So fire emblem lore said marth was a great king? But how was he a great king? What was his tax policy...

So fire emblem lore said marth was a great king? But how was he a great king? What was his tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army through conscription or wages? What was his education and trade policies like? Was the government constitutional monarchy or was it more akin to a military junta?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Marth was both a faggot and a shit character, despite what smash secondaries would try to have you believe.

He was cooler and stronger than u, faget + he defeated a dragon twice. Thus, his war exploits and defending the kingdom made him a great king. All that other shit was handled by Jagen the Benchwarmer and other advisors I assume.

I know it's a bait question I just wanted to answer it.

he killed degenerates


A king does not decided these things by himself.
He was considered a great king because the people looked up to and and he was an inspirational figure.

>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Kaga, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Kaga can say that Marth became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Kaga doesn’t ask the question: What was Marths tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these manaketes? By the end of the war, Medeus is gone but all of the manaketes aren’t gone – they’re in Dolhr. Did Marth pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby dragons, in their little dragon cradles?
This came from an interview with IS's Kouhei Maeda, one of the directors of Awakening and Fates. Thoughts?


I've been playing Awakening. My first fire emblem. It all seems wonky. The way the supports work and writing.
I think I'm almost finished. chapter 20.
I'm sort of having fun. Might play the marth games.


What would tax policy even contribute to a story for George R.R Martin? Or maintaining a standing army? These are just details that can be used to write some meaningless side stories. What a hack

wonky is a good way to describe awakening, i think. they tried to do too many things but didn't really focus on them at the same time. nearly everyone can support each other and this just makes some of the dialogue fall flat while a few are actually pretty great. it's an alright game. most FE oldfags shit on it but i've long accepted i'm a freak in this fanbase.

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>criticizes Kaga for not thinking about tax policy
>proceeds to help create a game so poorly worldbuilt that the continent it takes place on doesn’t even have a fucking name
You don’t get to go all Mrbtongue after that.

Play the GBA games, depending on who you ask 6, 7 and 8 are the ones that hold up
7 in particular is a great entry point because it was the first to be translated and is a direct prequel to 6 (Roy's game)

It's pasta you dork.

He killed a bunch of ancient draconic niggers with the help of dragon jesus
Also he was kind

Oh. Haven’t seen it before. So I’m guessing the quote isn’t even real then?

>He was cooler and stronger than u
But (You) are canonically cooler and stronger than Marth, he even says so himself.

It is, but it came from George RR Martin talking about Tolkien. Nothing to do with FE.

It is real, it's George RR Martin talking about LotR, that the universe isn't like the Lord of the Rings where you just kill the main bad guy and everything goes back to being good immediately.

I enjoy it well enough. It would be a lot better if you didn't choose the match making I think. Or they limited your choices.
So far it seems like grinding until you get a pair that seems decent.
Roy's games are their own thing right? I figured I'd play all the ones in the awakening universe. Or try at least.

Marth is the only good FE Lord. Cope

>What was his tax policy? What was his education and trade policies like?
Considering his line ruled for like a thousand years unbroken, probably very fair. Were they not, then they'd have been overthrown.
>Did he maintain a standing army through conscription or wages?
He was an invincible demi-god who did the fighting himself.
Was the government constitutional monarchy or was it more akin to a military junta?
Absolute monarchy.

All of these questions were answered in game. Considering you're not writing your own book, GRRM, the least you could do is spend your time being productive and playing video games.

Well, at least this thread isn’t about scapegoating random female employees for FE13, again.

It's called worldbuilding retard

Better question: how does the entire continent just accept being brought under Marth’s rule despite like a year of Hardin’s propaganda?

Daily reminder that NCR is the best faction

Hardin was a shit ruler and everyone hated him.

Kouhei Maeda is a man, but yeah, just a copypasta.

most FEs don't let you grind and supports pre-awakening were more limited. also most of the FEs are their own thing.
marth basically killed everyone who badmouthed him and no one liked hardin's rule by the end of his reign.

Newfags believing shit that people post here before looking up the source is why we have "news" threads with 200+ replies seriously believing fake tweets/articles like about how Emperor Reiwa was DMCAing vidya fangames
Not really it's more like detailing. It's like describing the little desk and all of it's compartments in the corner when trying to explain the structure of the whole room. My stance is pretty much that it's unnecessary unless you're writing a story specifically about that or as a side story like I said earlier.

I was referring to the fact that there’s been two attempts in the last couple years to blame some random woman for FE13, like how people blamed some random landwhale for Dragon Age 2 and Tortanic.

>Not really it's more like detailing
Which is worldbuilding. A good writer fills his world with enough information that it feels alive. This is why video games especially FE is fucking garbage at worldbuilding

>My stance is pretty much that it's unnecessary unless you're writing a story specifically about that or as a side story like I said earlier.
Somebody needs to read The Killing Joke.

everyone loved marth
everyone hated hardin

are you retarded. what you're thinking of is someone pinning the blame for the shit writing of FE Fates on Nami Komuro. she was the main scenario writer for FE Fates which hardly makes her a random scapegoat.

You're still wrong, there was a specific image macro made about how a new female hire who doesn't know anything about FE use her influence to get Owain, Inigo, and Severa, characters she made or something, into Fates as well as launch Heroes.

See, this is what I mean. People thinking that some evil witch destroyed their beloved games instead of just an overall consensus that fanservice sells.

marth was basically some divine king who saved the nation twice, nobody was gonna question that

If you can't see how tax policy can affect world history you're an idiot.

how am i wrong, you retard. that's the woman i'm talking about. she's the main fucking scenario writer for fates and a series supervisor at this point, not just some "random new hire." are you fucking retarded?

nice strawman, shithead.

Well, my issue with Martin's criticism of Tolkien is pretty much that what he thinks Tolkien's left out is largely irrelevant to the story that Tolkien's telling. It would not improve it, just send it off on an irrelevant tangent. If it were about the Fire Emblem series I'd also say that Marth's tax policies aren't really important there either - I'm all for worldbuilding that fleshes out the setting and its people. However, if the idea of world building is going in depth into tax policies that become irrelevant to the plot later on - I would disagree that that makes the world feel alive. One way to actually do that is to have a large world history with lore that you can see affecting the story in the present.
How does it affect it in a meaningful way? Could you write an interesting story about it that wouldn't bore people to death?
I think The Killing Joke is a great example of a story that keeps the essential details in check, I'm not sure what your point is

Because she got on board with Awakening, dumbass.

Ask Seliph

>main scenario writer
*citation needed*

yeah and because awakening was a success she was promoted to main scenario writer and was given more influence over series direction. what the fuck is your point?

This, I don't care about what the tax policies are unless the story revolves around it like villagers revolting because of taxes and rariffs or whatever or the government requiring taxes to repair their country/finance their military or whatever the fuck.
Too bad we won't get different plots besides rebels fighting the empire and cult summons dragon

What the fuck does “main scenario” even mean? Also I thought the writer was this mangaka who turned in a million page script and then IS tossed it all in a paper shredder. Or are you gonna claim that this woman did that because she’s an evil Jewess who wants to exterminate the white race?

strawmanning again, retard? shin kibayashi wrote the draft. the draft is not the script, someone else wrote that. work it out yourself for once, dumbass.

main scenario, as in, she wrote the script for the main story chapters of the game. fucking idiot, why do i even need to explain this to you.

Youre doing more mental gymnastics than the people claiming shes at fault

its not a huge leap of logic to say the main scenario writer is responsible for a decline in the quality of the story.

but youre just going crazy over the evils committed "within the past couple of years" against poor women in the industry, and extrapolating that, despite being the main scenario writer, she surely had nothing to do with anything and evil incels are just hating on beautiful angels as always

>retards arguing over fates for the millionth time
Fuck that, post what class you're recreating in 3H

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i'm not naive enough to pin the blame on a single person. there's that shit about the A-team and the B-team frequently coming to arguments over what is and isn't appropriate content to put in a fire emblem game, and the shithead director's response to this was to throw up his hands and say "whatever, just don't make it too weird" which is certainly not the attitude by which a good, coherent game gets made.

but to deny that the MAIN WRITER isn't at fault for the decline in story quality is just being a blind white knighting retard.

At least Three Houses looks to be promising for plot variety. 4 routes with a multi-faction war seems pretty interesting. They'll probably expand on the history of crests and the class discrimination as well

at least she's still better than that hack who wrote the revelation scenario

I want to be the reinhardt

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Probably someone samefagging
There's some part of me deep down that hopes it could just remain a 3-way faction battle but I'm fully prepared for the inevitable "THE CULT DID IT! AND SUMMONED A DRAGON GOD" so I won't be overhyped and dissapointed. I just want a more grounded war story for once where maybe the empire really were just dickheads and a dark mage/dragon didn't manipulate everyone

Forgot my pic.
Reminded me of Fighters from advance wars and I always liked air units especially when they OHKO

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i wish i was reinhardt

OKAY, I’ll admit she has some blame in this affair.
But still, I don’t think any of the writing was even in her hands, besides trying to think up excuse plots for the gameplay scenarios (because remember, gameplay and setpieces are always thought of before story in videogames). Maybe she’s to blame for the story setpieces, but probably not the actual dialogue around those setpieces, and definitely not for how fucking awful the characters and their designs are.

