look at what you did Yea Forums
Look at what you did Yea Forums
based Yea Forums
Incredibly based game
So tired of this topic, from all sides
>this was worth an article
based retards
>tfw Mount and Chad
>never even seen a single person get assblasted at the Nicaragua word in hundreds of hours of multiplayer
>"I would never play this toxic garbage." t. f2p cellphone players
Who the hell is it driving away? Women and black people don’t give a shit about medieval settings, or PC games
>As an example, one of the forum’s most popular threads is titled ‘Post your kniggas,’ in which players share images of their character builds. The thread started in 2017 when Mordhau was in alpha, and has attracted more than 2,600 comments since. One of those comments says "step up my kniggas," another says "listen here, faggot." When one player questions the racism in the thread’s title, another responds: "you are gay."
Wish my toaster could play it....
dare I say B&R
Based response
Kniggas doesnt have a hard R therefore it cant possibly be racism. Random poster is right, the complainer is likely a faggot
>stale maps and lack of content
>boring gamemodes and a charm that wears off quickly
>being drip fed content at a snails pace an-
This is literally every game, ever. Pretending it's a "problem" is only because it's an issue that gets clicks right now.
You'll never ever not be called a fag for being a faggot. Your choices are
1. Deal with it
2. Don't be a fag
Oh, June's over btw, watch all this "Pride" shit vanish over night and the gays blissfully unaware they were just used as paypigs the entire month once again.
I'm willing to bet that if the developers don't do anything to appease the game journos and just tell them to fuck off, the game will see an increase in sales.
Back when I still played I did call everyone niggers without repercussions. It was pretty great.
There's nothing better than a good "you are gay"
i'm so powerful i don't even have to play to drive people away from a game
>Be Mount and Chad
>Enjoy the finest medieval game ever made
>The sequel that will be even better comes out Q3 of next year
Seems like a fun thread
Game is past it's hype month so it won't matter.
This. Hopefully the Mordhau devs aren't retarded and don't waste their time on moderating the only people left playing their game
Imagine getting offended by words on the internet lol
Nobody knows how to mute people, the article.
oh no they typed "kniggas" on a computer screen this makes my soi curdle
And it's beautiful, and that's a good thing!
>Sniper Hunter
>its not just a fad starting to wear out
>nope; its racism. fcuk fascists!
game journos need to eat a bullet
Hahaha holy shit.
Imagine being the game journalist that writes about that like I’m supposed to give a shit. Imagine being the soifag reader who gets offended reading this.
Why do retards think a """"toxic"""" community is what hinders a game growth?
How many fucking years has CSGO and Dota 2 existed?
>"We white people just can't have anything to ourselves, can we?" the user in question posted recently. "Now we can't even play our fucking video games in peace, without some nog like yourself screaming bloody murder over the lack of negroids."
Is he wrong?
>you will never be rich enough to give journalists free helicopter rides over the Atlantic ocean
This and chivalry isnt meant for pussy shitters. All the ingame taunts are already about either insulting someone or telling them how bad they are.
Is it actually driving people away? Most of the time these articles are just the blogger trying to speak for everyone.
lol this
its not a true FPS with someone doesn't call you a faggot.
>some guy had holocaust in his name
>one guy gets mad and complains about him being racist (???) to the whole chat expecting backup
>everyone tells him to fuck off
Actually, its because the game sucks
>another responds: "you are gay."
game journos have all but given up trying to regulate valve games because valve are lazy shitters who never moderate their games
that being said
Developers are so scared of people who hate minorities and women, they're adding in a toggle to hide those in Mordhau? That's... oof, pretty spineless of them, in my opinion.
complains from people who don't play video games
what's wrong with killing niggers and women?
chad homonem lol
Jews literally can’t imagine a world where they’re not surrounded by shabbos goys who attack other goys for crimethink.
>he wants devs to moderate their communities
>in games where you can preemptively mute all incoming chat
hahahaha that's it?
what a clown world we live in
Why are people still mad over bad words when the mute button exists?
Also, I genuinely hope the devs don't pay attention to this and realize that their game desperately needs better updates.
Not only is it spineless, but it empowers the racists/misogynists that get triggered by women & minorities in a fucking video game.
I don't care anymore. It's time to abandon this garbage wholesale and just move onto the next decade and the next meme.
I rarely call things childish, but politics really is.
I wish I had a good enough internet connection to play this game though it looks fun.
post characters too
perfectly balanced as all things should be
you mean post kniggas you retard
fuck off with your shitty game
They are authoritarians who want to be in control of what people can and can’t say. They can’t stand the idea that people may disagree with them so they feel it is their duty to police thoughts and speech to get their way.
40-year old men that pretend to be women
>I'm too dumb to mute players who say words that hurt my feelings
maybe the boomers were right about the snowflake thing
he's right you know
They're absolutely right.
