It's reginas' game's birthday today!

it's reginas' game's birthday today!
say happy birthday!

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Happy brithday, my love!

I miss you Ms. "Did you swing your precious machete around."

Can't believe it's been 20 years! CAPCOM WHERE'S THE REMAKE? WHERE WERE YOU AT E3????

Happy Birthday hotshot, when will you return back home?

it's ok, there's sony's dumb gay conference and the tokyo game show!

I wanted to play these games for a while. Should I? I know the third one is shit though.

What went so fucking wrong?

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DC2 is a real fun action game, DC1 is a real slow horror game it's really good but the puzzles are suffering

There's no way Capcom is going to remake Dino Crisis, they already have another dinosaur saga that prints more money than fucking RE

I'm not kidding, it was gonna be a sequel to 2 but 9/11 made them change it to DINOSAURS IN SPACE

yeah but now they've got a shitton of money to make other games because of MHW

Monster Hunter World is shit. Couldn't get into it, the gameplay was janky and slow, the whole game felt slow-paced and there were shit all over the screen. I seriously don't know why people praise it so much.


sony's going to have their own conference, that's why they weren't at e3, plus the TGS is coming in september or august or something

I really don't want Capcom to go PS exclusive with their "Dino Crisis Remake"... If they do, fuck them. Not buying a single game from them ever again. Fuck snoy and their censorship! We all know what they did to Tifa.

Was the other thread deleted? What the fuck?

to be fair, RE2 and RE7 were both announced at playstation's segment at E3, so who knows?

I only played the first chapter to Dino Crisis 3 before my friends got faggy about playing Halo again. I heard it's shit, what do you think?

it might be ok if it didn't make enemies respawn with each camera angle change

Luckily they made it multi-plat. But if they even think of making it exclusive to Snoy I will take a dump on a paper with their logo on it.

DC1 is pretty much RE with dinosaurs, they can and will follow you through rooms.
DC2 is more action orientated.

They'll probably go for RE3 before going near DC again. They'll make fun of everyone by just including regina's outfit and nothing else.

I wouldn't mind a 3make if it led to a DCmake

Same here.

Security level A

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I'm playing it right now. Looks as janky as I remember.

I'd play it today but I've got a killer headache

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>ass remodelling machine

Happy birbday, Regina. Come back soon, please.

>you'll never remodel regina's shithole

there was another thread?

what does 9/11 has to do with dinosaurs?

allegedly, the game was going to be set in a building
this, apparently, was too similar to 9/11 so capcom scrapped all of that and gave us DC3 instead

That sounds so god damn retarded.

a lot of weird shit got changed because of 9/11, but that's one of the weirder ones

regina will get a game!

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Happy Birthday!

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>regina's hips

I hope this is like RE2 where everyone is disappointed they announce nothing for the anniversary but then announce something the next E3 or other announcement event

We'll never see Regina again.

that's a lie, user

I miss her big tight booty.

>replaying it right now
>that janky ass gunplay

Now I remember why I never finished it.

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it's ok, user
at least there's dino crisis 2

Phos how in the heck is it more janky than RE1/2, it's more atmospherically driven regardless
Play DC2 though if you want good action

Hey at least the enemies in RE1/2 are slow, in this a fucking raptor can bite you three times in a row while you're moving away and the guns shoot once every 5 minutes.

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>it's more atmospherically driven
frustration is not an atmosphere, I would say.

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it's kind of an atmosphere

If you're stopping to get into gunfights you're playing wrong.

>celebrating the game's birthday by using the dogshit US boxart with the edgelord font

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Happy birthday now gib new game or remake please

no bully regina's game

happy bday bitch who gave me redhead and skintight clothes fetish, hope you get a remake in 2020.

Okay, buddy.

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soon, user
I hope

TiTS is canon in the Dino Crisis universe

Only if you can shoot furries with a shotgun

the retards of DN2 are basically furries


what the fugg is tits

I want a remake for it and the 2nd game so bad.
Would buy it instantly on release full price.
Please Capcom.... I was sitting through E3 hoping for it the entire time.

Trails in Tainted Space, a porn-text based game

I'm sure it'll happen soon, user

Remember when games had different box arts based on which continent they're being sold?

Attached: Dino-Crisis-2-SLPM-86627-Front.jpg (512x512, 144K)

After how succesful RE2 remake was, there will definitely be a remake for RE3 too. But I think they have some interest in making a remake of Dino Crisis too.

they said they'd be interested in making a dino crisis game a while ago

I love how simple yet effective this cover is.

I do find it odd that Capcom didn't try to capitalize off the Jurassic World series

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How do I get there? Before you mention it, yes, I know I'm retarded.

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through vents, I think

I don't really get that either
maybe it's just another case of capcom being tonedeaf

I think the american DC2 cover is cooler though desu

you go to a locked door behind the stairs in the main haill, rick calls you and tells you some shutters are unlocked and you can use the shutters in the L-shaped passageways you've been in, behind one is a bathroom with a vent in it that you can use

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I wish it took a shorter time for raptors to kill themselves on those lasers
>happy birthday!
Best girl

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They just respawn anyways

Love DC

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not all of them

How does regina smell?

Sweat, pee and dinosaur semen

nasal sex is the gentleman kink

>oh no, small debris on the way, guess I have to walk around the facility to avoid it lol


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I enjoyed fapping to her skintight suit as a lad.
Happy birthday, DC.

like rubber, cordite, and hoppes no.9

I like how they showed a little bit of love a few years back when they threw Regina's outfit on Katie.