I too want to be the Lord Chad von Thundercock of House Freege

>Maybe she’s to blame for the story setpieces,
Shin Kibayashi is to blame for those
>but probably not the actual dialogue around those setpieces
She is definitely to blame for that
>and definitely not for how fucking awful the characters
She's also credited as the Character Planner
>and their designs are.
Unpopular opinion.

>wanting to be an idiot too loyal to his dukedom to act against military occupation and child hunts
Daily reminder that Olwen ends up calling him pitiful

Oh we're gonna get some sort of cult alright since we have the Anti-Seiros faction. We'll see what happens though, it doesn't look generic so far. Agree on not getting too hyped

Don’t scenario writers, well, write the scenarios?

Yeah, and Nami Komuro is credited with writing the main scenarios for Birthright and Conquest. Some other hack wrote the scenario for Revelation, and the other credited scenario writers likely handled the flavor text in My Castle and Support Conversations.

Wasn't he just thinking with his dick and really wanted to bone Ishtar?

I can’t make it through Conquest. It’s not because it’s too hard, it’s because I can’t fucking stand listening to the characters talk, and reading their supports makes me feel like I’m going to vomit.

There was nothing indicating there was anything more between Ishitar and Reinhardt beyond strictly knightly affairs besides Julius' jealousy and paranoia.

No you fucking idiot. Not all relationships between a male and a female are romantic. Reinhardt never fucking shows attraction to Ishtar. Yurius is just overly possessive of her.

Play the translation/restoration patch restoration patch + undub

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That doesn’t fix anything. I HATE these characters. And listening to a bunch of weeb soundfiles does not undo that.

just skip the story then, retard

Then I have no motivation to play this game.

>Ishtar gave Reinhardt a sword when they were younger, one that he treasures above everything else, to the point where him giving it to her sister (who he also cherishes tremendously) is considered by her as an OOC moment.
>Reinhardt is devastated when Ishtar dismisses him from her service. Even Saias, who knows Reinhardt fairly well, appears to wonder about how well his friend really is.
>Reinhardt explicitly abandons his men to accompany Ishtar, in the process perhaps losing the Freeges one of the most decisive fights in the war. His men react like him abandoning them for her is in fact relatively usual.
He's going to fuck her in the FE4 remake and there's nothing you can do to stop it Julius

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Why can't Nintondo write a FE game with good world/backstory, like FE4/5?

>it like villagers revolting because of taxes and rariffs or whatever or the government requiring taxes to repair their country/finance their military or whatever the fuck.
That sounds cool. Too bad ISIS will never hire good writers

Then...don't play it then?
Not really a hard choice

So why are you buying FE16?

Because 4 and 5 doesn't have good worldbuilding.

Peer pressure isn't a choice. I keep hearing everybody talk about how Conquest has such good gameplay, but I can't fucking see it.

I know this thread has probably already devolved into ironic weeaboos posting hot nu-FE girls, but FE lore genuinely interests me. I had a theory a long time back that Fates is actually the first game in FE’s “timeline” but it’s unlikely. The continent makes no sense. Doesn’t even have a name.

Hopefully the gameplay is good. Only the biggest shit eating retards care for the writing in a FE game

Very false. Seliph is one of the best. Marth is a generic hero.

>but FE lore genuinely interests me
How pathetic. How you never played anything with real lore in your life?

FE4 literally begins with two empires going to war because of land/resource disputes because of contested borders, causing the neighboring country to coup a duchy.
Probably the closest thing FE has had to a depth of conflict, despite the latter half becoming rebellion against the evil empire.

Literally stop playing it, you're clearly not enjoying the story or game so drop it

Seliph is generic as you can fucking get, at least pretend and say trash like Sigurd

That is a horrible fucking theory.

Oh user. The true route will be DLC. It will be cliche. It will only be there so everyone can live and you can have cross-faction waifu shit. Intsys doesn’t care about FE anymore, they want to make bank off weeaboos.

because you're small brained fuck. all this time you've just been complaining about the characters. no one cares. everyone's shit on the characters twenty times over by now.


All game lore interests me desu. But my favorite has to be Drakengard/Nier.

because it has good map design a

Is there a video on Youtube or a writeup on Serenes or >Reddit that shows this?

Because it’s actually a challenge and has more objectives than “ROUT THE ENEMY”
Fates is so dumbed down for these otaku/weaboo fuckheads, any amount of actual strategy gameplay makes them drool at the mouth. Out of the 3 Fates games, Conquest is the best.

It's better than most of the series, but I think FE12 just barely beats it out.
Most FE games have pretty bad gameplay, honestly.

FE Lore is all the same just hidden better because different artstyle/characters
>Dragons bad, Human good
>X amount of heroes defeated a dragon/god and spread around the continent and owned country
>Pegasi live in good kingdom, are mercenaries and have an affinity for icy locales
>Wyverns are used by bad empire
>Main characters country gets taken over and he must rebel against the empire and take it back
>Dark mage or cult of dark mages manipulating everyone
It beats talking about waifushit for the millionth time (which hasn't happened yet itt) but FE lore isn't all that different cross continents since they share the same template Kaga left

Different people have different opinions
Some days people say its FE4, or FE7, or FE10, or FE15

do you only understand good gameplay when someone explains it to you

>Because it’s actually a challenge and has more objectives than “ROUT THE ENEMY”
So did FE10, and yet people only have bad things to say about that game.

They already said there's no route dlc though

No, but then I play exclusively with save states, so pretty much all challenge turns to putty in my hands.

no one says this
secondaries sure are funny to listen to

You are utterly wrong and you would know that if you played any Kaga FE. Tellius which was based on Kaga's last draft notes they had even had incredible amount of lore.

Get some taste

lol. Besides It is a rout fest at part 4

He's actually right. Tellius is dogshit at lore and worldbuilding.

>secondaries sure are funny to listen to
I thought secondaries only played FE13 and

you're not funny, retard

Why? Not that user, but I've only just started and I assume it gets worldbuilding later since we're just dealing with bandits

Who wants to watch me post screenshots of playing FE7?

Too bad.

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Funnily enough, Tellius doesn't decide to copy KagaFEs because it instead copies Berwick Saga

Literally nobody.

Nobody wants to watch your fucking play-by-plays

Stop calling FE13 anything other than FE13
FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13 FE13

there’s not much lore but it does a ton of world building

Sucks that we never got any playable ones

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WTF does lore even mean

>tfw for me Hinoka's chapter in CQ is by far harder than anything before it
Am I just retarded? People keep saying Takumi's wall blocks them but that shit's easy compared to this bullshit where a Kinshi knight can just fly across half the fucking map and delete your most weakened unit.

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What good gameplay? All I see is awful characters and awful story.

I assume it has to do with the backstory of the world like for us on earth I'd assume lore is shit from around 1500s-1800s

Anything's better than arguing about fates being shit again, but if you or someone else did a Yea Forums plays instead it'd be fun.

well of course if you ignore the gameplay you aren't going to see it, you fucking idiot. kill yourself, retard. don't ever reply to me again.

>these are gameplay
You're gonna have to try harder to get this (you), user.

Isn't that just called "backstory"? Calling it "lore" makes it sound so pretentious, like calling iconography "symbology", or calling WASP prejudice "facts and logic".

>You're still wrong, there was a specific image macro made about how a new female hire who doesn't know anything about FE use her influence to get Owain, Inigo, and Severa, characters she made or something, into Fates as well as launch Heroes.

But aren't those three of the most popular characters anyway?

Agreed. Though I'm not sure what a Yea Forums playthrough would entitle beyond "pick my unit lineup for this specific map and hide all my savestating play ironman.

No you idiot, lore is a word for a reason. It's different cause it deals with history far beyond what a backstory would cover (more recent)

Also, why would you prescribe what is obviously a thinktanked fanservice idea to a single fucking employee?

Do you drink it or rub it on your wounds?

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Every game has been played so many times so nothing is really new.
Either play a randomizer or a finished romhack to gather more interest.

I fucked your mom

>a finished romhack
Oh god, I just got a horrible idea right now...

BRB repatching Road to Ruin onto my FE7 rom

Too bad it doesn't matter since there's no information on the economic state of the world so it's all pointless.

That sounds almost exactly like the setup for FE2.

8-4 Marth was actually pretty cool though.

What's the population of Tellius? Or any nation?

Just started playing awakening, why is the game trying so hard to make me feel bad for this literal who I just met
>sad background music and rain
>won't shut up about muh feelings or muh men
>doesn't just desert a dying army like that edgy chick did

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pretty big

If you really simplify it then maybe, but FE2 is starts with famine, not border issues, and one protagonist travels to meet the Dragon god Mila to fix this and the other fights to reclaim Zofia's throne from the usurper. It's pretty clearly different

I think it's to demonstrate that Plegia aren't just cackling bad guys and subverting the Camus archetype by not having just 1 pretty guy be good amongst the faceless enemies.