Zoomers and kids don't play these games.
Grown ass boomers and adults do.
Fucking grow the fuck up, you fucking niggers.
What's the matter, you can't play\consume media without using buzzwords?
I feel like I've outgrown this shit, I'll make plenty racist jokes with friends but I'm tired of namecalling online, it's rarely funny or creative.
I haven't read the article but the amount of edgy /pol/ sounding retards I've seen playing this game is a lot. They just spam "nigger" and typical /pol/ spam like the 50% thing. I really wouldn't mind a mass ban of these people. There's a difference between calling somebody a faggot because they killed you with a bow and literally spamming nigger for no good reason. Not sure why this game attracts that particular crowd. Maybe some retards who really want to roleplay as christian crusaders. Imagine when they add female characters. Some of these people can't even stand female protagonists and I can almost guarantee the chat is going to get worse with them in the game.
>Why are people still mad over bad words when the mute button exists?
I saw somebody spamming the same racist spam over and over again through multiple games. I didn't care enough to mute them (I don't even know how to mute) but this shit happens in almost every game.
>game desperately needs better updates.
I wouldn't say "desperately" needs updates but this is another issue. Apparently the dev team is small so I don't want them to get into a Blizzard situation where they focus on reducing toxicity rather than adding content to their game, like what happend with Overwatch. Maybe work on the kick system.
um yea i think it's time we as a group advocated for legislation it's really the consensus at this point
>I feel like I've outgrown this shit
> I'm tired of namecalling online
t. 18 year old thinskin newfaggot
You can always go back to r*ddit
>make a game for the incel audience
>dies in less than a month
>Tell people European history is super racist and misogynist.
>Surprised when a game based around European history attracts racists who don't care about being shamed.
This could have been easily avoided.
>here's your vanilla onions latte with extra sugar, xir
neither is anything you do
I wouldn't consier that a knigga, maybe this
>I don't even know how to mute
Come on lad, this is a no braner, just click their name on chat and mute it.
fucking hell, journos are pathetic
>xtra sugar
>not xtra soi
You had one job
oy vey goyim
I love toxicity in video games, shit like overwatch and league of legends combined with these journalists have made online video gaming so much less interesting.
>listen here, faggot
oh no no no no, not the f*ggot word, how can this be happening?!
more like "time to sell more copies of this game to gab users that will think they are in good company"
you have to capture the counterproductivity of the blogger's desperate use of racism to get 0.00001 cents
mask is slipping
>Based "You are gay" poster
>doing enough to keep their community clean
people like this """"journalist"""" remind me of pic related
Maybe people spam words they know are offensive because they believe it will cause other players to tilt/type out long winded responses/quit and give them an advantage in game but hey thats just a theory.
Is this politic obsessed environment an american thing only? I never see this much obsession with words and left or right anywhere else
It's like a racial trait over there
its funny because mordhaus playerbase is dropping because the community is cancer and all the retard spinfags are back literelly goiing to be dead game soon
>he donates $5
are you posting from a country that jails people for denying the holocaust
>why dont people just mute
>well i dont know how to mute so ill never learn and just be perpetually offended.
Cool lemme know how that works out for ya.
I've outgrown it too but i dont mind if someone else does. I was once a underage edgy shitlord too once who thought it was funny to call people a nigger or a fag.
I play vidya with randoms all the time and quite a few of them are black. I'm pretty sure most of them would have no problem calling knight vidya characters their kniggas.
these people who complain about words and stupid shit like that should get an actual job and do actual work with real people.
these fucking niggeroid faggots need to go work on a fucking factory to learn how to deal with real people outside of their internet safespace, fucking fragile cunts
you're in a highly politically charged image board, Yea Forums or Yea Forums does not represent real life, neither does reddit, facebook, youtube or any other internet platform
this is a bread an circus for the mobs, any real and genuine information is either scrubbed or heavily suppressed
Its just every white centric nation, and its only happening at the same time their established populations are being replaced.... nothing to see here though, carry on move along.
I've been playing the game less ever since they patched the ability to avoid being kicked if you just left the server and rejoined after a vote starts.
>an circus
I don't think typing nigger is going to really tilt somebody unless they're black and why would a black person even want to play this game when they see how much they're hated in the chat
Hey retard try reading one line ahead where I said I didn't care enough to mute. Muting doesn't affect anything when it's not the solution to a bigger issue
>join match
>some player filling up the chat with his praise for trump and his Israel boot licking
i seriously hope you guys dont do this
>make a dismemberment simulator
>"players" get mad when they hear bad words
Can you be barefoot in Mordhau? Shoes are gay as fuck.
no, its the fucking horrible optimization and 5 minute load times on an hdd that are driving people away
every time i want to play the game i remember how fucking long it takes for the game to load up initially, load into a map and then immediately disconnect you from the server because it didnt load in time, and then stop screen tearing and lag spiking after you rejoin a server so you can actually play the fucking game, and i decide to do something else instead
time to buy mordhau i guess
old habits
>he doesnt have a ssd in 2019
>I don't think typing nigger is going to really tilt somebody unless they're black and why would a black person even want to play this game when they see how much they're hated in the chat
well, it clearly made you upset considering you felt the need to write a paragraph long rant about how butthurt you are about /pol/fags. Hang yourself.
