Geralt: So beautiful, he thought. Everything about her is beautiful. And dangerous...

Geralt: So beautiful, he thought. Everything about her is beautiful. And dangerous. The colours she wears; the contrast of black and white. Beauty and terror. Her natural, raven curls. Her high cheekbones, accentuated by the crease that forms when she smiles - if she deigns to smile - her lips, wonderfully small and pale beneath her lipstick. Her eyebrows, wonderfully irregular when she washes away the kohl at the end of the day. Her nose, wonderfully long. Her small hands, wonderfully nervous, restless and adept. Her figure, fine and slim, emphasised by the tightness of her belt. Her slender legs, as they move beneath her black skirt. Beautiful.

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Mutt witcher

America ruins everything. And they're slowly spreading their cancer to other nations.

The west is the land of cuckoldry.

meh, she's cute

And then you queers gooble it up because you want to be like us but you won’t because you’re inferior. It’s a never ending cycle of faggotry.

what is the opposite of white washing?

i honestly think its a good choice, she kind of has that seductive mysterious look

I hate manipulative women.
I'll drop her dead in the game if I could

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Poo goes in loo, Yen

Huh, I was against the casting choice at first, but it really doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would.

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Cant wait to hate watch it, fully expect it to be complete garbage

Pajeeta Yen is hot. It's the other blackwashed female characters that are the problem.

The UK is worse when it comes to making everyone brown

Americans are such fucking bunch of morons.

Reminder that the only hope lies in continental Europe. Bongs need not apply.

Lol eastern europe are the only ones who push back against this shit Orban might as well be Hitler to the west


Good goyim

its weird how on Yea Forums, america is considered too pushy with diversity and inclusion, but IRL america is seen as a nation that is too nationalist and racist

Neither Netflix nor CDPR Yennefers are particularly good looking.

Reminder that Yen is perfect

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Welcome to every single fake outrage where we get mad before we actually see the quality of a product.

This is who voiced her in 3. Thoughts?

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>CDPR Yennefers
The original was better but they redesigned her for some reason.

yeah maybe a little too brown but i still think she has a good look.

somebody say knot?


Has she spoken yet? Bet she has a dumb accent.

wtf just give her a black wig and contacts

>You have to do the needful, Geralt!

Yennefer of Bangladesh

wtf, polaks look like that?

somebody needs to rewrite this but in the context of her being a streetshitter.