Because the world has no building. You are given basic rudimentary information, and if ask numerous questions at most people can only answer half of them and not in great detail.

It's both trying to show that Em didn't die for nothing, her words did reach a large majority of the plebians, as well as trying to show that war isn't just comically good against comically evil, Chrom comes across as extremely brash and emotionally damaged against soldiers who don't want to be there.
Awakening really tries to play emotions at several points in the game, this is probably the most hamfisted one.

See, the worldbuilding is pure trash

>be aspiring historian
>point out that King Marth was an average at-best ruler and no-where as great as Bert ended up being
>get shut down by my colleagues because "muh medeus twice"
>they banish me out of the college


>t. tellius artbooklet that has the whole history of the world in it

The art book has nothing in it

Based post

Verdane and Isaac are pretty poor and get dabbed on by the handsome, well educated Granvellians

What would an FE version of the Durai report look like anyway

This is a horrible idea. I don't even know if I'll ever follow up on this with another thread.
But then I'm pretty sure this is the one patch that neither Siggy or Nigger have played, and I've already played it before, so fuck it.

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>shit character
nah, you just have shit taste

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Fucking love you user, thanks for the laugh

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Some old lady offers this guy tea, and he responds by saying he's a mercenary. Because they always are in these hacks.

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well, besides defeating an evil dragon that could raze the continent twice, he did liberate other lands, help foreign rulers, rescue people, stop a former friend who became a tyrant, and get a loili dragon to stop killing everyone on site. Then proceeded to ensure his bloodline lasted 1000 years and counting

population numbers aren’t essential unless you’re some madman and want concrete details on the exact training knights receive in your fantasy videogames

Some weird tanned Carjiga edit shows up and murders the green dude

Attached: Fire Emblem RTR [!]_04.png (240x160, 42K)

Attached: Fire Emblem RTR [!]_07.png (240x160, 37K)

Our protagonist looks like someone stuck Sain's hair on Raven's body

Attached: Fire Emblem RTR [!]_05.png (240x160, 22K)

That's not even true. Only Verdane can be seen as poor due to the military having shitty axe fighters with shoddy equipment. You are never given living conditions about each country

Wouldn't have felt as hamfisted to me if literally everything revolving around Em's capture and eventual death wasn't so pants on head retarded.
Literally just stick together why are you splitting up wtffff

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The games pretty clearly state Thracia is a shithole

Confused face

Attached: Fire Emblem RTR [!]_08.png (240x160, 22K)

everything in Awakening is retarded

They are essential. culture, geography, ecology, etc. These are all important things

>Have one of your own royals use a Dragon Vein when Hinoka uses hers
>Don't advance until after dealing with the third wave of Fliers
>Have archers and Beast Killers in hand

Two girls right off the bat. That red-haired chick's face just looks weird to me...

Attached: Fire Emblem RTR [!]_06.png (240x160, 24K)

Well he fails at it because Jofrey was just a bad king

Fuck off with your RTR shit. Nobody gives a fuck

The Thracian Peninsula is made up of multiple places.

Some green general tells us what we were already going to do

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I legitimately can't tell whether or not you're fucking with me.

how the devs think western women are supposed to look like or something to that effect most likely

why is the protagonist more of a copy than the guy on the right

Really big map for our prologue

Attached: Fire Emblem RTR [!]_11.png (240x160, 36K)

Fire Emblem settings:

Archanea: Shadow Dragon -> Mystery of the Emblem -> Gaiden/Echoes -> Awakening
Jugdral: Genealogy of the Holy War -> Thracia 776
Elibe: Blazing Blade -> Binding Blade
Magvel: Sacred Stones
Tellius: Path of Radiance -> Radiant Dawn
Unknown: Fates

I said Thracia as in the Kingdom of Thracia. The Thracian Peninsula is just Kingdom of Thracia + Manster District

well thats just ur opinion man

>Archanea : Gaiden/Echoes
You just erased Valentia from history

Finish your fuckin book George

A romhack that decides to increase the uses of most weapons, but doesn't make the Short Bow a 1-2 range weapon. Surprisingly sane.

Attached: Fire Emblem RTR [!]_13.png (240x160, 27K)

New soldier sprites, the same ones that got put into recent releases of Tacthack.

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too bad gba archers suck megacock in almost all instances

Honestly though Fire Emblem is the most self-sabotaging game I've ever seen.

>let's make permadeath a thing!
>shit now we've gotta program the games so that characters can actually die, even if 99% of players will just reset when a character dies

>let's make item durability a thing!
>wait shit now there's no guarantee players have the big important items, so some of them just can't be broken haha

>let's add a bunch of support conversations!
>wait shit most players won't even see a tenth of all supports

>let's make stat gains random so you use different characters each playthrough!
>wait shit some characters are always garbage and others are always good, and because we can't guarantee that players have any of the decent characters because of the aforementioned permadeath fuckup we need to decrease difficulty just in case someone plays the way they're "intended" to

Fuck, that last screenshot doesn't actually show anything. Ah well, at least this shows it better.

Attached: Fire Emblem RTR [!]_15.png (240x160, 15K)

We have a swordmaster as our Jeigan, wielding an indestructible sword that cannot crit. This thing just screams "abuse".

Attached: Fire Emblem RTR [!]_16.png (240x160, 26K)

I think the only interesting thing I've seen a hack do with shortbows is make them cheap and weak but accurate brave bows

And our MC is, of course, a mercenary. With his requisite Rapier equivalent that's totally not the Regal Sword.

Attached: Fire Emblem RTR [!]_17.png (240x160, 26K)

>However, if the idea of world building is going in depth into tax policies that become irrelevant to the plot later on
That not true. It shows how better Marth is at handling a kingdom than Hardin even when he wasn't a generic evil bad guy.
>One way to actually do that is to have a large world history with lore that you can see affecting the story in the present
History is the weakest most pathetic way of displaying worldbuilding. All it says is that people lived back then. It also makes you want to play those history of events more than present events if the scenarios in those are vastly more interesting

Permadeath also fucking sucks because characters can NEVER be relevant to the plot because they need the plot to exist regardless of who dies.

Durability is okay. Support as well, gives replayability.

Stat gains are stupid, it should be a guaranteed of X stats per level up, but randomized within these gains.

>It also makes you want to play those history of events more than present events if the scenarios in those are vastly more interesting
I've always wanted an elibian nights styled romhack based off the scouring and events after it. Moreso if they can do it while staying in character/tone and not overstaying its welcome

There's apparently a bunch of troops in the castle, but they won't help.

Attached: Fire Emblem RTR [!]_18.png (240x160, 21K)

>Let's try and restrict the players resources like gold
>Wait shit, because of durability we can't do that because players can run out of gold and in turn weapons so we have to keep showering them in gold at the end of chapters which just lets them buy the best weapons.

>guy says he's going to dump his FE playfile
>people tell him to fuck off
>one guy, probably a samefag gives him the OK
>starts dumping garbage that nobody wants to see

Someone writting a report about how the prince and princess of Renais are actually lovers.

The general doesn't like mercenaries, calling our group expendable trash. Two guesses where this is going.

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Its weird too because intsys can't decide on classic mode either. Most characters end up retreating rather than dying, almost no dialogue changes when a character dies (FE15 mourning quotes/alternate endings were a good touch) and you don't even get many prepromotes or replacement units as failsafes anymore.
If they were to axe it then I wonder how'd they'd tackle players having units defeated repetitively

Yeah and that's one place, in fact the only one where something like living conditions are specific

>let's add crit mechanics!
>wait shit not only have we deliberately fucked with the players in outright displaying the wrong numbers (???) but also since enemies can crit even the "right" strategy can get fucked over by a random crit and lead to a reset

Wonder if I can get supports this early...

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Permadeath and item durability are both good ideas that ISIS fails so hard at. How difficult is it to just make it so characters have specific endings if they died like FE3-5 again and also not have cheap gameplay deaths the majority of the series suffers from.

>FE15 actually put in dying quotes
>nobody ever hears them because not only is resetting piss easy, you also have the turnwheel to make it so you don't even have to resetting. Some of them are actually really good.

Dude, did you not see that big castle just north of you?

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You don't hear those shitty quotes since its impossible for Alm to die in Alm Emblem in the first place

Earlygame low % crits wouldn't be a thing if they didn't give units shitty bases in luck or if passive supports gave critical avoid early on.
1-2 range with 5 or 10 crit are especially stupid because now you have no chance to strategize around it besides longbows and most games they're in they are really shit along with archers themselves being shit
And before that one faggot goes "hurr, randumb low % unnegatablecrits are good because you should never have a 100% safe plan or failsafes on ANYTHING" thats stupid, ruins the point of even caring to strategize and FE already runs on enough RNG (Hit, crit, growths, proc skills, etc) that you already have too many variables on how combat will play out

item durability is pretty good in FE5 despite broken Prfs having a billion uses

I'll be giving kills to Ava for reasons of "I'm an idiot and it took me until after I did this for me to see that the training sword isn't prf".