It made me buy the game.
At this point it's like what do you fucking want us to do.
Please Mr Government come and put thoughtcontrol helmets on all these toxic people so that everyone only posts nice and encouraging things :(
i shidded and farded all over the server and got called a niggerfaggot Mr Government help!!! should i call the police??? i'm so upset :((((
Journalism is unironically fake news 99% of the time
>tfw i read this while im watiing 5 minutes for the game to even boot to menu on a moderately high end PC
i love playing this game but jesus christ its one of the worst optimized pieces of garbo
The absolutely shit gameplay drove me away.
thats not toxic thats just forum bantz circa 2006
>"you are gay."
>defending horrible programming
nobody should need an ssd to play this game, its only the incompetence of the devs that forces it
Typing nigger is so powerful it was said in a video game that you didnt play probably a week ago then some asshole wrote an article about and now youre sitting here arguing with assholes you never met about what a huge problem it is. I think you underestitmate the power of this word, its so strong its going to compel you to rebut my statements for next hour in this thread. Let that sink in a 6 letter word can compel you to write 4 paragraphs of shit and you wont even see a buck for the effort.
>I don't think typing nigger is going to really tilt somebody
Well it certainly seems to have tilted you.
>game journos need to eat a bullet
a bunch of them are trans, so statistically speaking........... it's only a matter of time
Takes 5 seconds tops to load a map for me. lol works on my machine.
Your reading comprehension could use some work.
>say nigger
>everyone laughs and shrugs it off
>say nigger
>get banned no remission period
fuck this pussy ass participation culture
at least they've quit using "triggered"
gives me hope for what they will shut up about next
the world is now run by vocal minorities.
nowhere is reflective of reality except user's apartment
that woman at the checkout counter believes all kinds of stupid shit and she doesn't tell anyone until she gets into her car and pulls out her phone
san francisco school board is contemplating spending over a million dollars to paint and assess the environmental impact of painting a communist mural insulting george washington for being racist slave-owning colonizer because it might hurt some black student's feelings
i'm aware this is discussing their forums but that just makes it even more embarrassing. literally just leave the forum thread. wow. problem fucking solved. it's not even someone you have to PLAY with, it's someone you have to EXIST with on the same planet
We are reaching levels of based prieviously thought to be unobtainable.
>some twitchfag joins the game pre motivational filter
>everyone starts spamming nigger to get him to back out
Now usually people just teamkill if some fag has a twitch name. Still works.
>no filter, no woke rules
>normies and fags join in
Spineless generation gets a taste of real online gaming. Mordhau is the glimpse of the early 2000s multiplayer. The fact is most of the comments and slurs are all just edgy shit and venting from all the censorships and woke rules of other online gamings. Them leaving will have no effect on the game whatsoever and it'll only get more popular.
>see someone typing nigger and how much crime 15% of the population does
>they begin to meme arrow
>steam picture is of a frog
any of you faggots doing that deserves to get banned from steam. stop being so reddit.
Boo fucking hoo, go play something else then if you can't handle it.
I don't download visual novels just to scream and bitch that they aren't made for me personally.
Damn it now I want to play it again. Can you still play this comfortably as a shitter or is everyone a fencing master at this point? Also, did they add a filter to the chat?
you think san francisco is indicative of reality?
you're aware they decorate trees with hiv infected needles and have smartphone apps documenting every location of human feces in public view?
i mean yea it's in the real world but it's still a fucking circus where normal people don't exist
Now I absolutely have to play Mordhau.
Thank you Yea Forums for driving away the excessively thin-skinned types away. The game won't be too crowded for me.
going to go change my steam name to 1350 real quick
If I had to take a wild guess you guys are probably the same retards spamming the racist stuff in the chat. I like how none of you have counter arguments and you've resorted to what is essentially a "you're triggered" response. Here I am literally typing the word "nigger" and you're trying to deflect everything else I've said by making up some story about me being tilted.
I like how Dota 2 has gotten a free pass for years now because everyone has pretty much given up on that cesspool.
its always fun to bully the twitchfags
It begins truly this word is too powerful for this world....
>I didn't care enough to mute them (I don't even know how to mute) but this shit happens in almost every game.
