>pirating is ba-
Pirating is ba-
whats the deal this time
d, but still preferable to a gray market that facilitates credit card fraud
same shit
>devs give away shit ton of keys because they are morons
>cry when they found out they have been scammed.
credit card fraud on g2a is a blown out of proportion meme. None of the huge key resellers use stolen credit cards and almost any given title the top 3 cheapest options are major resellers.
Devs only dislike G2A because it means if they put their game on sale, that becomes the new permanent price. Trying to demonize the reselling of games is some Microsoft launch XB1 shit, and if you support devs who try to do this you're a fucking newfag.
>implying devs have anything to do with publishing a game
how do they get scammed i thought G2A was legit
it aint it happened to me luckily i was ensured so i didnt lose 200 dollars
why doesn't steam just make the keys expire