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Why even play on classic if you're going to reset anyway?

So, yoink.

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>That not true. It shows how better Marth is at handling a kingdom than Hardin even when he wasn't a generic evil bad guy.

Okay, let's say we do that. Marth now handled his taxing issues better than Hardin, cool guy. So what? How does the world feel more alive? There are better ways than delving into his tax polices. If we briefly touch upon how he managed his kingdom and specifically how he helps his citizen in everyday life, that would be better.

>All it says is that people lived back then.
Wrong, it allows for interesting substories connecting lore to present day events, legendary weapons and detailed countries with unique circumstances

>It also makes you want to play those history of events more than present events if the scenarios in those are vastly more interesting
That's not an issue, that's a feature that leads into prequel bait. But you're assuming the history style world building would be done badly, if it were done well it should still be interesting enough.

I thought Smash players hate everything FE, why would any of em have something good to say about Marth?

I wouldn't try tying the games into some single connected timeline outside of Jugdral > Archaenea, it is a legitimate headache if you hate the Medieval Stasis trope as much as I do.
Just take Awakening's idea of a connected multiverse (and ignore the fact that despite being 2000 years apart, the most progress made to the continent was having blacks rule the ice country) and leave it at that. This shit ain't Ivalice and never was trying to be.

Though if you really want to cave your skull in, try explaining how all the Deeprealms tie into a linear timeline.

>Broken prfs are as durable as iron
>Hammerne exists almost immediately

Unironically, thanks, Kaga

Because otherwise neckbeards on Yea Forums will laugh at me.

Sacred Stones is best for waifus and comfy gameplay.
Conquest is best for strategy and team planning.
Thracia is best for tactics and executing missions.

Not at all, capturing gives more gold and weapons then you know what to do with

A whole bunch of forts around, and no real rush to do anything in, so I'll be abusing them a lot.

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>Sacred Stones
>Best waifus

Yeah, 3 (L'Arachel, Natasha, and Syrene). The rest suck.

To be fair 8-4 Marth might as well be completely different from normal Marth.

Kill yourself ironic weeb

Its intended as fun little easter eggs for people who still play ironman but people get mad that they HAVE to have units die in order to get them
It wasn't meant for them if they play casual or reset, either they play ironman or watch them on youtube and quit complanning

One crit later, and here's my first levelup.

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but you wanna save it for staves anyways
capturing is also a bit slow and less reliable, so you are encouraged to play faster and only capture good shit

>Sacred Stones is best for
Stopped reading right there.

I can only give the Training Sword to one person at a time, so this happens.

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>capturing is also a bit slow and less reliable
Enemies units have dogshit stats and it's not slow at all unless you mean it takes a turn. It's the fastest most reliable way of building money and items.

I prefer that they leave it up to you to do an ironman run
I play it on classic and turn back deaths because it forces you to be more aware about positioning and tactics, the consequences are higher than in casual obviously. You can't just send out a weak guy to take the hit just to protect someone else without thinking sincee they'll come back anyway

Yep, she does look like a "Peg" Knight

The girls in Sacred Stones are all great, especially L'arachel, Lute, Neimi, and Vanessa.

They hate everything that isn't Marth or Ike because they're older than the rest (old good new bad) and are indifferent towards Roy.

>it allows for interesting substories connecting lore to present day events, legendary weapons and detailed countries with unique circumstances
You don't need pointless history to do that. You can explain via present events

Yeah, you need history with a point

What should I buy in Thracia 776 anyway? Only thing I've ever bought was a shitton of stamina drinks in chapter 14 and wind tomes in Chapter 12. Other than that, I only capture when I want a specific item (Fire sword from the sword armor in chapter 10 for example) and got by easily surviving off starting inventories of characters I recruit

No they aren't. Generic cringe-worthy stock anime tropes aren't special

0/10 try harder

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They're cute, and done better than the other FE games.

Need to be careful trading, she's got a Wo Dao-alike that I don't want to waste uses of.

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They look like shit and even Awakening has better girls. Get some taste

What I mean is, you don't need history to do it, but if you use not-pointless history to establish a world it's a good contribution. Also how do you establish a legend without history? Doesn't make sense

Another pic of the custom soldier sprite

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Ah darn it, forgot to switch properly.

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When you reset when even the shittiest unit bites the dust, you essentially treating everyone like they are the main lord for no reason other than you want to. You are putting more punishment onto yourself than the game ever gives. That's the true genius of Classic Mode, it makes you think about if your time really is worth sacrificing for the sake of protecting everyone, even if you would normally hate that person.

With Casual Mode becoming even easier with the fact that you can even let the MC die over and over again, and making the MC some ubermensch of unstoppable power in and out of the story, making the player feel their small victories are pyrrhic as hell and letting them feel like they can do so much better is pretty much the only way you can make them lose. It's kind of the same problem with modern tabletop games, these games never want to punish the player for their dumb mistakes.

>this autistic ass nigger dumping his trash-ass playthrough for absolutely no one

my god what is this absolute shitshow of a thread

Now when I think about it, FE is the only SRPG I can think of that punishes unaware players who aren't thinking about what they're actually doing and playing thoughtfully.
What have other SRPGs with no permadeath done to compensate or is it just steamrolling through the game?

You also got the order of Gaiden and Mystery the wrong way round.

Gotta do something to stave away depression. Sides, if nobody's gonna do an FFT playthrough thread, then I might as well do something that'll get me participating in Yea Forums threads.

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Because it feels wrong to let people die, keep that to Ironman runs. It feels even worse in later chapters when you already have your army estabilished and losing any unit feels like a huge loss.

make your own thread dude
dumping alone for no one is kinda sad

I wasted like 10 or so turns just sitting on forts.

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>It's kind of the same problem with modern tabletop games, these games never want to punish the player for their dumb mistakes.
So what do they do now? I know the classic of total party kill

Weird pallete they're giving enemies.
If I made my own thread, nobody would post on it and it would die immediately. Also they'd call me a Nigger ripoff.

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But how often are you actually put in a scenario where every unit capable of killing this enemy with low crit-chance would immediately die to being crit/die on enemy phase? In my experience the reality is actually that there are only a handful of such scenarios at best.


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I always wanted casual mode to tally how many retreats units made over the course of 5he game and change their dialogue/endings and making them outright hate the avatar if they retreat enough times due to their blunders

>So fire emblem lore said marth was a great king?
It actually doesn't. FE3 remake establishes that Marth was an average king who rewrote the historical record to make himself seem more accomplished than he really was.

The boss has a Steel Axe and Hand Axe, and I have access to forts and an indestructible sword.

...Yeah, so this isn't as abusable as it seems. The romhacker actually engineered Ava's growths so that she had literally no strength growth as a precaution.

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Sacred Stones is best for a piss easy game

They need to bring back Player Rank effecting the ending in some way. FE7 was a good start with (you) either being considered a massive fuck-up or some god-like military mind that could tip the balance of power in setting, but as far as I can recall they never bothered to bring this back again. In fact, I can't even recall if Player Rank is even a thing in modern FE (which is a crying shame as it can add some much needed depth to play).

Still doesn't mean there's no reason not to boss abuse a level for her.

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...Or two.

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Oh hey, there are talk conversations in this map.

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Really ambivalent crowd I've got, huh.

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>If I made my own thread, nobody would post on it and it would die immediately.
yeah that's the point

Maybe Torie's face is a shrunken version of Farina's

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Ava a cute

What the hell does that even mean

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How many people are still here?
Anyone wanna talk about mechanics, challenge runs and hacking?

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And that's the chapter

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>In fact, I can't even recall if Player Rank is even a thing in modern FE (which is a crying shame as it can add some much needed depth to play).
Wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo told them to chill with the rankings since they don't stuff like that or achievements telling players how to play. Things like that is probably why they told Intsys to create casual mode

Oh hey, I checked the house in the corner of the map with Buck, and it gave him a free Vulnerary.

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Well, in super robot wars you have to pay for the robot's repair costs if you get shot down, so you have less money to spend on upgrades. Not sure if that works all that well,, but you do want to upgrade to 50% to get bonuses in the later srws

>FE 7x completed never ever

L'Arachel, yeah.

Lute looks better than Miriel, but her personality is even more off putting. Enjoy her constantly mocking you because her socially inept ass doesn't understand social queues.
Neimi is a crybaby. No thanks.
Vanessa is not attractive. Syrene, on the other hand, is.

Hell, even Lyn is better than Eirika. SS sucks all around.

The aftermath is just a short "good job, now go to the next map" speech

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And that's all from me. Maybe I'll do another chapter the next time we have an FE thread.

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Everyone pretty much abandoned ship

It's not much, but I learned hex editing over a year ago to hack my Awakening save file.

Anyone play the new Thracia translation?