>I have an option to block stupidity... instead of using that option, I'm gonna complain and make articles crying about the devs not doing enough and saying (without any kind of source, of course) how are "driving players away" from the game.
Cuckoldry in its purest form.
that's not gonna work tranny, you couldn't win anyway
kill yourself
point out my reddit spacing before you go
>I like how none of you have counter arguments
What are you even arguing about? You're just saying "hurr trolls are being trolls, and it makes me mad."
Fucking imbecile.
the real world is actually an incredibly stupid place, mr. pinker. the isolated environments where people didn't shit in their own water are shrinking. we're going back to the demon-haunted world
This is why I play Mordhau for its /ourgame/
These mentally ill faggots can fuck off
check bbc news
People are getting put in jail for "hatespeech" all over Europe, all it takes ´for that to happen is to say something like "I don't like these filthy and smelly Muslims."
and it's less than 6%
shifty as ever
Nobody needs to "make up" a story about you being tilted when you're sitting here whinging about it to complete strangers on an anonymous image board who all disagree with your thin-skinned faggotry.
this maybe true, for now i at least i know my environment is still relatively clean
I stopped playing because because people were only using 2 or 3 weapons each match and it got boring
This is the weakest generation ever. Last generation couldn´t get jobs or leave their parent´s houses but this generation is even more pathetic. They can´t call on the phone and need safe spaces on the fucking internet because they can´t deal with anonymous insults. This weakness is the reason ignorant idiots rule over you. At least the apes have the will to fight and survive. Also, something about Trump because, why they fuck not. Goddammit...
I need to buy this game.
Chivalry had the same shit but way less back in 2012-2014 I feel like people just mostly boot up Mordhau now just to vent because other games wont allow you to.
Is this basically the same community
kind of rising storm and red orchestra? If so, I'll take it.
Thats how it used to be but now the rest of the west is trying to be America now too.
Complete with flooding our countries with 3rd worlders
Everything went down hill ever since 9/11. Bush fucked up the world hardcore.
Doesn't Overwatch have a shit load of racism and toxicity in it as well? Why is Mordhau of all games getting shit on for this stuff?
Was thinking about picking this one up, but after reading about the toxicity levels and the general apathy from the developers, no thanks, I don't need any more toxicity in my life. Also, not totally sure how I feel about the options to turn off people you don't like in game, but my initial instinct is it's a terrible idea, and sort of more evidence of the developers trying to cater to a toxic crowd, but hey I could be wrong there.
>Was thinking about picking this one up, but after reading about the toxicity levels and the general apathy from the developers, no thanks
no you weren't
did you actually copy and paste that from twitter?
You're going to lie to me and pretend like "trolls" spamming "red pills" don't actually believe what they spam? Overall my argument is this:
There's an issue of racism in this game. We need to address if you people even find "racism" to be an issue because if you don't then this whole conversation is worthless. Like I said I'm not talking about typing a few naughty words. Also the mute counter argument is worthless because it's not focusing on the player base as a whole.
>60k most amount of players
>now it's at 15k
can't wait until this shit game dies
No single player no buy
fug this garbage where's BANNERLORD!
We certainly don't need any faggots in life either
It's called muting, you dumb nigger.
Also, you browse Yea Forums. You live for toxicity, which makes you a fucking liar, too.
I need more "real multiplayer games like this", really tired of every game trying to be a hugbox.
racism is not an issue
there, and yes this conversation is worthless
Mordhau's player base is the same from the mid 00s before gaming turned to shit.
Your kind is not welcomed in gaming to begin with, fuck off nigger.
Eat my fucking shit with a knife and for you retarded inbred tranny
This. The discussion is muddied by snowflakes trying to have their say in the world when the genuine criticisms of the game are lay in the wayside in favor of virtue signalling and censorship.
We have to force them into reeducation camps to fix their hate speech.
Yesterday, someone uttered the horrific hate speech that only white and asian males were profitable for the USA and I recoiled in horror. How could they utter such nonsense? I thought to myself. It's impossible that our nation spends more on every other group and it's being subsidized by Asian and white men. An impossibility!
All the mods have to do is make a mod that replaces white male characters for those that don't want their game to be generic and pasty.
That's some tame shit
OW has typical assmad losers who take game too seriously.
Mordhau has typical pepe/anime avatar types who just spam the same jokes that they read here
Whites are the reason the US spent trillions on Iraq and tax breaks for ultra-rich scum. They deserve to be mooched off of.
>Also the mute counter argument is worthless because it's not focusing on the player base as a whole.
Why should the playerbase as a whole have to change for you? They all don't have a problem with it, obviously.
It sounds like you're a very self-centered person. The world doesn't revolve around you, you know.
