Succubus (now named Felstalker)

>Succubus (now named Felstalker)
>Mistress of Pain (now named Queen of Pain)

sex bad!

Attached: new art.png (1292x588, 1.03M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Just wait until they start censoring the art on the card like they do to Yugi-Oh cards.
The SJW discordtrannypedo cartel and 90s christfag minivan soccer moms found common ground in their desire to censor everything they don't like and partnered up in the worst bedfellows of all time event.

Please tell me this is not real

Attached: 1533692010783.jpg (397x230, 37K)

Are these fucking real?

>Just wait until they start censoring the art on the card
They already DID that to Jayna, and OP shows more censored art. I don't know if it's real or not, but fuck Blizzard either way.

On the other hand Felstalker being a smaller Lakarri Felhound is alright with me

>leftoids become dominant culture
>start doing a lot of the same shit conservative boomers wanted in the 90s
truly amazing how they are at the same time against sexualisation of women and pro sexual liberation

This is the original card that was apparently too hardcore for Blizzard's audience.

Attached: Succubus(208).png (286x395, 191K)

Yes its real

Scroll down, they tried to burry the stuff at the bottom behind other announcements of course.

Jesus Christ, just looked up a comparison album to spot more minor differences. I knew what Succubus looked like, but these are ridiculous

What the fuck did they actually get rid of the best ass art in their game? That was like the sole reason to play Secretkeeper.


>World War III is going to be caused by a gamer rising up and killing some Chinese diplomat

Attached: AWAKEN.png (623x1180, 471K)

>tfw you've milked your western market dry and start getting more money from the Chinese


>tfw now unironically want gamers to rise up

Attached: comedy.jpg (500x500, 24K)

>in a children's card game
I know we always joke about it but what you think it wasn't true?

NuBlizz is gonna delete those comments. I give it another hour

The new versions of the right three are improvements because the originals looked like shit, just look at the Secretkeeper's massive left arm. But while the right two at least keep similar designs and levels of fanservice the rest are just total changes that can't be excused.

Attached: NZgi6oK.png (5512x3328, 3.53M)

I literally just deleted my BNET account over this. Not the censoring, but the rest of the update in general is complete dogshit. After 12 years, Blizzard is officially dead to me.

Feels weird.

What's the Secretkeeper's secret? That she likes butt stuff?

jesus changing secretkeeper is a fucking crime. that card was always rated as one of the highest on the sex meter



>Blizzard is just now dead

Even after WoW and Diablo 3 you were still going?

Attached: 1536265485773.jpg (600x800, 48K)

Hearthstone fans have a boner for women with giant monkey left arms?

Uninstalled around when that new nigger was announced for OW.
Feels good user.

>i hope you spend the rest of your lives trapped in Warlords of Draenor
holy fucking based

its the ass, dummy

>changed because sexuality
>changed because sexuality
>changed because sexuality
>changed because sexuality
>changed because blood
>changed because blood
>changed because impalement
>changed because blood

I fucking hate the current state of video games and fantasy in general. How fucking dare these dykes remove fantasy elements from a fantasy game because they are too fragile-minded.


Attached: 1470890078188.jpg (412x430, 29K)

>The new versions of the right three are improvements because the originals looked like shit,
kill yourself faggot cocksucker


Delete thread you mean. They pay their plebbit lapdogs to delete every thread on their site over it as well.

Reminds me of the recent outrage of the goblin slayer anime. People were fuming because a girl was raped by goblins in the first episode. Absolute gold to see faggots getting so mad over an actual dark fantasy setting.

Don't @ me, racist.

It's so hilarious because live-action shows on HBO show much worse all the time and everyone loves them to death

>we won Chineze audiens
not even once

Attached: spiderman holy shit.jpg (279x580, 35K)

Instead of being mad about rape, people should've been mad about the anime being fucking garbage with terrible direction and an affront to the manga.

This is all getting so tiresome. Wasn't China supposed to be running out of water pretty soon?

they are drinking onions sauce now

>HBO shows that pander to them
>Games which isnt made for them
You see, double standards!

The desert in the north gets bigger. Thats why they buy fertile land in africa and around the world.

I know, weird how SJWs love GoT when rape is how they say hello in that setting

pretty based post desu

Chink here

Yes most of them were changed because of sexuality, but Sccubus had to be changed especially because the new gaming license law in China said "strictly no content relating to religion/cultism of any kind"

Which is funny, because there is literally a class named the Shaman

Gmaing companies have to be especially careful because the new law states a "three strike rule" where after getting 3 strikes, every game from your company will be banned forever in China.

wtf i thought blizzard fans were cringe but they're actually based

ironically, the global climate change they're contributing to more than anyone else at this point is going to turn their entire fertile landmass into desert by current predictions

so, on one hand, you wanna tell the crazy activists to focus on the east instead of the west. on the other hand, their ineffectiveness is gonna cause the destruction of """people""" who deserve it so I'm conflicted

The climate change doesnt kill us, just changes how we live today. If this ease your pain.

Overthrow your fucking government already

>removing the barely noticable blood on the eviscerate art
What the fuck

That post is amazing

They need your help, user, not enough commies on china numbah wan.

It's all so tiresome. At the end of the day there will be a few threads on a few forums about this. Most people will complain. Some people will defend it. Nothing will change and everyone will fall back into line.

I am anti-China (live overseas lol) so I agree, but the thing is for them, they don't have a reason to.

For them, everything is going alright. Economy is actually doing better than most other countries, no feminist, no sjw bullshit, central data is convenient, etc.

You only start realizing that the system is wrong when they abuse the system, however for now the Chinese government haven't been doing it (at least to them) so they are happy with it.