Next time, start a thread, its pretty boring without audience interaction like selecting characters and rolling for important gameplay decisions. If the thread dies it dies

I'm here, I mean we have been talking during this time though. I'm on chapter 2 of geneaology and I have to say even though moving slower units across the screen is tedious as hell i enjoy the scale of it. Also taking risks like ramming quan into the ballistas to take them out quicker so i could get to the bandits burning villages faster is fun. I could go on about how much i like it so far. Is there even a faster way? I took the first castle at turn 11 and I don't think i'll get there before the first village burns down

Langrisser has done something similiar. If your units retreat or don't score enought kills they get the worse ending

Yea Forums plays FE has gotten more stale, same games, same antics, nothing new.
Besides more things for the audience to interact with, it'd be cool if it was just a full blown PME, Yea Forums picks dumb edits to classes, characters, weapons, etc.
But that'd require someone with basic hacking skills


The whole thing with Marth was his allies, he says himself he's nothing without them. He also compared himself to Anri and how Anri done all this awesome stuff in his own but Marth isn't that type of hero.

Since there's now summer break I'm willing to finally do something productive. Any suggestions for dumb hack?

I've played Thracia plenty of times before the old translation even finished so nothing surprised me this time around with the new besides a better menu/not getting fucked by wait being at the top of the menu. I'll miss stuff like DANC and TF?rururu though. It's interesting seeing people from different communities finally play it now and how opinions on it's characters, maps, gameplay, etc are changing.
The first village is really tough to get reliably even when going at a lighting fast pace. Best bet is that when Lewyn/Silvia spawn you rush him over and rig an adept/critical on the bandit.

Nocturne Doctrine has forced ironman

Don't overwhelm yourself and try to make the next TLP or Tacthack
We just need to start with something small like editing weapons, characters and classes for something small like FE7 or FE8 with the nightmare editor or FEbuilder. While these aren't new games, actually having control over what gets edited and seeing it ingame will feel more authentic and exciting than just randomizing and whatever happens.
Just stupid shit I'll expect people to add is all armor knights/generals have 12 move and can fly or Eliwood is a Ephraim lord with Critical +15 and Silencer or something interesting like a weapon locked to 2 range but it has 255 hit and brave eclipse effect so you want to kill them before they can hit you.

How about a hack where you make GBA archers good. More bowrange and slightly more power. Also I think it would be funny if we had a really fast blue-haired general called Sanic but that might be a little much. Maybe just a fast general that can move more spaces

FE8, but everyone’s overworld sprite is a transporter

Actually I retract my comment about it being too much and on further thought I want him to be our protagonist

TL;DR: Yea Forums edits FE7 rather than randomizes it
>The convoy is now a flying airship armed with Ballistas

Attached: Fleet.gif (76x71, 2K)

Seriosly speaking, I have recently dreamt of making unholy combination of Battle Brothers/FE/Crusader Kings so some hacking should be useful, at least with testing ideas for OP stuff.

Devil Survivor allows you to resurrect other teams willy-nilly after a certain point but it's balanced by MP costs and also escort missions.

Me and some friends are doing a YouTube LP of this hack. It starts out rough because of conflicting tactics on parsec, but we got better.

Are you going to make a thread eventually where we decide how everything goes or is that something you'll do on your own?

Better idea: FE8, but all your guys are Fleets with indestructible ballista.

When I finally stop being a lazy sack of shit I will ask again in Yea Forums threads. Time for reading that FEbuilder tutorial

Everyone's Fleet has different stats and customizable with different ballista
>Heavy Fleets are slower but are the most strongest, durable and farthest range
>Light Fleets are faster but much weaker and are good for hit & runs with super canto
>Mage Fleets are frail but rain down powerful boltings
The world of GBAFE hacking is amazing and i'm surprised i've never seen Fleets utilize in hacks more. It's a shame they only appear in 1 (ONE) map in FE8 and you may not even see them if you go Eirika route

Natural Doctrine wasn't even forced ironman, it was literally GAME OVER if ANYONE died, up to the last 3 chapter of the game. That game was a sadist and shows why people that say "Classic Mode is pointless" are retarded.

Because it's actually complex unlike these babby shit-tier games the FE team always pumps out.

Godspeed, user

Where is nigger anyway?
last I saw him, he stopped before the Astrid/Gatrie map

>It's interesting seeing people from different communities finally play it now and how opinions on it's characters, maps, gameplay, etc are changing.
What are they saying about it Thracia now?

He probably gave up again because he's a little bitch.

I only saw bitching about changed names in the new translation.

He's done that before?

Conquest was too hard for him so he pussied out.

I don't think they have to go into SUPER huge detail about taxes and all that stuff but they really should give us something to latch onto that MAKES him a good ruler that people would follow beyond simply the plot saying so.

For example I've been rewatching Arslan lately and it's pretty light on details too but they make it a point to show why people follow Prince Arslan even if his father is kind of a tyrant. They believe he will end that tyranny. He aims to do good things like free the slaves and all that. Marth is just very cut and dry. The other team is bad because they're just dicks and Marth is good because friendship.

Attached: Arslan.jpg (1277x1920, 716K)

I thought that was because those threads kept getting spammed with gore and cheese pizza for some reason.

>CQ was too hard
What difficulty and did he even make it to recruiting Xander yet?
Half the fun of these kinda threads is seeing what dumb ways OP loses but he takes the fun out of that when people accurately predict how he'll lose and insist on making stupid decisions rather than listen to obvious cues 5+ people give him

Every fucking time I think about Fates plot the more I hate ISIS and Nu-FE as a whole. Why can't they hire a decent writer for once ? Why can't they at least try to make a decent character. I love and hate this fucking franchise at the same time

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You say that but Fire Emblem never really had GOOD writing and the characters where always very dry.

What was your "favorite" part
Mine is the crystal ball of plot

To be fair, FE never had exceptional writing and only decent characters at best. It certainly reached an all time low with Awakening and Fates though.

What kills me is that the setup is all there. Fates could have had by far the best story in the franchise, all the pieces were aligned in just the right place. But then it flopped so unbelievably hard on the execution it's bewildering to think how they even managed to fuck it up that badly.

Leo having a magical two-way ticket to the rainbow sage that could warp the entire army Corrin was traveling with by far. Hoop can be made for Azura and the crystal ball, because had she shown that to the other syblings, namely Xander, she didn't trust him to not sell her down the river for suggesting treason, and for good reason since Xander only ever believes that his dad is not real after he swings the axe at his siblings.

>b-but utter trash like Genealogy

That's your problem

Fates has the best story in the series

How did people from adopted families feel about the premise of choosing your REAL family anyway? I recall a few people saying how fucked up it is that they treat MC like a possession over the other nation. Also
>Corrin, we're siblings trust us
>Lmao we're not blood siblings at all lets fuck
>We gonna do bad shit nigga
>Spares everyone and never directly do bad shit, Hans does it for you and gives the glory to MC like a bro
>that blatant commercial for revelations where both royal families are having dinner in izumo and elise says their like one big family which mights as well be "GEE IT'D SURE BE NICE IF YOU COULD SAVE EVERYONE AND RENDER YOUR CHOICE MEANINGLESS RIGHT?"
>Garon is a dick and a bad father
>Leaves their kids in magic portal world with little to no contact
>confused as to why their children fucking loathe them and seethe upon their arrival
>Allows kid into the army where they can potentially die (or retreat idk)
>Worst of what Garon does is yell at Corrin, give empty threats and jack off to his celing dragon
Fates was a shitshow and the amount of arguments for its story it spawned were hilarious. Take me back to 2016

>Mug story

Holy kek this retard thinks garon is a character, anti fates fags are actually THIS stupid to not understand what is happening
Loving every laugh

>Leaves their kids in magic portal world with little to no contact
>confused as to why their children fucking loathe them and seethe upon their arrival
The baffling part about this is that IIRC only two kids actually did this, Percy and Shiro.

Nina as well.

>those obsessed anti fates tards itt, talking about a game they don't understand and never could beat because too stupid

It's not that different, they just use more salsa on the dialogue but Marth acts and behaves the same.

Fates bad
Tellius good

You also forgot this gem in Conquest
>Nohr army goes through Mokushu to get into Hoshido
>Mokushu leader, despite being a slimeball, honours his end of the bargain and guides you safely through his cave to get to Hoshido
>Saizo appears demanding his head because he took Kagero hostage.
>"Did you take Kagero hostage?"
>"Yes. She was a spy and we caught her spying on us."
>"Wow you're fucking evil Xander help me murder all these ninjas who just assisted us for these two enemy ninjas who have been trying to kill/capture me from the start"

Attached: 1457555811411.jpg (514x379, 67K)

The only thing fucking Ishtar is the Mistletainn, courtesy of based Ares

I'm convinced that fates is a parody of FE plots and tropes at this point

I liked the part where my advertised birth family is not actually related to me.

Seek mental help
Literally nothing weird here, saizo getting revenge, and kagero spying on the trecherous vassal, no idea who the last quote is about, you have some shit in your head kid

>Hoshido created a barrier to make Nohrian scum not chimp out upon reaching Hoshido
>Nohr retorts by creating faceless, who are immune to the effects
I rememeber blurting out "what the fuck" reading that

It only took nine years, but at long long last, people can be totally honest with modern and pre-modern Fire Emblem and how self defeating and bad it all is.