Can you quantify the damage of this racism? Can you break it down in no uncertain terms what it will do to society if people in mordhau say nigger 24/7? Because youre telling me theres a problem youre telling everyone theres a problem youre saying people need to be aware of this problem but youre not telling me the projected casualties the potential for loss if this problem isnt adressed. Please i want to stop the problem but first you need to be very clear about the nature of the problem so that we can work together to fix it, what is these peoples end goal in their saying nigger over and over do you think they believe if they say it enough black people will lose their rights or....? Can you help me out here im just a little confused.
I've never been the kind of person who felt the need to shittalk, and I played everything from UT to Quake to CS and CoD. That said if someone else wants to be an edgy faggot, go ahead.
haha nice roleplaying
I agree, my fellow gamer. I'm also appalled by the magnitude of toxicity related to marginalizing the women and trans community! Sometimes I wonder if the world could possible get any worse than it is now. Maybe one day I will wake up and the the nightmare that is my life will be over.
why are whites the ones getting mad over other races problems? I've never read an african game journo get offended over the evil nigger word.
>‘Post your kniggas,’
unironically kek'd, based
>You're going to lie to me and pretend like "trolls" spamming "red pills" don't actually believe what they spam? Overall my argument is this:
Alright, you seem fairly civil so I'll humor you.
I'm not going to deny that some people are dumb enough to believe the shit they spew, but the vast majority of people calling you a "nigger" in online games are trolls, whom rarely affiliate with whatever obscenities they spew.
I don't think it's really an issue of racism, because again they're merely attempting to generate a reaction from you, rather it's an issue with trolls, whom are never going to go away, as they've existed since the internet's conception and feed off of the attention YOU'RE giving them. Attempts to quell trolls are rarely successful and often only result in repercussions that only worsen the situation.
Whites can spend the wealthy they generated any way they want. The price tag would have been significantly cheaper if we didn't insist on spending money rebuilding what we just blew up only for ungrateful sandniggers to blow it up continuously, eg the famous case of a school the US Army Corps rebuilt 3 separate times in the span of 4 years because it kept getting shelled.
If niggers and other assorted dirt people had been in place there would have been no wealth to spend in the first place.
Based Mordhau
the steam sale might give a second wind but its rate of decline might suggest it'll stabilize at like 11k average players
because said whites never experienced a culture outside their own beyond a restaurant
>not responding with "have sex"
I miss using the term "nigga" when playing online games, now not even black people can say that shit
As a woman this makes me sad and angry because I was also once a mordhau player until I realized the community were a bunch of racists and woman haters as evident in the steam forums. How the devs allow this? They're supporters of this shit. If they ever add female characters they better ban the fuck out of any nasty shit said in text chat and the forums. That disgusting vile stuff has no reason to be in the game or the threads. Nothing but manchildren who can't get laid are the ones spouting this shit. Grow up.
Which is funny because didn't even fucking go on sale during the event.
What a dumb fucking move honestly. It's a multiplayer game on steam and you don't have a sale during the Steam Summer Sale to bolster the playerbase?
>when you run out of things to complain about so you have to complain about shit for other people
They didn't even use the hard R. Why are they making such a big deal about this?
They don't have the "satisfaction" or "convenience" of pulling up an in-game/in-forum report button and blamming them on the spot.
Nevermind that this would only ever boot them out of official servers and posting on the forums.
Oh and the devs aren't buckling to the complaints.
Oh wait, your serious? Because let me tell you right now, the crowd your defending actually is disgusted over a few naughty fucking words. Hell, the article itself is livid over the oldest geardoposting thread on the forum calling themselves kniggas.
Do you seriously want us to dig up for you the shit you can find by just typing "toxic" into Mordhau's subreddit search?
>the mute counter argument is worthless because it's not focusing on the player base as a whole.
Oh. Your not serious then. My bad. You've got me late so here's your (You).
>said whites never experienced a culture outside their own
I experience it every time I see the 29% of my paycheck disappearing every pay period to pay for their welfare.
how is this racist lmao
It didnt even go on sale though.
>another responds: "you are gay."
Why play shitty dick Mordhau when For Honor is ultimately superior in every way?
Heres your pity (you)
I can only imagine this being read by that whiny jew voice they gave Kyle's cousin or whatever from South Park
nice joke
died the second the chinks were added
the event itself is the sale i'm referring to user, not the game's own price. i got the review stats from the steam page. i can see that it's not on sale. maybe people really want $5 discount coupons and are emptying out their wishlists
>Colonized half the world
>Never experienced culture outside our own
This is why niggers will always be the laughing stock of every race on the planet
there's also the possibility that those reviews are for the 500 points and not new buyers, which escaped my imagination until just now.
based game
Fuck I gotta start playing this game
You're just as dumb as a nigger if you seriously believe that the little faggots writing articles like , or really anyone alive today, are the people that colonized half the world.