I think a lot of you fags complaining about this shit are retarded and annoying BUT that succubus shit is retarded. That is a mythological thing, a humans cultural thing. People complaining about that can literally just deal with it and shut up, dumb as fuck to consider that "censoring" does fucking Homer's Odyssey need to be censored too? Damn

No leftist/sjw would care about misstress or whatever. These changes are prob for the chink mobile audience. Remember how wow is censored in china?

>For them, everything is going alright
Yeah I'm sure those guys living in those hot as fuck group houses without air conditioning working for pennies while racking up debts to their overlords are just fine with the situation in China

>Which is funny, because there is literally a class named the Shaman
Was Priest not on the tip of your tongue?

thats exactly the reason, cult/religion goes against communism

>muh china
nice deflection tranny

They censored Jaina's cleavage, and the new High Inquisitor Whitemane card uses art that conceals her bare legs, in contrary to her appearance in WoW and HotS.

The changes are completely there because of China. Activision/Blizzard has been pushing their games there harder now in recent years because they see how easy of a market it is there.

trannies love the goth aesthetic tho. They wouldnt mind a female demon dabbing on men. I have never heard a leftist complain about this. Chinks on the other hand...

I only go to China during business meetups, but if you think China is still 3rd world you are mistaken.
The top Chinese cities are way more wealthier and developed than top American cities (I work in Santa Monica).
If you go to Shenzen for example, the city has self driving cars, fully automated policing system, no one carries a wallet because centralized automated banking/etc.

>Kill Command didn't get changed even though it's the worst art in the game by a mile and a half
>Stampeding Kodo didn't get changed even though it's not a Kodo
>Destroy every other piece of art because fuck you

the eviscerate removing blood is 100% because of chinks

>I only see the nice parts of China so everything there is great
You don't even live there and you make a great CPC shill

imagine putting money into this game

I don't understand why they got penny arcade to do a card, it's so fucking out of place, even excluding how ugly their artstyle is.

They're not changing bad art dipshit they're censoring sex and blood. I keep seeing people bitch about kill command and other bad art like they're too fucking dense to realize the agenda behind changing the art.

The thing is they don't need to, when they compare themselves to the West, giving up privacy at the cost of having no SJW/Feminism/Niggers bullshit is 300% worth it.

You know the term Baizuo right? The term they use to make fun of White Liberals? That's the image Chinese have of the West. Even if they know there are downsides, they are giving up their privacy at the cost of not having to deal with the bullshit going on in the West.

I'd love for the Chink government to fall, but even for me I would take the Chink route rather than having all the troubles of the West.

To prove Chinks wrong West needs to stand up first. Because to the Chinese, the West is pretty pathetic rn. This is why the Chinese government is having a trade war with the US. Because they know the US is worth ignoring at this moment.

>changed harpy and secret keeper art
I'm never playing this game again.

That's because there actually are card arts people have been complaining about for years or names that don't match the image. Malygos is a legendary and is represented by a different fucking dragon for fuck's sake. But the only time they get off their ass and change anything is to censor cards out of the blue.

>Succubus (now named Felstalker)
Uh, what? But that IS a Felstalker. They're different from Succubuses.
Also isn't Queen of Pain a type of succubus, or was succubus just changed to Queen of Pain?

>Uh, what? But that IS a Felstalker. They're different from Succubuses.
they changed the art too you dingus

they changed the card art and name of succubus to a felstalker.
they also changed the name of mistress of pain and the art, but that's not as drastic of a change.

Yeah who needs SJWs when the CPC is censoring everything all on their own

>queen of pain
but thats a dota hero?

But a succubus and a felstalker are both demons, how are they not both inappropriate?

People got upset about a cover with the Joker holding a gun to the head of a crying Barbara. Villains cannot be villains if it hurts the narrative that all women are strong and untouchable. GoT being another example

Valve doesn't have a monopoly on succubi, unlike blizzard and their skeleton monarchâ„¢

Hearthstone isn't a TCG, it's a CCG (Chink Card Game).

Oh, I never wasted much of my time with Hearthstone so I dunno.
Well that's just silly, Felstalkers have been a thing for a while now. That's like if they started calling Deadlords Infernals.

so blizzard can use queens of pain but valve can't use skeleton kings?

succubus/incubus is more western/religious
felstalker is a random demon

well the law they have in china is about that superstitution is illegal. So thats why they ban stuff like undead.

Shaman's were a big deal in some parts of china. priests not so much

When did people become so sensitive? Fucks sake it seems things really are becoming more pussified as time goes on.

wasnt the old secretkeeper fanart? I remember seeing it way before HS as some korean fanart.

many of HS cards have art from WoW TCG

Attached: brap.png (312x440, 275K)

New secretkeeper confuses me, she's still pretty sexy
We lost the ass but gained more tit and navel and they kept the thigh slit

I honestly think these people are so bored they just look for things they can shut down to ruin the enjoyment for others.

You can thank China and California

Felstalker is meant to be hellhound and was named as such originally until a patch changed its name in the WC3 days.

I can see that, given how large WC3 is in China

>The SJW discordtrannypedo cartel and 90s christfag minivan soccer moms found common ground in their desire to censor everything they don't like and partnered up in the worst bedfellows of all time event.
Don't forget the nofap incels of /pol/

Ironically I never looked at the original artworks too closely until today when they made a big show of changing them

Attached: 1478432471396.png (377x330, 6K)

Nofap makes you stronger as all the Animus collects within your body instead of being ejected out into the aetherial void. You become more astraly powerful the more of your creationary energy you can keep bottled and contained, and become a mystic as your third eye is awakened by all the high energy coursing through your brainpan; Dreeg knows what I'm talking about.