I'll never get why did you had to kill Hanz in Conquest
>Supports you in Cheve
>Takes over for Corrin when he didn't wish to participate in the raid
>covers for his pussy ass by telling Garon he was in on it.

>No, Hans, Fuck you.

Hans fucking covers up Corrin's candy ass and yet the game treats his as an enemy.

The entire setting of Fates is a cacophony of the laziest anime tropes being taken seriously. I mean for fuck sake the main lord is a shut in NEET who lives in treehouse in their own castle and deploys people dressed in butler/maid attire as soldiers in war.

I finally finished this game and I've seen my fair share of bad plots from either JRPGs, adventure games or anime and this is by far one of the worst constructed stories I have ever seen in a AAA game and I've played Shadow of destiny.
How did this leave the cutting room floor with no edits?

Attached: Fire-Emblem-Fates-Conquest-review-1130x651.jpg (1130x651, 210K)

Hans and Garon did nothing wrong

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Who's pumped for Three Houses

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Obsessed retard

>enter the magic world through the lake in a different country on Cyrkensia which is on the southern side of the map
>come out on the bottomless canyon, which is in between Nohr and Hoshido on the northern end of the map
>Corrin, Azura and Gunther somehow made it into the lake, into valla, cleared chapter 15, came out in a different country, and got back to Cyrkensia in less than an hour.

>AAA game
Are you fucking retarded

I'm glad fates is the new go-to whipping boy so that I can sometimes talk about my favorite games in peace, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery

>Kotaro: Well, well, well. So the enemy leader has decided to grace us with his presence. Nicely done, Lord/Lady Corrin. You are as skilled as the rumors imply.
Corrin: Kotaro... We need to talk.
>Kotaro: Oh no, please don't let me interrupt. Kill him so we can end this battle.
Corrin: Silence, Kotaro. I need to ask you something. Did you take a ninja named Kagero hostage to try and force Hoshido to surrender?
>Kotaro: What?! Of course not, milord/milady! That man is telling stories.
Saizo: My word is my honor, you coward! I swear, I will kill you myself before the day is done!
>Kaze: Calm yourself, Brother.
Corrin: If what you say is true, then you won't mind showing me all of your jail cells. Now.
>Kotaro: My jail cells? Do you not trust me, milord/milady?
Corrin: If you have done nothing wrong, my request shouldn't be a problem. As an ally of Nohr, I demand you prove the integrity of your word.
>Kotaro: Lord/Lady Corrin! ... Hmph. You know, for a mutt, you sure are full of yourself.
Corrin: Kotaro!
>Kotaro: Fine, you win. I took a hostage and used her as a bargaining chip. What of it?! A true Nohrian prince/princess would praise me for being so cunning, not threaten me. This is war! Lying and using people is par for the course!
Corrin: You're wrong, Kotaro. That is not how we do things any longer.

Stop baiting for (you)'s.


The story was probably good at some point, but I belive the decision to sell the game in versions, a la pokemon, came late in development and it fucked absutely everything up. Pretty much almost everything wrong in the story ia rooted in the game trying to sell you other routes as you play.

I like how everyone just started rightfully shitting on fates and one guy is trying to argue no u

What does this show exactly? You have shit for a brain mate

It's kinda sad how Yea Forums deflected from a series with bad worldbuilding to a another game with bad worldbuilding

>highest rared FE yet, beloved in both the west and japan
>Yea Forums hates it

>This is war! Lying and using people is par for the course!
He is right. I agree with this. When I bought conquest I was in on this. Why doesn't the game allow me to be in on this even when they gave me the option to be in on this.

Imagine actually defending Fates plot.


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I figured that. I probably won't even bother with borrowing Birthright or Revelations because I heard the first one is awakening 2.0 gameplay wise and is not so bad story wise but still bad and I heard that the second one is the worst game in the series. I've only played Awakening and Conquest so far and it's been more miss than hit so far story wise. Where do I go from there?

This but unironically

I won't lie, I am biased and I really like the gameplay so I managed to squeeze a lot of fun out of Birthright and Revelations, birthright a lot more so. I played the JP version with patch months before the game came out in english so I got enjoy good voice acting and facerub best girl Orochi and put her in sexy swimsuits whith. If You're ever to play revelations make sure you do a meme run.

Well, there are some hints that Fates is in the same world as Awakening, just in the ancient past, although there's no real elaboration at all due to the setting in general lacking details.

I'd guess it could be just a big island somewhere near Valencia/Valm, since that's the place with Japanese-like people according to Awakening.

People defend this terrible series so I seen worst

>liking Shadow Dragon and Nu Mystery
Good taste.

It's the most polarizing game in the series. Gameplay is great, waifus are great, in terms of the game itself Conquest is one of the best in the series. The story is iredeemable trash, however. How much you like fates boils down yo how much value you find in the skip button.

Attached: my fe tier list.png (609x281, 307K)

I'm a smashfag and feel indifferent towards their hatred for fire emblem but I've heard stories about how much their own fanbase hates their games even more than smashfags do. Why is that?

>But how was he a great king?
Loli dragons to fuck and impregnate for everyone.

Literally some of the worst taste conceived

Attached: my-image.png (1280x818, 645K)

Please dont, this thread already went down the shitter the moment that guy started spamming his play-by-plays

Majority of FE games are bottom of the barrel trash. People defend bottom of the barrel trash. Put 2 and 2 together

The point of support conversations (and the reason I like a wide selection) is that it allows you to get extra story scenes with the characters you are actually using, rather than bloating the narrative with scenes of people you forgot about already.

t-thanks! I like experimenting with freeform reclassing and playing with my friends

Okay? I don't think anyone is arguing otherwise, but you're talking out your ass if you think the childhood friend princess with the crush on Blando McMainhero isn't either.

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As the newer games came out, the series became mainstream and the most popular game was Awakening it created a big divide in the franchize. Casuals who spam waifus and elitist who care mostly about the gameplay.

The guild of elitists began getting their kicks recently by elevating their own egos and praise what their favorite game is and dissmiss all the others as trash, becauae to them hating on what or how other people play is cool kids point.

>Why can't they hire a decent writer for once ?
Hiring a bunch of outside writers (the main one and then even a bunch of script writers too) is how we ended up with Fates in the first place. They should stick with their internal talent, since at least it should avoid the big clashes of gamep features with story that Fates has.

It's just my opinion.

I will never understand why people like Binding Blade. Such an unpolished and unenjoyable game. To each their own I guess.

Storyfags vs Waifufags vs Mapfags

How is the PvP in the DS games? I never tried it myself, but it seems like it'd be fun with friends.
Playing online seems like it would be cancer since you'd have to min-max everything to stand a chance.
I never touched the PvP in Fates for that reason.

>I will never understand why people like Binding Blade.

I tried playing it recently and most of my units where so catastrophically fucked by RNG I just couldn't play anymore. Roy was flat out retarded

The gameplay is actually good. Crazy for FE, I know

The TL;DR version is that most entries have very big differences in core game design. This has been exacerbated since Awakening blew up, as IS has been in the middle of an identity crisis for the series since then, the prime example of which is Fates. IS having uneven execution of the shit they're trying to do doesn't help matters either.

>elitist who care mostly about the gameplay.
Nice job making things up

>most of my units where so catastrophically fucked by RNG
Did you compare with the averages? FE6 has low growth rates all around, makes up by having plentiful promotion bonuses

The majority of FE games play the exact same

No because I stopped caring.

Fans of newer games were constantly gloating about how Awakening "saved the series" (it did but not because of waifus/casual gameplay) and how the older games were garbage.

So fans of older games took it as a challenge and shat on Awakening in return saying how the waifu part of the game and the dumbing down of characters and gameplay were a sign of worse things to come (before mentioning conquest gameplay remember it's only 1/3 of Fates and the other 2 are an even easier version of Awakening and a gimmicky unbalanced mess).

Fire Emblem PVP is a meme that mostly adds up to everyone staying out of range of each other until you just have to say fuck it and zerg rush. DS games try to remedy this with fog of war but you can still scout with warp/rescue staves and mounted units
Advance Wars is better for PVP since the format and balancing work better there compared to Fire Emblem which isn't really designed with pvp in mind so it works awkwardly imo.

>after she literslly goes "yeah the maps were hard so I couldn't clear em so we made em easier"

>and how the older games were garbage.
This is true

Birthright is better than Awakening in literally every single way though.

15 games spread across 3 different eras
No one agrees on even the most simplest things

>every map is a sieze map
>lord can't promote and is a deadweight, worse stats than Eirika too
>Everything except swords has low as fuck accuracy (lances struggle to get more than 75-85%)
>too many classess promote off the Hero Crest
>key promotion items bound to suicidal NPCs
>most units you get are absolute dogshit, the viable units are always the same every playthrough.
>nothing indicates the requirements for Gaiden chapters, which are necessary for the true ending
The list goes on and on. Maps are ok, but nothing special outside of a few gimmicks

>The majority of FE games play the exact same
The core idea of drag unit to other unit and attack? Sure. Don't pretend there aren't a ton of differences in the other mechanics other games have though, things like havining or not having world maps, branching/infinite promotions and reclassing, skills and other shit have pretty big impacts on the core game design.

