Game plays itself

>Game plays itself

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>OP is a faggot

you could say alot of things about this game to get some easy (you)'s but you chose the statement that makes you look like an idiot even to the people that hate it

I know complaints about games you never played is Yea Forums‘s thing, but generally those points have to be based on something that actually can be applied to the game.

Nia thread now

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I wish it would play itself so i can be done. I bought it a year ago and play it a few days a month cause I get so bored with all the little tedious mechanics. Why can't i use jump field skills without the blades equipped after i do it once. Why merc missions have to be tied to side quests. Disable enemy agro is paid dlc so i dont have to fight the same enemies forever cause of all the side quests backtracking me to areas. Just make a xenoblade 2 mobile game and don't do that shit in the next one

Well desu I don't understand the appeal of this game except for waifus.
That's why it sold poorly, literally just watch the 10 hours cutscenes on Youtube, no need to buy the game.

Are you talking about max Payne 3?

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It sold way above expectations

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>That's why it sold poorly

at least 1.7 million copies and exceeding expectations is "poorly"?

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>1.7 millions copies
>fucking Arms sold better

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yes, alot of mechanics were annoying and I did not feel like backtracking to do all the postgame content after I finished the story. the field skills and blade gacha were the biggest offender for me, still 70 hours well spent

>let me compare an irrelevant game

What part about "it sold better than the creators expected" are you not getting?

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a cat is fine too

It doesn't though? Don't tell me you're STILL using auto attacks.

>That's why it sold poorly
It’s literally outsold all of the prior releases combined. By Monilithsoft’s standards, it’s a smash hit.

Pic unrelated?

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You mean this, right

Forgot pic

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I only hear about gacha mechanics, auto attacking and anime trope cutscenes whenever this game gets discussed.
Is that all this game has to offer or would it be enjoyable for someone who isn't a total weeb?

It's impossible to beat a Xenoblade game using only auto attacks. Why does Yea Forums lie

>taking shitposting at face value
user, please, I'm sure you're not even that new, you should know better