So not that the dust has settled what runs should I watch?
Other urls found in this thread:
The one where the dude shat himself on stream.
All the 2D Mario's.
Anyone have the tier?
was that also runner who was clearly just a dude in a dress
I would strongly advise against watching the all forts run unless you want to see a person's life crumble.
>Dark Souls
>Resident Evil 2
All I can remember off the top of my head. Hopefully someone has the rating pasta.
Anything by Icefrog
hey i wanna know too
Towards the end.
Wait, did Andy truly shit himself or is this exaggerations? I know he had to leave the livestream to take a bathroom break but there's a fine but quite defined difference between these two scenarios
Titanfall 2 was kino.
Can you give us a time stamp
That was boring
Super Mario World Blind Relay Race was amazing. Not a traditional speedrun but really fun to watch.
Half life race is also worth it for just seeing that faggot get BTFO'd. Other than than, avoid it and quake
Oh right, nearly forgot about that one.
I'm confused. I literally just watched the All Forts race and it was Poo, Mitch, Haxor and Lawso, the estimate was 50:00 and they all finished under estimate except Lawso who went like 12 seconds over.
I want to fuck the prize dragon
>watching DaS2 right now
>The game goes to 10fps and has to be restarted every 15 minutes