Having, but whatever.

Well ignoring that Smashfags don't play other games but Smash, FEfags have the problem where there's 3-4 distinct eras of game design that are all okay for its time but aged like a Christmas Cake. So you get the problem where the appeal of game doesn't equal the game that follows or precedes it, leaving a lot of fans bitter at the franchise as a whole. Imagine, for example, if Castlevania was divided between the Classicvanias, the Metroidvanias, and the Lords of Shadows games, and they are all considered mainline entries to one another. You can't just play or expect the style of game you like to be catered to you, nor can you expect all three eras to eventually harmonize together because they are so different from one another. Every time a new game is announced, it's a complete crapshoot of what's it going to be, so you end up with what we have: a fanbase tearing both the franchise and each other apart. It took until now for the games to have a cohesive whole and start combining the best mechanics from the previous games in a way that isn't as pandering or retarded as BABY REALMS.

Though an alternative, simpler answer is that FEfags don't actually play other SRPGs. Talk to them about Tactics Ogre, Langrisser, or even Stella Glow and they would stare at you slackjawed, their grey matter drooling down their faces. They see each other game in the franchise having worse game design than the game that got them into it, when in reality, they wouldn't know good tactical game design if it struck them like lightning.

Awakening is longer, has more maps, has more characters, story and supports are more enjoyable, gameplay is still good even if a bit more primitive form of RNG, Hard/Classic Awkaening is harder and better balanced than Hard/Classic Birthright and overall you feel like Awakening is an actual full game and not one third pay up goy.

So what I'm gathering is
>awakening was a sign things were changing
>fates was proof that things changed
>oldguard wants more seriousness while newguard says oldgames were boring
>now everyone has lost their damn mind and even the company has no idea what to do
>this isn't the first time this has probably happened
>other SRPG fans stay the hell away from them
Christ, how do you people even have the morale to talk about these game

>Stella Glow
Please don't mention that trash in the same breath as TO or Langrisser.

>Stella Glow
Imageepochfags should be rounded up into concentration camps

So what you're saying is that we hijack FE threads to talk about other SRPGS?

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That's the general gist of things.
>Christ, how do you people even have the morale to talk about these game
We don't, hence the endless shitposting and waifuposting and fanbase wars.

Fates is in a parallel dimension to Archanea, in the 'before awakening' DLC Chrom mentions that Hoshido and Nohr were lands of myth. It's possible that they were once connected in the same way that V*lla is.

>every map is a sieze map
Good, Seize is the best objective
>lord can't promote and is a deadweight, worse stats than Eirika too
Roy can promote but true. But better for him to be underpowered and not Over
>Everything except swords has low as fuck accuracy (lances struggle to get more than 75-85%)
Only axes have good awful hit rates which is a legit problem. Lances struggle early on but become the best weapon type by the end of the game. There is a obvious sword bias yet bows and magic also have good accuracy
>too many classess promote off the Hero Crest
Fighters are fucking worthless so only Myrms and Mercs use it
>key promotion items bound to suicidal NPCs
*optional items tied to anti-turtle incentives
Nothing wrong with that.
>most units you get are absolute dogshit, the viable units are always the same every playthrough.
Correct but applies to all FE games
>nothing indicates the requirements for Gaiden chapters
True, which is dumb. They only tell you after you fuck up which is retarded when the game doesn't want you to reset
>which are necessary for the true ending
Nothing wrong with alt endings.
Binding Blade is actually difficult and the level design isn't trash like all of FE. It's also the only game to due weapon durability right for once

>Christ, how do you people even have the morale to talk about these game
3H looks fun at least

Believe it or not. You can actually play games, form your own opinions and stay away from internet autism

Slightly different mechanics don't change core game design

>Slightly different mechanics don't change core game design
We have two different definitions of what constitutes core game design then, I'd be hard pressed to say that the different class and skill systems don't have massive impacts on the games themselves.

>Christ, how do you people even have the morale to talk about these game
sheer. shonen protagonist-level. willpower.
It's mostly comes down to the fact that FE is A) a very unique franchise and B) a very unique NINTENDO franchise. Theorizing and learning how and why this series lived on for as long as it did is an excellent way of understanding the core philosophies of Nintendo games and how much you can stretch those ideas of simplicity, ease of access, and just being fun to play makes worth dealing with the fucking mouthbreathers that composes both the fanbase and the developers at hand, at least for this user.

plus that optimistic, naive fool that is within me hopes that one day, before I croak on my deathbed, that the fandom and the developers finally decides to learn from the past.

That was more of a "Even Stella Glow has more fans that understand what makes a tactics game a tactics game than this fucking trashfire of a franchise" statement than one of quality.

I just realized Treehouse is localizing the new FE
is it fucked?

Attached: 1535770311535.jpg (800x450, 85K)

>did Marth commit tax fraud
>samefag arguing about women
>reinhardt dicking down ishtar
>semantics over lore or backstory
>some guy shilling his game
>permadeath makes FE have a sliver of dicciulty and without it, its too easy
>hacking and editing a rom so we can have a community playthrough
>fates bad, no u
>smashfag who doesn't hate fire emblem is appalled by how much people hate fire emblem
>game design
This thread in a nutshell, how's your day been everyone?

Attached: 603.png (273x486, 108K)

nu-nuTreehouse is whipped by NoJ. They won't step out of line.

>Even Stella Glow has more fans that understand what makes a tactics game a tactics game than this fucking trashfire of a franchise
Given the conversations I've had with the fanbase, my experience says otherwise.

Shitty, I can't get my fucking burgers to cook right, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, and it's driving me insane.

You better believe it. They're gonna take away your waifus, replace all the dialogue with memes and make byleth a trans poc

You need the context that he married Caeda, she’s the reason he hasn’t fucked up yet

Where do I go if I want to talk about fire emblem? Serenes is super dead nowadays, reddit is pure cancer by design, and Yea Forums is in 2019.

>Christ, how do you people even have the morale to talk about these game
Keep in mind the devs for FE are also behind Paper Mario and Advance Wars, which is to say that it's equal parts blind optimism and barely contained anger about the company that's fueling conversation.

poke a hole in the center

FE 4 Paladins and maybe Master knights if it's possible

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The subreddits discord or Amino are your best bet

>married Caeda
>he hasn’t fucked up yet
Marrying the whore of Talys isn't a good thing.

we actually get some legitimate 3H threads that are more than just waifuposting when Famitsu comes around with an article, and hopefully we'll get a new one this week.

They have to be incredibly foolish to not have him be a recruitable character

>Good, *opinions*
You have no right to complain that Awakening has only Defeat Boss and Rout as objectives, because it at least dares to have TWO objectives.
>better for him to be underpowered and not Over
Better for him not to be a liability
>Lances struggle early on but become the best weapon type by the end of the game
This entirely depends on skill growth, which is prone to be fucked unless you're Miledy and Percieval with HM bonuses.
>Fighters are fucking worthless so only Myrms and Mercs use it
I want to use Dieck, Rutger and Gonzales/Geeze. The game only gives you two Hero Crest and the 3rd one is tied to Echidna's suicidal squad. I guess you're fucked for wanting to cover axes.
>nothing wrong with that
See above
>Correct but applies to all FE games
Hardly. You can even use Nyx in Fates and you can do well with her if you know how to use the mechanics. You only ever use the same units every time on othet FE games, but that's entirely on you.
>Binding Blade is actually difficult
For all the wrong reasons. Most of the difficulty comes from flaws in the system more so than calculated impediment.
>level design isn't trash like all of FE
It has the exact same form of Level Design as FE7 and Sacred Stones. Hell Binding Blade's maps doesn't hold a candle to Conquest or even Thracia that directly preceeded it.

Games like 7 and 9 play the exact same. Only difference is one has skills

I'll look into those, thanks

That's good to hear. I haven't been following 3h much, I mostly play the older games.

I would have been really hyped for the game had that tranny faggot Thanibomb not leaked thst the school setting is only the first act of the game a week or 2 before E3.

I mean it still looks good but it was ruined for me the moment I saw it. I wanted to feel excited.

>I find the supports wonky
>Play the GBA games!

All of my wut. Have you SEEN the GBA supports?

They're the literal definition of nothing happening through 3 dialogues and then the characters randomly get married in the epilogue.

Roy's romance with his teacher should be really interesting, but it's just them shooting the breeze three times then apparently they got married later.

Priscilla begs Raven not to ditch her, and he agrees to let her stay with him. Then apparently ditches her anyway.

Eirika literally rejects Seth and their entire support is about how they can't be together. But they randomly marry anyway.


>Games like 7 and 9 play the exact same.
>Only difference is one has skills
>play the exact same
Skills are still a pretty big difference user, not to mention the other mechanics like base conversations, forging, subhumans and bonus EXP that differentiate the games.

Yeah it kind of sucks having such accurate leaks, but Nintendo decided to use the timeskip as a highlight anyway so I'm not sure if it's worth being bitter over at this point.

