No one is going to buy my game because of Masuda

>No one is going to buy my game because of Masuda

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Rip scot-chan it was nice while it lasted.

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Even the lowest selling Pokemon games still turned profit so I doubt this will be the case.

It's still gonna sell a fuck ton, and if anything the outrage is making things better for them since some people wanna support Masters instead which'll help that game make more profit.

>Berserker pokemon

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incompetence will always catch up to you eventually. this must happen and it's better that it happens now when it's clear they've made a mistake, not that the interest in pokemon is just exhausted.

evn let's go pee sold like 10 millions

Don't lie, all the dumbass Masuda dicksuckers will buy it anyway and it'll sell millions like always.

It’s still going to sell, retard. Which isn’t a good thing.

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>catch them all
>can't catch them all

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Pretty much this. Fuck you faggots.

I don't give a fuck about whatever literally who pokemon are excluded from this game.

I don't care about a lack of polish or detail

I just want a new game, in a new region, with new pokemon and new features.

Glad this meme lasted a week, it's never been fun.

Enjoy giant pokemon and turds Masuda dick sucker.

Why are psycho girls with dead eyes so sexy?

Because you haven't met anyone like that irl.

I wouldn't really call "It has become unfeasible to have to create a new animation for every Pokemon every time we do something" incompetence with the scale the franchise is currently at.

We're at the point where adding just a single animation to every Pokemons animation bank would mean creating more than 1,000 individual animations, just going by the number of unique models there are. And while yes, those animations can look goofy in the context of gameplay, most of them are handmade (as in not mocapped) and do amazing jobs of delivering the personality of that individual Pokemon.

People like to give them shit for being lazy in the new gens, but even for the biggest studios, 1,000 animations just to provide one new animation per creature is an absolutely absurd undertaking.

Yes, they're reusing assets so most animations aren't new, but the franchise probably couldn't even happen at the scale it does at all if they didn't. There's a reason that basically every franchise remotely similar to it also reuse resources heavily.

All that said I still think it sucks that this cut is happening.

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>Popular American only slogan
We talking about Pokemon or Trump here?

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>We're at the point where adding just a single animation to every Pokemons animation bank would mean creating more than 1,000 individual animations
New animations? Have you seen the trailers nigger?

Maybe I will enjoy giant pokemon, but understand, I'm no Masuda apologist. Honestly I don't give a shit who makes these games or whatever bullshit they have to justify their laziness. As long as the core mechanics are present and implemented competently I'll be satisfied

Read the rest of my post. In fact read what you quoted even. I said added. As in add to the set of animations already in use, the ones they have banked from previous generations.

And yes, Sword and Shield does have some new animations not seen in previous games. The fact you can't notice them easily unless you're hyper into the games and suddenly see a new one kind of shows the issue here though. One animation doesn't mean that much on its own unless it has particularly special context, making that 1,000 total to add a single animation to everything even more absurd.

Same user. I don't buy the remakes or spinoffs. I just like to get the new generation games to explore the new region and catch all the new pokemon. It's too bad that some people can't transfer their bros into the new game, but that doesn't really affect me.

Thank you, user. You are the best kind of consumer a company can hope for. As a game dev, i thank you from the bottom of my heart for going out of your way to support us without asking questions.

>I'm no Masuda apologist
You definitely are. Fuck you.

When you present your opinion sarcastically, it makes it a lot easier for people to just not want to even listen to your opinion and discard your argument entirely.

Nobody wants to listen to someone whose entire capability in a discussion is ridicule through sarcasm. If you actually care about this subject, then please, criticize GF and raise awareness of the problem. Don't be a condescending prick about it though.

Unless you just don't care about the issue at all, then you're just being an outrage whore so whatever.

You sound like a compete faggot honestly

Masuda here. Yes thank you for believing in us even though we can't code for shit. BUY OUR GAME RETARDS!

You don't care, fair enough.

>reddit spacing
lol didn't read.

