Literally just a Demon's Souls machine at this point

Literally just a Demon's Souls machine at this point

Is there literally any other good game that hasn't been ported to PC/PS4?

When will DeS go to PC?

Attached: ps3.jpg (323x156, 5K)

Resistance series

Infamous and LBP

MGS4. God knows why it hasn’t been ported.

Tokyo Jungle

It's funny cuz you could emulate des for 2 years now

MGS collection all 4 games

Konami couldn't give a shit and Sashimi was busy hiring B-lister hollywood actors for mgs5

Skate 3
Heavenly Sword
Vanquish (might be on PC)
MGR (might be on PC)
LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
JJBA All Star Battle
I don't think Infamous got rereleased on PS4
Metal Gear Solid 4

probably because kojima has rights in it and konami doesn't want to give him a single shekel
or maybe just because konami doesn't give a fuck about games anymore

Vanquish wasn't even a PS3 exclusive at release...

good thing there's a PS3 emulator on PC now, with slow and steady improvements

Tales of Graces F and both the Tales of Xillia games

Kojima put playstation references all over the place so it wouldn't be ported

Lol my bad, I've never had an Xbox, that's probably the case with Skate 3 also

shame they haven't ever fixed the flicker in condemned 2

Armored Core For Answer is not on PS4 or PC

I want to emulate but PS3 is so cheap anyway these days.

Drakengard 3

GT5 and 6
Hot Shots Golf World Invitational

>Is there literally any other good game that hasn't been ported to PC/PS4?
Yes, 3D Dot Game Heroes for example.

I wish it had a sequel on ps4. Just remove the leaderboard bullshit.

while a real deal PS3 is a good investment (I'd say way better than even PS4 / Xbone), the emulation certainly yields way better performance and visuals than the real deal. Especially in titles like DoD3.

How is lbp2 on rpcs3? Can you increase the thermo?

Playstation and Apple references guarantee it will never be ported to any other system than Sony's

you can emulate at 4k 60fps
ps3 is 900p 24fps

>you can emulate at 4k 60fps
Better start building that cache for the for that 60fps second playthrough!

>ps3 is 900p 24fps
you mean 720p?
some games run at mere 576p.

its on playstaion now, so you can get a 7 day trial and play it on your PC