed you alive to fulfill his plan of wrecking Sanctuary, and then the last part of the game he keeps them up so he can get the final kill on you and no one else will, for the sake of revenge for Angel. But then that leaves the middle part unanswered, so it doesn't hold up

In the end, New-Us were best off never being acknowledged as existing in the first place.

>now that's BADASS
fixed that for you

Maliwan still kinda sucks even after they buffed their guns in 3

We had this thread earlier Dad wtf.

Fuck you.

Attached: Rhys.jpg (1319x1050, 604K)

Vladof > S&S/Bandit/Scav > Tediore > Hyperion > Jakobs > Atlas > Torgue > Dahl
This is the factual list of the best companies

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Nah, fuck you. YIf Vaughn and Cassius are any indication, your character is about to be assassinated brutally.

>Bro I'm about that Bandit Lifeā„¢

>Make Vaughn pretty interesting and pretty based
>Ruin him in DLC
How do they manage?

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By declaring that nothing in Tales actually mattered in the end.

It is easily the best Borderlands, even if it is Telltale shit.

now that's anthony burch

And naturally, Gearbox can't have people in the game actually not memeing and using the word BADASS a thousand times a minute.

Honestly fuck them for that. That dlc is absolute trash with the final boss no better than fucking destroyer. Damn to think about it they will probably butcher our boy Rhys too.

They never gave an in-game explanation of why Jack doesn't just attack while your vault hunter stands at the latest checkpoint and does nothing while you're not playing the game. There's not really a need for an explanation beyond "it's a video game". But people have less tolerance for this kind of stuff in Borderlands because DUDE ANTHONY BURCH LMAO. Does Dark Souls explain how checkpoints work? If your soul goes to the place it died, why doesn't the enemies just trap your soul in a rock or something? If you can't explain that then clearly the game is shit. But that's crazy too because we all know it's a game.

Stop having double standards is what I'm saying.

Because Tales was written by more or less competent writers, bl3 is written by, well, gearbox

Attached: Gearbox writing.png (1245x324, 43K)

Because you resurrection fees is what pays for those lunar bombardments jack likes so much

Forgot to add:
>"Thought the monsters would explode after all that. (They do so) There we go."


And we never thought they could make a character more irritating than Claptrap.

>Mfw people use guns

Attached: krieg.jpg (1280x720, 124K)


Because he has to make it all a spectacle