Suck my big 30 inch cock faggot.

Your arm?

You wish it was that small. Then maybe you wouldn't choke to death on it.

God, it really fucking wasn't. I blame Americans who don't understand other cultures and think "LOL SCOTTISH" is a character trait for this.

Which timeline will SwSh be on?

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You didn't even reply to me I was just wondering why you'd even say 30 inch lol.
>mah culture

I’d like to see her go pee if ya know what I mean.

Seething eurocuck detected. Maybe if you all stopped talking with retarded accents we wouldn't find you so funny.

i will but i have to see the final forms of the starters first to see if you are worth buying

Dilate, mutts

cope harder virgin.

>big head good

I've been wanting to play a pokemon game lately. Should I play HG/SS or just G/S?

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>it calls others mutts

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Why would you play G/S over Crystal?

I know I'm not

HGSS, it's pretty much the same game but with more features and side stuff to do like the Pokeathelon.

wow, mind if I save this cute and funny picture?

Extremely vocal minority of manchildren. Parents will buy this shit for their kids same as ever. Doesn't matter how they fuck over the player.

Just because it's a pure breed doesn't mean it's a pretty one

Don't get mad. Read my next post carefully and you might understand my position.

I don't care about precedent. I'm not interested in who makes these games. And I'm never going out of my way to defend any developer of these games.
My requirements for a new pokemon game that I would be interested in buying are these.

1) A new Region
2) New pokemon
3) New mechanics and features

I hope you will enjoy SW&SH when they come out. I know I will

Anything looks prettier than you nasty subhumans do.

Fuck off Masuda dicksucker.

Imagine being so autistic about missing pokemon that you are literally seething with rage at anons on the internet. Yikes, how embarassing

Imagine being so retarded as to get mad at people expressing interest in a game. Oof.

If you're buying a full priced game even though it has less content than the fucking handheld games, and the excuse to make it shit is the graphics and it still looks like complete garbage...

You must not be very smart, user.

There isn't a new region. It's the same shit all over again. A bunch of towns with nothing in them, a bunch of gyms, evil team, beat legendary, elite 4, no post game. And you know how I know there's no post-game? Because bringing older Pokémon was part of it.

There will be a handful of new Pokémon, not that many given the laziness they keep displaying, and the new feature is just a half assed version of Z moves.

This game is a lazy mess rushed to shit out something on the switch, not the mainline console Pokémon game we wanted. It's a glorified handheld piece of garbage.

And again, if you buy it, you must not be very smart.

Most normies that buy Pokemon don't even know what the fuck a Masuda is and will probably think it's a car brand

Cringe. Have sex incel. Dilate.

That's life, sweetheart. We all wanted a true home console Pokemon game.

I'll still fap to you, though.

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still going to sell millions

>ORAS good
>RSE bad

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Herro, Masuda here.

Just wanted to say you are cordiarry invited to suck on my dick. It seems rike the onry thing you can think about.

Maybe if you suck me good enough I rill put your favorite pokemon back in the game ;)

What do you rike? Rumineon? Rickricky?

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Millones minus one. First Pokémon game I won't be buying since red and blue.

Fixed that image for you also:
Manga Adventures Blue >=Scrapped R/B Blue > Leaf > Let's Go Blue

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don't tell Yea Forums or /vp/ but i still have every intention of buying it, and even having FUN while playing it

>bw, bw2

You seem to have a tiny brain. You could save your money and just buy a fidget spinner, that would probably provide you with the same amount of fun for less money.

I know, the dude didn't put them in the good ones.

This fuckin gook needs to go back to composing the music and stay there. He is not fit to direct a game at all

Even the trainer art looks worse

I feel bad for Pokemon's artists, the only worthwhile employees at Gamefreak.

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I'm buying your game because of based Masuda.

>I Im n-not cringe! Y-your t-th-the cringey one!
>I'll call him and incel too, that'll show him!