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Her butt smells like my face.

>that index finger
hwat the fugg :DDDD

>that ugly monkey face


why is randall from clerks so harsh on dino crisis

Splitting timelines branches in real life. Woah. Literally where Dino Crisis prevails over resident evil timeline. Dino Crisis 7 could be a thing.

Is Regina a dead pan autist?

regina's a sassy, cold-blooded operator who will kill you if she wants to

Would she fuck me if she wants to?

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she'd make you call her mommy, user

excuse me, what did you call her

Only if you are weaker than David, she couldn't steal his seed in the end.

david wasn't worthy, that's why he got ate

Dylan's sister was hot

that was his daughter, user
and yeah, she was hot

>that was his daughter, user
But who was mom?

retarded* daughter, which makes her the perfect cocksleeve (ignoring her potato face)

I had a copy of this shit we made on a CD burner. Had to put a fucking code in the bootleg Gameshark to get it to work

>retarded* daughter
She's just not socialized
>which makes her the perfect cocksleeve

>She's just not socialized
...I think you need to replay the game, user

she wasn't always retarded
she just got retarded because she got put in a dinosaur learning pod and thought she was a dinosaur

She just can't talk because she wasn't taught how.

wait what, when does that happen?

>she wasn't always retarded

Hopefully after Remake3.


it's explained that all the disc launching biker retards are kids who got wounded and placed into dinosaur healing pods where they became retarded because the pods were built for dinosaurs rather than people

>biker retards
I think I MIGHT be grasping why they wouldn't remake this game

why were the dinos scarier than zombies lads

When are these 2 things?

back in the day zombies used to be slow and dumb, but dinos were fast and smork and could tear you apart in seconds.

I dunno when the sony shit is but TGS is in either august or september

happy birthday vagina

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They could figure out door hands. Though I suppose even back in the day not all zoms where mongs. Return of the living dead had them talking and setting traps.

be nice to regina, capcom murdered her series

hbd bitch! you were my first M rated game, god bless

well, technically that one zombie in the basement figured out door handles
which was really weird since it was just a normal zombie in the normal game

As much as I love them, RE was never really terribly consistent. I'd be amazed to find a single zombie anything that didn't have to bend it's own rules here and there actually.

gee, it's almost as if you're not meant to engage every foe, at least not until you git gud @ alchemy and start mixing insta-KO darts.

Reminder that this almost happened

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The GBC was a vexing little device

capcom sure loved toying with portable ports, but somehow gaiden and the version of re2 are the only ones that put out until REvelations

quite a shame, since we DID get this in the end.

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>RE on GBC
Absolute madmen

delete this

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ah, I forgot about this guy's stuff
plenty of good faps there

She looked hot in that ending screen tho.

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Original Xbox looked like THIS?

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id love a remade Dino Crisis ala REmake style

i think at one time i had to use pen n paper to jot down notes, too

damn i miss that

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>141 posts in a dino crisis thread
hot damn

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>tfw they didnt just do a DS port like they did with RE
>tfw the same goes for RE2 and RE3
still salty all these years later

Regina needs more lewds. Also the controls of this game are horrible.

Such wasted potential.

Imagine being worse player than some literal 10yos of the past.

>we'll never be able to touch jill's butt again in RE3
>we'll never be able to touch claire or regina's butts either

I agree with the first thing, but for the second you need to be less shit

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>parasite eve
>dino crisis
I just feel like they're going to get rid of that anime inspired art style for ugly ass 4d scanned in actors like re2.

I miss the 90s and fascination with girls with guns. Good night, Andy Sidaris, wherever you are.

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dino crisis wasn't really anime-inspired
regina was just super japanese

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Happy birthday, Regina! I remember the first time we met like it was yesterday.

Anxiously awaiting your return.

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>the only regina figures are gachapon

I wouldn't say it wasn't but the thing is that, at the time, anime and video games where very western inspired to start with.

Uh Yikes

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I love how they immediately go to white washing and miss the joke

post gmeen gifs ;^) I know you know.

They didn’t made him white, but asian. They turned a ethnic minority into another ethnic minority. So is fine by theirs words

What does it say? Aren't those caps from the Ace Attorney anime?

It's very clearly a gag. The first two are dead ringers but the last one isn't.

I love Dino Crisis

I never played this series, is the first game really too clunky and unforgiving even for someone that liked the original RE trilogy?

If you liked the old RE games you'll be fine.

The fuck is that shit?


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that's dino crisis 3, the game that killed dino crisis as an ip

A Dino Crisis REmake would be pretty cool.

Happy birthday!

wouldn't it be a DCmake, then?

I'm glad so many people wished regina's game a happy birthday
maybe we'll get a new game

Happy birthday Regina, you were one partly responsible for my short hair fetish.

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Remember PSM. I love how much they loved Dino Crisis.

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I miss PSM

>When the sequel is completely different but it still a very good game
What the fuck Yea Forums. What other games are like this?

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Imagine the coliseum mode but with Remake graphics and online multi-player

I would main tank

>Always avoid RE when I was kid because it was scary at
>Friend : try this user, it's cool
>*Hands Dino crisis 2
>Having blast and finish the game blindly
>Oh this is a sequel
>Bought Dino crisis 1
>Scarier than RE
>Years later finish it in junior high
Thanks for became part of my childhood Dylan

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I miss video games.