Fuck this shitty overrated story. I wish we got a totally new story instead of a boring prequel.
You're actually retarded and obviously baiting for some (You)'s. So here you go
> Lost the Consensus Critic GOTY to God of War
> Lost the user voted GOTY to Smash Bros
> Utterly forgotten & irrelevant now
It is a new story John is vague about his past in RDR1
>Inspired Cyberpunk
>Inspired BOTW 2
>fighting an entire army of Micah's most loyal soldiers that are all willing to die for him
Bill Williamson managed to get an army of minions so Micah can
I honestly think Rdr2 is a modern game with SOUL. The music, cinematography, the way the lighting works in certain places like the dark swamp, the attention to detail with the animals and humans in the world. The game itself wasn't really that fun though
Why is John wearing Arthur’s hat again
>literally no threads for months
>suddenly a million shill threads pop up
Explain yourselves
There’s a Rdr2 thread at least once a month and it usually gets quite a good amount of discussion and Dutchposting
There's threads every single day you fags.
>tfw that's the way it is
I hate this fucking meme game
God, Red Dead is the most boring series of games I've ever played
One 55 year old guy that works in the warehouse next to my office is fucking obsessed with this piece of shit game, said he cried at the end and has a picture of the grave as his phone wallpaper. How anyone can enjoy this piece of shit longer than an hour is beyond me
>Inspired BOTW 2
Have I missed something?
but that is objectively wrong
I tried liking this game but I don't think it's for me. Nothing ever happens while I'm on the road. Quests sometimes bug out for me as well.
nuGoW's story was pitifully mediocre, it's incredible how retards actually praise it
this is coming from a sonyfag
fuck u had to go listen to it again
nuzelda is inspired by garbage like this and skyrim..
nintendo has fallen so low...
It's actually great, easily the most well told story in a video game ever. You're just a brainlet who failed lit.
God of awards destroyed rdr2 by a very large margin.
Well i'll be fucked
>praising God of reddit
you cant spell red dead redemption without reddit
the rdrg is no more so there are anons who are dying for rdr discussion
>reddit redemption
dont even remember that part
I HAVE A PLAN Yea Forums
yeah, that's because you're a spastic shit for brain zoomer who has the attention span of a dried noodle.
>inspired any of those
Not really. Some employees from Nindy played the game and CDPR stated that it strives for RDR2 technical quality (and technical quality is literally all Rockstar is good at)
>inspired Cyberpunk
>a game that comes out 1.5 years after it that has been in development for the past 5+ years
12 or younger?
He gave it to him before he died.
horse testicles
those smug cunts, Dead Eye'd the shit out of them the second they started talking
by the time this goes to PC, no one will care anymore, and the graphics will be outa date.