Have you ever been to the Far Lands?

Have you ever been to the Far Lands?

Attached: 12550821line.png (854x480, 398K)

Have you ever had sex? I think you quite possibly have not.

no but I think the concept is fascinating

Have you ever found love?

yeah it goes away after I cum tho

Reminds me of the ending of pic related.

Attached: bY5n2P1.png (800x1243, 233K)

This, why would they take it out and replace it with a shitty world border?


man, i hate this game
i'm using a bunch of optimization mods, allocated 4gb of ram out of 8, bunch of java args, and the mobs and shit still lag sometimes
why is this game so hard to mod?

is there smutt of that bitch. her dead inside eyes are kinda hot

>going through far lands for the first time
>have the day off and nothing to do
>getting a real creepy vibe
>walking through an area that starts out as a large tunnel
>goes on for miles
>30 minutes straight of walking
>didn't notice the tunnel getting smaller and smaller
>just a 2x1 hallway now
>something seems off so I stop
>draw distance is shorter than normal
>skin goes cold
>hands clammy
>see 2 tiny pixels in the darkness
>can barely make out the purple color
>gets bigger as the white of the eyes starts forming around the dots
>stuck staring at the screen, can't move
>head starts to form out of the black fog
>game crashes to desktop
never went back

Wow the generator fucking up after a set amount of space. Fascinating

close everything and allocate 6gb of ram

wow cool story user, hey by the way what's that behind you?
the things it creates are fascinating

Lol you had the ender crash too, it's an enderman spawning to move something(or at least I fucking hope that's what it is) or it could be that time the ender dragon spawned for me out there.
I haven't been there in years is it still a feature or am I gonna have to roll back

yes it is fascinating that it manifests like this
makes it feel like the game world has some deeper lore about creation or some shit, but in reality it is just some unintended edge-case code behavior

Reading the wiki on behavior of the code when you get 25+ billion blocks away from the center doesn't seem far off from some alien civilization discussing the oddities of what happens at the center of the black holes occurring in the simulation we live in

How does one find this?

but the more ram you allocate to it the shittier it gets, or at least that's what people over at /mcg/ keep saying, and if i have too little allocated it runs out of memory and crashes, and the worst part is it doesn't even use all of the 4 i'm giving it since gets to like 70% and drops back to 30 or 40, and this process repeats, so why the hell is the game still lagging? why is this the only game out there where rather than your fps dipping significantly or whatever, everything in the game just freezes as if it was a multiplayer game? fucking shit i wasted 3 DAYS on my modpack and it still does this, i could've actually played some video games in that time but NO, i just went on and on and it still does this shit, doesn't matter if it's 1.7.10 or 1.12.2 or whatever the fuck, i just want to play with my mods and be a teleporting cyborg and explore and build a bunch of machines, i hate this game and i'm never touching it ever again

that's a man

Honestly I don't think we'll see a game so groundbreaking as minecraft for fucking decades. It's such a simple concept that I'm amazed no one did it before.

But it's style is instantly recognisable and it's proc gen means literally anything can happen.

You could, theoretically find a seed where you spawn on a 1x tower of dirt reaching all the way up to the skybox

8gb max is a fucking hell for minecraft
What modpack are you using?
If it's not using all 4gb probably something else is wrong,on task manager mine eats all 6gb in fucking seconds
and if it's not enough it keep freezing
the only way is to add more ram

Java everyone

my jokey question just suddenly got serious

Attached: yes.png (247x204, 3K)


>What modpack are you using?
the one i'm making myself
yeah maybe it's time to upgrade in general, i have an i5 6500 and a 1050 ti, at the very least i think i need more ram and a new cpu