I'm not gay i just like the taste of dicks.
just remember
>Filter game to +18
>Everybody actually behaves
Why is that?
Now that ResetERA has taken notice, how long before the devs cuck out and reverse course?
Just play the game what faggot cares about this shit. Don't have to look at chat
>When one player questions the racism in the thread’s title, another responds: "you are gay."
>NOOOOO! You can't use language in a way I don't like!
>With plans for playable female characters and a choice of ethnicity on the horizon (you can only create white male characters at the moment), I expect the vitriol to get worse. The Mordhau team seem to expect that too, and say their current plan is to let players 'disable' these new options if they want. "That goes back to a similar situation as the chat filters," Geach says. "Whatever stance we take officially, some group of people are going to be upset with us. And so, ideally we’d put the power in the players’ hands, and give them the option to enable and disable different things.
What is our opinion on this?
For Honor slept with Mordhau's mother and now Mordhau calls For Honor daddy. Now buy it.
Does mordhau have community servers?
>"you are gay"
Never said in this day and age dumb ass. Go take your stupid ass presumptions somewhere else
i will continue to play this game
I love the internet. God bless it for as long as Jesus still walks the great plains of south Dakota
You guys know that the devs WILL change course now that the press has taken notice, right? When has a developer not backed down the moment they get even a little bit of push-back from the press?
this game is such shit. glad I refunded it an hour in
that it's the only way to keep people from having in-game race wars which will still probably happen because people won't use it
Maybe you should go back and read the reply chain again, retard.
>Giving players options to customize their gaming experience
>When one player questions the racism in the thread’s title, another responds: "you are gay."
gonna have to refund this game...
There will always be high schoolers. They will always call you a faggot.
the fuckin van exploding always gets me
Why would I when my comment was only referring to one users post and not the string of them. You're about as self aware as a rock
nice bait fellow zoomer, care if I copy paste this as my donation message? gonna give summit another fat $100 today
every time
I don't know if I'd call them assmad. The matchmaking sucks dick. It sucks ass going into competitive and then having the opposing team steamroll yours because your teammates suck dick.
I had a couple games where I literally solo wiped 3 out of 6 on the enemy team and my team couldn't handle a 5v3.
The only reason I can still enjoy it is because I play arcade and then bait people into getting banned by Blizzard's retarded system. It's surprising how easy it is to bait someone trying to suck up to the system, exactly the kind of player Blizzard wants, into getting fucked by that very system.
That was the first time I've gone to resetera and kinda thought all the shitposting about the forum was a running gag. I was wrong.
Imagine if these people came to Yea Forums. They'd fucking have a heart attack.
>disable chat
>problem solved
>also play better because of less distraction
Wow that was hard
You just gotta ease them into their new role.
>thought all the shitposting about the forum was a running gag
>he thinks it's been a big gag this whole time
oh shit you're that "as-self-aware-as-a-rock-poster" i saw in the lootbox thread
did you just learn that phrase today?
>Implying they aren't already here
>copy paste this from the article comment section
>connection error or whatever eats my reply
>try again
>forget the ">"
>get a bunch of (You)s
it's a kind of a gag in the same sense our entire universe is
Because then you'd see how fucking moronic your reply was as a result of misinterpreting the post you replied to because you're such a fucking idiot that you can't read a reply chain before replying.
>Mutuing doesn't effect anything.
It does when the problem is coming from chat you mega tard.
>Lootbox thread
Do what?
Congrats, you learned one of the oldest tricks in the book to farm salt. Good job.
have another one (You) stupid nigger
>Nigger chimping out
>Game is naturally losing steam as people find they're not fans of it
No no no no! Someone said faggot on the internet this can't be happening! No please god noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
yeah, I'm leaving this place, I don't need more toxic things in my life
>When one player questions the racism in the thread’s title
>another responds: "you are gay."
That actually made me laugh. For once it's good to be alive.
These cuntrag journalists need to get a kick in the feminine penis.
So many games just don't have sticking power and will naturally lose interest over time, but everyone is so quick to try and sell some kind of retarded theory as to why. Anything besides "maybe people aren't interested in playing it all the time forever."
I hope you realize how ironic that is coming from someone who refuses to read, but I expect you don't with that nigger-tier brain you have.
I want to believe pic related is a clever tongue-in-cheek shitpost and not a literal retard.
sometimes i wonder if threads like these are some kind of psychological experiment to learn certain behaviors so that the algorithm can learn to detect it
i mean for fuck sake do these sites really make money from this kind of click bait? it's not even a popular game
>Counter argument
To what? People saying nigger and faggot in chat? They always have and they always will. FUCKING DEAL WITH IT is my counter point to you saying "something needs to be done". As long as there are words that offended people, and people that are offended by those words, those words will be spammed. Its like stopping racism, or violent crime, it cant and won't happen. This really shouldn't have to be spelled out to you but since you're such a dense faggot i guess it does. Eat a dick dumbass.
exactly. the game has a nice honeymoon period until you start to get tired of the same routine of the same maps and the same fucking weapons everyone uses
>Horse Nigger Grave Digger
happens all the time. someone's enjoying the game and then they see the word nigger and the game dies.
