The current state of gacha

The current state of gacha

Attached: make teen gape dot com.webm (854x480, 2.69M)

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The only gacha I play is Magic Arena

Doesn't matter, Yea Forums isn't that stupid that we play gachas.

waht the fuck does gacha means

anime phone game

>he doesn't know

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Game where you buy a pack of random characters so you can eventually get a rare, having wasted hundreds on shitty drops.

it means "give us your money you braindead fucking ape"

>tfw I love twins, lolis and bikinis
Now I play your game

f2p 2 months in on destiny child and i can already slap the fuck out of cashcows in pvp without having spent a single dime

never rerolled. played maybe an hour and a half before bed most nights when i couldn't sleep. gatcha is borderline not even video games but it's a hell of a way to keep your hands busy if you have crippling adhd and piss-easy to "win" without spending anything

you can't stop whales from being whales in any game user

she's pissing me off, i'm gonna go to /draw/ and make a request to have her head stuck on a spike

Got ya

It;s the sound a japanese business man makes whenever he takes a dollar out of your wallet

tfw when breaking free from a gacha after 2.5 years of playing. also watching that weebm reminded me of that guy doing the stunt with a bunch of jump cuts, or a steven seagal scene

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it's a muscular man fighting a leather man to be boss of the gym

Why do phone games have better animation than seasonal anime themselves?


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What game?

It comes from gachapon. Maybe you've seen somewhere those capsule toy vending machines when you were a kid.

What game?

Love that transformation

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This looks great, damn.

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And it's a good thing!

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>madoshit has to literally whore itself out to survive

But I thought it was the AOTD?

yeah they are. there are several generals about them.

You have my total contempt anons

This is pure kino.

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Having a legacy aint enough for some fans, they just want more and more

Magia Rekōdo: Mahō Shōjo Madoka Magika Gaiden

>it's yuritrash
There goes my interest...

Are you serious?

>atrocious rates

Fucking yikes.

Too soon