Why do all good FPS games that aren't made by AAA publisher fail while rehashed COD, Battlefield, Halo, etc keep going

Why do all good FPS games that aren't made by AAA publisher fail while rehashed COD, Battlefield, Halo, etc keep going.

I wan't to get this but I know it'll end up slowly dying just like every other team based multiplayer fps

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there's too many mp games already, so your best bet is cloning yourself and make them stable enough to play with you

Shill elsewhere

They fail for a variety of reasons. Very often they don't put anything new on the table and there is no reason for players to pick them up over the existing ones, in particular when it comes to sub-genres that are already fractured, with a playerbase spread thin over multiple titles. This is a major problem of arena shooters. Another aspect is that they are often very ambitious in terms of gameplay and come up with concepts that are interesting on paper, but fail to guide the player when it comes to playing them "properly", i.e. the good concept falls apart the moment where you put strangers on a public server and pit them against each other. I can see this game failing too, because it simply involves too much complexity for things to work out outside of the context where two pre-made teams meet - but in order for things to get to the point where people put in that much effort, the game needs to catch their attention first and make it worth their while when playing it "wrongly" at your typical public server experience. A game that is only good when everyone plays it "right" has no chance to stick around. This is a major problem of most "military" shooters and any game that tries to be realistic.

Can't start dying if you haven't even started living yet.
Originally everyone agreed they should wait to advertise until this was more polished and complete, but even as they were working on this as a kind of hobby at first, they were way too fucking slow.

They dun goof'd, which sucks because it's on the verge of being amazing but UE3 is getting too dated.

>Why do all good FPS games that aren't made by AAA publisher fail
because they arent good

>new bf/cod/fifa/lootbox game comes out
>sells millions
people are literally brainless goldfishes. it's also why nintendo is still alive.

If it's a dev that's shilling here, augment squad tactics by letting players issue commands to subordinate AI bots and players for placing items and sentries at specific locations being marked.

Think Star Wars Republic Commando where you can have your AI squad mates to take cover or do various actions at specific points on command.
If I want a massive wall of sentries for area denial, make it easy to influence that (and give the AI the ability to react in-kind)

Played it. Your money is best spent on another FPS.

and while you could fold it into the command wheel, you can also just have a dedicated bind for that command, or fold it into another as a contextual command. Gotta keep the amount of menus down.

This. It's close but still falls short.

The people who complain are not the same people who buy in millions. The people who buy in millions aren't really into video games. They've probably never heard about the niche titles because they don't follow gaming media. They're reached by AAA companies due to super bowl commercials.

The biggest hurdle is always a lack of exposure or anything that distinguishes themselves from other games on a surface level. Battlefield, CoD and Halo all have their own attached brand name and "unique" features that makes them easier to sell because people know what the fuck they're getting into without having to research more into it.

Second is what said, especially if you're big into more realistic military shooters like Squad/Post Scriptum/Hell Let Loose/etc.

I'm just a guy who's fed up of good games dying e.g. Shattered Horizon, Natural Selection 2
I'm grateful that people play Insurgency

Name 5 fps games that aren't rehash or sequel.
Pro tip: You can't

Jumping Flash
Shattered Horizon
Call of Juarez

Just play squad

>Jumping Flash
Not shooting game
>Shattered Horizon
>Call of Juarez
Has sequel
Has sequel

Honestly? They don't have the marketing that big name titles do.

>Has sequel
But the one's I've posted weren't sequels
Because people don't like good games
>Not shooting game
You shoot

>But the one's I've posted weren't sequels
And it's has sequel
>Because people don't like good games
Because people don't play shit
>You shoot
99% jump


They don't have humongous marketing budget.