>it's not even popular
It sold 1 million copies in like a month ONLY on Steam, plus it says that anywhere between 2 and 5 million people own it on steamspy.
The real tragedy is the resetrannies are gonna fill his/her/xir's head with made up shit about the Middle Ages now.
>no one alive today conquered the world
>no one alive today lived through slavery but we need to give them reparations
You heard em boys, post your kniggas/niggas at arms
>it's not even a popular game
Actually it's a very popular by PC game standards. It sold over a million copies in its first month on Steam.
Holy shit. That's it? That is all it takes for someone to have a cry these days? Fucking pussy
This coming from the guy who didn't bother reading a similar comment replying to the same person and instead spergs out here. Do you have too many chromosomes? Is it that hard to understand that the first comment in that chain wasn't want either of us were replying to? Holy fuck
here's your (You)
Nobody cares what a whiny games journalist thinks about literally anything, he's a faggot and so are you. People want them driven away, nobody wants them in their shit, you're killjoys at every turn, go host private servers or infect some other hobby cunts
a pc only game that's not from blizzard is technically not popular to the world, not popular enough to generate click bait revenue because most people, regardless of the 1 million copies sold, don't know shit about this game or that it even exists or even read or know what pcgamer is
none of is here would know about this trash article if it wasn't posted on Yea Forums
you dont seem to get it bro. almost all multiplayer games coming out now are heavily self moderated with filters and matchmaking makes it impossible to have your own space. you buy the game and say a bad word? goodbye. doesn't even stop at words. if you play a certain way you will also get a boot.
this is a game where people can finally just say whatever the fuck they want and its nice to go back in time where you can call someone a nigger faggot without reasons other than the fact its a swear. no pretenses or anything behind hating minorities, its just a funny ass word to say.
matchmaking was, still is, and always will be a mistake. if everything was still dedicated servers we wouldn't have this issue of people having to play with people they don't want to play with.
>cue all those image collages of trannies bitching about Kingdom Come Deliverance and saying that 15th Century Europe was full of black people
Very nice my Legionnaire...
>still play every few days and see less and less racism than i did on release
>>this is due mostly to everyone with a brain realizing the game's broken, and the previous update broke hitreg when it was actually working beforehand, nobody smart plays anymore
>devs refuse to release things previously seen in ancient 2016/2017/2018 developer videos such as female models, maps
>>nobody cares about females so that's a win, maps are not
>game releases with four maps
>>they're all unbalanced and unfixed forever, eventually one gets 'fixed' that just throws balance towards the defending team (taiga, blue)
>>response is to take a meme map that was inaccessible w/o console or a community server (Horsefield, literally just a horsefighting field, big as fuck, actually kinda fun) and throw a fort in the middle and call it a day
>>>this map was extremely unbalanced, nobody likes it, instead of the point being 'dangerous' it is 'you die if you stop moving at all thanks to the inclusion of our brand-new javelin that'll deal 50 damage regardless of your armour lmao'
>>>>more people leave because there's no way to ban/remove archery and throwables thanks to piss-poor moderation tools and no mod support... at all.
>>>>>an excellent example is a 3x damage horde server with 48 slots, there is no filter so everything - falls, arrows, punches, kicks, ALL forms of damage are 3x
>>>>>>>>>content is drying up and a flail model already exists in another meme funland map added in the last update, but apparently let's add more weaponry instead of just fixing the game's fundamental problems
>>>>>>>>>>>add onto all of this when a retarded faggot wastes $30 and sees the nigger word on a server
that's where we are
do not buy mordhau, chivalry with bots is still a much better experience, believe me
This is the same shit with Deliverance where they tried to pretend Baltimore niggers and Bay Area feminist women were in 13th century european conflicts isn't it
Fair point I guess
>no one alive today lived through slavery but we need to give them reparations
Weird, I don't remember saying that.
The only chat abuse that deserves a banning is those faggot mic spammers.
Not exactly. They're going to add female characters and other ethnicities, but they're giving players the option to disable actually seeing them as that. This makes Restera mad because they don't think players should be able to pick if they want something to look more historical.
this. game was fun for a bit messing around with builds and then the honeymoon period wears off, weeks go by, and now you see dueling autists using the top shit everywhere
same 5 unbalanced maps seeing the same spear/zwei/mauls on the ground gets old very very quick
The infection hasnt set in! Quick redpill this man stat we can still save him!
calling you a nigger seems to be more effective then telling you to "eat shit you dumb bitch"
Having to pic a server was a good retard filter.