>Treck and Gonzales support

effective master knights wouldn't be possible in any game that doesn't have weapon ranks that work like FE4, or at least doesn't give all weapon ranks to A or something on promotion

shame, really.

It can become a point of dissent, or praise, for characters in the series. Bad tax policies will also hurt the kingdom, and can help us understand a kings character. Same for all of thise things.

Hey Bob

Attached: WeAreThePiratesWhoDon'tDoAnything.png (691x530, 818K)

>ISIS keeps making bad units with shit availability and high growths
>just make them the same class you already have but with GREEN NUMBERS
Having Nino become a dark flier or Amelia a baron would've been more interesting than just sage/whatever but cap stats.
Leif/Lachesis actually getting a unique class was awesome

>You have no right to complain that Awakening has only Defeat Boss and Rout as objectives, because it at least dares to have TWO objectives.
Yet objectives don't change level design. Rout is shit and Defeat the boss is Seize but shit. Seize is objectively the best objective.
>Better for him not to be a liability
He's not a liability, he just can't reach enemies
>This entirely depends on skill growth
Yes; and? Majority of units have decent skill growths in addition to lower hit rates just make skill a more important stat. Besides units like Lance, Allan, Zelot, Marcus, etc can all use Lances and have no need for the HM bonus glitch.
>I want to use Dieck, Rutger and Gonzales/Geeze
Fighters are trash. You only need Dieck and Rutger. Besides just buy them.
>See above
Or I can just see below
No it's objectively correct. Nyx is a bad unit who's only worth is two chapters since she can promote to Dark Night and solo the left side of chapter 13 quick. Otherwise she's trash being dropped like the piece of shit she is. You can only think Nyx is good if you abuse the broken shit my castle Fates gives you.
>You only ever use the same units every time on othet FE games, but that's entirely on you
No you complete fucking retard you can use anyine you want in FE games, but the simple truth is there games are poorly designed mess with bad balance. So no, It's the game.
False and don't have space to blow your ass out
>doesn't hold a candle to Conquest or even Thracia that directly preceeded it
Conquest has shit level design and especially Thracia. Once a FEtard and always a FEtard.

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All of those are just slightly different mechanics that dont change how the core game plays

He was baiting the moment he said gaiden requirements are not shown and echidna's suicidal squad having a hero crest

In other news, we'll get a famitsu preview in a little under 3 hours if we have an article this week. What would you want covered that we haven't seen yet?

Is tactician the best class in awakening?
All 3 of my tacticians are op op. Even though Robin can solo everything anyway.

>For all the wrong reasons
All the right reasons. strong enemies, actual formations, and anti-turtle incentives

How Greil dies
Jokes aside, probably full class preview and what skills/weapons can be combined with what classes
Sorcerer is better because forged nosferatu and waste/ruin tomes (the brave and killer tomes)

We still need to get a profile for the last 5 tier 4 classes, I'm assuming the last tier will be left a surprise. Since they've been dvery deliberate about not accidentally scrolling down and showing it. I also think they'll show more time skip designs, other than that, idk.

We get children (even if they're not units) so everyone starts sperging out again.

>gameplay is still good
>Awkaening is harder and better balanced
Shit bait 2/10. Almost as bad as Awakening itself

>oldguard wants more seriousness
Oldcucks wants more shitty games like Genealogy

It's been confirmed no kids

Same turn reinforcements are trash.
I found a dragon in a treasure chest once.
I like fe6 but it's got some jank.

Fire Emblem lack of morality makes Ruling pretty stupid. It is as simple as the good guys from the good kingdom beating the bad guys from the bad one. It rarely addresses actual politics in situation.

>Same turn reinforcements are trash.
True but completely over blown

Only chapters 11A and Wvyern hell god awful STR spawns.

Channeling their inner final fantasy with monster-in-a box


Lets bog down this thread further
Whose your favorite Fire Emblem e-celeb

Maybe they'll preview explorable dungeons? Or is the 3D exploration just for the school?

Mangs got annoying for me, had to unsub

No one because watching hours upon hours of someone else playing FE sounds like hell
I do enjoy reading the strategy behind any challenge run tho

>Or is the 3D exploration just for the school?
I kinda assumed this was the case, but I haven't been keeping up, exactly. Is there a reason to believe otherwise?


>watching Mekkah play Conquest
Proof oldcucks are the dumbest fucks alive

Attached: 1494161366588.jpg (1200x675, 69K)

Since the first time we we able to have a controllable 3d character was in SoV's dungeons, I thought it might be a possibility that there would be more than just the school to explore

I don't know any of them because i'm not a cocksucking faggot.

As if there could be any other choice.

Attached: 1531361373932.webm (590x354, 2.2M)

why? I did a while ago

That takes me back
Why are reviewers/journalist so shit at even the most basic fundamentals on anything. Its like they intentionally play bad to get attention

I just beat awakening. The ending was sappy.
I enjoyed it. Not what I thought it would be. It was more of a game you can drop in and out of whenever. The ending slides are disappointing though.

the chad Choopi Choosi

I mainly just watch challenge runs, like 0% growths LTC and stuff. Though I guess I did watch some of daigo's fe5 playthrough

What's left aside from timeskip route differences? I just want to see new maps honestly.

So since so many people are resorting to increasingly bizarre romhacking to make this game entertaining, does that make Fire Emblem a solved game?

No? Just a game with a lot of moving parts that can easily be rearranged.

The fun comes from "solving" it and some of these bizarre rulesets make for even more interesting puzzles, but you can't find a truly optimal solution for something as basic as a thracia sss run online. So no there's still a lot more to do.

>increasingly bizarre romhacking
Explain further.
>does that make Fire Emblem a solved game?
(lol use cavalry, fliers and pre-promotes has been the motto for forever

What was the point of Morgan?

More timeskip designs plz.

FE loves making shitty characters


Daughterfu bait

They add nothing to the story. None of their end cards are unique either.
I really don't get it. You'd think the daughter of the PC dragon god would be important. Also the end slide suggests they're from a different reality but nothing goes further into it. Silly.

But Morgan is a boy.

>I've always dreamed of having a ever-loving daughteru I could raise, dote on, and rape to death behind closed doors!

No one uses male morgan and if they do its to self insert

None of that happens in her supports. Just a blank slate that beats themself to geg a memory.

>he thinks supports matter
How cute.


You'll get a deeper story off Pinocchio.

Im playing FE4 Binary and got to chapter 2 and the mercenary squad. How do I even kill him?

Have you tried not sucking?

Try playing a actual good game

Why is it that it always returns to how much everyone hates Fates? I'm assuming it's the one thing that there's a lot of common ground on so it's easy to talk about.

No. I realized they didn't when Robin came back from the dead with very few supports finished.
The game says you might survive if you have strong bonds. The bonding system was irrelevant. Ha.
I was surprised to find this out.
Kind if fun regardless.

Except usually the common ground isn't hating Fates, it's wanting to fuck at least one or more of Fates's waifus. Lord knows Yea Forums cares more about his dick than he does actual fucking storytelling.

Fuck you too man. There are people who care more about the characters and story in this franchise than the gameplay, you know.

user I want to shitpost with you forever.
Yeah. Here's a ring.

Hey I just met you
And this is crazy
But here's an engagement ring
Now have my multidimensional magically aged child soldier rape babies

And those people are shit eating retards

Why? I don't care about the fucking gameplay. In fact, I fucking hate it. And yet I still consider myself a diehard Fire Emblem fan.

Read a book faggot

Because Yea Forums doesn't understand game design so they fall for low hanging that is writing which any dipshit can do.

What's there to care about? Characters are very inconsistent from their dialogue in battle to story to dialogue to supports. They never mention any current events either.
>I just killed my brother. I am very sad.
>Hey, tell me about cherry blossoms.

A FEtard in his natural habitat

Attached: Screenshot_20190701-212748.png (1440x529, 77K)

FE13 and 14 don't count.

That's twice my posts have been turned into a screenshot.

I'm too insane to read books. I bought the memoirs of Frederick Douglas a year ago and yet I still haven't fucking touched it.

Attached: emotionally engaged.png (1080x798, 209K)

You are aberrant. Reddit is more your speed, not even joking because they love wanking stories and characters and couldn't give less of a shit about gameplay.

Reddit banned me for taking things too personally.

>I'm assuming it's the one thing that there's a lot of common ground on so it's easy to talk about.
That and it's the easiest way to bait (you)s like how that one guy earlier starting arguing with everyone saying anything about fates

>getting banned on reddit for being too much of a bitch
God damn dude.

Maybe it's a sign you are complete fucking dipshit

>I'm a diehard fan who hates the gameplay(you)
What did user mean by this?

What was your username? did you frequent the FE sub?

I mean I've only managed to get through Fire Emblem by abusing savestates. If I had to manually go through all that fucking resetting and redoing for lucky roll combinations, I'd drive myself nuts.

typical redditor

>implying you don't already know who I am

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You do realize he has an actual trip right?
And has mellowed out compared to 2016-17 as well?
At least know what you're referencing

The game isn't intended to be played with permadeath on anymore.

Which game