Ew, who invited user? lol

>ew, who invited user? lol

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck you, I hate my middle school memories

I have actively blocked out so much of elementary school and middle school that, in my perspective, my life doesn't really start until high school

Fuck you, implying you're not still in middle school

>hey, um ... why do people get extremely anxious whenever your name is mentioned?

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How many of you have this kind of memory? Be honest.

everyone complains about high school, but I swear my middle school experience was a million times worse

I'm 28, and I'm happy that I'll never be a teenager again. Fuck those years.

>cunt says this
>everyone looks weird at her
>they end up leaving her behind and going to the cinema with me
felt pretty nice :)

>I'm happy that I'll never be a teenager again
lol, someone was a virgin fag.

>group of friends always came to my place to spend the night in the basement and play melee all night
>always the same group
>one of them is a little slow and the others always make fun of him
what do you do to stop it?

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Make fun of him with them, he's a lost cause.

Tell them to fuck off and that you are only slightly less retarded than the other dude

Never happened to me.
I was still an outsider, but never out enough that people would call me out.

Okay Facebook cat faggot, but where is the vidya?

People still get nervous around me. I can't even let out a little bit of my /k/ or /out/ with out people being scared.

That might be a bit worse in a way

How do you fuck up this hard, if you were invited by the few people who knew you in the first place why would anyone complain about you showing up.

this thread is fucking awful

except this post, based

Is there a better feeling than btfoing that stupid whore who always bothered you?
and nice videogames op,what's the name of it?

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Where is the vidya, my teenage friend?

>why are you so quiet, user?

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"you did, brittany"

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Whats the origin of that cat anyway?

You SEETHING incel faggot.

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I had people try that stereotypical "bully" shit on me and others would just give them a weird look and act like they didn't say anything.

Cause its the middle.nothing interesting happens in the middle.

An idea

Every time I think of my horrible school memories I want to die

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>"Oh wow you invited user? He sucks, but you can stay i guess. Hold on"
>You have been kicked from the server

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Everyone who posts sad cats is a Reddit browsing, semen slurping faggot. No exceptions.

I just wanted to post that picture

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>not shooting back with the lowest blow you can muster
some not so well kept secret about their family usually works well

>Everyone who posts sad cats is a Reddit browsing, semen slurping faggot. No exceptions.

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Those people aren't worth your time.

kids in middle school are fucking evil.

>I did, he's cool you fucking fag

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shit i'm late kids in middle school still haven't developed shit like empathy and it's the beginning to following trends like shitting on a certain kid because others are doing so.

imagine still giving a fuck about what happened to you back in middleschool lmfao let it go pussy



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quite based

I don’t know why everyone and the media make Highschool and college out to be such a bad thing full of mean people when reality everyone’s pretty docile towards eachother. If anything, kids in elementary school and middle school are fucking worse. After my experiences in the past I’m thoroughly convinced that if you left elementary schoolers alone for long enough they would start to fucking rape and murder eachother with no remorse. I fucking hate elementary school kids, they’re vicious, ruthless little bastards.

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Haha you post meme man

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>come on user join vc
>its 8 people
>6 of them are all tremendous opinionated soft voiced faggots who talk to much
>no one is playing the same game
>the other 2 guys are cool but just get up and leave all the time and dont play

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>Of course I invited user, he's always great to hang out with!

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>that time where the gym teacher allowed us play our music on speakers in the gymnasium
>I shared this for everyone inside to hear:

I am still cringing hard just trying to search this shit up

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I mean that is the entire point in lord of flies
I feel true remorse for kid loners


>haha you post meme man

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yeah reinforcing your post with my ownhighschool was a fucking cakewalk compared to my middleschool years.
>whole entire school found out my dad passed away
>got bullied relentlessly
>got bells palsy at one point
>even being slightly chubby kids will ridicule you
yeah i dont know why for some fucking reason they gave it a green light for the teachers to tell my classmates about my personal issues.
can imagine the girls being even more cruel

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Based Chad always having my back until I start getting too clingy to the point he assumes I'm gay for him and ghosts me

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Public school teachers are such garbage for the most part

what's scary about /out/?

just talk about camping and neat survival tricks?

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I wish I wasn’t such a loud autist in elementary school, because it ruined any reputation I might’ve had in middle school and high school, and I was always too quiet to reverse the damage once I was past elementary.

why does everyone who plays video games have that voice?
Like their body was halfway through puberty and gave up.

Damn that fucking sucks user, when some girl's mom died in middle school the entire grade was sat down and told implicitly
>"If you say anything even remotely mean to her your ass is sent to the office"
I mean, no one did anything cause we weren't little cunts but its the thought of the teachers to take preemptive action that counts.

There are also autistic women with giant tits there

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>hey user, get on mic!

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based yikes, incel! have seething cringe sex

Its strange too, as it seems to me. Anecdotally anyway, anyone past 95 turned into a girl

Wojaks really should be a range ban. Everyone who uses them is a relentless shitposter


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You know the rule, go all the way.

>"ew who invited user"
>shes actually just teasing me
>we're best friends and she misses me when im not around
Feels good bros

I am the only one with a deep voice in my group of 10 or so friends online

have a pet, pup