>boots instead of sandals
>short spear and not javelin
I appreciate your Trve Roman but please fix those.
Well I guess that answers my second question
Let's say there's a racist march outside and I say "I don't like this racist stuff" and you tell me just "shut your windows so you can't hear them". That's essentially what you're saying when you say "just mute them"
The "damage" really depends on how serious you find this issue. If you don't care then whatever keep spamming red pills in the chat and continue. Not sure what you're trying to say with the whole black people losing their rights thing. I'm not pretending like racism in Mordhau is going to cause hate crime. I guess you can prove damage by people shying away from the game
I wouldn't be typing about this if it wasn't something I've seen consistently enough. If somebody says nigger in the game the devs can add a swear filter or a proper vote/report system so that's not a huge issue. It feels like the player base though is a bunch of children let loose and these children are taking advantage of the lack of consequences.
I actually regret starting this because I would rather the game focus on updates
Holy shit i'm dying
According to one sliver of a destroyed pot dated beween 300bc and 1600ad located somewhere between spain and india theres a partially visible drawing of what appears to possibly be a black person therefore providing without a doubt the existence of blacks in medieval Europe.
>arming sword instead of falchion
Are you seriously retarded?
Here since scrolling back up and reading are too hard for your monkey brain, I'll put it here.
>why are whites the ones getting mad over other races problems?
>because said whites never experienced a culture outside their own beyond a restaurant
To which you replied
>Colonized half the world
>Never experienced culture outside our own
Do you see the problem now, idiot? Or do I need to draw you a diagram to go with it?
based goddess
>Let's say there's a racist march outside and I say "I don't like this racist stuff" and you tell me just "shut your windows so you can't hear them". That's essentially what you're saying when you say "just mute them"
In the USA they have the right to their "racist march" and there's nothing you can do about it. So yes, the exact same answer is appropriate, shut your window if you don't like it.
the game self moderates itself and its full of thin skinned faggots of all kind.
mordhau doesn't have any of that.
Is an old pic but yea I've fixed them
>When one player questions the racism in the thread’s title, another responds: "you are gay."
holy shit my sides
>hack n slasher
I fucking hate journo fags
You are gay
What cry babies, this is like the normal bants on an average day.
are you okay?
>Let's say there's a racist march outside and I say "I don't like this racist stuff" and you tell me just "shut your windows so you can't hear them". That's essentially what you're saying when you say "just mute them"
Right, so what's the problem? People are entitled to their opinions, even racist ones, and their entitled to being able to voice their opinions, again even racist ones.
You don't mean to tell me you support thought policing, do you?
Here is another view.
white guilt, virtue signaling, using blacks as shields.
niggas dont give a shit
Yea Forums and shitty MP games have always had racists but it's gotten worse. It felt playful and purposefully stupid before but now you're not just the niggest, you're a filthy untermench with inferior skullshape and there's way too much political shit thrown in. And there's 30 kids in allchat parroting that thought instead of a couple of idiots now and then. More people believe the shit they talk too.
I miss when it was just 'yur mom gay'
maybe you shouldn't destroy my fucking ballista you dumb cunt
You don't belong in gaming, none of you mentally ill termites belong in gaming.
>I said I didn't care enough to mute.
yet you care enough to seethe like a bitch on a cambodian water colour paint forum. you dumb nigger
>im not pretending like racism in mordhau is going to cause hate crime.
Ok lets start here what will the racism in mordhau cause then, can you cite any similar cases with other online multiplayer games that have caused a shift in society/culture? What im getting to here is do you have any data that backs up the idea that people saying nigger online in a swordfighting game will somehow damage our social fabric, please understand that if you want people to be sympathetic to your cause that you need to explain your cause because at this point youre making alot of noise but youre not really saying much past, word bad people need to not say word.
imagine how sad you're going to be when the gas hits you
good ill have another good reason to not return to playing that unbalanced early access piece of shit
Who cares about racism, it's the toxic players that's the problem. Get lots of kills? Get banned. Can't even play it anymore
Which mount and blade games have active multiplayer?
>You are gay
fucking rekd
not enough streamers hyping the game up like most BR games
What are the chances that the author was the player complaining about racism?
Why are you stupid cunts giving so much spotlight to clicbait articles you fucking mouth breather? Fuck you and die.
good summary. fuck this game. stopped at 30. started seeing problems around early 20s and each level after that and days go by they became more apparent.
I just miss when it was flat goofball racism and a demoman running around with a watermelon sign
or arranging online avatars into a swastika
or voting for a soda drink to be named Hitler Did Nothing Wrong
now it's just a competition to see who can out edge one another and yell the words mom and dad told you not to say the loudest
updated pic?