>Alice: Asylum is currently a hypothetical video game proposal by American McGee as part of his vision for the series.
American McGee has been working on this for a good while now but nothing is certain. The ideas and concepts so far are pretty cool
Can we get a cozy Alice thread going frens?
Alice Asylum
Other urls found in this thread:
i wish he could have gotten funding to make something with the visual and musical style of akaneiro, but actually good to play
Dropping some dresses
>American McGee
who is this cuck
was the (((new))) game made by some nobodies?
>hypothetical video game proposal
whats more real, this or schrödingers cat?
link for the first alice game from yesterday's thread
Spicy Horse doesn't exist anymore
License proposal, yup.
Wasn't McGees sister kidnapped and murdered and he was looking for the perps or something?
oh make sure to create a shortcut to alice.exe and add -RunningFromAlice2 in the shortcut's "target" field in properties, like so
The guy who made the HR texture mod for the first game is making these dress concepts
The first one really is disgusting, the other two are pretty nice
i don't know about her being murdered but she was kidnapped, no one heard from her since like 2015 as far as i know
This is
this one looks better than the ones you posted so far
>When McGee was sixteen, he came home from school to find his house empty and abandoned; the only things left were his bed, his books, his clothes and his Commodore 64 computer. His mother had sold the house to pay for two plane tickets and the fee for her girlfriend's sex reassignment surgery, leaving him on his own.
jesus christ man, trannies were a mistake
Posting randomly
Punished McGee had a hard life.
Alice Horror Movie when?
The blue kinda killed it
I enjoyed TMR but after seeing what got cut,I hope he learned not to make deals with the devil.
Publish under EA once, never own the IP ever
It will never be okayed, Alice is way too cute for modern video games.
Really loved the 2nd one. First one didn't jive with me that well gameplay wise.
Alice:Madness Returns while also having tons of flaws, really felt like a dreamy walk through someone's messed up mind.
Really wish they had gotten a few more developers and time. Those teardrop jumping sections, the cut levels (especially the MC Escher one) and more fleshed out mechanics would've done the game well.
Oh and it probably has the best hair physics in a game.
McGee is being an asshat when it comes to piracy.
Was his sister found?
First game was a PC shooter on id tech 3
Madness returns was a crossplatform casual platformer hack and slash on unreal engine 3
Growing up with id games, I loved the first game, the second one was a completely different game, all over the place, plus I hate platformers
These are decent
>dad is happy Keanu